All Relations between dopamine system and dopamine

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
P S Goldman-Rakic, M S Lidow, J F Smiley, M S William. The anatomy of dopamine in monkey and human prefrontal cortex. Journal of neural transmission. Supplementum. vol 36. 1992-10-22. PMID:1527516. these results indicate that the organization of the cortical dopamine system is essentially the same in macaque monkey and human and that the nonhuman primate is a suitable animal model for analysis of dopamine function in prefrontal cortex. 1992-10-22 2023-08-11 human
J B Mitchell, A Gratto. Partial dopamine depletion of the prefrontal cortex leads to enhanced mesolimbic dopamine release elicited by repeated exposure to naturally reinforcing stimuli. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 12. issue 9. 1992-10-19. PMID:1527600. high-speed chronoamperometry was used to monitor the extracellular concentration of dopamine within the nucleus accumbens, a terminal field of the mesolimbic dopamine system, in freely behaving rats exposed daily, on 6 consecutive days, to one of two naturally reinforcing stimuli; a highly palatable food or sex-related olfactory cues. 1992-10-19 2023-08-11 rat
J B Mitchell, A Gratto. Partial dopamine depletion of the prefrontal cortex leads to enhanced mesolimbic dopamine release elicited by repeated exposure to naturally reinforcing stimuli. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 12. issue 9. 1992-10-19. PMID:1527600. these results indicate that repeated exposure to naturally reinforcing events can lead to a hyperresponsiveness of the mesolimbic dopamine system upon future activation, and suggest that the dopamine projection to prefrontal cortex exerts an indirect, inhibitory influence on mesolimbic dopamine neurotransmission. 1992-10-19 2023-08-11 rat
M L Pucak, A A Grac. Partial dopamine depletions result in an enhanced sensitivity of residual dopamine neurons to apomorphine. Synapse (New York, N.Y.). vol 9. issue 2. 1992-08-19. PMID:1821486. extracellular recordings from identified dopamine neurons were used to assess the effect of 6-hydroxydopamine-induced partial lesions of the nigrostriatal dopamine system on the sensitivity of the residual dopamine neurons to the dopamine agonist apomorphine. 1992-08-19 2023-08-11 rat
J S Schneide. MPTP-induced parkinsonism: acceleration of biochemical and behavioral recovery by GM1 ganglioside treatment. Journal of neuroscience research. vol 31. issue 1. 1992-07-29. PMID:1613817. these results suggest that gm1 ganglioside administration can result in increased dopamine levels even in the heavily denervated striatum and accelerate functional recovery after an mptp-induced lesion of the nigrostriatal dopamine system in the cat. 1992-07-29 2023-08-11 cat
R Mattioli, R K Schwarting, J P Husto. Recovery from unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesion of substantia nigra promoted by the neurotachykinin substance P 1-11. Neuroscience. vol 48. issue 3. 1992-07-16. PMID:1376454. this hypothesis was tested using the unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesion of the nigrostriatal dopamine system, as there is close anatomical and functional interaction between dopamine and substance p in this system. 1992-07-16 2023-08-11 rat
I Heyman, R M Murra. Schizophrenia and neurodevelopment. Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London. vol 26. issue 2. 1992-06-19. PMID:1588520. it was hoped that the clear relationship between antipsychotic activity and dopamine blockade would help to elucidate the pathophysiology of schizophrenia, but to date no consistent abnormalities of the dopamine system have been found. 1992-06-19 2023-08-11 Not clear
J R Hollerman, E D Abercrombie, A A Grac. Electrophysiological, biochemical, and behavioral studies of acute haloperidol-induced depolarization block of nigral dopamine neurons. Neuroscience. vol 47. issue 3. 1992-06-16. PMID:1584410. these results show that 6-hydroxydopamine-induced dopamine depletions produce a time-dependent change in the responsivity of the nigrostriatal dopamine system to acute haloperidol administration. 1992-06-16 2023-08-11 rat
J D Steketee, B A Sorg, P W Kaliva. The role of the nucleus accumbens in sensitization to drugs of abuse. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry. vol 16. issue 2. 1992-06-10. PMID:1579639. these data suggest that treatments which lead to behavioral sensitization also lead to sensitization within the mesolimbic dopamine system as measured by an augmented dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens. 1992-06-10 2023-08-11 rat
A C Linthorst, H De Lang, W De Jong, D H Verstee. Effect of the dopamine D2 receptor agonist quinpirole on the in vivo release of dopamine in the caudate nucleus of hypertensive rats. European journal of pharmacology. vol 201. issue 2-3. 1992-04-16. PMID:1686754. the present findings on changes in dopaminergic neurotransmission and d2 autoreceptor-mediated modulation of dopamine release in genetically hypertensive rats but not in rats with experimentally induced hypertension provide further evidence for the hypothesis that alterations in the nigrostriatal dopamine system may be involved in the initiation of the development of spontaneous hypertension. 1992-04-16 2023-08-11 rat
