All Relations between Haloperidol and dopamine

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
C M Bradshaw, R Y Pun, N T Slater, M J Stoker, E Szabad. Differential antagonistic effects of haloperidol on excitatory responses of cortical neurones to phenylephrine, noradrenaline and dopamine. Neuropharmacology. vol 22. issue 8. 1983-11-23. PMID:6312360. differential antagonistic effects of haloperidol on excitatory responses of cortical neurones to phenylephrine, noradrenaline and dopamine. 1983-11-23 2023-08-12 Not clear
N E Andén, M Grabowska-Andén, S Lindgren, U Thornströ. Synthesis rate of dopamine: difference between corpus striatum and limbic system as a possible explanation of variations in reactions to drugs. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology. vol 323. issue 3. 1983-11-23. PMID:6621714. although the synthesis of dopamine was enhanced in all regions by haloperidol and gammabutyrolactone, it was increased to almost 400% of the control in the corpus striatum but to only somewhat more than 200% in the olfactory tubercle and some other limbic regions. 1983-11-23 2023-08-12 rat
N E Andén, M Grabowska-Andén, S Lindgren, U Thornströ. Synthesis rate of dopamine: difference between corpus striatum and limbic system as a possible explanation of variations in reactions to drugs. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology. vol 323. issue 3. 1983-11-23. PMID:6621714. the findings indicate that b-ht 920 is relatively more potent than haloperidol in inhibiting the dopamine neurotransmission in the limbic system than in the corpus striatum. 1983-11-23 2023-08-12 rat
P M Iuvon. Short-term regulation of tyrosine hydroxylase in tonically-active and in tonically-inactive dopamine neurons: effects of haloperidol and protein phosphorylation. Life sciences. vol 33. issue 13. 1983-10-28. PMID:6136885. short-term regulation of tyrosine hydroxylase in tonically-active and in tonically-inactive dopamine neurons: effects of haloperidol and protein phosphorylation. 1983-10-28 2023-08-12 rat
S K Rastogi, R B Rastogi, R L Singhal, Y D Lapierr. Behavioural and biochemical alterations following haloperidol treatment and withdrawal: the animal model of tardive dyskinesia reexamined. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry. vol 7. issue 2-3. 1983-10-28. PMID:6137027. long-term administration of haloperidol resulted in supersensitivity of dopamine receptors. 1983-10-28 2023-08-12 rat
S K Rastogi, R B Rastogi, R L Singhal, Y D Lapierr. Behavioural and biochemical alterations following haloperidol treatment and withdrawal: the animal model of tardive dyskinesia reexamined. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry. vol 7. issue 2-3. 1983-10-28. PMID:6137027. chronic haloperidol treatment significantly decreased dopamine synthesis and release as evidenced by low activity of tyrosine hydroxylase and low level of homovanillic acid in striatum. 1983-10-28 2023-08-12 rat
S K Rastogi, R B Rastogi, R L Singhal, Y D Lapierr. Behavioural and biochemical alterations following haloperidol treatment and withdrawal: the animal model of tardive dyskinesia reexamined. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry. vol 7. issue 2-3. 1983-10-28. PMID:6137027. these data suggest that chronic haloperidol treatment and subsequent withdrawal results in the development of behavioural dopamine supersensitivity as well as biochemical alterations in dopaminergic and gabaergic system. 1983-10-28 2023-08-12 rat
D G Pur. Cholinergic transmission by embryonic retinal neurons in culture: inhibition by dopamine. Brain research. vol 285. issue 1. 1983-10-28. PMID:6309334. this inhibitory effect is blocked reversibly by the dopamine antagonists, haloperidol and fluphenazine. 1983-10-28 2023-08-12 chicken
K Negishi, T Teranishi, S Kat. A GABA antagonist, bicuculline, exerts its uncoupling action on external horizontal cells through dopamine cells in carp retina. Neuroscience letters. vol 37. issue 3. 1983-10-28. PMID:6310453. these uncoupling actions of bcc were similar to those of amphetamine (20 microm) or dopamine (10-20 microm) and were abolished by the presence of a dopaminergic blocker, haloperidol (20-40 microm). 1983-10-28 2023-08-12 Not clear
b' V K Gurkalo, M A Zabezhinski\\xc4\\xa. [Effects of apomorphine and haloperidol on experimental hepatocarcinogenesis]. Voprosy onkologii. vol 29. issue 8. 1983-10-21. PMID:6310890.' the modifying effect of apomorphine and haloperidol - agonist and antagonist of dopamine receptors, respectively - on the development of n-nitrosodiethylamine (ndea) - induced hepatic tumors was studied in 60 noninbred albino male rats. 1983-10-21 2023-08-12 rat
L X Cubeddu, I S Hoffmann, M K James, D M Niedzwieck. Changes in the sensitivity to apomorphine of dopamine receptors modulating dopamine and acetylcholine release after chronic treatment with bromocriptine or haloperidol. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. vol 226. issue 3. 1983-10-21. PMID:6887008. changes in the sensitivity to apomorphine of dopamine receptors modulating dopamine and acetylcholine release after chronic treatment with bromocriptine or haloperidol. 1983-10-21 2023-08-12 rabbit
H Rosengarten, E Friedman, A J Friedhof. Sensitive periods for the effect of haloperidol on development of striatal dopamine receptors. Birth defects original article series. vol 19. issue 4. 1983-09-23. PMID:6871420. sensitive periods for the effect of haloperidol on development of striatal dopamine receptors. 1983-09-23 2023-08-12 Not clear
P Jenner, R Kerwin, N M Rupniak, K Murugaiah, M D Hall, S Fleminger, C D Marsde. Long-term adaptive changes in striatal dopamine function in response to chronic neuroleptic intake in rats. Journal of neural transmission. Supplementum. vol 18. 1983-09-20. PMID:6135741. haloperidol and sulpiride differentially alter striatal 3h-acetylcholine and 3h-glutamate release in a manner suggesting selective changes in dopamine receptors lying on striatal cell bodies and on the terminals of corticostriate glutamate terminals. 1983-09-20 2023-08-12 rat
N J Smatresk, M Pokorski, S Lahir. Opposing effects of dopamine receptor blockade on ventilation and carotid chemoreceptor activity. Journal of applied physiology: respiratory, environmental and exercise physiology. vol 54. issue 6. 1983-09-20. PMID:6874478. we conclude that dopamine antagonism by haloperidol blocks the central integration of peripheral chemoreceptor activity, thus attenuating the ventilatory chemoreflex responses to hypoxia while augmenting the carotid chemoreceptor response. 1983-09-20 2023-08-12 Not clear
J Z Nowak, S Arbilla, A M Galzin, S Z Lange. Changes in sensitivity of release modulating dopamine autoreceptors after chronic treatment with haloperidol. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. vol 226. issue 2. 1983-09-20. PMID:6875865. changes in sensitivity of release modulating dopamine autoreceptors after chronic treatment with haloperidol. 1983-09-20 2023-08-12 rabbit
R D O'Neill, M Fillenz, W J Albery, N J Goddar. The monitoring of ascorbate and monoamine transmitter metabolites in the striatum of unanaesthetised rats using microprocessor-based voltammetry. Neuroscience. vol 9. issue 1. 1983-09-09. PMID:6192357. changes in dopamine release from the striatum have been monitored continuously over 48 h in unanaesthetised rats after the intraperitoneal administration of haloperidol. 1983-09-09 2023-08-12 rat
R Scorza-Smeraldi, M G Sabbadini Villa, G Fabio, P Bonara, M Vanoli, L Resele, C Zanuss. HLA antigens and the reactivity of lymphocytes to some drugs and PHA. International journal of immunopharmacology. vol 5. issue 2. 1983-09-09. PMID:6603432. peripheral blood lymphocytes from 15 healthy subjects, selected on the basis of their hla types, were cultured in vitro in the presence of pha and of a number of drugs which bind adrenergic or dopaminergic receptors (dopamine, norepinephrine, chlorpromazine, haloperidol, propranolol and apomorphine). 1983-09-09 2023-08-12 human
E Melamed, R Durst, Y Frucht, M Globu. Differential effect of acute and chronic haloperidol administration on dopamine turnover in rat nigrostriatal and retinal dopaminergic neurons. European journal of pharmacology. vol 89. issue 3-4. 1983-09-09. PMID:6873163. differential effect of acute and chronic haloperidol administration on dopamine turnover in rat nigrostriatal and retinal dopaminergic neurons. 1983-09-09 2023-08-12 rat
R L Singhal, R B Rastogi, Y D Lapierr. Diazepam potentiates the effect of neuroleptics on behavioural activity as well as dopamine and norepinephrine turnover: Do benzodiazepines have antipsychotic potency? Journal of neural transmission. vol 56. issue 2-3. 1983-08-26. PMID:6306165. acute haloperidol or chlorpromazine treatment increased striatal dopamine as well as cerebro-cortical norepinephrine turnover. 1983-08-26 2023-08-12 rat
R L Singhal, R B Rastogi, Y D Lapierr. Diazepam potentiates the effect of neuroleptics on behavioural activity as well as dopamine and norepinephrine turnover: Do benzodiazepines have antipsychotic potency? Journal of neural transmission. vol 56. issue 2-3. 1983-08-26. PMID:6306165. when diazepam was administered together with haloperidol or chlorpromazine, a further decrease particularly in dopamine release was seen in striatum. 1983-08-26 2023-08-12 rat