All Relations between hb and alpha

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
R Motterlini, R Foresti, K Vandegriff, R M Winslo. The autoxidation of alpha alpha cross-linked hemoglobin: a possible role in the oxidative stress to endothelium. Artificial cells, blood substitutes, and immobilization biotechnology. vol 23. issue 3. 1996-01-11. PMID:7493050. however, lactate dehydrogenase (ldh) release, measured as an index of endothelial cell injury, increased in all the hemoglobins examined: alpha alpha hb, 33.8 +/- 1.1 u/l; hba0, 38.5 +/- 3.5 u/l; cnmet alpha alpha hb, 41.9 +/- 4.0 u/l; (control group, 19.4 +/- 2.8 u/l). 1996-01-11 2023-08-12 Not clear
R Motterlini, R Foresti, K Vandegriff, R M Winslo. The autoxidation of alpha alpha cross-linked hemoglobin: a possible role in the oxidative stress to endothelium. Artificial cells, blood substitutes, and immobilization biotechnology. vol 23. issue 3. 1996-01-11. PMID:7493050. we conclude that: 1) the higher rate of oxidation of alpha alpha hb renders the molecule more susceptible to induce endothelial oxidative stress (ho induction); 2) the accelerated methemoglobin formation is directly correlated to intracellular ho content and endothelial heme uptake; 3) persistent cell injury suggests that other factors besides heme release may contribute to the hemoglobin-mediated cytotoxicity. 1996-01-11 2023-08-12 Not clear
L C Chan, J C So, D H Chu. Comparison of haemoglobin H inclusion bodies with embryonic zeta globin in screening for alpha thalassaemia. Journal of clinical pathology. vol 48. issue 9. 1996-01-04. PMID:7490322. to compare the haemoglobin (hb) h inclusion test with immunocytochemical detection of embryonic zeta chains in screening for alpha thalassaemia. 1996-01-04 2023-08-12 Not clear
K Adachi, P Sabnekar, M Adachi, L R Reddy, J Pang, K S Reddy, S Surre. Polymerization of recombinant Hb S-Kempsey (deoxy-R state) and Hb S-Kansas (oxy-T state). The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 270. issue 45. 1995-12-26. PMID:7592928. in order to investigate the role of the r (relaxed) to t (tense) structural transition in facilitating polymerization of deoxy-hb s, we have engineered and expressed two hb s variants which destabilize either t state (hb s-kempsey, alpha 2 beta 2 val-6,asn-99) or r state structures (hb s-kansas, alpha 2 beta 2 val-6, thr-102). 1995-12-26 2023-08-12 Not clear
R A Hernan, S G Sliga. Tetrameric hemoglobin expressed in Escherichia coli. Evidence of heterogeneous subunit assembly. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 270. issue 44. 1995-12-21. PMID:7592833. recombinant alpha 2 beta 2 tetrameric hb expressed and assembled in escherichia coli has been characterized extensively. 1995-12-21 2023-08-12 human
A Dumoulin, L Kiger, R Jiang, V Baudin, C Vasseur, S G Sligar, M C Marden, J Pagnier, C Poyar. Loss of allosteric behaviour in recombinant hemoglobin alpha 2 beta 2(92)(F8) His-->Ala: restoration upon addition of strong effectors. FEBS letters. vol 374. issue 1. 1995-12-05. PMID:7589508. to study the effects of the loss of the iron proximal histidine bond, we have engineered the alpha 2 beta 2(f8)h92a recombinant hb. 1995-12-05 2023-08-12 Not clear
P Winichagoon, S Fucharoen, S Kanokpongsakdi, Y Fukumak. Detection of alpha-thalassemia-1 (Southeast Asian type) and its application for prenatal diagnosis. Clinical genetics. vol 47. issue 6. 1995-11-20. PMID:7554366. in hb bart's hydrops fetalis (--/--), only the 570 bp fragment was obtained, whereas the 194 bp fragment was amplified in normal individual (alpha alpha/alpha alpha) and alpha-thalassemia-2 trait (-alpha/alpha alpha). 1995-11-20 2023-08-12 Not clear
P Winichagoon, S Fucharoen, S Kanokpongsakdi, Y Fukumak. Detection of alpha-thalassemia-1 (Southeast Asian type) and its application for prenatal diagnosis. Clinical genetics. vol 47. issue 6. 1995-11-20. PMID:7554366. both 570 and 194 bp fragments were detected in alpha-thalassemia-1 trait (--/alpha alpha) and hb h patients (--/-alpha). 1995-11-20 2023-08-12 Not clear
J T Prchal, B Adler, J B Wilson, E Baysal, W B Qin, T P Molchanova, D D Pobedimskaya, E G Kazanetz, T H Huisma. Hb Bibba or alpha 2 136(H19)Leu-->Pro beta 2 in a Caucasian family from Alabama. Hemoglobin. vol 19. issue 3-4. 1995-11-06. PMID:7558871. hb bibba or alpha 2 136(h19)leu-->pro beta 2 in a caucasian family from alabama. 1995-11-06 2023-08-12 Not clear
J T Prchal, B Adler, J B Wilson, E Baysal, W B Qin, T P Molchanova, D D Pobedimskaya, E G Kazanetz, T H Huisma. Hb Bibba or alpha 2 136(H19)Leu-->Pro beta 2 in a Caucasian family from Alabama. Hemoglobin. vol 19. issue 3-4. 1995-11-06. PMID:7558871. several members of a large caucasian family who presented with a congenital heinz body hemolytic anemia were found to be carriers of the unstable hb bibba or alpha 2 136(h19)leu-->pro beta 2. 1995-11-06 2023-08-12 Not clear
A Gürgey, C Altay, L H Gu, J Y Leonova, A Delibalta, C Oner, T H Huisma. Hb Hakkari or alpha 2 beta 2 31(B13)Leu-->Arg, a severely unstable hemoglobin variant associated with numerous intra-erythroblastic inclusions and erythroid hyperplasia of the bone marrow. Hemoglobin. vol 19. issue 3-4. 1995-11-06. PMID:7558872. hb hakkari or alpha 2 beta 2 31(b13)leu-->arg, a severely unstable hemoglobin variant associated with numerous intra-erythroblastic inclusions and erythroid hyperplasia of the bone marrow. 1995-11-06 2023-08-12 Not clear
A Gürgey, C Altay, L H Gu, J Y Leonova, A Delibalta, C Oner, T H Huisma. Hb Hakkari or alpha 2 beta 2 31(B13)Leu-->Arg, a severely unstable hemoglobin variant associated with numerous intra-erythroblastic inclusions and erythroid hyperplasia of the bone marrow. Hemoglobin. vol 19. issue 3-4. 1995-11-06. PMID:7558872. a severely unstable hemoglobin variant, hb hakkari or alpha 2 beta 2 31 (b13)leu-->arg, has been observed in a 5-year-old turkish girl with a severe hemolytic anemia without heinz body formation. 1995-11-06 2023-08-12 Not clear
T Harano, K Harano, K Imai, T Murakami, H Matsubar. Hb Kurosaki [alpha 7(A5)Lys-->Glu]: a new alpha chain variant found in a Japanese woman. Hemoglobin. vol 19. issue 3-4. 1995-11-06. PMID:7558876. hb kurosaki [alpha 7(a5)lys-->glu]: a new alpha chain variant found in a japanese woman. 1995-11-06 2023-08-12 Not clear
E J Harthoorn-Lasthuizen, F A Nabben, E G Kazanetz, L H Gu, T P Molchanova, T H Huisma. HB Mizuho or alpha 2 beta 2 68(E12)Leu-->Pro in a young Dutch boy. Hemoglobin. vol 19. issue 3-4. 1995-11-06. PMID:7558877. hb mizuho or alpha 2 beta 2 68(e12)leu-->pro in a young dutch boy. 1995-11-06 2023-08-12 Not clear
T P Molchanova, N S Smetanina, T H Huisma. A second, elongated, alpha 2-globin mRNA is present in reticulocytes from normal persons and subjects with terminating codon or poly A mutations. Biochemical and biophysical research communications. vol 214. issue 3. 1995-11-02. PMID:7575528. with an rt-pcr procedure we have identified a second, elongated, alpha 2-globin mrna in reticulocytes of normal persons and of patients with alpha-thal, particularly those with mutations in the terminating codon (taa-->caa; hb constant spring; taa-->tat, hb paksé) or in the poly a site (aataaa-->aataag). 1995-11-02 2023-08-12 human
W Kaca, R I Roth, K D Vandegriff, G C Chen, F A Kuypers, R M Winslow, J Levi. Effects of bacterial endotoxin on human cross-linked and native hemoglobins. Biochemistry. vol 34. issue 35. 1995-10-13. PMID:7669775. in the present study, the influence of lps on the structure of native human hba0 and covalently cross-linked hb (alpha alpha hb) was studied by analyzing the absorption and circular dichroic spectra of hb in the wavelength region of 200-650 nm. 1995-10-13 2023-08-12 human
W Kaca, R I Roth, K D Vandegriff, G C Chen, F A Kuypers, R M Winslow, J Levi. Effects of bacterial endotoxin on human cross-linked and native hemoglobins. Biochemistry. vol 34. issue 35. 1995-10-13. PMID:7669775. in conclusion, analyses of absorption and circular dichroic spectra reveal the potential of lps to produce a facilitated oxidation of both alpha alpha-cross-linked human hb and native human hba0, without substantial changes in the secondary structure of the globin. 1995-10-13 2023-08-12 human
M E Fabry, A Sengupta, S M Suzuka, F Costantini, E M Rubin, J Hofrichter, G Christoph, E Manci, D Culberson, S M Factor, R L Nage. A second generation transgenic mouse model expressing both hemoglobin S (HbS) and HbS-Antilles results in increased phenotypic severity. Blood. vol 86. issue 6. 1995-10-12. PMID:7662990. hematocrit, hb, and mean corpuscular hb were normal for all transgenic mice, but reticulocyte levels were higher for the doubly transgenic mice versus alpha h beta s [beta mdd] mice older than 30 days (10.0% +/- 1.0% v 4.3% +/- 0.4%; p < .001, mean +/- se, n = 20 and n = 10, respectively) and control mice (3.9% +/- 0.4%). 1995-10-12 2023-08-12 mouse
M E Fabry, A Sengupta, S M Suzuka, F Costantini, E M Rubin, J Hofrichter, G Christoph, E Manci, D Culberson, S M Factor, R L Nage. A second generation transgenic mouse model expressing both hemoglobin S (HbS) and HbS-Antilles results in increased phenotypic severity. Blood. vol 86. issue 6. 1995-10-12. PMID:7662990. delay times for polymerization of hb in red blood cells from alpha h beta s beta s-ant[beta mdd] mice were shorter than those of alpha h beta s[beta mdd] mice, and there were fewer cells with delay times greater than 100 seconds. 1995-10-12 2023-08-12 mouse
G R Gray, H E Manson, L H Gu, Leonova JYe, T H Huisma. Hb Lulu Island (alpha 2 beta 2 107[G9]Gly-->Asp)-beta zero- thalassemia (codon 15; TGG-->TAG), a form of thalassemia intermedia. American journal of hematology. vol 50. issue 1. 1995-10-12. PMID:7668221. hb lulu island (alpha 2 beta 2 107[g9]gly-->asp)-beta zero- thalassemia (codon 15; tgg-->tag), a form of thalassemia intermedia. 1995-10-12 2023-08-12 Not clear