All Relations between dopaminergic and dopamine

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Dorit Ben Shachar, Nava Kahana, Vladimir Kampel, Abraham Warshawsky, Moussa B H Youdi. Neuroprotection by a novel brain permeable iron chelator, VK-28, against 6-hydroxydopamine lession in rats. Neuropharmacology. vol 46. issue 2. 2004-05-28. PMID:14680763. at an icv pretreatment dose as low as 1 microg, vk-28 was able to completely protect against icv 6-ohda (250 microg) induced striatal dopaminergic lesion, as measured by dopamine (da), dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (dopac) and homovanilic acid (hva) levels. 2004-05-28 2023-08-12 human
Benjamín Florán, Leonor Florán, David Erlij, Jorge Aceve. Activation of dopamine D4 receptors modulates [3H]GABA release in slices of the rat thalamic reticular nucleus. Neuropharmacology. vol 46. issue 4. 2004-05-28. PMID:14975673. the thalamic reticular nucleus (nrt) is innervated by dopaminergic projections from the sustantia nigra compacta (snc) and is rich in dopamine d4 receptors, however, the functional effects of dopamine on this structure are unknown. 2004-05-28 2023-08-12 rat
Steven P Presgraves, Tariq Ahmed, Sabine Borwege, Jeffrey N Joyc. Terminally differentiated SH-SY5Y cells provide a model system for studying neuroprotective effects of dopamine agonists. Neurotoxicity research. vol 5. issue 8. 2004-05-25. PMID:15111235. we characterized undifferentiated (un) and three differentiation conditions of the sh-sy5y neuroblastoma cell line for phenotypic markers of dopaminergic cells, sensitivity to the neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridinium ion (mpp+), the requirement to utilize the dopamine (da) transporter (dat) for mpp+ toxicity, and the neuroprotective effects of pramipexole. 2004-05-25 2023-08-12 mouse
Chang-Lin Liang, Omar Nelson, Umar Yazdani, Parichehr Pasbakhsh, Dwight C Germa. Inverse relationship between the contents of neuromelanin pigment and the vesicular monoamine transporter-2: human midbrain dopamine neurons. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 473. issue 1. 2004-05-24. PMID:15067721. these data support the hypothesis that midbrain dopaminergic neurons that synthesize greater amounts of dopamine have more vesicular storage capacity for action potential-induced release of transmitter and that the ventral sn neurons accumulate the most neuromelanin pigment, in part because they have the least vmat2 protein. 2004-05-24 2023-08-12 human
Olle Lindval. Stem cells for cell therapy in Parkinson's disease. Pharmacological research. vol 47. issue 4. 2004-05-21. PMID:12644384. the grafted dopaminergic neurons can reinnervate the denervated striatum, restore regulated dopamine (da) release and movement-related frontal cortical activation, and give rise to significant symptomatic relief. 2004-05-21 2023-08-12 human
Juan Ji An, Sang-Rae Cho, Dae Won Jeong, Kye Won Park, Young Soo Ahn, Ja-Hyun Bai. Anti-proliferative effects and cell death mediated by two isoforms of dopamine D2 receptors in pituitary tumor cells. Molecular and cellular endocrinology. vol 206. issue 1-2. 2004-05-21. PMID:12943989. stable rat pituitary tumor cell lines expressing two isoforms of the dopamine d2 receptor, d2l (long) and d2s (short) (the gh3d2l and gh3d2s cell lines, respectively), were established, and the signaling pathway underlying the anti-proliferative and cell death effects of dopaminergic agonists was examined in these cells. 2004-05-21 2023-08-12 rat
Brian R Hoover, John F Marshal. Molecular, chemical, and anatomical characterization of globus pallidus dopamine D2 receptor mRNA-containing neurons. Synapse (New York, N.Y.). vol 52. issue 2. 2004-05-21. PMID:15034916. recent research has revealed that dopamine directly influences gp neurons, with d2 receptors contributing to both pre- and postsynaptic effects of dopaminergic agents. 2004-05-21 2023-08-12 Not clear
Sung Tae Kim, Jin Woo Chang, Hea Nam Hong, Onyou Hwan. Loss of striatal dopaminergic fibers after intraventricular injection of tetrahydrobiopterin in rat brain. Neuroscience letters. vol 359. issue 1-2. 2004-05-21. PMID:15050714. we report in the present study that bh4 injection into the lateral ventricle leads to degeneration of the dopaminergic terminals in the striatum, evidenced by a loss of tyrosine hydroxylase (th) immunopositive fibers, a decreased amount of th protein, and decreased dopamine content. 2004-05-21 2023-08-12 rat
M J Acerbo, A M Godoy, J D Deliu. Haloperidol blocks the acquisition but not the retrieval of a conditioned sensitization to apomorphine. Behavioural pharmacology. vol 14. issue 8. 2004-05-19. PMID:14665980. the role of dopaminergic mechanisms in the acquisition, maintenance and retrieval of sensitization-conditioned pecking was examined by administering the dopamine antagonist haloperidol (hal) either before, during or after apo sensitization treatments. 2004-05-19 2023-08-12 Not clear
Alexander Storch, Yu-I Hwang, Debra A Gearhart, J Warren Beach, Edward J Neafsey, Michael A Collins, Johannes Schwar. Dopamine transporter-mediated cytotoxicity of beta-carbolinium derivatives related to Parkinson's disease: relationship to transporter-dependent uptake. Journal of neurochemistry. vol 89. issue 3. 2004-05-19. PMID:15086525. we addressed the importance of the dopamine transporter (dat) for selective dopaminergic toxicity by testing the differential cytotoxicity and cellular uptake of 12 betacs in human embryonic kidney hek-293 cells ectopically expressing the dat gene. 2004-05-19 2023-08-12 human
