All Relations between tyrosine hydroxylase and dopamine

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Susanne Petri, Klaus Krampfl, Reinhard Dengler, Johannes Bufler, Adolf Weindl, Thomas Arzberge. Human GABA A receptors on dopaminergic neurons in the pars compacta of the substantia nigra. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 452. issue 4. 2002-11-15. PMID:12355418. immunohistochemical detection of tyrosine hydroxylase (th), the pivotal enzyme of dopamine synthesis, was used to define the boundaries of sn pars reticulata (snr) and pars compacta subregions. 2002-11-15 2023-08-12 human
David Weinshenker, Sylvia S White, Martin A Javors, Richard D Palmiter, Patricia Szo. Regulation of norepinephrine transporter abundance by catecholamines and desipramine in vivo. Brain research. vol 946. issue 2. 2002-11-12. PMID:12137927. in contrast, tyrosine hydroxylase knockout (th -/-) mice that lack both ne and dopamine (da) have reduced levels of net, suggesting that it is down-regulated by a complete absence of catecholamines and not ne per se. 2002-11-12 2023-08-12 mouse
S Muramats. [Gene therapy for Parkinson's disease: studies in animal models]. Rinsho shinkeigaku = Clinical neurology. vol 41. issue 12. 2002-11-08. PMID:12235825. three enzymes are necessary for efficient dopamine synthesis: tyrosine hydroxylase (th) converts tyrosine to l-dopa, aromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase (aadc) then converts l-dopa to dopamine, and guanosine triphosphate cyclohydrolase i (gch) is the rate-limiting enzyme for the synthesis of th co-factor tetrahydrobiopterine. 2002-11-08 2023-08-12 rat
Mayka Tomás-Camardiel, Antonio J Herrera, José L Venero, Mari Cruz Sánchez-Hidalgo, Josefina Cano, Alberto Machad. Differential regulation of glutamic acid decarboxylase mRNA and tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA expression in the aged manganese-treated rats. Brain research. Molecular brain research. vol 103. issue 1-2. 2002-11-06. PMID:12106697. we then studied the mrna levels for tyrosine hydroxylase (th) and the dopamine transporter (dat) by in situ hybridization. 2002-11-06 2023-08-12 rat
Richard Grondin, Zhiming Zhang, Ai Yi, Wayne A Cass, Navin Maswood, Anders H Andersen, Dennis D Elsberry, Michael C Klein, Greg A Gerhardt, Don M Gas. Chronic, controlled GDNF infusion promotes structural and functional recovery in advanced parkinsonian monkeys. Brain : a journal of neurology. vol 125. issue Pt 10. 2002-10-29. PMID:12244077. when compared with vehicle recipients, these functional improvements were associated with (i) >30% bilateral increase in nigral dopamine neurone cell size; (ii) >20% bilateral increase in the number of nigral cells expressing the dopamine marker tyrosine hydroxylase; (iii) >70 and >50% bilateral increase in dopamine metabolite levels in the striatum and the pallidum, respectively; (iv) 233 and 155% increase in dopamine levels in the periventricular striatal region and the globus pallidus, respectively, on the lesioned side; and (v) a five-fold increase in tyrosine hydroxylase-positive fibre density in the periventricular striatal region on the lesioned side. 2002-10-29 2023-08-12 monkey
J W Chang, W Y Lee, S Milstien, U J Kan. A site-specific mutation of tyrosine hydroxylase reduces feedback inhibition by dopamine in genetically modified cells grafted in parkinsonian rats. Journal of neurochemistry. vol 83. issue 1. 2002-10-28. PMID:12358737. a site-specific mutation of tyrosine hydroxylase reduces feedback inhibition by dopamine in genetically modified cells grafted in parkinsonian rats. 2002-10-28 2023-08-12 rat
J W Chang, W Y Lee, S Milstien, U J Kan. A site-specific mutation of tyrosine hydroxylase reduces feedback inhibition by dopamine in genetically modified cells grafted in parkinsonian rats. Journal of neurochemistry. vol 83. issue 1. 2002-10-28. PMID:12358737. however, addition of aadc to the grafts of genetically modified cells expressing tyrosine hydroxylase (th) and gtp cyclohydrolase 1 (gch1), which produce l-dopa in parkinsonian rats, resulted in decreased production of l-dopa and dopamine owing to feedback inhibition of th by dopamine. 2002-10-28 2023-08-12 rat
Kamisha L Johnson-Davis, Glen R Hanson, Kristen A Keef. Long-term post-synaptic consequences of methamphetamine on preprotachykinin mRNA expression. Journal of neurochemistry. vol 82. issue 6. 2002-10-22. PMID:12354295. rats exposed to multiple high doses of methamphetamine had significant depletion in dopamine and serotonin content, decreases in tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity, and decreases in preprotachykinin mrna expression, 6 and 12 weeks after methamphetamine treatment. 2002-10-22 2023-08-12 rat
Hengyi Xiao, Yoko Hirata, Ken-Ichi Isobe, Kazutoshi Kiuch. Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor up-regulates the expression of tyrosine hydroxylase gene in human neuroblastoma cell lines. Journal of neurochemistry. vol 82. issue 4. 2002-10-18. PMID:12358785. in this study, the effect of gdnf on the gene expression of tyrosine hydroxylase (th), the rate-limiting enzyme of dopamine biosynthesis, was investigated. 2002-10-18 2023-08-12 human
Sanjeev Choudhary, Geetu Raheja, Vandana Gupta, Kiran Dip Gil. Possible involvement of dopaminergic neurotransmitter system in dichlorvos induced delayed neurotoxicity. Journal of biochemistry, molecular biology, and biophysics : JBMBB : the official journal of the Federation of Asian and Oceanian Biochemists and Molecular Biologists (FAOBMB). vol 6. issue 1. 2002-10-09. PMID:12186780. single subcutaneous dose of dichlorvos (200 mg/kg body weight) resulted in marked changes in the dopaminergic neurotransmitter system in terms of increased levels of both dopamine and norepinephrine along with significant increase in the activity of both the catecholamine synthesizing enzymes, tyrosine hydroxylase (th) and dopamine-beta-hydroxylase. 2002-10-09 2023-08-12 rat
Inés Armando, José A Terrón, Alicia Falcón-Neri, Ito Takeshi, Walter Häuser, Tadashi Inagami, Juan M Saavedr. Increased angiotensin II AT(1) receptor expression in paraventricular nucleus and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis stimulation in AT(2) receptor gene disrupted mice. Neuroendocrinology. vol 76. issue 3. 2002-10-09. PMID:12218346. in the absence of at(2) receptor transcription, we found increased at(1) receptor binding in brain areas involved in the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus and the median eminence, and increased adrenal catecholamine synthesis as shown by higher adrenomedullary tyrosine hydroxylase mrna and higher adrenal dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine levels when compared to wild-type mice. 2002-10-09 2023-08-12 mouse
Kengo Funakoshi, Yoshitoshi Atobe, Tatsuya Hisajima, Masato Nakano, Tetsuo Kadota, Richard C Goris, Reiji Kishid. Choline acetyltransferase immunoreactive sympathetic ganglion cells in a teleost, Stephanolepis cirrhifer. Autonomic neuroscience : basic & clinical. vol 99. issue 1. 2002-09-20. PMID:12171254. some neurons were positive for both choline acetyltransferase and tyrosine hydroxylase, but these neurons were rarely immunoreactive for dopamine beta hydroxylase, suggesting that they are not adrenergic. 2002-09-20 2023-08-12 Not clear
Kengo Funakoshi, Yoshitoshi Atobe, Tatsuya Hisajima, Masato Nakano, Tetsuo Kadota, Richard C Goris, Reiji Kishid. Choline acetyltransferase immunoreactive sympathetic ganglion cells in a teleost, Stephanolepis cirrhifer. Autonomic neuroscience : basic & clinical. vol 99. issue 1. 2002-09-20. PMID:12171254. as few cholinergic sympathetic neurons express tyrosine hydroxylase and none express dopamine beta hydroxylase, they are unlikely to synthesize noradrenaline or adrenaline. 2002-09-20 2023-08-12 Not clear
Yumiko Tozawa, Kouji Matsushim. Peripheral 5-HT(2A)-receptor-mediated formation of an inhibitor of atrial natriuretic peptide binding involves inflammation. European journal of pharmacology. vol 440. issue 1. 2002-09-09. PMID:11959086. a tyrosine hydroxylase inhibitor, alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine, but not a dopamine beta hydroxylase inhibitor, diethyldithiocarbamate, abolished the 5-ht(2a) receptor-mediated increase in indole-2,3-dione. 2002-09-09 2023-08-12 human
M Ugrumov, V Melnikova, P Ershov, I Balan, A Cala. Tyrosine hydroxylase- and/or aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase-expressing neurons in the rat arcuate nucleus: ontogenesis and functional significance. Psychoneuroendocrinology. vol 27. issue 5. 2002-09-09. PMID:11965353. this study has evaluated in vivo, ex vivo and in vitro the ontogenesis and functional significance of the neurons of the arcuate nucleus (an) expressing either individual enzymes of dopamine (da) synthesis, tyrosine hydroxylase (th) or aromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase (aadc) as well as both of them in rats from the 17th embryonic day (e) till adulthood. 2002-09-09 2023-08-12 rat
Ali Shahraki, Trevor W Ston. Long-term potentiation and adenosine sensitivity are unchanged in the AS/AGU protein kinase Cgamma-deficient rat. Neuroscience letters. vol 327. issue 3. 2002-09-09. PMID:12113903. the as/agu rat is a spontaneously occurring mutation which exhibits locomotor abnormalities, reduced tyrosine hydroxylase levels in substantia nigra and lower extracellular levels of dopamine, making it a valuable model for some human locomotor disorders, and spontaneous chronic degeneration. 2002-09-09 2023-08-12 human
R Ferrari, N Le Novère, M R Picciotto, J P Changeux, M Zol. Acute and long-term changes in the mesolimbic dopamine pathway after systemic or local single nicotine injections. The European journal of neuroscience. vol 15. issue 11. 2002-09-04. PMID:12081661. in addition, significant increases in tyrosine hydroxylase (th) and glur1 (but not dopamine transporter or nr1) mrna levels in the vta were detected 24 h after intra-vta nicotine administration. 2002-09-04 2023-08-12 Not clear
L A Arbogas. Calmodulin and a cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinase facilitate the prolactin-induced increase in tyrosine hydroxylase activity in tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic neurons. Endocrine. vol 16. issue 2. 2002-09-03. PMID:11887930. many aspects of tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic neuronal function are increased by elevated prolactin (prl) levels, including the activity of tyrosine hydroxylase, the rate-limiting enzyme in the biosynthesis of dopamine. 2002-09-03 2023-08-12 rat
T Breidert, J Callebert, M T Heneka, G Landreth, J M Launay, E C Hirsc. Protective action of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma agonist pioglitazone in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease. Journal of neurochemistry. vol 82. issue 3. 2002-08-30. PMID:12153485. the acute intoxication of c57bl/6 mice with mptp led to nigrostriatal injury, as determined by tyrosine hydroxylase (th) immunocytochemistry, and hplc detection of striatal dopamine and metabolites. 2002-08-30 2023-08-12 mouse
Samina S Riaz, Eric Jauniaux, Gerald M Stern, Henry F Bradfor. The controlled conversion of human neural progenitor cells derived from foetal ventral mesencephalon into dopaminergic neurons in vitro. Brain research. Developmental brain research. vol 136. issue 1. 2002-08-27. PMID:12036514. the immunoreactivity to tyrosine hydroxylase (th) and levels of dopamine (da) and its metabolite, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (dopac), secreted into culture medium, were used to assess dopaminergic neuronal phenotype. 2002-08-27 2023-08-12 human