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Torsten Falk, Xu Yue, Shiling Zhang, Alexander D McCourt, Brandon J Yee, Robert T Gonzalez, Scott J Sherma. Vascular endothelial growth factor-B is neuroprotective in an in vivo rat model of Parkinson's disease. Neuroscience letters. vol 496. issue 1. 2011-08-26. PMID:21507340. |
immunohistochemical analysis showed that vegf-b(186) treatment partially protected dopaminergic fibers in the striatum and demonstrated a partial rescue of the dopaminergic neurons in the caudal sub-region of the substantia nigra. |
2011-08-26 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
Delphine Michel-Monigadon, Virginie Bonnamain, Véronique Nerrière-Daguin, Anne-Sophie Dugast, Xavier Lévèque, Martine Plat, Eric Venturi, Philippe Brachet, Ignacio Anegon, Bernard Vanhove, Isabelle Neveu, Philippe Naveilha. Trophic and immunoregulatory properties of neural precursor cells: benefit for intracerebral transplantation. Experimental neurology. vol 230. issue 1. 2011-08-12. PMID:20470774. |
in addition to their immunosuppressive effect, in contrast to pnb, very few pnspc differentiated into tyrosine hydroxylase-positive neurons but the cells triggered an intense innervation of the striatum by rat dopaminergic fibers coming from the substantia nigra. |
2011-08-12 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
Sang Hee Kim, Sang-Hyun Baik, Chang Soo Park, Su Jin Kim, Sung Won Choi, Sang Eun Ki. Reduced striatal dopamine D2 receptors in people with Internet addiction. Neuroreport. vol 22. issue 8. 2011-08-12. PMID:21499141. |
we hypothesized that internet addiction would be associated with reduced levels of dopaminergic receptor availability in the striatum compared with controls. |
2011-08-12 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
Marc Guitart-Masip, Lluis Fuentemilla, Dominik R Bach, Quentin J M Huys, Peter Dayan, Raymond J Dolan, Emrah Duze. Action dominates valence in anticipatory representations in the human striatum and dopaminergic midbrain. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 31. issue 21. 2011-08-04. PMID:21613500. |
action dominates valence in anticipatory representations in the human striatum and dopaminergic midbrain. |
2011-08-04 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
Eric S Ramsson, Daniel P Covey, David P Daberkow, Melissa T Litherland, Steven A Juliano, Paul A Garri. Amphetamine augments action potential-dependent dopaminergic signaling in the striatum in vivo. Journal of neurochemistry. vol 117. issue 6. 2011-08-03. PMID:21443523. |
amphetamine augments action potential-dependent dopaminergic signaling in the striatum in vivo. |
2011-08-03 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
Jonathan Moss, Mark A Ungless, J Paul Bola. Dopaminergic axons in different divisions of the adult rat striatal complex do not express vesicular glutamate transporters. The European journal of neuroscience. vol 33. issue 7. 2011-07-18. PMID:21375596. |
here, we provide further support for this view by showing that dopaminergic axons and terminals in subregions of the adult striatum do not express vesicular glutamate transporters (vglut1, vglut2 or vglut3). |
2011-07-18 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
Jonathan Moss, Mark A Ungless, J Paul Bola. Dopaminergic axons in different divisions of the adult rat striatal complex do not express vesicular glutamate transporters. The European journal of neuroscience. vol 33. issue 7. 2011-07-18. PMID:21375596. |
we found that dopaminergic axons and terminals in the dorsolateral striatum and ventral striatum (nucleus accumbens core and shell) do not express vglut1, vglut2 or vglut3. |
2011-07-18 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
Jonathan Moss, Mark A Ungless, J Paul Bola. Dopaminergic axons in different divisions of the adult rat striatal complex do not express vesicular glutamate transporters. The European journal of neuroscience. vol 33. issue 7. 2011-07-18. PMID:21375596. |
we conclude, therefore, that in the normal, adult rat striatum, dopaminergic axons do not co-release glutamate. |
2011-07-18 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
b' Susanna Amadio, Cinzia Montilli, Barbara Picconi, Paolo Calabresi, Cinzia Volont\\xc3\\xa. Mapping P2X and P2Y receptor proteins in striatum and substantia nigra: An immunohistological study. Purinergic signalling. vol 3. issue 4. 2011-07-14. PMID:18404452.' |
this generates a rearrangement of p2 proteins: most p2x and p2y receptors are decreased on gabaergic and dopaminergic neurons, in the lesioned striatum and substantia nigra, respectively, as a consequence of dopaminergic denervation and/or neuronal degeneration. |
2011-07-14 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
Marek Cieślak, Michał Komoszyński, Andrzej Wojtcza. Adenosine A(2A) receptors in Parkinson's disease treatment. Purinergic signalling. vol 4. issue 4. 2011-07-14. PMID:18438720. |
co-localization of adenosine a(2a) and dopaminergic d2 receptors in striatum creates a milieu for antagonistic interaction between adenosine and dopamine. |
2011-07-14 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
Torsten Falk, Shiling Zhang, Scott J Sherma. Vascular endothelial growth factor B (VEGF-B) is up-regulated and exogenous VEGF-B is neuroprotective in a culture model of Parkinson's disease. Molecular neurodegeneration. vol 4. 2011-07-14. PMID:20003314. |
parkinson's disease (pd) results from the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra and the consequent deficit of dopamine released in the striatum. |
2011-07-14 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
Hongyu Wang, Xi Chen, Yuemei Li, Tie-Shan Tang, Ilya Bezprozvann. Tetrabenazine is neuroprotective in Huntington's disease mice. Molecular neurodegeneration. vol 5. 2011-07-14. PMID:20420689. |
tbz acts by reducing dopaminergic input to the striatum. |
2011-07-14 |
2023-08-12 |
mouse |
M T Tadaiesky, P A Dombrowski, C Da Cunha, R N Takahash. Effects of SR141716A on Cognitive and Depression-Related Behavior in an Animal Model of Premotor Parkinson's Disease. Parkinson's disease. vol 2010. 2011-07-14. PMID:20976080. |
these findings suggest a role for cb(1) receptors in the early symptoms caused by degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the striatum, as observed in parkinson's disease. |
2011-07-14 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
Susanne Graef, Guido Biele, Lea K Krugel, Frank Marzinzik, Michael Wahl, Johann Wotka, Fabian Klostermann, Hauke R Heekere. Differential influence of levodopa on reward-based learning in Parkinson's disease. Frontiers in human neuroscience. vol 4. 2011-07-14. PMID:21048900. |
the mesocorticolimbic dopamine (da) system linking the dopaminergic midbrain to the prefrontal cortex and subcortical striatum has been shown to be sensitive to reinforcement in animals and humans. |
2011-07-14 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
Karen S Rommelfanger, Thomas Wichman. Extrastriatal dopaminergic circuits of the Basal Ganglia. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. vol 4. 2011-07-14. PMID:21103009. |
dopamine has long been identified as an important modulator of basal ganglia function in the striatum, and disturbances of striatal dopaminergic transmission have been implicated in diseases such as parkinson's disease (pd), addiction and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. |
2011-07-14 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
Karen S Rommelfanger, Thomas Wichman. Extrastriatal dopaminergic circuits of the Basal Ganglia. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. vol 4. 2011-07-14. PMID:21103009. |
however, recent evidence suggests that dopamine may also modulate basal ganglia function at sites outside of the striatum, and that changes in dopaminergic transmission at these sites may contribute to the symptoms of pd and other neuropsychiatric disorders. |
2011-07-14 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
Paola Bonsi, Dario Cuomo, Giuseppina Martella, Graziella Madeo, Tommaso Schirinzi, Francesca Puglisi, Giulia Ponterio, Antonio Pisan. Centrality of striatal cholinergic transmission in Basal Ganglia function. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. vol 5. 2011-07-14. PMID:21344017. |
loss of the reciprocal modulation between dopaminergic inputs and the intrinsic cholinergic innervation within the striatum appears to be the trigger for pathophysiological changes occurring in basal ganglia disorders. |
2011-07-14 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
Tahira Farooqui, Akhlaq A Farooqu. Lipid-mediated oxidative stress and inflammation in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's disease. vol 2011. 2011-07-14. PMID:21403820. |
pd is characterized by the progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra, depletion of dopamine in the striatum, abnormal mitochondrial and proteasomal functions, and accumulation of α-synuclein that may be closely associated with pathological and clinical abnormalities. |
2011-07-14 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
I-Ching Lai, Mao-Liang Chen, Ying-Chieh Wang, Jen-Yeu Chen, Ding-Lieh Liao, Ya-Mei Bai, Chao-Cheng Lin, Tzu-Ting Chen, Ying-Jay Lio. Analysis of genetic variations in the human melatonin receptor (MTNR1A, MTNR1B) genes and antipsychotics-induced tardive dyskinesia in schizophrenia. The world journal of biological psychiatry : the official journal of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry. vol 12. issue 2. 2011-07-11. PMID:20726823. |
antipsychotics-induced tardive dyskinesia (td) has been suggested to be related to altered dopaminergic neurotransmission in the striatum. |
2011-07-11 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
A Basta-Kaim, K Fijał, B Budziszewska, M Regulska, M Leśkiewicz, M Kubera, K Gołembiowska, W Lasoń, K Wędzon. Prenatal lipopolysaccharide treatment enhances MK-801-induced psychotomimetic effects in rats. Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior. vol 98. issue 2. 2011-07-08. PMID:21236292. |
these behavioral changes were accompanied by a decrease in the dopamine and its metabolite, dopac concentration in the frontal cortex, enhanced dopaminergic system activity in the striatum and no changes in noradrenaline (na) level. |
2011-07-08 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |