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H W Kim, T J Shen, D P Sun, N T Ho, M Madrid, C H. A novel low oxygen affinity recombinant hemoglobin (alpha96val--> Trp): switching quaternary structure without changing the ligation state. Journal of molecular biology. vol 248. issue 4. 1995-06-20. PMID:7752247. |
molecular dynamics simulations suggest that the unique oxygen-binding property of r hb (alpha 96val-->trp) may be due to an extra hydrogen bond between alpha 96trp and beta 99asp in the alpha 1 beta 2 subunit interface in the deoxy form. |
1995-06-20 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
M Orisaka, T Sasaki, J Kato, K Harano, T Haran. [Hb M-Iwate [alpha 87 (F8) His-->Tyr]: analysis of the genomic DNA and biosynthesis]. Rinsho byori. The Japanese journal of clinical pathology. vol 43. issue 3. 1995-06-09. PMID:7745837. |
[hb m-iwate [alpha 87 (f8) his-->tyr]: analysis of the genomic dna and biosynthesis]. |
1995-06-09 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
M Orisaka, T Sasaki, J Kato, K Harano, T Haran. [Hb M-Iwate [alpha 87 (F8) His-->Tyr]: analysis of the genomic DNA and biosynthesis]. Rinsho byori. The Japanese journal of clinical pathology. vol 43. issue 3. 1995-06-09. PMID:7745837. |
hb m-iwate [alpha 87 (f8) his-->tyr] was identified as the cause of cyanosis in a 21-year-old japanese female. |
1995-06-09 |
2023-08-12 |
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E Baysal, M Kleanthous, G Bozkurt, A Kyrri, E Kalogirou, M Angastiniotis, P Ioannou, T H Huisma. alpha-Thalassaemia in the population of Cyprus. British journal of haematology. vol 89. issue 3. 1995-06-02. PMID:7734346. |
the phenotypes were comparable except for great variations in the level of hb h which was highest (average approximately 22%) in the 12 patients with the alpha 5nt alpha/--med-i combination. |
1995-06-02 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
V Jayaraman, T G Spir. Structure of a third cooperativity state of hemoglobin: ultraviolet resonance Raman spectroscopy of cyanomethemoglobin ligation microstates. Biochemistry. vol 34. issue 14. 1995-05-23. PMID:7718552. |
relative to fully ligated tetramers, hb(cn)4, the monoligated hybrids and deoxyhb all show fully developed t/r difference uvrr bands which are associated with t state quaternary contacts across the alpha 1 beta 2 interface, involving the trp beta 37 and tyr alpha 42 residues. |
1995-05-23 |
2023-08-12 |
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U Turpeinen, I Sipilä, P Anttila, U Karjalainen, B Kuronen, N Kalkkinen, T Ahola, U H Stenma. Two alpha-chain hemoglobin variants, Hb Broussais and Hb Cemenelum, characterized by cation-exchange HPLC, isoelectric focusing, and peptide sequencing. Clinical chemistry. vol 41. issue 4. 1995-05-22. PMID:7720241. |
these studies showed that the two variants were hb broussais [alpha 90 (fg2)lys-->asn] and hb cemenelum [alpha 92 (fg4)arg-->trp]. |
1995-05-22 |
2023-08-12 |
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M Kinuta, J L Matteson, H A Itan. Difference in rates of the reaction of various mammalian oxyhemoglobins with phenylhydrazine. Archives of toxicology. vol 69. issue 3. 1995-05-18. PMID:7717880. |
the aerobic reaction of hb with phz resulted in denaturation of hemoprotein, and final reaction products were determined to be beta-meso-phenylbiliverdin ix alpha and n-phenylprotoporphyrin ix. |
1995-05-18 |
2023-08-12 |
dog |
H Wajcman, M Bost, Y Blouquiit, C Préhu, J Riou, F Galactero. Two new alpha chain variants found during glycated hemoglobin screening: Hb Tatras [alpha 7(A5)Lys-->Asn] and HB Lisbon [alpha 23(B4)Glu-->Asp]. Hemoglobin. vol 18. issue 6. 1995-05-16. PMID:7713746. |
two new alpha chain variants found during glycated hemoglobin screening: hb tatras [alpha 7(a5)lys-->asn] and hb lisbon [alpha 23(b4)glu-->asp]. |
1995-05-16 |
2023-08-12 |
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A Yalçin, F Avcu, C Beyan, A Gürgey, A U Ura. A case of HB J-Meerut (or Hb J-Birmingham) [alpha 120(H3)Ala-->Glu]. Hemoglobin. vol 18. issue 6. 1995-05-16. PMID:7713747. |
a case of hb j-meerut (or hb j-birmingham) [alpha 120(h3)ala-->glu]. |
1995-05-16 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
R Galanello, D Gasperini, L Perseu, S Barella, A Ideo, A Ca. Hb A2-Sant' Antioco [alpha 2 delta (2)93(F9)Cys-->Gly]: a new delta chain variant identified by sequencing of amplified DNA. Hemoglobin. vol 18. issue 6. 1995-05-16. PMID:7713748. |
hb a2-sant' antioco [alpha 2 delta (2)93(f9)cys-->gly]: a new delta chain variant identified by sequencing of amplified dna. |
1995-05-16 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
J Rochette, R Barnetson, S L Thein, B Varet, F Valens. Hb Questembert is due to a base substitution (T-->C) in codon 131 of the alpha 2-globin gene and has an alpha-thalassemia biosynthetic ratio. American journal of hematology. vol 48. issue 4. 1995-05-16. PMID:7717382. |
hb questembert is due to a base substitution (t-->c) in codon 131 of the alpha 2-globin gene and has an alpha-thalassemia biosynthetic ratio. |
1995-05-16 |
2023-08-12 |
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A D Adekile, L H Gu, E Baysal, M Z Haider, L al-Fuzae, K C Aboobacker, A al-Rashied, T H Huisma. Molecular characterization of alpha-thalassemia determinants, beta-thalassemia alleles, and beta S haplotypes among Kuwaiti Arabs. Acta haematologica. vol 92. issue 4. 1995-05-02. PMID:7701914. |
of the 30 chromosomes from 15 patients with hb h disease, 26 (86.7%) carried the polyadenylation (poly a) signal mutation (aataaa-->aataag) in the alpha 2-globin gene, 3 (10%) had the -alpha (3.7 kb) deletion, and 1 (3.3%) had the pentanucleotide deletion in the 5' ivs-i splice junction (alpha-5nt alpha). |
1995-05-02 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
A Shimizu, T Nakanish. [Applications of mass spectrometry for clinical laboratory test]. Rinsho byori. The Japanese journal of clinical pathology. vol 43. issue 1. 1995-04-12. PMID:7884970. |
by esi/ms, hemolysate was analyzed and an ion peak of abnormal alpha subunit of hemoglobulin, hb mboston, was clearly separated from the normal alpha subunit. |
1995-04-12 |
2023-08-12 |
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Y Arat. Effect of the tertiary structure alteration by ligation on the interface contacts between subunits of hemoglobin. Biochimica et biophysica acta. vol 1247. issue 1. 1995-04-06. PMID:7873588. |
when an alpha-subunit in deoxy hb is replaced by the corresponding 'o2-liganded subunit', tight inter-subunit contacts between alpha 1fg4(92)arg and the two residues beta 2c3(37)trp and beta 2c6(40)arg strengthen greatly, while, when a beta-subunit is replaced by a corresponding o2-liganded one, serious steric hindrances occur between beta 2fg4(97)his and alpha 1cd2(44)pro. |
1995-04-06 |
2023-08-12 |
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M H Steinberg, H Hsu, R L Nagel, P F Milner, J G Adams, L Benjamin, S Fryd, P Gillette, J Gilman, O Josifovsk. Gender and haplotype effects upon hematological manifestations of adult sickle cell anemia. American journal of hematology. vol 48. issue 3. 1995-03-21. PMID:7532353. |
we studied 384 adult african-american ss patients (mean age, 31 years) and explored the relationship of gender, beta-globin gene cluster haplotype, and alpha thalassemia to hematological values and hb f levels. |
1995-03-21 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
M H Steinberg, H Hsu, R L Nagel, P F Milner, J G Adams, L Benjamin, S Fryd, P Gillette, J Gilman, O Josifovsk. Gender and haplotype effects upon hematological manifestations of adult sickle cell anemia. American journal of hematology. vol 48. issue 3. 1995-03-21. PMID:7532353. |
hb f levels were not affected by the presence of alpha thalassemia in any group. |
1995-03-21 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
H Wajcman, M de Montalembert, R Girot, J Kister, M Maier-Redelsperger, F Galactero. The use of Staphylococcus V8 protease in the structural determination of human hemoglobin variants: HB Valparaiso [alpha 88(F9)Ala-->Gly] example. Hemoglobin. vol 18. issue 4-5. 1995-03-14. PMID:7852082. |
the use of staphylococcus v8 protease in the structural determination of human hemoglobin variants: hb valparaiso [alpha 88(f9)ala-->gly] example. |
1995-03-14 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
H Wajcman, M de Montalembert, R Girot, J Kister, M Maier-Redelsperger, F Galactero. The use of Staphylococcus V8 protease in the structural determination of human hemoglobin variants: HB Valparaiso [alpha 88(F9)Ala-->Gly] example. Hemoglobin. vol 18. issue 4-5. 1995-03-14. PMID:7852082. |
we report here on hb valparaiso [alpha 88(f9)ala-->gly], a new neutral variant with a slight increase in oxygen affinity, that was identified by use of this strategy. |
1995-03-14 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
W B Qin, D D Pobedimskaya, T P Molchanova, J B Wilson, L H Gu, J M de Pablos, T H Huisma. Hb Fannin-Lubbock in five Spanish families is characterized by two mutations: beta 111 GTC-->CTC (Val-->Leu) and beta 119 GGC-->GAC (Gly-->Asp). Hemoglobin. vol 18. issue 4-5. 1995-03-14. PMID:7852084. |
we have sequenced the amplified beta-globin genes of five, apparently unrelated, spanish adults with a fast-moving hemoglobin variant, and observed a ggc-->gac mutation at codon 119 which identified the abnormality as hb fannin-lubbock or alpha 2 beta (2)119(gh2)gly-->asp. |
1995-03-14 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
S R Miranda, E M Kimura, S T Saad, F F Cost. Identification of Hb Zürich [alpha 2 beta 2(63)(E7)His-->Arg] by DNA analysis in a Brazilian family. Hemoglobin. vol 18. issue 4-5. 1995-03-14. PMID:7852089. |
identification of hb zürich [alpha 2 beta 2(63)(e7)his-->arg] by dna analysis in a brazilian family. |
1995-03-14 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |