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Wu Yin, Ni Chen, Yutao Zhang, Hao Zeng, Xueqin Chen, Yongtao He, Xiaojie Wang, Qiao Zho. Survivin nuclear labeling index: a superior biomarker in superficial urothelial carcinoma of human urinary bladder. Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc. vol 19. issue 11. 2007-01-05. PMID:16892011. |
in the present study, we first systematically evaluated the expression profile of the major apoptosis regulators, including caspases (casp3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 14), iaps (survivin/birc5, ciap1, ciap2, xiap, and livin), apaf1, smac, and bcl2, as well as proliferation markers ki67 and phh3, in ta/t1 human urinary bladder urothelial carcinomas and normal urothelium samples by immunohistochemistry. |
2007-01-05 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
Jixun Dai, Ding Chen, Roger A Jones, Laurence H Hurley, Danzhou Yan. NMR solution structure of the major G-quadruplex structure formed in the human BCL2 promoter region. Nucleic acids research. vol 34. issue 18. 2006-12-18. PMID:16998187. |
bcl2 protein functions as an inhibitor of cell apoptosis and has been found to be aberrantly expressed in a wide range of human diseases. |
2006-12-18 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
Rongrong Li, Yufeng Cheng, Chengjin Ga. Enhancing radiosensitivity of Hela cells by combining transfection of bcl-2 c-myc ASODNs. Bulletin du cancer. vol 93. issue 11. 2006-12-18. PMID:17145575. |
in this study, we investigated the effect on apoptosis of hela cells by combining transfection of bcl2 and c-myc antisense oligonucleotides(asodns), and to explore the relationship between combining gene transfection and radiosensitivity of hela cells, furthermore, to seek a new method to enhance the radiosensitivity of tumor cells. |
2006-12-18 |
2023-08-12 |
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Rongrong Li, Yufeng Cheng, Chengjin Ga. Enhancing radiosensitivity of Hela cells by combining transfection of bcl-2 c-myc ASODNs. Bulletin du cancer. vol 93. issue 11. 2006-12-18. PMID:17145575. |
the apoptosis rate of hela cells treated with bcl2 asodn was 6.60 +/- 0.70%, c-myc asodn 10.29 +/- 0.66%, bcl2 + c-myc asodns 11.83 +/- 0.57 %, which were much higher than that of control 1.79 +/- 0.19%(p < 0.05). |
2006-12-18 |
2023-08-12 |
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Rongrong Li, Yufeng Cheng, Chengjin Ga. Enhancing radiosensitivity of Hela cells by combining transfection of bcl-2 c-myc ASODNs. Bulletin du cancer. vol 93. issue 11. 2006-12-18. PMID:17145575. |
combining transfection of bcl2 and c-myc asodn could more effectively induce apoptosis of hela cells, which subsequently enhanced radiosensitivity of hela cells. |
2006-12-18 |
2023-08-12 |
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Sung Nim Han, Oskar Adolfsson, Cheol-Koo Lee, Tomas A Prolla, Jose Ordovas, Simin Nikbin Meydan. Age and vitamin E-induced changes in gene expression profiles of T cells. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). vol 177. issue 9. 2006-12-13. PMID:17056531. |
higher gadd45 and lower bcl2 expression may contribute to increased apoptosis in old t cells. |
2006-12-13 |
2023-08-12 |
mouse |
Yan Xia, Rachel Novak, Jennifer Lewis, Colin S Duckett, Andrew C Phillip. Xaf1 can cooperate with TNFalpha in the induction of apoptosis, independently of interaction with XIAP. Molecular and cellular biochemistry. vol 286. issue 1-2. 2006-10-19. PMID:16432762. |
this implicates a role for the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway, consistent with the ability of bcl2 to block xaf1 induced apoptosis. |
2006-10-19 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
Shinzaburo Noguch. Predictive factors for response to docetaxel in human breast cancers. Cancer science. vol 97. issue 9. 2006-10-18. PMID:16805818. |
various biological parameters have been studied clinically for their ability to predict response to docetaxel, such as parameters related to: (1) efflux (p-glycoprotein) and metabolism (cyp3a4); (2) beta-tubulin (somatic mutation of beta-tubulin and changes in beta-tubulin isotypes levels); (3) cell cycle (her2, brca1 and aurora-a); and (4) apoptosis (p53, bcl2 and thioredoxin). |
2006-10-18 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
K Rathinasamy, D Pand. Suppression of microtubule dynamics by benomyl decreases tension across kinetochore pairs and induces apoptosis in cancer cells. The FEBS journal. vol 273. issue 17. 2006-10-17. PMID:16903866. |
further, we analyzed the effects of benomyl on the signal transduction pathways in relation to mitotic block, bcl2 phosphorylation and induction of apoptosis. |
2006-10-17 |
2023-08-12 |
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Subhash Thalappilly, Subhashini Sadasivam, Vegesna Radha, Ghanshyam Swaru. Involvement of caspase 1 and its activator Ipaf upstream of mitochondrial events in apoptosis. The FEBS journal. vol 273. issue 12. 2006-09-25. PMID:16817903. |
an activated form of ipaf induced caspase 1-dependent apoptosis that was inhibited by bcl2 and also by a dominant inhibitor of caspase 9 (caspase 9s). |
2006-09-25 |
2023-08-12 |
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Subhash Thalappilly, Subhashini Sadasivam, Vegesna Radha, Ghanshyam Swaru. Involvement of caspase 1 and its activator Ipaf upstream of mitochondrial events in apoptosis. The FEBS journal. vol 273. issue 12. 2006-09-25. PMID:16817903. |
caspase 1-dependent apoptosis induced by doxorubicin was also inhibited by bcl2 and caspase 9s, but caspase 1 activation by activated ipaf was not inhibited by bcl2. |
2006-09-25 |
2023-08-12 |
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U M Moll, N Marchenko, X-K Zhan. p53 and Nur77/TR3 - transcription factors that directly target mitochondria for cell death induction. Oncogene. vol 25. issue 34. 2006-09-20. PMID:16892086. |
in cancer cells, nur77 functions in the nucleus as an oncogenic survival factor, but becomes a potent killer when certain death stimuli induce its migration to mitochondria, where it binds to bcl2 and conformationally converts it to a killer that triggers cytochrome c release and apoptosis. |
2006-09-20 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
S Zinkel, A Gross, E Yan. BCL2 family in DNA damage and cell cycle control. Cell death and differentiation. vol 13. issue 8. 2006-09-15. PMID:16763616. |
individual bcl2 family members couple apoptosis regulation and cell cycle control in unique ways. |
2006-09-15 |
2023-08-12 |
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S Zinkel, A Gross, E Yan. BCL2 family in DNA damage and cell cycle control. Cell death and differentiation. vol 13. issue 8. 2006-09-15. PMID:16763616. |
the dual functions in apoptosis and cell cycle are coordinately regulated by the multi-domain bcl2 family members (mcl-1) and suggest that survival is maintained at the expense of proliferation. |
2006-09-15 |
2023-08-12 |
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Darrin P Smith, Mary L Bath, Donald Metcalf, Alan W Harris, Suzanne Cor. MYC levels govern hematopoietic tumor type and latency in transgenic mice. Blood. vol 108. issue 2. 2006-08-22. PMID:16537801. |
even the low level of myc, however, clearly affected t-cell cycling, size, and sensitivity to apoptosis, and coexpression of a bcl2 transgene promoted efficient t-cell lymphomagenesis. |
2006-08-22 |
2023-08-12 |
mouse |
M Firdos Ziauddin, Wen-Shuz Yeow, Justin B Maxhimer, Aris Baras, Alex Chua, Rishindra M Reddy, Wilson Tsai, George W Cole, David S Schrump, Dao M Nguye. Valproic acid, an antiepileptic drug with histone deacetylase inhibitory activity, potentiates the cytotoxic effect of Apo2L/TRAIL on cultured thoracic cancer cells through mitochondria-dependent caspase activation. Neoplasia (New York, N.Y.). vol 8. issue 6. 2006-08-22. PMID:16820090. |
both the caspase 9 inhibitor and bcl2 completely abrogated the substantial cytotoxicity and apoptosis induced by this combination, thus highlighting the pivotal role of the type ii pathway in this process. |
2006-08-22 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
Oksana Shynlova, Alexandra Oldenhof, Anna Dorogin, Quang Xu, Junwu Mu, Natty Nashman, Stephen J Ly. Myometrial apoptosis: activation of the caspase cascade in the pregnant rat myometrium at midgestation. Biology of reproduction. vol 74. issue 5. 2006-08-09. PMID:16407500. |
the expression levels of antiapoptotic regulatory proteins (bcl2 and bcl2l1) and enzymes involved in apoptosis (caspases 3, 6, 7, 9, and 10) were assessed by immunoblotting throughout gestation and postpartum. |
2006-08-09 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
Fengqin Dong, Wei Guo, Lidong Zhang, Shuhong Wu, Fuminori Teraishi, John J Davis, Bingliang Fan. Downregulation of XIAP and induction of apoptosis by the synthetic cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor GW8510 in non-small cell lung cancer cells. Cancer biology & therapy. vol 5. issue 2. 2006-06-22. PMID:16322690. |
western blot analysis showed that gw8510 downregulated the expression of x-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (xiap) but had no detectable effect on the expression of bax, bak, or bcl2. |
2006-06-22 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
Aruna Basu, Garrett DuBois, Subrata Halda. Posttranslational modifications of Bcl2 family members--a potential therapeutic target for human malignancy. Frontiers in bioscience : a journal and virtual library. vol 11. 2006-06-02. PMID:16368533. |
the identification of the bcl2 as well as iap family members has suggested that excessive inhibition of apoptosis may constitute a common feature of all known human cancers-the ability to influence their onset, progression and outcome. |
2006-06-02 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
Aruna Basu, Garrett DuBois, Subrata Halda. Posttranslational modifications of Bcl2 family members--a potential therapeutic target for human malignancy. Frontiers in bioscience : a journal and virtual library. vol 11. 2006-06-02. PMID:16368533. |
to this end, the apoptosis yielding effect due to phosphorylation of antiapoptotic bcl2 family members is quite interesting. |
2006-06-02 |
2023-08-12 |
human |