All Relations between hb and alpha

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
K Nagai, Y Enoki, S Tomita, T Teshim. Trypsin-catalyzed synthesis of peptide bond in human hemoglobin. Oxygen binding characteristics of Gly-NH2(142 alpha) Hb. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 257. issue 4. 1982-04-12. PMID:7056733. gly-nh2(142 alpha) hb exhibits slightly increased affinity for oxygen and slightly reduced heme-heme interaction as compared with normal hb a. 1982-04-12 2023-08-12 human
K Nagai, Y Enoki, S Tomita, T Teshim. Trypsin-catalyzed synthesis of peptide bond in human hemoglobin. Oxygen binding characteristics of Gly-NH2(142 alpha) Hb. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 257. issue 4. 1982-04-12. PMID:7056733. although gly-nh2(142 alpha) hb exhibits normal 2,3-diphosphoglycerate effect, the alkaline bohr effect and chloride effect are diminished. 1982-04-12 2023-08-12 human
K Nagai, Y Enoki, S Tomita, T Teshim. Trypsin-catalyzed synthesis of peptide bond in human hemoglobin. Oxygen binding characteristics of Gly-NH2(142 alpha) Hb. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 257. issue 4. 1982-04-12. PMID:7056733. gly-nh2(142 alpha) hb restores normal oxygen binding properties upon trypsin digestion which removes gly-nh2 from the cooh terminus of the alpha subunit. 1982-04-12 2023-08-12 human
Y Ohta, S Saito, S Fujita, J B Wilson, H Lam, T H Huisma. Hb F-Meinohama or alpha 2 gamma 2 (5 Glu replaced by Gly; 75 Ile; 136 Gly). Hemoglobin. vol 5. issue 6. 1982-03-26. PMID:6172403. hb f-meinohama or alpha 2 gamma 2 (5 glu replaced by gly; 75 ile; 136 gly). 1982-03-26 2023-08-12 Not clear
I Iuchi, S Shimasaki, K Hidaka, S Ueda, S Shibata, J Mizushima, H Harad. Hb Ube-2 (alpha 68[e-17]Asn replaced by Asp): the second instance in Japan. Hemoglobin. vol 5. issue 6. 1982-03-26. PMID:7319829. hb ube-2 (alpha 68[e-17]asn replaced by asp): the second instance in japan. 1982-03-26 2023-08-12 Not clear
B Ibarra, E Franco-Gamboa, M L Ramírez, J M Cantú, J B Wilson, H Lam, T H Huisma. Hb Chiapas alpha 2 114 Pro replaced by Arg beta 2: identification by high pressure liquid chromatography. Hemoglobin. vol 5. issue 6. 1982-03-26. PMID:7319830. hb chiapas alpha 2 114 pro replaced by arg beta 2: identification by high pressure liquid chromatography. 1982-03-26 2023-08-12 Not clear
C F Poyart, P Guesnon, B M Boh. The measurement of the intrinsic alkaline Bohr effect of various human haemoglobins by isoelectric focusing. The Biochemical journal. vol 195. issue 2. 1982-02-12. PMID:7316965. when the c-terminus of the beta-chains is altered, as in hb nancy (alpha(2)beta(tyr-145-->asp) (2)), we observed a 70% decrease in the deltapi value compared with that measured in haemoglobin a(0). 1982-02-12 2023-08-12 human
R Shapiro, M McManus, L Garrick, M J McDonald, H F Bun. Nonenzymatic glycosylation of human hemoglobin at multiple sites. Metabolism: clinical and experimental. vol 28. issue 4 Suppl 1. 1982-01-28. PMID:122295. in addition, a significant portion of the major hemoglobin component (hb ao) is also glycosylated by a glucose ketoamine linkage at other sites on the molecule, including the n-terminus of the alpha chain and the epsilon-amino group of several lysine residues on both the alpha and the beta chains. 1982-01-28 2023-08-11 human
R Zittoun, F Galacteros, F Braconnier, J Soria, B Lebeau, J Bousser, J Ros. [Clinical studies of the erythrocytosis produced by a new hemoglobin with oxygen affinity : Hb Hôtel-Dieu alpha 2A beta 2 Asp replaced by Gly (author's transl)]. Annales de medecine interne. vol 132. issue 4. 1982-01-09. PMID:7305170. [clinical studies of the erythrocytosis produced by a new hemoglobin with oxygen affinity : hb hôtel-dieu alpha 2a beta 2 asp replaced by gly (author's transl)]. 1982-01-09 2023-08-12 Not clear
A E Felice, B B Webber, T H Huisma. Alpha-thalassemia and the production of different alpha chain variants in heterozygotes. Biochemical genetics. vol 19. issue 5-6. 1981-12-15. PMID:7295286. the production of five alpha chain variants (hb g-georgia, hb st. luke's, hb lloyd, hb montgomery, and hb g-philadelphia) in heterozygotes was evaluated through hematological observations, hemoglobin quantification, and biosynthetic studies. 1981-12-15 2023-08-12 Not clear
A E Felice, B B Webber, T H Huisma. Alpha-thalassemia and the production of different alpha chain variants in heterozygotes. Biochemical genetics. vol 19. issue 5-6. 1981-12-15. PMID:7295286. they were assigned a normal genotype (alpha alpha g/alpha alpha), although the proportions of hb st. luke's and hb g-georgia were low (10 to 13%) and those of hb lloyd and hb montgomery twice as high (20%). 1981-12-15 2023-08-12 Not clear
A E Felice, B B Webber, T H Huisma. Alpha-thalassemia and the production of different alpha chain variants in heterozygotes. Biochemical genetics. vol 19. issue 5-6. 1981-12-15. PMID:7295286. isolated hb st. luke's and hb g-georgia gave low alpha g/beta values (0.2 and 0.3) indicating that these hb variants were defective at the level of hb assembly. 1981-12-15 2023-08-12 Not clear
A E Felice, B B Webber, T H Huisma. Alpha-thalassemia and the production of different alpha chain variants in heterozygotes. Biochemical genetics. vol 19. issue 5-6. 1981-12-15. PMID:7295286. isolated hb montgomery and hb g-philadelphia, however, gave higher alpha g/beta values of 0.6 and 0.8, respectively. 1981-12-15 2023-08-12 Not clear
G Schilirò, S Musumeci, A Russo, G Russo, M Marinucci, A Giampaolo, L Cianetti, L Tentor. HB Shepherds Bush (alpha 2 beta 2 74 (E18) Gly replaced by Asp) in two Italian carriers. Hemoglobin. vol 5. issue 5. 1981-11-22. PMID:7275665. hb shepherds bush (alpha 2 beta 2 74 (e18) gly replaced by asp) in two italian carriers. 1981-11-22 2023-08-12 Not clear
M S Bektas, F A Bieber, G Braunitze. Hemoglobins, XLI. The embryonic hemoglobins of mammal. A new hemoglobin, hemoglobin Heide II (Hb HeII: alpha 2 epsilon 2), and demonstration of the hemoglobin structure of gower I (zeta 3 epsilon 2) in the pig embryo. Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift fur physiologische Chemie. vol 362. issue 7. 1981-11-18. PMID:6168553. a new hemoglobin, hemoglobin heide ii (hb heii: alpha 2 epsilon 2), and demonstration of the hemoglobin structure of gower i (zeta 3 epsilon 2) in the pig embryo. 1981-11-18 2023-08-12 human
M S Bektas, F A Bieber, G Braunitze. Hemoglobins, XLI. The embryonic hemoglobins of mammal. A new hemoglobin, hemoglobin Heide II (Hb HeII: alpha 2 epsilon 2), and demonstration of the hemoglobin structure of gower I (zeta 3 epsilon 2) in the pig embryo. Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift fur physiologische Chemie. vol 362. issue 7. 1981-11-18. PMID:6168553. two of these hemoglobins are previously described as hb gower ii (alpha 2 epsilon 2) and heide i (zeta 2 epsilon 2). 1981-11-18 2023-08-12 human
M S Bektas, F A Bieber, G Braunitze. Hemoglobins, XLI. The embryonic hemoglobins of mammal. A new hemoglobin, hemoglobin Heide II (Hb HeII: alpha 2 epsilon 2), and demonstration of the hemoglobin structure of gower I (zeta 3 epsilon 2) in the pig embryo. Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift fur physiologische Chemie. vol 362. issue 7. 1981-11-18. PMID:6168553. therefore, this new hemoglobin is named, in analogy, as hb heide ii (alpha 2 epsilon 2). 1981-11-18 2023-08-12 human
J S Philo, M L Adams, T M Schuste. Association-dependent absorption spectra of oxyhemoglobin A and its subunits. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 256. issue 15. 1981-10-14. PMID:7263633. we have studied the variation of the absorption spectra of oxygenated alpha sh and beta sh subunits of human hb a as a function of their state of association (i.e. 1981-10-14 2023-08-12 human
E J Benz, B W Berman, B L Tonkonow, E Coupal, T Coates, L A Boxer, A Altman, J G Adam. Molecular analysis of the beta-thalassemia phenotype associated with inheritance of hemoglobin E (alpha 2 beta2(26)Glu leads to Lys). The Journal of clinical investigation. vol 68. issue 1. 1981-09-25. PMID:6166632. in hb e-beta-thalassemia the betaa + betae (alpha globin nrna ratio observed were substantially lower than those obtained from reticulocytes of patients with heterozygous beta-thalassemia, or hb s-betao-thalassemia, while in hb e trait, the betaa + betae/alpha mrna ratio was in the ranged observed for beta-thalassemia trait. 1981-09-25 2023-08-12 Not clear
E George, G Selama. Haemaglobin Bart's in cord blood of Malaysians. The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health. vol 12. issue 1. 1981-09-25. PMID:6894805. in the newborn the diagnosis of alpha thalassaemia trait is easier because of the presence of haemoglobin bart's (hb bart's). 1981-09-25 2023-08-12 Not clear