Colleen C Hegg, Mary T Lucer. Dopamine reduces odor- and elevated-K(+)-induced calcium responses in mouse olfactory receptor neurons in situ. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 91. issue 4. 2004-05-17. PMID:14657189. although d2 dopamine receptors have been localized to olfactory receptor neurons (orns) and dopamine has been shown to modulate voltage-gated ion channels in orns, dopaminergic modulation of either odor responses or excitability in mammalian orns has not previously been demonstrated. 2004-05-17 2023-08-12 mouse
Margaret E Balfour, Lei Yu, Lique M Coole. Sexual behavior and sex-associated environmental cues activate the mesolimbic system in male rats. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. vol 29. issue 4. 2004-05-17. PMID:14694350. the next goal was to determine if sexual behavior activates dopamine neurons in the vta, using tyrosine hydroxylase as a marker for dopaminergic neurons and fos-immunoreactivity as a marker for neuronal activation. 2004-05-17 2023-08-12 rat
Isabelle Léna, Hans Matthes, Brigitte Kieffer, Ian Kitche. Quantitative autoradiography of dopamine receptors in the brains of micro-opioid receptor knockout mice. Neuroscience letters. vol 356. issue 3. 2004-05-10. PMID:15036634. given the existence of functional interactions between opioidergic and dopaminergic systems, we have analyzed by quantitative autoradiography the possible long-term adaptive changes in the expression of d(1)- and d(2)-like dopamine receptors in the brains of mice lacking the micro-opioid receptor gene. 2004-05-10 2023-08-12 mouse
M Grundmann, C D Earl, J Sautter, C Henze, W H Oertel, O Bandman. Slow N-acetyltransferase 2 status leads to enhanced intrastriatal dopamine depletion in 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rats. Experimental neurology. vol 187. issue 1. 2004-05-10. PMID:15081601. intrastriatal treatment with either 10 or 20 microg of 6-ohda lead to a significantly greater reduction of striatal dopamine concentrations in the wky slow acetylator rat strain than in the f344 rapid acetylator rat strain (p < 0.004), reflecting a more marked degree of dopaminergic denervation. 2004-05-10 2023-08-12 rat
Noriko Sakka, Hideyuki Sawada, Yasuhiko Izumi, Toshiaki Kume, Hiroshi Katsuki, Shuji Kaneko, Shun Shimohama, Akinori Akaik. Dopamine is involved in selectivity of dopaminergic neuronal death by rotenone. Neuroreport. vol 14. issue 18. 2004-05-05. PMID:14663204. dopamine is involved in selectivity of dopaminergic neuronal death by rotenone. 2004-05-05 2023-08-12 Not clear
Noriko Sakka, Hideyuki Sawada, Yasuhiko Izumi, Toshiaki Kume, Hiroshi Katsuki, Shuji Kaneko, Shun Shimohama, Akinori Akaik. Dopamine is involved in selectivity of dopaminergic neuronal death by rotenone. Neuroreport. vol 14. issue 18. 2004-05-05. PMID:14663204. these data suggest that superoxide and endogenous dopamine play an important role in dopaminergic neuronal loss. 2004-05-05 2023-08-12 Not clear
b' H Abdelmelek, J M Cottet-Emard, J M Pequignot, H Barr\\xc3\\xa. Sciatic nerve monoaminergic system response to cold acclimatization in Muscovy duckling. Journal of neural transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996). vol 110. issue 12. 2004-05-05. PMID:14666408.' in thermoneutral (tn) ducklings, the high dopamine (da) to norepinephrine (ne) ratios in the right (r, 0.14) or in the left (l, 0.20) sciatic nerves at 6 weeks of age suggests the presence of non-precursor specific dopaminergic pools. 2004-05-05 2023-08-12 Not clear
Anthony H V Schapir. Restless legs syndrome: an update on treatment options. Drugs. vol 64. issue 2. 2004-05-04. PMID:14717617. dopaminergic therapy is currently the treatment of choice, usually initiated with a long-acting dopamine agonist, thereby avoiding some of the complications associated with levodopa. 2004-05-04 2023-08-12 Not clear
Keun-Ah Cheon, Young-Hoon Ryu, Kee Namkoong, Chan-Hyung Kim, Jae-Jin Kim, Jong Doo Le. Dopamine transporter density of the basal ganglia assessed with [123I]IPT SPECT in drug-naive children with Tourette's disorder. Psychiatry research. vol 130. issue 1. 2004-05-04. PMID:14972371. there is evidence that abnormalities in the dopaminergic system involving the dopamine transporter (dat) are involved in the pathophysiology of tourette's disorder (td) from previous studies using [(123)i]2beta-carbomethoxy-3-(4-iodophenyl)tropane ([(123)i]beta-cit) and single photon emission tomography (spect). 2004-05-04 2023-08-12 Not clear
P Read Montague, Samuel M McClure, P R Baldwin, Paul E M Phillips, Evgeny A Budygin, Garret D Stuber, Michaux R Kilpatrick, R Mark Wightma. Dynamic gain control of dopamine delivery in freely moving animals. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 24. issue 7. 2004-05-04. PMID:14973252. this computational interpretation of dopaminergic spike activity invites the important question of how changes in spike rate are translated into changes in dopamine delivery at target neural structures. 2004-05-04 2023-08-12 rat