All Relations between cocaine and nucleus accumbens

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Serge H Ahmed, Daniel Lin, George F Koob, Loren H Parson. Escalation of cocaine self-administration does not depend on altered cocaine-induced nucleus accumbens dopamine levels. Journal of neurochemistry. vol 86. issue 1. 2003-08-26. PMID:12807430. escalation of cocaine self-administration does not depend on altered cocaine-induced nucleus accumbens dopamine levels. 2003-08-26 2023-08-12 rat
Serge H Ahmed, Daniel Lin, George F Koob, Loren H Parson. Escalation of cocaine self-administration does not depend on altered cocaine-induced nucleus accumbens dopamine levels. Journal of neurochemistry. vol 86. issue 1. 2003-08-26. PMID:12807430. the present experiment employed in vivo microdialysis to test the role of alterations in drug pharmacokinetics and/or efficacy in increasing dopamine (da) levels in the nucleus accumbens (nacc) during cocaine intake escalation. 2003-08-26 2023-08-12 rat
Zia Rahman, Johannes Schwarz, Stephen J Gold, Venetia Zachariou, Marc N Wein, Kwang Ho Choi, Abraham Kovoor, Ching Kang Chen, Ralph J DiLeone, Sigrid C Schwarz, Dana E Selley, Laura J Sim-Selley, Michel Barrot, Robert R Luedtke, David Self, Rachael L Neve, Henry A Lester, Melvin I Simon, Eric J Nestle. RGS9 modulates dopamine signaling in the basal ganglia. Neuron. vol 38. issue 6. 2003-08-15. PMID:12818179. viral-mediated overexpression of rgs9-2 in rat nucleus accumbens (ventral striatum) reduced locomotor responses to cocaine (an indirect dopamine agonist) and to d2 but not to d1 receptor agonists. 2003-08-15 2023-08-12 mouse
Zia Rahman, Johannes Schwarz, Stephen J Gold, Venetia Zachariou, Marc N Wein, Kwang Ho Choi, Abraham Kovoor, Ching Kang Chen, Ralph J DiLeone, Sigrid C Schwarz, Dana E Selley, Laura J Sim-Selley, Michel Barrot, Robert R Luedtke, David Self, Rachael L Neve, Henry A Lester, Melvin I Simon, Eric J Nestle. RGS9 modulates dopamine signaling in the basal ganglia. Neuron. vol 38. issue 6. 2003-08-15. PMID:12818179. finally, chronic cocaine exposure increased rgs9-2 levels in nucleus accumbens. 2003-08-15 2023-08-12 mouse
David A Baker, Krista McFarland, Russell W Lake, Hui Shen, Xing-Chun Tang, Shigenobu Toda, Peter W Kaliva. Neuroadaptations in cystine-glutamate exchange underlie cocaine relapse. Nature neuroscience. vol 6. issue 7. 2003-08-14. PMID:12778052. withdrawal from repeated cocaine reduced in vivo extracellular glutamate in the nucleus accumbens of rats by decreasing the exchange of extracellular cystine for intracellular glutamate. 2003-08-14 2023-08-12 human
G Hotsenpiller, M E Wol. Baclofen attenuates conditioned locomotion to cues associated with cocaine administration and stabilizes extracellular glutamate levels in rat nucleus accumbens. Neuroscience. vol 118. issue 1. 2003-08-13. PMID:12676144. baclofen attenuates conditioned locomotion to cues associated with cocaine administration and stabilizes extracellular glutamate levels in rat nucleus accumbens. 2003-08-13 2023-08-12 human
Dmitri Proudnikov, Vadim Yuferov, K Steven LaForge, Ann Ho, Mary Jeanne Kree. Quantification of multiple mRNA levels in rat brain regions using real time optical PCR. Brain research. Molecular brain research. vol 112. issue 1-2. 2003-07-31. PMID:12670717. this technique was used to quantify levels of mrnas of 21 genes in tissue extracts from caudate putamen and nucleus accumbens from individual rats after 1 day 'binge' cocaine or saline administration. 2003-07-31 2023-08-12 rat
P Fagergren, H R Smith, J B Daunais, M A Nader, L J Porrino, Y L Hur. Temporal upregulation of prodynorphin mRNA in the primate striatum after cocaine self-administration. The European journal of neuroscience. vol 17. issue 10. 2003-07-28. PMID:12786988. moreover, cocaine self-administration failed to alter the pdyn mrna expression in high- or low-expressing pdyn cell populations in the nucleus accumbens during any condition studied. 2003-07-28 2023-08-12 human
Stefan D Schlussman, Yong Zhang, Vadim Yuferov, K Steven LaForge, Ann Ho, Mary Jeanne Kree. Acute 'binge' cocaine administration elevates dynorphin mRNA in the caudate putamen of C57BL/6J but not 129/J mice. Brain research. vol 974. issue 1-2. 2003-07-22. PMID:12742644. preprodynorphin mrna was measured in the nucleus accumbens (nac) and caudate putamen (cpu) after 3-day 'binge' pattern cocaine administration in c57bl/6j and 129/j mice, strains which differ in behavior and in dopamine increases in the cpu after 'binge' cocaine. 2003-07-22 2023-08-12 mouse
Kazuaki Shimosato, Noriki Nagao, Satoru Watanabe, Shigeo Kitayam. Suppressive effects of trihexyphenidyl on methamphetamine-induced dopamine release as measured by in vivo microdialysis. Synapse (New York, N.Y.). vol 49. issue 1. 2003-07-17. PMID:12710014. the present study examined using in vivo microdialysis whether thp differentially affects the extracellular dopamine (da) levels in the nucleus accumbens and striatum of mice injected with map and cocaine in comparison with another antimuscarinic agent, scopolamine (scp). 2003-07-17 2023-08-12 mouse
