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W G Wood, M E Pembrey, G R Serjeant, R P Perrine, D J Weatheral. Hb F synthesis in sickle cell anaemia: a comparison of Saudi Arab cases with those of African origin. British journal of haematology. vol 45. issue 3. 1981-01-16. PMID:6158984. |
a high proportion of the cases in both groups were carriers of alpha thalassaemia in addition to ss, but no effect of alpha thalassaemia on hb f production was observed. |
1981-01-16 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
D R Higgs, L Pressley, J B Clegg, D J Weatherall, S Higgs, P Carey, G R Serjean. Detection of alpha thalassaemia in Negro infants. British journal of haematology. vol 46. issue 1. 1981-01-16. PMID:7426451. |
the results indicate that the genotypes alpha alpha/alpha alpha, -- alpha/alpha alpha and -- alpha/ -- alpha are associated with 0%, 0.1-2%, and greater than 2% hb bart's respectively. |
1981-01-16 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
D R Higgs, L Pressley, J B Clegg, D J Weatherall, S Higgs, P Carey, G R Serjean. Detection of alpha thalassaemia in Negro infants. British journal of haematology. vol 46. issue 1. 1981-01-16. PMID:7426451. |
although trace amounts of hb bart's may be associated with the genotype -- alpha/alpha alpha this is not always the case and therefore haemoglobin analysis in the neonatal period cannot be used to diagnose this genotype with any certainty. |
1981-01-16 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
A Hayashi, T Fujita, M Fujimura, K Titan. A new abnormal fetal hemoglobin, Hb FM-Osaka (alpha 2 gamma 2 63His replaced by Tyr). Hemoglobin. vol 4. issue 3-4. 1980-12-18. PMID:6158500. |
a new abnormal fetal hemoglobin, hb fm-osaka (alpha 2 gamma 2 63his replaced by tyr). |
1980-12-18 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
C Poyart, E Bursaux, A Arnone, J Bonaventura, C Bonaventur. Structural and functional studies of hemoglobin Suresnes (arg 141 alpha 2 replaced by His beta 2). Consequences of disrupting an oxygen-linked anion-binding site. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 255. issue 19. 1980-11-24. PMID:7410435. |
hb suresnes is a human hemoglobin variant in which histidine replaces arginine at the cooh terminus of the alpha chains. |
1980-11-24 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
L M Garrick, M J McDonald, R Shapiro, M Bleichman, M McManus, H F Bun. Structural analysis of the minor human hemoglobin components: Hb AIa1, Hb AIa2 and Hb AIb. European journal of biochemistry. vol 106. issue 2. 1980-10-24. PMID:6772437. |
we separated the alpha and beta globin chains from purified hb aia1, hb aia2 and hb aib by ion-exchange chromatography. |
1980-10-24 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
C A Harasym, R A Stinso. Asymmetric hybrids between hemoglobin Alberta (alpha 2 beta 2 101 Glu replaced by Gly) and hemoglobins A, A2 or F1 in different liganded states. Clinical biochemistry. vol 13. issue 2. 1980-09-26. PMID:6156029. |
isoelectric focusing in cylindrical polyacrylamide gels has been used to demonstrate the formation of asymmetric hybrids between an abnormal hemoglobin, hb alberta (alpha 2 beta 2 101 glu replaced by gly), and hb a (alpha 2 beta 2), hb a2 (alpha 2 delta 2) or hb f1 (alpha 2 gamma 2 acetyl). |
1980-09-26 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
C A Harasym, R A Stinso. Asymmetric hybrids between hemoglobin Alberta (alpha 2 beta 2 101 Glu replaced by Gly) and hemoglobins A, A2 or F1 in different liganded states. Clinical biochemistry. vol 13. issue 2. 1980-09-26. PMID:6156029. |
two mixed liganded hybrids, (alpha beta a)oxy (alpha beta alberta)cyanmet and (alpha beta a)cyanmet (alpha beta alberta)oxy were also demonstrated and found to have stabilities similar to that of the hb alberta hybrids. |
1980-09-26 |
2023-08-12 |
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A Abramov, H Lehmann, L Rob. Hb Shaare Zedek (alpha 56 E5 Lys leads to Glu). FEBS letters. vol 113. issue 2. 1980-09-26. PMID:7389895. |
hb shaare zedek (alpha 56 e5 lys leads to glu). |
1980-09-26 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
U E Carcassi, A Pintu. beta 0-Thalassemia in association with Hb Leslie (alpha 2 beta 2 131Gln leads to O) in a Sardinian family. Hemoglobin. vol 4. issue 2. 1980-09-26. PMID:7390864. |
beta 0-thalassemia in association with hb leslie (alpha 2 beta 2 131gln leads to o) in a sardinian family. |
1980-09-26 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
D Loukopoulos, A Karoulias, P Fessa. Proteolysis in thalassemia: studies with protease inhibitors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. vol 344. 1980-09-23. PMID:6930874. |
"globin" containing analog residues were degraded easier than free alpha- and beta-globin chains; free alpha or beta hb chains are not proteolysed. |
