All Relations between fas and insulin

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Aaron W Adamson, Gabriela Suchankova, Caterina Rufo, Manabu T Nakamura, Margarita Teran-Garcia, Steven D Clarke, Thomas W Getty. Hepatocyte nuclear factor-4alpha contributes to carbohydrate-induced transcriptional activation of hepatic fatty acid synthase. The Biochemical journal. vol 399. issue 2. 2006-10-12. PMID:16800817. the transcriptional response is mediated by insulin and increased glucose oxidation, and both signals are necessary for optimal induction of fas (fatty acid synthase). 2006-10-12 2023-08-12 rat
R L Nolsøe, Y H Hamid, F Pociot, S Paulsen, K M Andersen, K Borch-Johnsen, T Drivsholm, T Hansen, O Pedersen, T Mandrup-Poulse. Association of a microsatellite in FASL to type II diabetes and of the FAS-670G>A genotype to insulin resistance. Genes and immunity. vol 7. issue 4. 2006-08-02. PMID:16691186. fasl and fas map to loci linked to type ii diabetes and estimates of insulin resistance, respectively. 2006-08-02 2023-08-12 human
R L Nolsøe, Y H Hamid, F Pociot, S Paulsen, K M Andersen, K Borch-Johnsen, T Drivsholm, T Hansen, O Pedersen, T Mandrup-Poulse. Association of a microsatellite in FASL to type II diabetes and of the FAS-670G>A genotype to insulin resistance. Genes and immunity. vol 7. issue 4. 2006-08-02. PMID:16691186. we conclude that polymorphisms of fasl and fas associate with type ii diabetes and estimates of insulin resistance in danish white subjects. 2006-08-02 2023-08-12 human
Jamie I Baum, Donald K Layman, Gregory G Freund, Kristen A Rahn, Manabu T Nakamura, Barbara E Yudel. A reduced carbohydrate, increased protein diet stabilizes glycemic control and minimizes adipose tissue glucose disposal in rats. The Journal of nutrition. vol 136. issue 7. 2006-07-20. PMID:16772449. before the meal, the cho group had lower plasma glucose and insulin, reduced liver glycogen, lower expression of hepatic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (pepck), and increased fatty acid synthase (fas) in adipose tissue. 2006-07-20 2023-08-12 rat
Jamie I Baum, Donald K Layman, Gregory G Freund, Kristen A Rahn, Manabu T Nakamura, Barbara E Yudel. A reduced carbohydrate, increased protein diet stabilizes glycemic control and minimizes adipose tissue glucose disposal in rats. The Journal of nutrition. vol 136. issue 7. 2006-07-20. PMID:16772449. after the meal, the cho group had greater increases in plasma glucose and insulin, producing increased skeletal muscle phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (pi3-kinase) activity, glucose uptake, and glycogen content, and increased adipose pi3-kinase activity, glucose uptake, and fas. 2006-07-20 2023-08-12 rat
Jamie I Baum, Donald K Layman, Gregory G Freund, Kristen A Rahn, Manabu T Nakamura, Barbara E Yudel. A reduced carbohydrate, increased protein diet stabilizes glycemic control and minimizes adipose tissue glucose disposal in rats. The Journal of nutrition. vol 136. issue 7. 2006-07-20. PMID:16772449. in contrast, the pro group had limited postprandial changes in plasma glucose and insulin with reduced muscle pi3-kinase activity and glucose uptake, and no postprandial changes in adipose pi3-kinase activity or fas. 2006-07-20 2023-08-12 rat
Scott Letendre, Ronald J Elli. Neurologic complications of HIV disease and their treatments. Topics in HIV medicine : a publication of the International AIDS Society, USA. vol 14. issue 1. 2006-07-11. PMID:16641524. key findings included the identification of the high prevalence of hiv-associated neurocognitive impairment (hnci) in western and east asian populations; biomarkers that may be clinically useful in determining risk and treatment of hnci, such as neurofilament protein, insulin resistance, leptin, soluble fas, and total protein levels in cerebrospinal fluid; host genotypes that were associated with hnci as well as antiretroviral toxic neuropathy; hiv envelope signature positions that were associated with hnci and reduced cd4 dependence; the importance of combined antiretroviral drug penetration into the central nervous system for control of hiv replication; and an effective treatment for painful sensory neuropathy (capsaicin) and provocative preclinical data on treatments for hiv-associated neurocognitive impairment (rosiglitazone, glatiramer immunization). 2006-07-11 2023-08-12 Not clear
Esther P Haber, Joaquim Procópio, Carla R O Carvalho, Angelo R Carpinelli, Philip Newsholme, Rui Cur. New insights into fatty acid modulation of pancreatic beta-cell function. International review of cytology. vol 248. 2006-03-27. PMID:16487789. the present review also describes the possible effects of fas on insulin signaling. 2006-03-27 2023-08-12 rat
Esther P Haber, Joaquim Procópio, Carla R O Carvalho, Angelo R Carpinelli, Philip Newsholme, Rui Cur. New insights into fatty acid modulation of pancreatic beta-cell function. International review of cytology. vol 248. 2006-03-27. PMID:16487789. this latter process may provide an additional source of fas that may play a significant role in the regulation of insulin secretion. 2006-03-27 2023-08-12 rat
Peter Arne. Human fat cell lipolysis: biochemistry, regulation and clinical role. Best practice & research. Clinical endocrinology & metabolism. vol 19. issue 4. 2006-01-31. PMID:16311212. there are regional variations in adipocyte lipolysis leading to more release of fas from the visceral than subcutaneous adipose tissue during hormone stimulation (insulin, catecholamines). 2006-01-31 2023-08-12 human
Satoshi Morito, Kuniko Yaguchi, Mikiko Imada, Chihiro Tachikawa, Masaaki Nomura, Shuzo Moritani, Manabu Igarashi, Koichi Yokogawa, Ken-ichi Miyamot. Insulin signaling in adipocytes differentiated from mouse stromal MC3T3-G2/PA6 cells. Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin. vol 28. issue 11. 2005-12-21. PMID:16272686. large lipid droplets were observed in the cytoplasm of pa6 cells, and mrna expression of the adipose specific proteins (ap2, ppargamma, c/ebpalpha, fas, glut4, leptin, and adiponectin) as differentiation markers appeared or increased clearly in the cells at 8 d after stimulation without insulin. 2005-12-21 2023-08-12 mouse
Sven O E Ebbesson, Patricia M Risica, Lars O E Ebbesson, John M Kennish, M Elizabeth Tejer. Omega-3 fatty acids improve glucose tolerance and components of the metabolic syndrome in Alaskan Eskimos: the Alaska Siberia project. International journal of circumpolar health. vol 64. issue 4. 2005-12-12. PMID:16277123. to test the hypothesis that the unusually low prevalences of insulin resistance (ir), metabolic syndrome (ms) and diabetes (dm) in alaskan eskimos, compared to american indians, is related to the traditional eskimo diet, high in c20-c22 omega-3 fatty acids (fas). 2005-12-12 2023-08-12 Not clear
Sonia M Najjar, Yan Yang, Mats A Fernström, Sang-Jun Lee, Anthony M Deangelis, George A Abou Rjaily, Qusai Y Al-Share, Tong Dai, Tiffany A Miller, Shobha Ratnam, Randall J Ruch, Stuart Smith, Sue-Hwa Lin, Nicole Beauchemin, Ana Maria Oyarc. Insulin acutely decreases hepatic fatty acid synthase activity. Cell metabolism. vol 2. issue 1. 2005-10-31. PMID:16054098. insulin is viewed as a positive regulator of fatty acid synthesis by increasing fatty acid synthase (fas) mrna transcription. 2005-10-31 2023-08-12 mouse
Sonia M Najjar, Yan Yang, Mats A Fernström, Sang-Jun Lee, Anthony M Deangelis, George A Abou Rjaily, Qusai Y Al-Share, Tong Dai, Tiffany A Miller, Shobha Ratnam, Randall J Ruch, Stuart Smith, Sue-Hwa Lin, Nicole Beauchemin, Ana Maria Oyarc. Insulin acutely decreases hepatic fatty acid synthase activity. Cell metabolism. vol 2. issue 1. 2005-10-31. PMID:16054098. we uncover a new mechanism by which insulin acutely reduces hepatic fas activity by inducing phosphorylation of the carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1 (ceacam1) and its interaction with fas. 2005-10-31 2023-08-12 mouse
Sonia M Najjar, Yan Yang, Mats A Fernström, Sang-Jun Lee, Anthony M Deangelis, George A Abou Rjaily, Qusai Y Al-Share, Tong Dai, Tiffany A Miller, Shobha Ratnam, Randall J Ruch, Stuart Smith, Sue-Hwa Lin, Nicole Beauchemin, Ana Maria Oyarc. Insulin acutely decreases hepatic fatty acid synthase activity. Cell metabolism. vol 2. issue 1. 2005-10-31. PMID:16054098. ceacam1 null mice (cc1(-/-)) show loss of insulin's ability to acutely decrease hepatic fas activity. 2005-10-31 2023-08-12 mouse
Sonia M Najjar, Yan Yang, Mats A Fernström, Sang-Jun Lee, Anthony M Deangelis, George A Abou Rjaily, Qusai Y Al-Share, Tong Dai, Tiffany A Miller, Shobha Ratnam, Randall J Ruch, Stuart Smith, Sue-Hwa Lin, Nicole Beauchemin, Ana Maria Oyarc. Insulin acutely decreases hepatic fatty acid synthase activity. Cell metabolism. vol 2. issue 1. 2005-10-31. PMID:16054098. moreover, adenoviral delivery of wild-type, but not the phosphorylation-defective ceacam1 mutant, restores the acute effect of insulin on fas activity in cc1(-/-) primary hepatocytes. 2005-10-31 2023-08-12 mouse
Sonia M Najjar, Yan Yang, Mats A Fernström, Sang-Jun Lee, Anthony M Deangelis, George A Abou Rjaily, Qusai Y Al-Share, Tong Dai, Tiffany A Miller, Shobha Ratnam, Randall J Ruch, Stuart Smith, Sue-Hwa Lin, Nicole Beauchemin, Ana Maria Oyarc. Insulin acutely decreases hepatic fatty acid synthase activity. Cell metabolism. vol 2. issue 1. 2005-10-31. PMID:16054098. failure of insulin to acutely reduce hepatic fas activity in hyperinsulinemic mice, including l-sacc1 transgenics with liver inactivation of ceacam1, and ob/ob obese mice, suggests that the acute effect of insulin on fas activity depends on the prior insulinemic state. 2005-10-31 2023-08-12 mouse
Kim Ravnskjaer, Michael Boergesen, Blanca Rubi, Jan K Larsen, Tina Nielsen, Jakob Fridriksson, Pierre Maechler, Susanne Mandru. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha) potentiates, whereas PPARgamma attenuates, glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in pancreatic beta-cells. Endocrinology. vol 146. issue 8. 2005-09-26. PMID:15878969. fatty acids (fas) are known to be important regulators of insulin secretion from pancreatic beta-cells. 2005-09-26 2023-08-12 rat
Kim Ravnskjaer, Michael Boergesen, Blanca Rubi, Jan K Larsen, Tina Nielsen, Jakob Fridriksson, Pierre Maechler, Susanne Mandru. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha) potentiates, whereas PPARgamma attenuates, glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in pancreatic beta-cells. Endocrinology. vol 146. issue 8. 2005-09-26. PMID:15878969. fa-coenzyme a esters have been shown to directly stimulate the secretion process, whereas long-term exposure of beta-cells to fas compromises glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (gsis) by mechanisms unknown to date. 2005-09-26 2023-08-12 rat
Matthias Evert, Regine Schneider-Stock, Frank Dombrowsk. Overexpression of fatty acid synthase in chemically and hormonally induced hepatocarcinogenesis of the rat. Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology. vol 85. issue 1. 2005-03-03. PMID:15543204. fas expression is stimulated by insulin and glucose, and insulin is also the primary trigger of hepatocarcinogenesis in an endocrine experimental model, which is induced by low-number transplantation of islets of langerhans into the livers of diabetic rats. 2005-03-03 2023-08-12 human