P W Kalivas, J Stewar. Dopamine transmission in the initiation and expression of drug- and stress-induced sensitization of motor activity. Brain research. Brain research reviews. vol 16. issue 3. 1992-04-02. PMID:1665095. manipulations that increase somatodendritic dopamine release and permit the stimulation of d1 dopamine receptors in this region induce changes in the dopamine system that lead to the development of long-term sensitization. 1992-04-02 2023-08-11 Not clear
O Civelli, J R Bunzow, D K Grandy, Q Y Zhou, H H Van To. Molecular biology of the dopamine receptors. European journal of pharmacology. vol 207. issue 4. 1992-03-19. PMID:1783000. we discuss here the history of the cloning of the dopamine receptors and the impact that this research had on our understanding of the dopamine system. 1992-03-19 2023-08-11 human
P Wester, U Bergström, A Brun, S Jagell, B Karlsson, A Eriksso. Monoaminergic dysfunction in Sjögren-Larsson syndrome. Molecular and chemical neuropathology. vol 15. issue 1. 1992-03-03. PMID:1772531. biochemically, most pronounced alterations were seen in the dopamine system in putamen with severely reduced concentrations of dopamine (da; 14% of control values) and the catabolic metabolites 3-methoxytyramine (3-mt; 9% of control values) and homovanillic acid (hva; 20% of control values). 1992-03-03 2023-08-11 human
R M Ridley, H F Bake. Can fetal neural transplants restore function in monkeys with lesion-induced behavioural deficits? Trends in neurosciences. vol 14. issue 8. 1992-01-28. PMID:1721744. transplantation of dopamine neurons in humans may prove to be a useful therapy in parkinson's disease, in which a severe movement disorder is associated with degeneration of the dopamine system. 1992-01-28 2023-08-11 monkey
J S Schneider, D S Rothbla. Neurochemical evaluation of the striatum in symptomatic and recovered MPTP-treated cats. Neuroscience. vol 44. issue 2. 1991-12-05. PMID:1944893. the fact that the cat develops parkinson-like motor symptoms but that they are not persistent may make this an interesting model in which to study the role of dopamine in motor function and to study compensatory mechanisms of the damaged dopamine system. 1991-12-05 2023-08-11 cat
E A Kiyatkin, V P Belyi, Rusakov DYu, V V Maksimov, N V Pankratova, V V Rozhanet. Long-term changes of striatal D-2 receptors in rats chronically exposed to morphine under aversive life conditions. The International journal of neuroscience. vol 58. issue 1-2. 1991-12-04. PMID:1834600. chronic morphine treatment has been shown to cause the development of hyperreactivity of the dopamine system detected as the increased behavioral and biochemical responses to the action of specific dopamine agonists. 1991-12-04 2023-08-11 rat
J B Mitchell, A Gratto. Opioid modulation and sensitization of dopamine release elicited by sexually relevant stimuli: a high speed chronoamperometric study in freely behaving rats. Brain research. vol 551. issue 1-2. 1991-11-01. PMID:1913152. the ratios of the reduction to oxidation currents indicated that dopamine was the principal contributor to the increase in the electrochemical signal, suggesting that activation of the mesolimbic dopamine system accompanies exposure to sexually relevant stimuli. 1991-11-01 2023-08-11 rat
L Zhang, X Ni. [Effects of schizandrol A on monoamine neurotransmitters in the central nervous system]. Zhongguo yi xue ke xue yuan xue bao. Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae. vol 13. issue 1. 1991-09-27. PMID:1678991. these results indicate that the inhibition exerted by schizandrol a on the cns may be related to the dopamine system, and the increase of dopamine turnover has nothing to do with dopamine receptors. 1991-09-27 2023-08-11 rat
A D Weissman, E B De Souz. Chronic treatment of rats with the specific sigma ligand D-pentazocine fails to modulate dopamine D2 and sigma binding in brain. European journal of pharmacology. vol 195. issue 1. 1991-08-15. PMID:1648492. the present study examined potential interactions between the sigma and dopamine system following chronic treatment with d-pentazocine, a specific sigma ligand that has negligible affinity for either pcp or dopamine receptors. 1991-08-15 2023-08-11 rat
P Barone, V Palma, A DeBartolomeis, E Tedeschi, G Muscettola, G Campanell. Dopamine D1 and D2 receptors mediate opposite functions in seizures induced by lithium-pilocarpine. European journal of pharmacology. vol 195. issue 1. 1991-08-15. PMID:1829682. neither dopamine d1 nor d2 antagonists altered the limbic stereotypies induced by pilocarpine, supporting the view that the dopamine system is primarily involved in the mechanisms of convulsion generation and seizure spreading. 1991-08-15 2023-08-11 rat