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Yalong Zhang, Veer S Bhatt, Guoyong Sun, Peng G Wang, Andre F Palme. Site-selective glycosylation of hemoglobin on Cys beta93. Bioconjugate chemistry. vol 19. issue 11. 2009-03-30. PMID:18925771. |
subsequent x-ray analysis of the glycosylated hb crystal showed that the covalently linked lactose derivative is sandwiched between the beta(1) and alpha(2) (and hence by symmetry the beta(2) and alpha(1)) subunits of the tetramer, and the interaction between the saccharide and amino acid residues located at the interface is apparently stabilized by hydrogen bonding interactions. |
2009-03-30 |
2023-08-12 |
cattle |
Yalong Zhang, Veer S Bhatt, Guoyong Sun, Peng G Wang, Andre F Palme. Site-selective glycosylation of hemoglobin on Cys beta93. Bioconjugate chemistry. vol 19. issue 11. 2009-03-30. PMID:18925771. |
the resultant structural analysis of the glycosylated hb helps to explain the shift in the alpha(2)beta(2)-alphabeta equilibrium in terms of the hydrogen bonding interactions at the beta(1)alpha(2)/beta(2)alpha(1) interface. |
2009-03-30 |
2023-08-12 |
cattle |
H Siala, F Ouali, T Messaoud, A Bibi, S Fattou. alpha-Thalassaemia in Tunisia: some epidemiological and molecular data. Journal of genetics. vol 87. issue 3. 2009-03-25. PMID:19147907. |
the results showed six alpha-globin gene molecular defects and were responsible for alpha-thalassaemia: -alpha(3.7), - -(medi), alpha(tsaudi), alpha(2)(cd23gag->stop), hb greone hart: alpha(1)(119cct->tct) corresponding to 11 genotypes out of which two are responsible for hb h disease (- -(med)/-alpha(3.7)) and (alpha(tsaudi)alpha/alpha(tsaudi)alpha) and a newly described polymorphism: alpha+6c->g. |
2009-03-25 |
2023-08-12 |
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Wei Sun, ZiQin Zhai, DanDan Wang, ShuFeng Liu, Kui Jia. Electrochemistry of hemoglobin entrapped in a Nafion/nano-ZnO film on carbon ionic liquid electrode. Bioelectrochemistry (Amsterdam, Netherlands). vol 74. issue 2. 2009-03-23. PMID:19059815. |
the electrochemical parameters of hb in the composite film were further carefully calculated with the results of the electron-transfer rate constant (k(s)) as 0.139 s(-1), the charge transfer coefficient (alpha) as 0.413 and the number of electron transferred (n) as 0.95. |
2009-03-23 |
2023-08-12 |
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F A González Fernández, A Villegas, P Ropero, M D Carreño, E Anguita, M Polo, A Pascual, A Henánde. Haemoglobinopathies with high oxygen affinity. Experience of Erythropathology Cooperative Spanish Group. Annals of hematology. vol 88. issue 3. 2009-02-06. PMID:18818920. |
of the ten haemoglobinopathies, in four (the hb san diego, the hb johnstown, the hb malmö and the hb columbia-missouri), the change of amino acid affects zones of the contact alpha(1)beta(2); in two variants (the hb strasbourg and the hb syracuse), it affects the unions with 2,3-dpg in the central cavity; in the other two (the hb badalona and the hb la coruña), the cavity of contact with the group haem is affected; in one (hb bethesda), it affects the zone of contact alpha(1)beta(1;) and in one (hb olympia), the position 20 of the chain in the helix b in the surface of the protein is affected. |
2009-02-06 |
2023-08-12 |
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Tao Hu, Dongxia Li, Belur N Manjula, Michael Brenowitz, Muthuchidambaram Prabhakaran, Seetharama A Achary. PEGylation of Val-1(alpha) destabilizes the tetrameric structure of hemoglobin. Biochemistry. vol 48. issue 3. 2009-02-04. PMID:19119852. |
in order to provide a biochemical insight into the tetramer-dimer dissociation of this pegylated hb, we prepared and characterized two pegylated hbs site-specifically modified at val-1(alpha) and at val-1(beta), respectively. |
2009-02-04 |
2023-08-12 |
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Tao Hu, Dongxia Li, Belur N Manjula, Michael Brenowitz, Muthuchidambaram Prabhakaran, Seetharama A Achary. PEGylation of Val-1(alpha) destabilizes the tetrameric structure of hemoglobin. Biochemistry. vol 48. issue 3. 2009-02-04. PMID:19119852. |
pegylation at val-1(alpha) and at val-1(beta) increase the tetramer-dimer dissociation constant (k(d)) of hb by 2 and 1 order of magnitude, respectively. |
2009-02-04 |
2023-08-12 |
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Tao Hu, Dongxia Li, Belur N Manjula, Michael Brenowitz, Muthuchidambaram Prabhakaran, Seetharama A Achary. PEGylation of Val-1(alpha) destabilizes the tetrameric structure of hemoglobin. Biochemistry. vol 48. issue 3. 2009-02-04. PMID:19119852. |
in order to determine the role of the polyethylene glycol (peg) chains on the tetramer stability of hb, we prepared a propylated hb site-specifically modified at val-1(alpha). |
2009-02-04 |
2023-08-12 |
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Tao Hu, Dongxia Li, Belur N Manjula, Michael Brenowitz, Muthuchidambaram Prabhakaran, Seetharama A Achary. PEGylation of Val-1(alpha) destabilizes the tetrameric structure of hemoglobin. Biochemistry. vol 48. issue 3. 2009-02-04. PMID:19119852. |
interestingly, site-specific propylation of hb at val-l(alpha) stabilizes the hb tetramer by 1 order of magnitude. |
2009-02-04 |
2023-08-12 |
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Tao Hu, Dongxia Li, Belur N Manjula, Michael Brenowitz, Muthuchidambaram Prabhakaran, Seetharama A Achary. PEGylation of Val-1(alpha) destabilizes the tetrameric structure of hemoglobin. Biochemistry. vol 48. issue 3. 2009-02-04. PMID:19119852. |
therefore, conjugation of the peg chains at val-1(alpha) can greatly destabilize the tetramer stability of hb. |
2009-02-04 |
2023-08-12 |
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Tao Hu, Dongxia Li, Belur N Manjula, Michael Brenowitz, Muthuchidambaram Prabhakaran, Seetharama A Achary. PEGylation of Val-1(alpha) destabilizes the tetrameric structure of hemoglobin. Biochemistry. vol 48. issue 3. 2009-02-04. PMID:19119852. |
on the structural aspects, the peg chains conjugated at va-1(alpha) unfavorably alter the heme environment and quaternary structure and destabilize the alpha1beta2 interface of hb. |
2009-02-04 |
2023-08-12 |
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Tao Hu, Dongxia Li, Belur N Manjula, Michael Brenowitz, Muthuchidambaram Prabhakaran, Seetharama A Achary. PEGylation of Val-1(alpha) destabilizes the tetrameric structure of hemoglobin. Biochemistry. vol 48. issue 3. 2009-02-04. PMID:19119852. |
on the functional aspects, the peg chains conjugated at val-1(alpha) decrease the hill coefficient, the bohr effect of hb and the sensitization to the presence of the allosteric effectors. |
2009-02-04 |
2023-08-12 |
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Varvara Douna, Ioannis Papassotiriou, Alexandra Stamoulakatou, Anna Metaxotou-Mavrommati, Emmanuel Kanavakis, Joanne Traeger-Synodino. Association of mild and severely unstable alpha chain variants: the first observation of a compound heterozygote with Hb Setif [alpha94(G1)Asp-->Tyr (alpha2)] and Hb Agrinio [alpha29(B10)Leu-->Pro (alpha2)] in a Greek family. Hemoglobin. vol 32. issue 6. 2009-02-02. PMID:19065338. |
association of mild and severely unstable alpha chain variants: the first observation of a compound heterozygote with hb setif [alpha94(g1)asp-->tyr (alpha2)] and hb agrinio [alpha29(b10)leu-->pro (alpha2)] in a greek family. |
2009-02-02 |
2023-08-12 |
