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Kazuhiko Adachi, Yi Yang, Vinaysagar Lakka, Suzanne Wehrli, Konda S Reddy, Saul Surre. Significance of beta116 His (G18) at alpha1beta1 contact sites for alphabeta assembly and autoxidation of hemoglobin. Biochemistry. vol 42. issue 34. 2003-10-07. PMID:12939154. |
the importance of beta(116his) (g-18) and gamma(116ile) at one of the alpha1beta1 or alpha1gamma1 interaction sites for homo-dimer formation and assembly in vitro of beta and gamma chains, respectively, with alpha chains to form human hb a and hb f was assessed using recombinant beta(116his)(-->)(asp), beta(116his)(-->)(ile), and beta(112cys)(-->)(thr,116his)(-->)(ile) chains. |
2003-10-07 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
Kazuhiko Adachi, Yi Yang, Vinaysagar Lakka, Suzanne Wehrli, Konda S Reddy, Saul Surre. Significance of beta116 His (G18) at alpha1beta1 contact sites for alphabeta assembly and autoxidation of hemoglobin. Biochemistry. vol 42. issue 34. 2003-10-07. PMID:12939154. |
these results indicate that amino acid hydrophobicity at the g-18 position in non-alpha chains plays a key role in homotetramer, dimer, and monomer formation, which in turn plays a critical role in assembly with alpha chains to form hb a and hb f. these results also suggest that stable dimer formation of gamma-globin chains must not occur in vivo, since this would inhibit association with alpha chains to form hb f. the role of beta(116his) (g-18) in heterotetramer-induced stabilization of the bond with oxygen in hemoglobin was also assessed by evaluating autoxidation rates using recombinant hb tetramers containing these variant globin chains. |
2003-10-07 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
Kazuhiko Adachi, Yi Yang, Vinaysagar Lakka, Suzanne Wehrli, Konda S Reddy, Saul Surre. Significance of beta116 His (G18) at alpha1beta1 contact sites for alphabeta assembly and autoxidation of hemoglobin. Biochemistry. vol 42. issue 34. 2003-10-07. PMID:12939154. |
in addition, nmr spectra of the heme area of these two hemoglobin variant tetramers showed similar resonance peaks, which are different from those of hb a. oxygen-binding properties of alpha(2)beta(2)(116his)(-->)(asp) and alpha(2)beta(2)(116his)(-->)(ile), however, showed slight alteration compared to hb a. |
2003-10-07 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
In-Whan Kim, Myung Duk Jang, Young Kyun Ryu, Eun Hee Cho, Young Kyu Lee, Jung Hag Par. Dipolarity, hydrogen-bond basicity and hydrogen-bond acidity of aqueous poly(ethylene glycol) solutions. Analytical sciences : the international journal of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry. vol 18. issue 12. 2003-07-29. PMID:12502089. |
we determined using the solvatochromic comparison method the dipolarity/polarizability (pi*), hydrogen bond (hb) accepting basicity (beta) and hb donating acidity (alpha) of aqueous solutions of pegs of variegated molecular weights at different concentrations in order to understand the influence of the polymer on these properties of water. |
2003-07-29 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
Suthat Fucharoen, Pranee Winichagoo. Thalassemia and abnormal hemoglobin. International journal of hematology. vol 76 Suppl 2. 2003-07-17. PMID:12430905. |
heterogeneity in the clinical manifestation of beta thalassemic diseases may occur from the nature of beta globin gene mutation, alpha thalassemia gene interaction and difference in the amount of hb f production which is partly associated with a specific beta globin haplotype. |
2003-07-17 |
2023-08-12 |
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Stefano Rivella, Chad May, Amy Chadburn, Isabelle Rivière, Michel Sadelai. A novel murine model of Cooley anemia and its rescue by lentiviral-mediated human beta-globin gene transfer. Blood. vol 101. issue 8. 2003-06-18. PMID:12480689. |
