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L H Xu, X Yang, C A Bradham, D A Brenner, A S Baldwin, R J Craven, W G Canc. The focal adhesion kinase suppresses transformation-associated, anchorage-independent apoptosis in human breast cancer cells. Involvement of death receptor-related signaling pathways. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 275. issue 39. 2000-10-27. PMID:10899173. |
furthermore, breast tumor cells that were viable without matrix attachment also underwent apoptosis upon interruption of fak function, demonstrating that fak is a survival signal in breast tumor cells even in the absence of matrix signaling. |
2000-10-27 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
A A Panteleyev, R Paus, A M Christian. Patterns of hairless (hr) gene expression in mouse hair follicle morphogenesis and cycling. The American journal of pathology. vol 157. issue 4. 2000-10-25. PMID:11021810. |
the co-localization of hr mrna with the site of the morphological defects in mutant skin implicates hr as a key factor in regulating basic cellular processes during catagen, including club hair formation, maintenance of dp-epithelial integrity, irs disintegration, and keratinocyte apoptosis in the hf matrix. |
2000-10-25 |
2023-08-12 |
mouse |
M Rytömaa, K Lehmann, J Downwar. Matrix detachment induces caspase-dependent cytochrome c release from mitochondria: inhibition by PKB/Akt but not Raf signalling. Oncogene. vol 19. issue 39. 2000-10-17. PMID:11002418. |
detachment of epithelial cells from extracellular matrix results in induction of apoptosis ('anoikis') which can be blocked by expression of activated ras or pkb/akt. |
2000-10-17 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
M Rytömaa, K Lehmann, J Downwar. Matrix detachment induces caspase-dependent cytochrome c release from mitochondria: inhibition by PKB/Akt but not Raf signalling. Oncogene. vol 19. issue 39. 2000-10-17. PMID:11002418. |
expression of activated ras or pkb/akt blocks all the detectable events on the detachment-induced apoptosis signalling pathway, suggesting that pkb/akt acts at an early point in the pathway, providing the signal normally generated by matrix attachment. |
2000-10-17 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
G Bitan, L Scheibler, D F Mierke, M Rosenblatt, M Chore. Ligand-integrin alpha v beta 3 interaction determined by photoaffinity cross-linking: a challenge to the prevailing model. Biochemistry. vol 39. issue 36. 2000-10-13. PMID:10998238. |
integrin alpha(v)beta(3) plays a crucial role in angiogenesis, apoptosis, and bone remodeling, mainly by interacting with matrix proteins through recognition of an arg-gly-asp (rgd) motif. |
2000-10-13 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
Y B Shi, A Ishizuya-Ok. Thyroid hormone regulation of apoptotic tissue remodeling: implications from molecular analysis of amphibian metamorphosis. Progress in nucleic acid research and molecular biology. vol 65. 2000-10-13. PMID:11008485. |
particular focus is placed on the remodeling of the animal intestine, which involves both apoptosis (programmed cell death) of larval cells and de novo development of adult tissues, and the roles of thyroid hormone-induced genes that encode matrix metalloproteinases during this process. |
2000-10-13 |
2023-08-12 |
xenopus_laevis |
A Ishizuya-Oka, Q Li, T Amano, S Damjanovski, S Ueda, Y B Sh. Requirement for matrix metalloproteinase stromelysin-3 in cell migration and apoptosis during tissue remodeling in Xenopus laevis. The Journal of cell biology. vol 150. issue 5. 2000-10-10. PMID:10974004. |
requirement for matrix metalloproteinase stromelysin-3 in cell migration and apoptosis during tissue remodeling in xenopus laevis. |
2000-10-10 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
A Ishizuya-Oka, Q Li, T Amano, S Damjanovski, S Ueda, Y B Sh. Requirement for matrix metalloproteinase stromelysin-3 in cell migration and apoptosis during tissue remodeling in Xenopus laevis. The Journal of cell biology. vol 150. issue 5. 2000-10-10. PMID:10974004. |
the matrix metalloproteinase (mmp) stromelysin-3 (st3) was originally discovered as a gene whose expression was associated with human breast cancer carcinomas and with apoptosis during organogenesis and tissue remodeling. |
2000-10-10 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
A V Oleskin, I V Botvinko, E A Tsavkelov. [Colonial organization and intercellular communication of microorganisms]. Mikrobiologiia. vol 69. issue 3. 2000-09-25. PMID:10920799. |
special attention is given to such relevant phenomena as apoptosis, bacterial altruism, quorum effects, collective differentiation of microbial cells, and the formation of population-level structures such as an extracellular matrix. |
2000-09-25 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
M Pohl, R O Stuart, H Sakurai, S K Niga. Branching morphogenesis during kidney development. Annual review of physiology. vol 62. 2000-09-18. PMID:10845104. |
key branching morphogenetic molecules in this model include growth factors, transcription factors, distal effector molecules (such as extracellular matrix proteins, integrins, proteinases and their inhibitors), and genes regulating apoptosis and cell proliferation. |
2000-09-18 |
2023-08-12 |
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S Attwell, C Roskelley, S Dedha. The integrin-linked kinase (ILK) suppresses anoikis. Oncogene. vol 19. issue 33. 2000-09-07. PMID:10949937. |
disruption of integrin-extracellular matrix interactions in normal epithelial cells induces apoptosis, a process termed anoikis. |
2000-09-07 |
2023-08-12 |
mouse |
M L Grooteclaes, S M Frisc. Evidence for a function of CtBP in epithelial gene regulation and anoikis. Oncogene. vol 19. issue 33. 2000-09-07. PMID:10949939. |
concomitantly, the cells become sensitive to anoikis (apoptosis of epithelial cells detached from extracellular matrix), potentially causing tumor suppression. |
2000-09-07 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
B A Fischer, S Mundle, A A Col. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha induced DNA cleavage in human articular chondrocytes may involve multiple endonucleolytic activities during apoptosis. Microscopy research and technique. vol 50. issue 3. 2000-08-31. PMID:10891889. |
when the chondrocytes were cultured as explants with the articular matrix intact (ex vivo), neither il-1 beta, tnf alpha, the anti-fas antibody, nor fibronectin fragments were able to induce apoptosis in the chondrocytes. |
2000-08-31 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
B A Fischer, S Mundle, A A Col. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha induced DNA cleavage in human articular chondrocytes may involve multiple endonucleolytic activities during apoptosis. Microscopy research and technique. vol 50. issue 3. 2000-08-31. PMID:10891889. |
these data suggest that apoptosis occurs in chondrocytes in which the matrix has been disrupted experimentally or destroyed by the osteoarthritic disease process. |
2000-08-31 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
R Hernández-Alcoceba, L del Peso, J C Laca. The Ras family of GTPases in cancer cell invasion. Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS. vol 57. issue 1. 2000-08-31. PMID:10949581. |
the development of metastasis is a multistep process that requires coordinated activation of proliferation, motility, changes in normal cell-to-cell and cell-to-substrate contacts, degradation of extracellular matrix, inhibition of apoptosis, and adaptation to an inappropriate tissue environment. |
2000-08-31 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
J Wu, S L Liu, J L Zhu, P A Norton, S Nojiri, J B Hoek, M A Zer. Roles of tissue transglutaminase in ethanol-induced inhibition of hepatocyte proliferation and alpha 1-adrenergic signal transduction. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 275. issue 29. 2000-08-24. PMID:10801782. |
others have shown that ttg has two distinctly different functions: it catalyzes protein cross-linking, which can lead to apoptosis and enhancement of extracellular matrix stability, and it can function as a g protein (galpha(h)). |
2000-08-24 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
P P Chiou, C H Kim, P Ormonde, J A Leon. Infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus matrix protein inhibits host-directed gene expression and induces morphological changes of apoptosis in cell cultures. Journal of virology. vol 74. issue 16. 2000-08-18. PMID:10906216. |
infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus matrix protein inhibits host-directed gene expression and induces morphological changes of apoptosis in cell cultures. |
2000-08-18 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
A Wellmann, C Thieblemont, S Pittaluga, A Sakai, E S Jaffe, P Siebert, M Raffel. Detection of differentially expressed genes in lymphomas using cDNA arrays: identification of clusterin as a new diagnostic marker for anaplastic large-cell lymphomas. Blood. vol 96. issue 2. 2000-08-17. PMID:10887098. |
clusterin is a highly conserved glycoprotein implicated in intercellular and cell matrix interactions, regulation of the complement system, lipid transport, stress responses, and apoptosis. |
2000-08-17 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
C Ordoñez, R A Screaton, C Ilantzis, C P Stanner. Human carcinoembryonic antigen functions as a general inhibitor of anoikis. Cancer research. vol 60. issue 13. 2000-08-17. PMID:10910050. |
in this report, we show that cea and ceacam6, but not ceacam1, markedly inhibit the apoptosis of cells when deprived of their anchorage to the extracellular matrix, a process known as anoikis. |
2000-08-17 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
S J Leuenroth, P S Grutkoski, A Ayala, H H Simm. The loss of Mcl-1 expression in human polymorphonuclear leukocytes promotes apoptosis. Journal of leukocyte biology. vol 68. issue 1. 2000-08-17. PMID:10914504. |
we have previously shown that pmn apoptosis is delayed by matrix adhesion and hypoxia; however, the mechanisms responsible for this delay are not well understood. |
2000-08-17 |
2023-08-12 |
human |