All Relations between hb and alpha

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
Y Ohba, T Miyaji, M Matsuoka, M Morito, I Iuch. Characterization of Hb Ube-4: alpha 116 (GH4) Glu yield Ala. Hemoglobin. vol 2. issue 2. 1978-06-28. PMID:640856. characterization of hb ube-4: alpha 116 (gh4) glu yield ala. 1978-06-28 2023-08-11 Not clear
G Martinez, F Lima, C Residenti, B Colomb. Hb J Camaguey alpha 2 141(HC3) Arg replaced by Gly beta 2: a new abnormal human hemoglobin. Hemoglobin. vol 2. issue 1. 1978-06-17. PMID:640841. hb j camaguey alpha 2 141(hc3) arg replaced by gly beta 2: a new abnormal human hemoglobin. 1978-06-17 2023-08-11 human
M Marinucci, F Mavilio, L Tentori, R Albert. HB O Indonesia (alpha 2 116(GH4) Glu replaced by Lys beta 2) in association with beta thalassemia. Hemoglobin. vol 2. issue 1. 1978-06-17. PMID:640843. hb o indonesia (alpha 2 116(gh4) glu replaced by lys beta 2) in association with beta thalassemia. 1978-06-17 2023-08-11 Not clear
T Kagimoto, Y Morino, S Kishimot. A new hemoglobin variant. HB Yatsushiro alpha 2 A beta 2 60 Val replaced by Leu. Biochimica et biophysica acta. vol 532. issue 1. 1978-03-29. PMID:620052. hb yatsushiro alpha 2 a beta 2 60 val replaced by leu. 1978-03-29 2023-08-11 Not clear
P Pich, G Saglio, C Camaschella, O David, M A Vasino, G Ricco, U Mazz. Interaction between Hb Hasharon and alpha-thalassemia: an approach to the problem of the number of human alpha loci. Blood. vol 51. issue 2. 1978-03-21. PMID:620088. interaction between hb hasharon and alpha-thalassemia: an approach to the problem of the number of human alpha loci. 1978-03-21 2023-08-11 human
P Pich, G Saglio, C Camaschella, O David, M A Vasino, G Ricco, U Mazz. Interaction between Hb Hasharon and alpha-thalassemia: an approach to the problem of the number of human alpha loci. Blood. vol 51. issue 2. 1978-03-21. PMID:620088. on the other hand, in the askenazy carriers of hb hasharon, hb harsharon is probably linked to a normal alpha gene. 1978-03-21 2023-08-11 human
P Pich, G Saglio, C Camaschella, O David, M A Vasino, G Ricco, U Mazz. Interaction between Hb Hasharon and alpha-thalassemia: an approach to the problem of the number of human alpha loci. Blood. vol 51. issue 2. 1978-03-21. PMID:620088. in comparing hb hasharon's behavior with that of other alpha variants, particularly hbg philadelphia, frequent recombinations between alpha structural genes were suggested. 1978-03-21 2023-08-11 human
M L North, M C Garel, J Thillet, A Gardea, J M Lévy, J Ros. [Clinical, structural and functional studies of HbG Philadelphia detected in a Moroccan newborn]. Nouvelle revue francaise d'hematologie; blood cells. vol 18. issue 3. 1978-03-10. PMID:600779. hb g alpha philadelphia is stable. 1978-03-10 2023-08-11 Not clear
J T Wilson, J K deRiel, B G Forget, C A Marotta, S M Weissma. Nucleotide sequence of 3' untranslated portion of human alpha globin mRNA. Nucleic acids research. vol 4. issue 7. 1977-11-30. PMID:909779. we have determined the nucleotide sequence of 75 nucleotides of the 3'-untranslated portion of normal human alpha globin mrna which corresponds to the elongated amino acid sequence of the chain termination mutant hb constant spring. 1977-11-30 2023-08-11 human
R G Schneider, B Hightowe. Structure in relation to behavior of mutant hemoglobins in citrate agar electrophoresis. Hemoglobin. vol 1. issue 5. 1977-10-31. PMID:893140. more than a third of the alpha chain mutants (11 of the 27 examined) and half of the beta chain mutants (29 of 55) differ to some extent from hb a. 1977-10-31 2023-08-11 Not clear
G Trabuchet, J Pagnier, M Benabadji, D Labi. Homozygous cases for hemoglobin J Mexico (alpha54 (E3)Gln replaced by Glu) evidence for a duplicated alpha gene with unequal expression. Hemoglobin. vol 1. issue 1. 1977-10-31. PMID:1052168. those with 55% hb j are considered to be homozygous for a chromosome carrying both a normal alpha chain locus and a locus for alphaj. 1977-10-31 2023-08-11 human
G Trabuchet, J Pagnier, M Benabadji, D Labi. Homozygous cases for hemoglobin J Mexico (alpha54 (E3)Gln replaced by Glu) evidence for a duplicated alpha gene with unequal expression. Hemoglobin. vol 1. issue 1. 1977-10-31. PMID:1052168. in two heterozygotes a slightly higher proportion of the hb j (38%) suggests the presence of a single normal alpha chain locus in trans. 1977-10-31 2023-08-11 human
E Ahern, V Ahern, W Holder, E Palomino, G R Serjeant, J Clarke, B Brimhall, R T Jone. Gamma chain variants in Jamaican newborns. Hemoglobin. vol 1. issue 2. 1977-10-31. PMID:1052178. both hb f victoria jubilee samples occurred in somewhat lower proportions of the total hb f compared with hb f port royal and exhibited an apparent increase of free alpha chains in the whole hemolysate. 1977-10-31 2023-08-11 Not clear
b' E Stojimirovi\\xc4\\x87, D Beksedi\\xc4\\x87, T Cahurska, L Todorovi\\xc4\\x87, M Krivokapi\\xc4\\x8. [Clinical and hematological characteristics of heterozygote carriers of a new pathological hemoglobin alpha series "Hb Serbia"]. Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo. vol 104. issue 7-8. 1977-06-30. PMID:1025770.' [clinical and hematological characteristics of heterozygote carriers of a new pathological hemoglobin alpha series "hb serbia"]. 1977-06-30 2023-08-11 Not clear
C Bauer, A Kurt. Oxygen-linked CO2 binding to isolated beta subunits of human hemoglobin. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 252. issue 9. 1977-06-22. PMID:16010. it is known that most of the oxygen-linked carbamate which is formed in normal adult human hemoglobin (hb a) is confined to the beta subunits rather than to the alpha subunits. 1977-06-22 2023-08-11 human
C Bauer, A Kurt. Oxygen-linked CO2 binding to isolated beta subunits of human hemoglobin. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 252. issue 9. 1977-06-22. PMID:16010. in order to find out if similar differences exist in the isolated protomers of hb a we have measured the effect of various pressures of carbon dioxide (pco2) on the oxygen affinity in the following heme pigments: isolated alpha and beta subunits with free --sh groups (alphash, betash), mercurated beta subunits (betapmb), myoglobin (mb), and betash/plp in which the terminal alpha-amino group of betash was irreversibly blocked with pyridoxal phosphate (plp). 1977-06-22 2023-08-11 human
G Steffens, G Steffens, G Bus. Hemoglobin M Oldenburg identified as HB alpha 2 87(F8)His replaced by Tyr beta 2. Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift fur physiologische Chemie. vol 358. issue 1. 1977-04-25. PMID:838469. hemoglobin m oldenburg identified as hb alpha 2 87(f8)his replaced by tyr beta 2. 1977-04-25 2023-08-11 Not clear
G Steffens, G Steffens, G Bus. Hemoglobin M Oldenburg identified as HB alpha 2 87(F8)His replaced by Tyr beta 2. Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift fur physiologische Chemie. vol 358. issue 1. 1977-04-25. PMID:838469. the abnormal hemoblobin designated as hb m oldenburg and already characterized as alpha 2 (72,87 or 89)his replaced by tyr beta 2 was further identified by isolation, amino acid analysis and automated sequencing of the altered tryptic peptide alpha tix. 1977-04-25 2023-08-11 Not clear
G Steffens, G Steffens, G Bus. Hemoglobin M Oldenburg identified as HB alpha 2 87(F8)His replaced by Tyr beta 2. Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift fur physiologische Chemie. vol 358. issue 1. 1977-04-25. PMID:838469. thus hb m oldenburg has to be described as alpha 2 87(f8)his replaced by tyr beta 2 and is, therefore, identical with the mutant hemoblobins m iwate and m kankakee. 1977-04-25 2023-08-11 Not clear
H Twilfer, K Gersond. Non-equivalence and inverse allosteric response of the alpha and beta chains in haemoglobins. An electron spin resonance study of NO-ligated Hb Kansas. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung. Section C, Biosciences. vol 31. issue 11-12. 1977-03-31. PMID:13548. the assignments of the four spectral components to the alpha and the beta chains are arrived at from the comparison of the esr spectra of the alpha2mmet beta2no and of the alpha2mnobeta2no species of hb m iwate. 1977-03-31 2023-08-11 Not clear