Kazuaki Shimosato, Noriki Nagao, Satoru Watanabe, Shigeo Kitayam. Suppressive effects of trihexyphenidyl on methamphetamine-induced dopamine release as measured by in vivo microdialysis. Synapse (New York, N.Y.). vol 49. issue 1. 2003-07-17. PMID:12710014. cocaine (10 mg/kg) increased da levels during the initial hour to 254% in the nucleus accumbens and 220% in the striatum as compared to the basal level. 2003-07-17 2023-08-12 mouse
Thomas M Loonam, Pierre A H Noailles, Jing Yu, Judy P Q Zhu, Jesus A Angul. Substance P and cholecystokinin regulate neurochemical responses to cocaine and methamphetamine in the striatum. Life sciences. vol 73. issue 6. 2003-07-17. PMID:12801594. the mechanism of action of drugs of abuse like cocaine and amphetamines has been studied extensively in the dopamine terminal field areas of the caudate-putamen (cpu) and the nucleus accumbens (nac) of the rodent brain. 2003-07-17 2023-08-12 mouse
M-C Peakman, C Colby, L I Perrotti, P Tekumalla, T Carle, P Ulery, J Chao, C Duman, C Steffen, L Monteggia, M R Allen, J L Stock, R S Duman, J D McNeish, M Barrot, D W Self, E J Nestler, E Schaeffe. Inducible, brain region-specific expression of a dominant negative mutant of c-Jun in transgenic mice decreases sensitivity to cocaine. Brain research. vol 970. issue 1-2. 2003-07-08. PMID:12706249. administration of cocaine induces the fos family of transcription factors in the striatum, including the nucleus accumbens (nac), a brain region important for the rewarding effects of addictive drugs. 2003-07-08 2023-08-12 mouse
Takatoshi Hikida, Yasuji Kitabatake, Ira Pastan, Shigetada Nakanish. Acetylcholine enhancement in the nucleus accumbens prevents addictive behaviors of cocaine and morphine. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. vol 100. issue 10. 2003-07-01. PMID:12721372. acetylcholine enhancement in the nucleus accumbens prevents addictive behaviors of cocaine and morphine. 2003-07-01 2023-08-12 Not clear
Takatoshi Hikida, Yasuji Kitabatake, Ira Pastan, Shigetada Nakanish. Acetylcholine enhancement in the nucleus accumbens prevents addictive behaviors of cocaine and morphine. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. vol 100. issue 10. 2003-07-01. PMID:12721372. cocaine and morphine elevate dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens (nac), and the overwhelming actions of dopamine are implicated in reinforcement and addiction of abusive drugs. 2003-07-01 2023-08-12 Not clear
S D Norrholm, J A Bibb, E J Nestler, C C Ouimet, J R Taylor, P Greengar. Cocaine-induced proliferation of dendritic spines in nucleus accumbens is dependent on the activity of cyclin-dependent kinase-5. Neuroscience. vol 116. issue 1. 2003-06-24. PMID:12535933. repeated exposure to cocaine produces an enduring increase in dendritic spine density in adult rat nucleus accumbens. 2003-06-24 2023-08-12 rat
Shinichi Naka. Is attenuation of extracellular dopamine increase in the nucleus accumbens the major mechanism by which dexmedetomidine increases the cocaine seizure threshold in rats? Anesthesiology. vol 98. issue 6. 2003-06-24. PMID:12766673. is attenuation of extracellular dopamine increase in the nucleus accumbens the major mechanism by which dexmedetomidine increases the cocaine seizure threshold in rats? 2003-06-24 2023-08-12 rat
J V Trinh, D L Nehrenberg, J P R Jacobsen, M G Caron, W C Wetse. Differential psychostimulant-induced activation of neural circuits in dopamine transporter knockout and wild type mice. Neuroscience. vol 118. issue 2. 2003-06-16. PMID:12699766. amphetamine and cocaine produced similar changes to that for methylphenidate, except these psychostimulants also induced fos-li in the nucleus accumbens of the ko animals. 2003-06-16 2023-08-12 mouse
Jadwiga Turchan, Marcin Maj, Barbara Przewłocka, Ryszard Przewłock. Effect of cocaine and amphetamine on biosynthesis of proenkephalin and prodynorphin in some regions of the rat limbic system. Polish journal of pharmacology. vol 54. issue 4. 2003-06-03. PMID:12523490. these studies also indicate that the changes in opioid gene expression in the central nucleus of the amygdala are not parallel to those observed in the nucleus accumbens after cocaine and amphetamine, which suggests that peptidergic systems in the structures of extended amygdala might be regulated by different neurochemical mechanisms after psychostymulant administration. 2003-06-03 2023-08-12 rat
Vladimir I Chefer, Irina Zakharova, Toni S Shippenber. Enhanced responsiveness to novelty and cocaine is associated with decreased basal dopamine uptake and release in the nucleus accumbens: quantitative microdialysis in rats under transient conditions. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 23. issue 7. 2003-05-30. PMID:12684494. enhanced responsiveness to novelty and cocaine is associated with decreased basal dopamine uptake and release in the nucleus accumbens: quantitative microdialysis in rats under transient conditions. 2003-05-30 2023-08-12 rat