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J M López Góme. [Management of anemia in chronic kidney disease]. Nefrologia : publicacion oficial de la Sociedad Espanola Nefrologia. vol 28 Suppl 3. 2009-01-07. PMID:19018741. |
resistance to esas: a hyporesponse to esas is considered to be present when an hb level of 11 g/dl is not achieved with a dose of epoetin > 300 iu/kg/week or a dose of darbepoetin alpha > 1.5 microg/kg/week (strength of recommendation b). |
2009-01-07 |
2023-08-12 |
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Gianna Panetta, Alessandro Arcovito, Veronica Morea, Andrea Bellelli, Adriana Erica Miel. Hb(alphaalpha,betabeta): a novel fusion construct for a dimeric, four-domain hemoglobin. Biochimica et biophysica acta. vol 1784. issue 10. 2008-12-31. PMID:18267132. |
in this paper we investigated a novel protein, hb(alphaalpha,betabeta) obtained as a combination of two homodimers alpha(2) and beta(2) both derived from a fusion gene containing two alfa chains or two beta chains, each respectively coupled via a specific linker. |
2008-12-31 |
2023-08-12 |
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Ami D Patel, Judith M Nocek, Brian M Hoffma. Kinetic-dynamic model for conformational control of an electron transfer photocycle: mixed-metal hemoglobin hybrids. The journal of physical chemistry. B. vol 112. issue 37. 2008-12-12. PMID:18717535. |
this model successfully describes the changes in the et photocycle within the "predocked" mixed-metal hemoglobin (hb) hybrid, [alpha(zn), beta(fe3+n 3 (-))], as conformational kinetics are modulated by variations in viscosity (eta = 1-15 cp; 20 degrees c). |
2008-12-12 |
2023-08-12 |
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Ami D Patel, Judith M Nocek, Brian M Hoffma. Kinetic-dynamic model for conformational control of an electron transfer photocycle: mixed-metal hemoglobin hybrids. The journal of physical chemistry. B. vol 112. issue 37. 2008-12-12. PMID:18717535. |
current ideas about hb function lead to the testable hypothesis that et in the hybrid may be coupled to allosteric fluctuations of the two [alpha 1, beta 2] dimers of hb. |
2008-12-12 |
2023-08-12 |
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Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya, Sunisa Chirakul, Hataichanok Srivorakun, Goonnapa Fucharoen, Supan Fucharoen, Yossombat Changtrakul, Pattara Sanchaisuriy. Effective screening for double heterozygosity of Hb E/alpha0-thalassemia. Annals of hematology. vol 87. issue 11. 2008-11-12. PMID:18575861. |
it is concluded that hb e level < 26%, mcv < 74 fl, and mch < 24 pg could be used for screening alpha(o)-thalassemia in heterozygous hb e. however, to improve specificity and ppv of the tests, a combination of hb e level < 26% with either mcv < 74 fl or mch < 24 pg is recommended. |
2008-11-12 |
2023-08-12 |
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Onekham Savongsy, Supan Fucharoen, Goonnapa Fucharoen, Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya, Nattaya Sae-Un. Thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in pregnant Lao women: carrier screening, prevalence and molecular basis. Annals of hematology. vol 87. issue 8. 2008-10-30. PMID:18414862. |
three clinically important forms of thalassemia including alpha(o)-, beta-thalassemia, and hb e were identified in 39 (12.7%), 11 (3.6%), and 93 (30.2%) subjects, respectively. |
2008-10-30 |
2023-08-12 |
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Vineeta Sharma, Ved Prakash Choudhry, Renu Saxen. Association of HbE with Hb Lepore and alpha triplication in a Bengali family. Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry. vol 395. issue 1-2. 2008-10-20. PMID:18502204. |
association of hbe with hb lepore and alpha triplication in a bengali family. |
2008-10-20 |
2023-08-12 |
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