All Relations between dopaminergic and Substantia nigra

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V La Grutta, M Sabatin. Substantia nigra-mediated anticonvulsant action: a possible role of a dopaminergic component. Brain research. vol 515. issue 1-2. 1990-08-01. PMID:2357581. since there is probably an anatomical nigrohippocampal pathway arising from dopaminergic cells in the substantia nigra, we tested the effects of stimulating the substantia nigra pars compacta (snpc) on focal hippocampal epilepsy induced by penicillin injection in the cat. 1990-08-01 2023-08-11 cat
Y Smith, J P Bola. The output neurones and the dopaminergic neurones of the substantia nigra receive a GABA-containing input from the globus pallidus in the rat. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 296. issue 1. 1990-07-31. PMID:1694189. the output neurones and the dopaminergic neurones of the substantia nigra receive a gaba-containing input from the globus pallidus in the rat. 1990-07-31 2023-08-11 rat
S Goto, A Hirano, S Matsumot. Immunohistochemical study of the striatal efferents and nigral dopaminergic neurons in parkinsonism-dementia complex on Guam in comparison with those in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. Annals of neurology. vol 27. issue 5. 1990-07-31. PMID:1694418. however, as compared to the patients with ad or pd, patients with parkinsonism-dementia complex showed severe reduction (greater than 90%) in the number of dopaminergic neurons in both the lateral and the medial portions of the substantia nigra. 1990-07-31 2023-08-11 Not clear
G L Gessa, G Colombo, F Fadd. [Experimental models of alcoholism]. Recenti progressi in medicina. vol 81. issue 3. 1990-07-31. PMID:2163090. recently, we have shown that ethanol suppresses the firing of neurons in the pars reticulata of the substantia nigra, which exert an inhibitory control over dopaminergic neurons. 1990-07-31 2023-08-11 mouse
R L Albin, A Reiner, K D Anderson, J B Penney, A B Youn. Striatal and nigral neuron subpopulations in rigid Huntington's disease: implications for the functional anatomy of chorea and rigidity-akinesia. Annals of neurology. vol 27. issue 4. 1990-07-16. PMID:1972318. we tested the hypothesis that rigid-akinetic hd results from deficient dopaminergic nigrostriatal neurotransmission by examining tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive (th-ir) neurons in the substantia nigra. 1990-07-16 2023-08-11 Not clear
G M Halliday, Y W Li, P C Blumbergs, T H Joh, R G Cotton, P R Howe, W W Blessing, L B Geffe. Neuropathology of immunohistochemically identified brainstem neurons in Parkinson's disease. Annals of neurology. vol 27. issue 4. 1990-07-16. PMID:1972319. all dopaminergic nuclei were variably affected, but were most severely affected in the caudal, central substantia nigra. 1990-07-16 2023-08-11 human
M Farre Albaladej. [Neurologic complications of drug addiction. General aspects. Complications caused by cannabis, designer drugs and volatile substances]. Archivos de neurobiologia. vol 52 Suppl 1. 1990-07-13. PMID:2700291. mptp kill dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra, inducing parkinson's disease. 1990-07-13 2023-08-11 Not clear
R M Jaspers, T J de Vries, A R Cool. Effects of intrastriatal apomorphine on changes in switching behaviour induced by the glutamate agonist AMPA injected into the cat caudate nucleus. Behavioural brain research. vol 37. issue 3. 1990-06-27. PMID:2160249. in view of the notion that the dopaminergic caudate nucleus, its output station the substantia nigra, pars reticulata and the nigral output station the deeper layers of the colliculus superior are essential for switching behaviour, but not for the display of disturbances like ampa-induced limb deficits, the present data strongly suggest that only ampa-induced changes in switching, but not ampa-induced limb deficits, are mediated by the caudato-nigro-collicular circuitry. 1990-06-27 2023-08-11 cat
H Dabadie, N Mons, M Geffar. Simultaneous detection of tryptamine and dopamine in rat substantia nigra and raphe nuclei using specific antibodies. Brain research. vol 512. issue 1. 1990-06-21. PMID:2337800. secondly, using a monoclonal anti-dopamine (da) antibody and our anti-t antibodies, the simultaneous and specific detection of these compounds enabled us to define the spatial relationships existing between the dopaminergic and tryptaminergic neuronal systems from the substantia nigra (sn) to the raphe nuclei. 1990-06-21 2023-08-11 rat
Y Masuo, D Pélaprat, M N Montagne, D Scherman, W Rostèn. Regulation of neurotensin-containing neurons in the rat striatum and substantia nigra. Effects of unilateral nigral lesion with 6-hydroxydopamine on neurotensin content and its binding site density. Brain research. vol 510. issue 2. 1990-06-04. PMID:1970504. on the other hand, nt binding sites decreased in the ipsilateral striatum and substantia nigra, which reflected the destruction of dopaminergic elements in these regions. 1990-06-04 2023-08-11 rat
M W Smith, T R Cooper, T H Joh, D E Smit. Cell loss and class distribution of TH-I cells in the substantia nigra of the neurological mutant, weaver. Brain research. vol 510. issue 2. 1990-06-04. PMID:1970505. the immunoreactive cells in the substantia nigra were examined to determine the subclasses of cells that are affected when dopaminergic neurons are lost in these mutants. 1990-06-04 2023-08-11 mouse
P N'Gouemo, M Lerner-Natoli, G Rondouin, K Watanabe, F Sandillon, A Privat, M Baldy-Moulinie. Catecholaminergic systems and amygdala kindling development. Effects of bilateral lesions of substantia nigra dopaminergic or locus coeruleus noradrenergic neurones. Epilepsy research. vol 5. issue 2. 1990-05-30. PMID:2109692. the effects of the bilateral and selective destruction of substantia nigra (sn) dopaminergic or locus coeruleus (lc) noradrenergic neurones, consecutive to a local injection of 6-hydroxydopamine, were studied on the development of amygdala kindling. 1990-05-30 2023-08-11 Not clear
R M Jaspers, J W Berkelbach van der Sprenkel, C A Tulleken, A R Cool. Local as well as remote functional and metabolic changes after focal ischemia in cats. Brain research bulletin. vol 24. issue 1. 1990-04-26. PMID:2310944. immediately following occlusion, all tested cats started to display a sequence of different behaviors, characteristic for 1) an ipsilateral inhibition of dopaminergic activity in the caudate nucleus (cn); 2) an inhibition of gabaergic activity in the reticular substantia nigra (snr); 3) a stimulation of gaba receptors in the deeper layers of the colliculus superior (csdl) (starting-time of these phases: about 4, 12 and 25 min, respectively). 1990-04-26 2023-08-11 Not clear
A R Cools, R Brachten, D Heeren, A Willemen, B Ellenbroe. Search after neurobiological profile of individual-specific features of Wistar rats. Brain research bulletin. vol 24. issue 1. 1990-04-26. PMID:2310946. the first part of this study demonstrates that the bimodal shape of variation in "fleeing" and "nonfleeing" or "freezing" rats of an outbred strain of wistar rats forms part of an overall biomodal variation in behavioural responses to injections of agents, which selectively alter, or reflect, the noradrenergic or dopaminergic activity in the ventral striatum, and dopaminergic activity in the dorsal striatum, the gaba-ergic activity in the substantia nigra, pars reticulata, and the gaba-ergic activity in the deeper layers of the superior colliculus. 1990-04-26 2023-08-11 rat
J F Kelleher, A J Mandel. Dystonia musculorum deformans: a 'critical phenomenon' model involving nigral dopaminergic and caudate pathways. Medical hypotheses. vol 31. issue 1. 1990-04-25. PMID:2179685. the lateral inhibitory network of spiny i caudate cells and the profuse neostriatal projection of dopaminergic neurons from the substantia nigra are proposed as anatomic substrates for two short-range neostriatal influences whose interaction contributes to the onset and progression of global dystonic spasm in dmd. 1990-04-25 2023-08-11 Not clear
V Calabrese, N G Mangano, V Rizz. [Effects of modulation of the redox system on endogenous lipoperoxidation in the rat central nervous system]. Bollettino della Societa italiana di biologia sperimentale. vol 65. issue 10. 1990-04-12. PMID:2624708. chronic ethanol treatment significantly enhances mda production, particularly at the level of cholinergic structures (septum) as well as in the dopaminergic system (substantia nigra) and cortex. 1990-04-12 2023-08-11 rat
C Konradi, J Kornhuber, L Froelich, J Fritze, H Heinsen, H Beckmann, E Schulz, P Riedere. Demonstration of monoamine oxidase-A and -B in the human brainstem by a histochemical technique. Neuroscience. vol 33. issue 2. 1990-03-28. PMID:2622533. while dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra revealed no staining for monoamine oxidase, noradrenergic neurons of the locus coeruleus stained positively with the monoamine oxidase-a substrate serotonin, and serotonergic neurons of the raphe nuclei were stained by the monoamine oxidase-b substrate beta-phenylethylamine. 1990-03-28 2023-08-11 human
P K Arora, N J Riachi, G C Fiedler, M P Singh, F Abdallah, S I Harik, L M Sayr. Structure-neurotoxicity trends of analogues of 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+), the cytotoxic metabolite of the dopaminergic neurotoxin MPTP. Life sciences. vol 46. issue 5. 1990-03-23. PMID:2304377. in an effort to assess the structural requirements governing mpp+ cytotoxicity, we evaluated dopaminergic toxicity of mpp+ analogues 3 weeks after their microinfusion into rat substantia nigra. 1990-03-23 2023-08-11 rat
C Geula, J T Slevi. Substantia nigra 6-hydroxydopamine lesions alter dopaminergic synaptic markers in the nucleus basalis magnocellularis and striatum of rats. Synapse (New York, N.Y.). vol 4. issue 3. 1990-02-20. PMID:2532792. substantia nigra 6-hydroxydopamine lesions alter dopaminergic synaptic markers in the nucleus basalis magnocellularis and striatum of rats. 1990-02-20 2023-08-11 human
K Müller, V Hömberg, H G Lenar. Motor control in childhood onset dopa-responsive dystonia (Segawa syndrome). Neuropediatrics. vol 20. issue 4. 1990-02-12. PMID:2514399. in contrast to pd the pathophysiological mechanism in drd possibly involves a lack of maturation of dopaminergic substantia nigra neurons rather than a degenerative process. 1990-02-12 2023-08-11 Not clear