All Relations between glyrs and glycine

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
Bijun Tang, Sarah C R Lummi. Multiple regions in the extracellular domain of the glycine receptor determine receptor activity. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 293. issue 36. 2019-02-25. PMID:29941455. glycine receptors (glyrs) are cys-loop receptors that mediate fast synaptic inhibition in the brain stem and spinal cord. 2019-02-25 2023-08-13 Not clear
Kohji Sat. Why does a steep caudal-rostral gradient exist in glycine content in the brain? Medical hypotheses. vol 120. 2019-01-14. PMID:30220327. glycine has dual roles as a neurotransmitter, one is the agonist for inhibitory glycine receptors (glyrs), and the other is a co-agonist for excitatory nmda receptors (nmdars). 2019-01-14 2023-08-13 Not clear
Kohji Sat. Why does a steep caudal-rostral gradient exist in glycine content in the brain? Medical hypotheses. vol 120. 2019-01-14. PMID:30220327. inhibitory glyrs are concentrated in the lower brain and the affinity of glycine to glyrs is low, leading to the high content of glycine in the lower brain. 2019-01-14 2023-08-13 Not clear
Nora Grünewald, Audric Jan, Charlotte Salvatico, Vanessa Kress, Marianne Renner, Antoine Triller, Christian G Specht, Guenter Schwar. Sequences Flanking the Gephyrin-Binding Site of GlyRβ Tune Receptor Stabilization at Synapses. eNeuro. vol 5. issue 1. 2019-01-09. PMID:29464196. at inhibitory synapses, gephyrin is the major scaffold protein that mediates the accumulation of heteromeric glycine receptors (glyrs) via the cytoplasmic loop in the β-subunit (β-loop). 2019-01-09 2023-08-13 rat
Jieping Lu, Sijia Fan, Guichang Zou, Yiwen Hou, Tao Pan, Weiwei Guo, Lei Yao, Feng Du, Gregg E Homanics, Dan Liu, Li Zhang, Wei Xion. Involvement of glycine receptor α1 subunits in cannabinoid-induced analgesia. Neuropharmacology. vol 133. 2018-11-05. PMID:29407767. some cannabinoids have been shown to suppress chronic pain by targeting glycine receptors (glyrs). 2018-11-05 2023-08-13 Not clear
Jieping Lu, Sijia Fan, Guichang Zou, Yiwen Hou, Tao Pan, Weiwei Guo, Lei Yao, Feng Du, Gregg E Homanics, Dan Liu, Li Zhang, Wei Xion. Involvement of glycine receptor α1 subunits in cannabinoid-induced analgesia. Neuropharmacology. vol 133. 2018-11-05. PMID:29407767. a point-mutation of s296a in tm3 of α1 glyrs significantly inhibits dh-cbd potentiation of glycine currents (i 2018-11-05 2023-08-13 Not clear
Iryna Lushnikova, Galyna Maleeva, Galyna Skib. Glycine receptors are involved in hippocampal neuronal damage caused by oxygen-glucose deficiency. Cell biology international. vol 42. issue 10. 2018-10-30. PMID:30022566. glycine receptors (glyrs) belong to the family of ligand-gated cys-loop receptors and effectuate fast inhibitory neurotransmission in central nervous system (cns). 2018-10-30 2023-08-13 Not clear
Lindsay M McCracken, Daniel C Lowes, Michael C Salling, Cyndel Carreau-Vollmer, Naomi N Odean, Yuri A Blednov, Heinrich Betz, R Adron Harris, Neil L Harriso. Glycine receptor α3 and α2 subunits mediate tonic and exogenous agonist-induced currents in forebrain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. vol 114. issue 34. 2018-07-26. PMID:28784756. in spinal cord, glycine mediates synaptic inhibition through the activation of heteromeric glycine receptors (glyrs) composed primarily of α1 and β subunits. 2018-07-26 2023-08-13 mouse
Lindsay M McCracken, Daniel C Lowes, Michael C Salling, Cyndel Carreau-Vollmer, Naomi N Odean, Yuri A Blednov, Heinrich Betz, R Adron Harris, Neil L Harriso. Glycine receptor α3 and α2 subunits mediate tonic and exogenous agonist-induced currents in forebrain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. vol 114. issue 34. 2018-07-26. PMID:28784756. our results show ubiquitous expression of glyrs that mediate large-amplitude currents in response to exogenously applied glycine in these forebrain structures. 2018-07-26 2023-08-13 mouse
Hu-Hu Bai, Jiang-Ping Liu, Li Yang, Ji-Yuan Zhao, Zhan-Wei Suo, Xian Yang, Xiao-Dong H. Adenosine A1 receptor potentiated glycinergic transmission in spinal cord dorsal horn of rats after peripheral inflammation. Neuropharmacology. vol 126. 2018-06-12. PMID:28882563. in spinal cord slices from intact rats, adenosine increased the inhibitory postsynaptic currents mediated by glycine receptors (glyrs). 2018-06-12 2023-08-13 rat
B Förstera, B Muñoz, M K Lobo, R Chandra, D M Lovinger, L G Aguay. Presence of ethanol-sensitive glycine receptors in medium spiny neurons in the mouse nucleus accumbens. The Journal of physiology. vol 595. issue 15. 2018-04-19. PMID:28524260. glycine receptors (glyrs) are potentiated by ethanol and they have been implicated in the regulation of accumbal dopamine levels. 2018-04-19 2023-08-13 mouse
Mengwen Qi, Chunfeng Wu, Zhouqing Wang, Li Zhou, Chen Men, Yimei Du, Songming Huang, Lei Chen, Ling Che. Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 4 Activation-Induced Increase in Glycine-Activated Current in Mouse Hippocampal Pyramidal Neurons. Cellular physiology and biochemistry : international journal of experimental cellular physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology. vol 45. issue 3. 2018-03-19. PMID:29439248. glycine plays an important role in regulating hippocampal inhibitory/ excitatory neurotransmission through activating glycine receptors (glyrs) and acting as a co-agonist of n-methyl-d-aspartate-type glutamate receptors. 2018-03-19 2023-08-13 mouse
Katharina Kuenzel, Sepideh Abolpour Mofrad, Daniel F Gilber. Phenotyping Cellular Viability by Functional Analysis of Ion Channels: GlyR-Targeted Screening in NT2-N Cells. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). vol 1601. 2018-02-19. PMID:28470528. glycine receptor chloride channels (glyrs) are attractive drug targets for therapeutic intervention and are also more and more recognized in the context of in vitro neurotoxicity and developmental neurotoxicity testing. 2018-02-19 2023-08-13 human
Joseph W Lynch, Yan Zhang, Sahil Talwar, Argel Estrada-Mondrago. Glycine Receptor Drug Discovery. Advances in pharmacology (San Diego, Calif.). vol 79. 2017-12-20. PMID:28528670. postsynaptic glycine receptor (glyr) chloride channels mediate inhibitory neurotransmission in the spinal cord and brain stem, although presynaptic and extrasynaptic glyrs are expressed more widely throughout the brain. 2017-12-20 2023-08-13 Not clear
Dean Kirson, Jelena Todorovic, S John Mihi. Single Channel Analysis of Isoflurane and Ethanol Enhancement of Taurine-Activated Glycine Receptors. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. vol 364. issue 1. 2017-12-20. PMID:29118035. the amino acid taurine is an endogenous ligand acting on glycine receptors (glyrs), which is released by astrocytes in many brain regions, such as the nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex. 2017-12-20 2023-08-13 Not clear
Ulrike Breitinger, Heinrich Sticht, Hans-Georg Breitinge. Modulation of Recombinant Human α1 Glycine Receptors by Mono- and Disaccharides: A Kinetic Study. ACS chemical neuroscience. vol 7. issue 8. 2017-10-30. PMID:27227552. glycine receptors (glyrs) mediate fast synaptic inhibition in spinal cord, brainstem, and higher brain centers. 2017-10-30 2023-08-13 human
Mario A Acuña, Gonzalo E Yévenes, William T Ralvenius, Dietmar Benke, Alessandra Di Lio, Cesar O Lara, Braulio Muñoz, Carlos F Burgos, Gustavo Moraga-Cid, Pierre-Jean Corringer, Hanns Ulrich Zeilhofe. Phosphorylation state-dependent modulation of spinal glycine receptors alleviates inflammatory pain. The Journal of clinical investigation. vol 126. issue 7. 2017-09-26. PMID:27270175. in inflammatory pain, reductions in synaptic inhibition occur partially through prostaglandin e2- (pge2-) and pka-dependent phosphorylation of a specific subtype of glycine receptors (glyrs) that contain α3 subunits. 2017-09-26 2023-08-13 Not clear
M Pilorge, C Fassier, H Le Corronc, A Potey, J Bai, S De Gois, E Delaby, B Assouline, V Guinchat, F Devillard, R Delorme, G Nygren, M Råstam, J C Meier, S Otani, H Cheval, V M James, M Topf, T N Dear, C Gillberg, M Leboyer, B Giros, S Gautron, J Hazan, R J Harvey, P Legendre, C Betancu. Genetic and functional analyses demonstrate a role for abnormal glycinergic signaling in autism. Molecular psychiatry. vol 21. issue 7. 2017-09-25. PMID:26370147. glycine receptors (glyrs) are ligand-gated chloride channels that mediate inhibitory neurotransmission in the adult nervous system but exert an excitatory action in immature neurons. 2017-09-25 2023-08-13 mouse
Nagasree Chakka, Kristin L Andrews, Loren M Berry, Howard Bregman, Hakan Gunaydin, Liyue Huang, Angel Guzman-Perez, Matthew H Plant, Jeffrey R Simard, Jacinthe Gingras, Erin F DiMaur. Applications of parallel synthetic lead hopping and pharmacophore-based virtual screening in the discovery of efficient glycine receptor potentiators. European journal of medicinal chemistry. vol 137. 2017-09-20. PMID:28575722. glycine receptors (glyrs) are pentameric glycine-gated chloride ion channels that are enriched in the brainstem and spinal cord where they have been demonstrated to play a role in central nervous system (cns) inhibition. 2017-09-20 2023-08-13 Not clear
Natascha Schaefer, Alexandra Berger, Johannes van Brederode, Fang Zheng, Yan Zhang, Sophie Leacock, Laura Littau, Sibylle Jablonka, Sony Malhotra, Maya Topf, Friederike Winter, Daria Davydova, Joseph W Lynch, Christopher J Paige, Christian Alzheimer, Robert J Harvey, Carmen Villman. Disruption of a Structurally Important Extracellular Element in the Glycine Receptor Leads to Decreased Synaptic Integration and Signaling Resulting in Severe Startle Disease. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 37. issue 33. 2017-09-11. PMID:28724750. functional impairments or trafficking defects of inhibitory glycine receptors (glyrs) have been linked to human hyperekplexia/startle disease and autism spectrum disorders. 2017-09-11 2023-08-13 mouse