1980-09-23 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
G B Sancar, M M Cedeno, R F Riede. The varied arrangement of the alpha globin genes in alpha thalassemia and Hb H disease in American blacks. The Johns Hopkins medical journal. vol 146. issue 6. 1980-08-28. PMID:6155503. |
the varied arrangement of the alpha globin genes in alpha thalassemia and hb h disease in american blacks. |
1980-08-28 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
M Marinucci, F Mavilio, L Tentori, F D'Erasmo, A Colapietro, G de Stasio, S Di Fonz. A new human hemoglobin variant: Hb BARI (alpha 2 45 (CD3) His leads to Gln beta 2). Biochimica et biophysica acta. vol 622. issue 2. 1980-08-28. PMID:7378457. |
a new human hemoglobin variant: hb bari (alpha 2 45 (cd3) his leads to gln beta 2). |
1980-08-28 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
V S Sharma, T S Vedvick, D Magde, R Luth, D Friedman, M R Schmidt, H M Ranne. Kinetics of ligation reactions of rabbit hemoglobin in quaternary R and T states. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 255. issue 12. 1980-08-28. PMID:7380841. |
rabbit hemoglobin alpha chains, on the other hand, exhibit greatly reduced co and o2 combination rates in the r state and are primarily responsible for the overall low co affinity of rabbit hb. |
1980-08-28 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
V S Sharma, T S Vedvick, D Magde, R Luth, D Friedman, M R Schmidt, H M Ranne. Kinetics of ligation reactions of rabbit hemoglobin in quaternary R and T states. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 255. issue 12. 1980-08-28. PMID:7380841. |
we postulate that the low ligand affinity of alpha chains in rabbit hb is due to the substitution of larger residues at positions b10(leu leads to val), cd6(leu leads to phe), and cd7(ser leads to thr). |
1980-08-28 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
G Sanna, F Frau, M A Melis, R Galanello, S De Virgiliis, A Ca. Interaction between the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency and thalassaemia genes at phenotype level. British journal of haematology. vol 44. issue 4. 1980-08-25. PMID:7378315. |
g6pd+ beta thalassaemia carriers show a significant increase in g6pd levels expressed as activity per g of hb and to lesser extent as activity per number of red cells x 10(9); in g6pd+ alpha thalassaemia carriers this increase is statistically significant only when the enzyme levels are expressed as activity per g of hb. |
1980-08-25 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
A E Felice, S M Mayson, B B Webber, A Miller, M E Gravely, T H Huisma. Hb S, Hb G-Philadelphia and alpha-thalassemia-2 in a Black family. Pediatric research. vol 14. issue 3. 1980-08-25. PMID:7383748. |
this is consistent with a diagnosis of hb g-philadelphia trait in association with a homozygous alpha-thalassemia-2 (alpha 0 alpha/alpha 0 alpha g; beta a/beta a). |
1980-08-25 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
A E Felice, S M Mayson, B B Webber, A Miller, M E Gravely, T H Huisma. Hb S, Hb G-Philadelphia and alpha-thalassemia-2 in a Black family. Pediatric research. vol 14. issue 3. 1980-08-25. PMID:7383748. |
the mother and another son also had hb g-philadelphia in association with hb s trait but with 37% hb g-philadelphia and with 39% hb s. hemotological and biosynthetic studies confirm the assignment of the alpha alpha/alpha 0 alpha g; beta a/beta s genotype in both and that of the alpha alpha/alpha 0 alpha; beta a/beta a genotype in the father. |
1980-08-25 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
A E Felice, S M Mayson, B B Webber, A Miller, M E Gravely, T H Huisma. Hb S, Hb G-Philadelphia and alpha-thalassemia-2 in a Black family. Pediatric research. vol 14. issue 3. 1980-08-25. PMID:7383748. |
when the propositus was studied again, but at six months of age, the proportion of hb g-philadelphia in peripheral blood was unchanged, a marked microcytosis and hypochromia were observed, and a distinct deficiency of alpha chain synthesis (alpha/non-alpha = 0.56) was present. |
1980-08-25 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
G Gacon, D Lostanlen, D Labie, J C Kapla. Interaction between cytochrome b5 and hemoglobin: involvement of beta 66 (E10) and beta 95 (FG2) lysyl residues of hemoglobin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. vol 77. issue 4. 1980-07-12. PMID:6769116. |
in order to refine this model, three surface lysyl hemoglobin variants--namely hb n baltimore beta 95 (fg2) lys leads to glu, hb i toulouse beta 66 (e10) lys leads to glu, and hb i philadelphia alpha 16 (a14) lys leads to glu--have been studied with respect to their reducibility and ability to bind cytochrome b5. |
1980-07-12 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |