All Relations between hb and alpha

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
G R Gray, H E Manson, L H Gu, Leonova JYe, T H Huisma. Hb Lulu Island (alpha 2 beta 2 107[G9]Gly-->Asp)-beta zero- thalassemia (codon 15; TGG-->TAG), a form of thalassemia intermedia. American journal of hematology. vol 50. issue 1. 1995-10-12. PMID:7668221. the level of hba2 was greatly increased (6.5-7.0%) as was the delta chain level (12% of total non-alpha) probably because of the instability of hb lulu island and the decreased ability of the beta x chain to form dimers with the normal alpha chain. 1995-10-12 2023-08-12 Not clear
R Motterlini, R Foresti, K Vandegriff, M Intaglietta, R M Winslo. Oxidative-stress response in vascular endothelial cells exposed to acellular hemoglobin solutions. The American journal of physiology. vol 269. issue 2 Pt 2. 1995-09-22. PMID:7653629. porcine aortic endothelial cells were incubated for 6 h in the presence of 60 microm unmodified hemoglobin a0 (hba0), hemoglobin cross-linked between the alpha-chains with bis-(3,5-dibromosalicyl)fumarate (alpha alpha hb), or cyanomet-alpha alpha-hemoglobin (cnmet alpha alpha hb). 1995-09-22 2023-08-12 Not clear
R Motterlini, R Foresti, K Vandegriff, M Intaglietta, R M Winslo. Oxidative-stress response in vascular endothelial cells exposed to acellular hemoglobin solutions. The American journal of physiology. vol 269. issue 2 Pt 2. 1995-09-22. PMID:7653629. endothelial ho activity augmented 4.1-fold in the presence of alpha alpha hb, 2.7-fold with hba0, and 1.8-fold with cnmet alpha alpha hb over the control value. 1995-09-22 2023-08-12 Not clear
R Motterlini, R Foresti, K Vandegriff, M Intaglietta, R M Winslo. Oxidative-stress response in vascular endothelial cells exposed to acellular hemoglobin solutions. The American journal of physiology. vol 269. issue 2 Pt 2. 1995-09-22. PMID:7653629. deferoxamine, but not catalase or dimethylthiourea, partially attenuated the ho induction produced by alpha alpha hb. 1995-09-22 2023-08-12 Not clear
R Motterlini, R Foresti, K Vandegriff, M Intaglietta, R M Winslo. Oxidative-stress response in vascular endothelial cells exposed to acellular hemoglobin solutions. The American journal of physiology. vol 269. issue 2 Pt 2. 1995-09-22. PMID:7653629. the rates of methemoglobin formation exhibited a linear relationship over the time of incubation (r = 0.94), and the apparent rate constant was 1.8-fold higher for alpha alpha hb (0.023 h-1) than for hba0 (0.013 h-1). 1995-09-22 2023-08-12 Not clear
R Motterlini, R Foresti, K Vandegriff, M Intaglietta, R M Winslo. Oxidative-stress response in vascular endothelial cells exposed to acellular hemoglobin solutions. The American journal of physiology. vol 269. issue 2 Pt 2. 1995-09-22. PMID:7653629. endothelial heme content and lactate dehydrogenase (ldh) release, an index of cell injury, were also higher in alpha alpha hb compared with hba0 and cnmet alpha alpha hb groups (p < 0.05). 1995-09-22 2023-08-12 Not clear
R Motterlini, R Foresti, K Vandegriff, M Intaglietta, R M Winslo. Oxidative-stress response in vascular endothelial cells exposed to acellular hemoglobin solutions. The American journal of physiology. vol 269. issue 2 Pt 2. 1995-09-22. PMID:7653629. deferoxamine but not catalase markedly reduced the release of ldh induced by alpha alpha hb, whereas dimethylthiourea provided only a partial cytoprotection. 1995-09-22 2023-08-12 Not clear
R Motterlini, R Foresti, K Vandegriff, M Intaglietta, R M Winslo. Oxidative-stress response in vascular endothelial cells exposed to acellular hemoglobin solutions. The American journal of physiology. vol 269. issue 2 Pt 2. 1995-09-22. PMID:7653629. these studies suggest that 1) the higher rate of oxidation of alpha alpha hb contributes to the augmented endothelial ho activity, and 2) both heme release and iron-mediated oxygen radical formation are major contributors to endothelial oxidative stress and cytotoxicity generated by the cross-linked hemoglobin. 1995-09-22 2023-08-12 Not clear
E G Kazanetz, J Y Leonova, J B Wilson, S K McMillan, M Walbrecht, J M de Pablos Gallego, T H Huisma. Hb Anamosa or alpha 2(111)(G18)Ala-->Val beta 2 (alpha 2 mutation) and Hb Mulhacen or alpha 2(123)(H6)Ala-->Ser beta 2 (alpha 1 mutation) are two silent, stable variants detected by sequencing of amplified DNA. Hemoglobin. vol 19. issue 1-2. 1995-08-24. PMID:7615398. hb anamosa or alpha 2(111)(g18)ala-->val beta 2 (alpha 2 mutation) and hb mulhacen or alpha 2(123)(h6)ala-->ser beta 2 (alpha 1 mutation) are two silent, stable variants detected by sequencing of amplified dna. 1995-08-24 2023-08-12 Not clear
E G Kazanetz, J Y Leonova, J B Wilson, S K McMillan, M Walbrecht, J M de Pablos Gallego, T H Huisma. Hb Anamosa or alpha 2(111)(G18)Ala-->Val beta 2 (alpha 2 mutation) and Hb Mulhacen or alpha 2(123)(H6)Ala-->Ser beta 2 (alpha 1 mutation) are two silent, stable variants detected by sequencing of amplified DNA. Hemoglobin. vol 19. issue 1-2. 1995-08-24. PMID:7615398. both involve an alanine residue in the core peptide, namely ala-->val at position 111 (codon change in the alpha 2 gene; gcc->gtc; hb anamosa) and ala-->ser at position 123 (codon change in the alpha 1 gene; gcc-->tcc; hb mulhacen). 1995-08-24 2023-08-12 Not clear
N Koibuchi, S Yamaoka, M Suzuk. In situ hybridization histochemistry of c-erbA alpha 2 mRNA in the hypothalamus and its surrounding structures in the adult male rat. Endocrine journal. vol 42. issue 1. 1995-08-07. PMID:7599698. these results not only confirm previous findings in the pvn, hb, pvt and hipp, but also extend the finding to the vmn, arc and am, in which cells expressing c-erba alpha 2 primary transcript were concentrated. 1995-08-07 2023-08-12 rat
R P Roy, P Nacharaju, R L Nagel, A S Achary. Symmetric interspecies hybrids of mouse and human hemoglobin: molecular basis of their abnormal oxygen affinity. Journal of protein chemistry. vol 14. issue 2. 1995-07-27. PMID:7786409. interspecies hybrids of hba and hb from mouse c57bl/10 [alpha 2m beta 2h and alpha 2h beta 2m (h = human, m = mouse)], representing 19 and 27 sequence differences per alpha beta dimers (as compared with human alpha beta dimer) have been generated in vitro. 1995-07-27 2023-08-12 mouse
R P Roy, P Nacharaju, R L Nagel, A S Achary. Symmetric interspecies hybrids of mouse and human hemoglobin: molecular basis of their abnormal oxygen affinity. Journal of protein chemistry. vol 14. issue 2. 1995-07-27. PMID:7786409. interestingly, the interspecies hybrid alpha 2m beta 2h has high o2 affinity (compared to either human or mouse hb), while the interspecies hybrid alpha 2h beta 2m exhibits a very low o2 affinity. 1995-07-27 2023-08-12 mouse
R Darbellay, S Mach-Pascual, K Rose, J Graf, P Beri. Haemoglobin Tunis-Bizerte: a new alpha 1 globin 129 Leu-->Pro unstable variant with thalassaemic phenotype. British journal of haematology. vol 90. issue 1. 1995-07-27. PMID:7786798. a search for the abnormal hb and for the abnormal alpha globin chain by isoelectric focusing, carboxymethyl cellulose chromatography and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry was negative. 1995-07-27 2023-08-12 Not clear
R Darbellay, S Mach-Pascual, K Rose, J Graf, P Beri. Haemoglobin Tunis-Bizerte: a new alpha 1 globin 129 Leu-->Pro unstable variant with thalassaemic phenotype. British journal of haematology. vol 90. issue 1. 1995-07-27. PMID:7786798. in the heterozygous state, the alpha 1(129)(h12) leu-->pro variant is manifested by microcytosis (mcv approximately 73 fl), whereas in the homozygous state there is moderate anaemia with marked microcytosis (hb 11.6 g/dl, mcv 65 fl). 1995-07-27 2023-08-12 Not clear
H Bard, J A Widness, E E Ziegler, C Gagnon, K G Per. The proportions of G gamma- and A gamma-globins in the fetal hemoglobin synthesized in preterm and term infants. Pediatric research. vol 37. issue 3. 1995-07-20. PMID:7540282. the change in g gamma to a gamma ratio in relation to the switchover of fetal hb (hbf) to adult hb (alpha 2 beta 2) synthesis has not been well defined. 1995-07-20 2023-08-12 Not clear
R E Benesch, S Kwon. Coupled reactions in hemoglobin. Heme-globin and dimer-dimer association. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 270. issue 23. 1995-07-10. PMID:7775434. five different human hemoglobins were used to test the postulate that dissociation of hemoglobin (hb) tetramers into alpha beta dimers and dissociation of heme from globin are linked reactions. 1995-07-10 2023-08-12 human
H C Lee, J Peisach, A Tsuneshige, T Yonetan. Electron spin echo envelope modulation study of oxygenated iron-cobalt hybrid hemoglobins reveals molecular features analogous to those of the oxy ferrous protein. Biochemistry. vol 34. issue 20. 1995-06-26. PMID:7756320. (1994) biochemistry 33, 7609], which correlates with the higher o2 affinity found for (alpha co beta fe-o2)2 hb than for (alpha fe-o2 beta co)2 hb [imai et al. 1995-06-26 2023-08-12 Not clear
M Nagai, K Mawatari, Y Nagai, S Horita, Y Yoneyama, H Hor. Studies of the oxidation states of hemoglobin M Boston and hemoglobin M Saskatoon in blood by EPR spectroscopy. Biochemical and biophysical research communications. vol 210. issue 2. 1995-06-21. PMID:7755625. the extent of the oxidation of hemoglobin (hb) m saskatoon (beta 63his-->tyr) and hb m boston (alpha 58his-->tyr) in the patient's blood was determined by measurement of the intensity of epr signals at g perpendicular = 6.0 for the normal subunits, g1 = 6.7 for the mutant subunits of hb m saskatoon and g1 = 6.3 for those of hb m boston, respectively. 1995-06-21 2023-08-12 Not clear
H W Kim, T J Shen, D P Sun, N T Ho, M Madrid, C H. A novel low oxygen affinity recombinant hemoglobin (alpha96val--> Trp): switching quaternary structure without changing the ligation state. Journal of molecular biology. vol 248. issue 4. 1995-06-20. PMID:7752247. we have determined the oxygen-binding properties of this recombinant hemoglobin, r hb (alpha 96val-->trp), and have used proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to investigate its tertiary structure around the heme group and the quaternary structure in the alpha 1 beta 2 subunit interface. 1995-06-20 2023-08-12 human