All Relations between apoptosis and bcl2

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
Liqun Zhang, Christiana Marie Cooper-Kuhn, Ulf Nannmark, Klas Blomgren, Hans Georg Kuh. Stimulatory effects of thyroid hormone on brain angiogenesis in vivo and in vitro. Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. vol 30. issue 2. 2010-03-02. PMID:19861975. thyroid hormone inhibited the apoptosis in rbe4 cells and altered mrna levels of apoptosis-related genes, namely bcl2 and bad. 2010-03-02 2023-08-12 rat
Jason Pellettieri, Patrick Fitzgerald, Shigeki Watanabe, Joel Mancuso, Douglas R Green, Alejandro Sánchez Alvarad. Cell death and tissue remodeling in planarian regeneration. Developmental biology. vol 338. issue 1. 2010-02-25. PMID:19766622. we also report results from initial mechanistic studies of apoptosis in planarians, which revealed that a s. mediterranea homolog of the antiapoptotic gene bcl2 is required for cell survival in adult animals. 2010-02-25 2023-08-12 Not clear
Franz Hagn, Christian Klein, Oliver Demmer, Natasha Marchenko, Angelina Vaseva, Ute M Moll, Horst Kessle. BclxL changes conformation upon binding to wild-type but not mutant p53 DNA binding domain. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 285. issue 5. 2010-02-25. PMID:19955567. p53 can induce apoptosis through mitochondrial membrane permeabilization by interaction of its dna binding region with the anti-apoptotic proteins bclxl and bcl2. 2010-02-25 2023-08-12 Not clear
Brian J Lestini, Kelly C Goldsmith, Mark N Fluchel, Xueyuan Liu, Niel L Chen, Bella Goyal, Bruce R Pawel, Michael D Hogart. Mcl1 downregulation sensitizes neuroblastoma to cytotoxic chemotherapy and small molecule Bcl2-family antagonists. Cancer biology & therapy. vol 8. issue 16. 2010-02-12. PMID:19556859. the pro-survival bcl2 homology (bh) proteins critically regulate apoptosis, and may represent important therapeutic targets for restoring drug sensitivity in nb. 2010-02-12 2023-08-12 human
Brian J Lestini, Kelly C Goldsmith, Mark N Fluchel, Xueyuan Liu, Niel L Chen, Bella Goyal, Bruce R Pawel, Michael D Hogart. Mcl1 downregulation sensitizes neuroblastoma to cytotoxic chemotherapy and small molecule Bcl2-family antagonists. Cancer biology & therapy. vol 8. issue 16. 2010-02-12. PMID:19556859. mcl1 knockdown induced apoptosis in all nb cell lines, while bcl2 knockdown inhibited only nlf, suggesting functional heterogeneity. 2010-02-12 2023-08-12 human
Francesca Mancini, Fabiola Morett. Mitochondrial MDM4 (MDMX): an unpredicted role in the p53-mediated intrinsic apoptotic pathway. Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.). vol 8. issue 23. 2010-02-03. PMID:19887911. we observed that a fraction of mdm4 stably localizes at the mitochondria where upon lethal stress conditions, promotes the mitochondrial localization of p53 phosphorylated at ser46 (p53ser46(p)) and facilitates its binding to bcl2, cytochrome c release and apoptosis. 2010-02-03 2023-08-12 human
Arti Shukla, Marcus W Bosenberg, Maximilian B MacPherson, Kelly J Butnor, Nicholas H Heintz, Harvey I Pass, Michele Carbone, Joseph R Testa, Brooke T Mossma. Activated cAMP response element binding protein is overexpressed in human mesotheliomas and inhibits apoptosis. The American journal of pathology. vol 175. issue 5. 2010-01-11. PMID:19815709. asbestos increased expression of several creb target genes (c-fos, egr-1, mkp1, bcl2, and mmp13) and apoptosis, which was enhanced using small interfering creb. 2010-01-11 2023-08-12 human
Arti Shukla, Marcus W Bosenberg, Maximilian B MacPherson, Kelly J Butnor, Nicholas H Heintz, Harvey I Pass, Michele Carbone, Joseph R Testa, Brooke T Mossma. Activated cAMP response element binding protein is overexpressed in human mesotheliomas and inhibits apoptosis. The American journal of pathology. vol 175. issue 5. 2010-01-11. PMID:19815709. small interfering creb inhibited migration of mms, increased apoptosis by dox, and decreased bcl2 and bcl-xl expression, suggesting a role for these molecules in creb-induced mm survival. 2010-01-11 2023-08-12 human
Gérard Quash, Guy Fourne. Methionine-derived metabolites in apoptosis: therapeutic opportunities for inhibitors of their metabolism in chemoresistant cancer cells. Current medicinal chemistry. vol 16. issue 28. 2009-12-23. PMID:19747146. exogenous methional induces apoptosis in normal and cancer cells in culture [28, 29] but not in those overexpressing the antiapoptotic gene bcl2 [30]. 2009-12-23 2023-08-12 Not clear
E D Bazhanova, K I Pavlov, I G Popovich, V N Anisimo. [Ontogenetic peculiarities of regulation of apoptosis in hypothalamic neurosecretory cells in thf-knockout mice]. Zhurnal evoliutsionnoi biokhimii i fiziologii. vol 45. issue 5. 2009-12-08. PMID:19886200. bax, bcl2, mcl1, neuropeptide vasopressin, and the apoptosis level in hypothalamus in tnf-knockout mice of different ages as compared with mice with unchanged level of tnf synthesis. 2009-12-08 2023-08-12 mouse
Petra Obexer, Judith Hagenbuchner, Martina Rupp, Christina Salvador, Markus Holzner, Martin Deutsch, Verena Porto, Reinhard Kofler, Thomas Unterkircher, Michael J Ausserlechne. p16INK4A sensitizes human leukemia cells to FAS- and glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis via induction of BBC3/Puma and repression of MCL1 and BCL2. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 284. issue 45. 2009-12-07. PMID:19737931. p16ink4a sensitizes human leukemia cells to fas- and glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis via induction of bbc3/puma and repression of mcl1 and bcl2. 2009-12-07 2023-08-12 human
Petra Obexer, Judith Hagenbuchner, Martina Rupp, Christina Salvador, Markus Holzner, Martin Deutsch, Verena Porto, Reinhard Kofler, Thomas Unterkircher, Michael J Ausserlechne. p16INK4A sensitizes human leukemia cells to FAS- and glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis via induction of BBC3/Puma and repression of MCL1 and BCL2. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 284. issue 45. 2009-12-07. PMID:19737931. these results suggest that puma, in concert with mcl1 and bcl2 repression, critically mediates p16(ink4a)-induced death sensitization and that in human t-cell leukemia the deletion of p16(ink4a) confers apoptosis resistance by shifting the balance of pro- and anti-apoptotic bcl2 proteins toward apoptosis protection. 2009-12-07 2023-08-12 human
Sébastien Britton, Philippe Frit, Denis Biard, Bernard Salles, Patrick Calso. ARTEMIS nuclease facilitates apoptotic chromatin cleavage. Cancer research. vol 69. issue 20. 2009-11-24. PMID:19808974. it required dna-pk protein kinase activity and was blocked by antagonizing the onset of apoptosis with a pan-caspase inhibitor or on overexpression of the antiapoptotic bcl2 protein. 2009-11-24 2023-08-12 human
Nagarajarao Shamaladevi, Dominic A Lyn, Diogo O Escudero, Bal L Lokeshwa. CXC receptor-1 silencing inhibits androgen-independent prostate cancer. Cancer research. vol 69. issue 21. 2009-11-23. PMID:19861539. cxcr1 depletion lead to increases in spontaneous apoptosis by mitochondria-mediated intrinsic mechanism and increases in proapoptotic proteins (bad, 40%; bax, 12%), but decreases in antiapoptotic proteins (bcl2, down 38%; bcl(xl), 20%). 2009-11-23 2023-08-12 mouse
Ana J García-Sáez, Jonas Ries, Mar Orzáez, Enrique Pérez-Payà, Petra Schwill. Membrane promotes tBID interaction with BCL(XL). Nature structural & molecular biology. vol 16. issue 11. 2009-11-17. PMID:19820711. two important questions on the molecular mechanism of the b cell cll/lymphoma 2 (bcl2) proteins involve the interaction network between pro- and antiapoptotic members and the role of their translocation to the mitochondrial membrane during apoptosis. 2009-11-17 2023-08-12 Not clear
Xiao-Gang Hui, Jun-ichi Akahira, Takashi Suzuki, Masaki Nio, Yasuhiro Nakamura, Hiroyoshi Suzuki, William E Rainey, Hironobu Sasan. Development of the human adrenal zona reticularis: morphometric and immunohistochemical studies from birth to adolescence. The Journal of endocrinology. vol 203. issue 2. 2009-11-03. PMID:19723922. we further evaluated immunoreactivity of both ki67 and bcl2 in order to clarify the equilibrium between cell proliferation and apoptosis in the homeostasis of developing human adrenals. 2009-11-03 2023-08-12 human
Lan Song, Xing Wei, Bin Zhang, Xinjing Luo, Junwen Liu, Yansheng Feng, Xianzhong Xia. Role of Foxa1 in regulation of bcl2 expression during oxidative-stress-induced apoptosis in A549 type II pneumocytes. Cell stress & chaperones. vol 14. issue 4. 2009-10-22. PMID:19127412. role of foxa1 in regulation of bcl2 expression during oxidative-stress-induced apoptosis in a549 type ii pneumocytes. 2009-10-22 2023-08-12 Not clear
Lan Song, Xing Wei, Bin Zhang, Xinjing Luo, Junwen Liu, Yansheng Feng, Xianzhong Xia. Role of Foxa1 in regulation of bcl2 expression during oxidative-stress-induced apoptosis in A549 type II pneumocytes. Cell stress & chaperones. vol 14. issue 4. 2009-10-22. PMID:19127412. in this study, hydrogen peroxide (h(2)o(2))-induced apoptosis, upregulation of foxa1, and the role of foxa1 in the regulation of bcl2 gene expression were studied in a549 type ii pneumocytes. 2009-10-22 2023-08-12 Not clear
Nicolas Houde, Estelle Chamoux, Martine Bisson, Sophie Rou. Transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) induces human osteoclast apoptosis by up-regulating Bim. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 284. issue 35. 2009-10-19. PMID:19574221. to study further the mechanisms involved in tgf-beta1-induced osteoclast apoptosis, we investigated tgf-beta1 signaling, which primarily involves the smad pathway, but also other pathways that may interfere with intracellular modulators of apoptosis, such as mitogen-activated protein (map) kinases and bcl2 family members. 2009-10-19 2023-08-12 human
Hsiao-Chun Huang, Jue Shi, James D Orth, Timothy J Mitchiso. Evidence that mitotic exit is a better cancer therapeutic target than spindle assembly. Cancer cell. vol 16. issue 4. 2009-10-15. PMID:19800579. killing by cdc20 knockdown did not require checkpoint activity and can occur by intrinsic apoptosis or an alternative death pathway when bcl2 was overexpressed. 2009-10-15 2023-08-12 Not clear