long-term chimeras with an average 1.0-2.4 copies of the tns9 vector in their hematopoietic and blood cells stably produced up to 12 g/dl chimeric hb consisting of mu alpha(2):hu beta(2) tetramers. |
2003-06-18 |
2023-08-12 |
mouse |
Kazuhiko Adachi, Min Ding, Suzanne Wehrli, Konda S Reddy, Saul Surrey, Kazumi Horiuch. Effects of different beta73 amino acids on formation of 14-stranded fibers of Hb S versus double-stranded crystals of Hb C-Harlem. Biochemistry. vol 42. issue 15. 2003-05-14. PMID:12693943. |
hb s (alpha(2)beta(2)(6glu-->val)) forms polymers, while hb c-harlem (alpha(2)beta(2)(6glu-->val,73asp-->asn)) forms crystals upon oversaturation. |
2003-05-14 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
Stephen O Brennan, Campbell Sheen, Stephen Johnso. Hb Manawatu [alpha 37(C2)Pro-->Leu]: a new mildly unstable mutation at an invariant proline residue. Hemoglobin. vol 26. issue 4. 2003-05-12. PMID:12484634. |
hb manawatu [alpha 37(c2)pro-->leu]: a new mildly unstable mutation at an invariant proline residue. |
2003-05-12 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
James D Hoyer, Eric Rachut, Kathleen S Kubik, Richard T Jones, George R Honig, Loyda N Vida, Virgil F Fairban. Hb Rampa [alpha 95(G2)pro-->Ser (alpha 2)] in a family of European ancestry: DNA analysis confirms the CCG-->TCG mutation at codon 95 of the alpha 2-globin gene; clinical and laboratory features. Hemoglobin. vol 26. issue 4. 2003-05-12. PMID:12484636. |
hb rampa [alpha 95(g2)pro-->ser (alpha 2)] in a family of european ancestry: dna analysis confirms the ccg-->tcg mutation at codon 95 of the alpha 2-globin gene; clinical and laboratory features. |
2003-05-12 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
P Lacan, M Aubry, N Couprie, A Francin. Hb Gerland [alpha55(E4)Val-->Ala (alpha2)]: a new neutral alpha chain variant involving the alpha2 gene. Hemoglobin. vol 25. issue 4. 2003-04-14. PMID:11791875. |
hb gerland [alpha55(e4)val-->ala (alpha2)]: a new neutral alpha chain variant involving the alpha2 gene. |
2003-04-14 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
Laura J Juszczak, Christophe Fablet, Veronique Baudin-Creuza, Sophie Lesecq-Le Gall, Rhoda Elison Hirsch, Ronald L Nagel, Joel M Friedman, Josee Pagnie. Conformational changes in hemoglobin S (betaE6V) imposed by mutation of the beta Glu7-beta Lys132 salt bridge and detected by UV resonance Raman spectroscopy. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 278. issue 9. 2003-04-08. PMID:12488314. |
the results for the hb a betaglu(7)-betalys(132) salt bridge mutants demonstrate that attaining the t state conformation at the hinge region of the alpha(1)beta(2) dimer interface can be achieved through different intraglobin pathways; these pathways are subject to subtle mutagenic manipulation at sites well removed from the dimer interface. |
2003-04-08 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
M Toussaint-Hacquard, Y Devaux, D Longrois, B Faivre-Fiorina, S Muller, J F Stoltz, C Vigneron, P Men. Biological response of human aortic endothelial cells exposed to acellular hemoglobin solutions developed as potential blood substitutes. Life sciences. vol 72. issue 10. 2003-02-05. PMID:12505545. |
cultured human aortic endothelial cells (haec) were incubated for 3 hours with purified cell-free hb, dex-btc-hb or alpha alpha-hb (16 g/l). |
2003-02-05 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
A Tsuneshige, T Yonetan. Oxygenation properties of human erythrocytes containing exclusively alpha-nitrosyl hemoglobin: a promising blood transfusant candidate. Artificial cells, blood substitutes, and immobilization biotechnology. vol 29. issue 5. 2002-12-13. PMID:11708658. |
we have prepared human erythrocytes that contain exclusively alpha-nitrosyl hemoglobin (hb), i.e., alpha(fe-no)2beta(fe-o2)2, by incorporating nitric oxide (no) into erythrocytes in a well-controlled nitrosylation process. |
2002-12-13 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
A Tsuneshige, T Yonetan. Oxygenation properties of human erythrocytes containing exclusively alpha-nitrosyl hemoglobin: a promising blood transfusant candidate. Artificial cells, blood substitutes, and immobilization biotechnology. vol 29. issue 5. 2002-12-13. PMID:11708658. |
the amount of alpha(fe-no) corresponding to 50% of the total heme content of the erythrocytes and exclusive binding of no to alpha-subunits of intraerythrocytic hb were confirmed by epr. |
2002-12-13 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
H W Kim, J Tai, A G Greenbur. Alpha adrenergic activation and hemoglobin mediated contraction in the isolated rat thoracic aorta. Artificial cells, blood substitutes, and immobilization biotechnology. vol 29. issue 5. 2002-12-13. PMID:11708660. |
the present study investigated a possible role of the alpha adrenergic activation in the hb mediated contraction. |
2002-12-13 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
H W Kim, J Tai, A G Greenbur. Alpha adrenergic activation and hemoglobin mediated contraction in the isolated rat thoracic aorta. Artificial cells, blood substitutes, and immobilization biotechnology. vol 29. issue 5. 2002-12-13. PMID:11708660. |
in conclusion, alpha adrenergic activation is not a requisite for the hb mediated contraction in isolated rat aortic rings. |
2002-12-13 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
M R S C Wenning, C L Harteveld, P C Giordano, E M Kimura, S T O Saad, F F Costa, M F Sonat. Hemoglobin H disease resulting from the association of the - alpha 3.7 rightward deletion and the (alpha alpha)MM deletion in a Brazilian patient. European journal of haematology. vol 69. issue 3. 2002-12-04. PMID:12406012. |
a patient with hb h disease resulting from the association of the - alpha 3.7 rightward deletion with the rare (alpha alpha)mm deletion, which removes the entire alpha-major regulatory element (mre), is reported. |
2002-12-04 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
Cinzia Verde, Vito Carratore, Antonio Riccio, Maurizio Tamburrini, Elio Parisi, Guido Di Prisc. The functionally distinct hemoglobins of the Arctic spotted wolffish Anarhichas minor. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 277. issue 39. 2002-11-13. PMID:12118003. |
hb 1 has the beta (beta(1)) chain in common with hb 2; hb 3 and hb 2 share the alpha (alpha(2)) chain. |
2002-11-13 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
O David, G Ivaldi, E Rabino-Massa, G Ricc. Functional studies on nine different haemoglobins with high oxygen affinity. Acta haematologica. vol 108. issue 3. 2002-11-06. PMID:12373084. |
however, a high hb a level is commonly believed to be the main compensatory factor of these subjects, but many indications suggest that often they have at least three, and not only two, main haemoglobin species: hb a, hb x plus hybrids of the type alpha(2)beta(a)beta(x). |
2002-11-06 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
Shigenori Nagatomo, Yayoi Jin, Masako Nagai, Hiroshi Hori, Teizo Kitagaw. Changes in the abnormal alpha-subunit upon CO-binding to the normal beta-subunit of Hb M Boston: resonance Raman, EPR and CD study. Biophysical chemistry. vol 98. issue 1-2. 2002-10-22. PMID:12128200. |
heme-heme interaction in hb m boston (his alpha 58-->tyr) was investigated with visible and uv resonance raman (rr), epr, and cd spectroscopies. |
2002-10-22 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |