All Relations between hb and alpha

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
E George, H B Wong, M Jamaluddin, T H Huisma. Peripheral haemolysis, lipid peroxidation, iron status, and vitamin E in haemoglobin H syndromes in West Malaysia. Singapore medical journal. vol 34. issue 3. 1994-01-25. PMID:8266182. following complete dna characterisation patients with hb h disease were assigned into two groups: deletional (alpha +/alpha o) and non deletional (hbcs/alpha o). 1994-01-25 2023-08-12 Not clear
M Hashimoto, K Ishimori, K Imai, G Miyazaki, H Morimoto, Y Wada, I Morishim. Site-directed mutagenesis in hemoglobin: functional and structural study of the intersubunit hydrogen bond of threonine-38(C3)alpha at the alpha 1-beta 2 interface in human hemoglobin. Biochemistry. vol 32. issue 49. 1994-01-19. PMID:8257703. to clarify the functional and structural roles of thr-38 alpha at the alpha 1-beta 2 interface, two artificial alpha-chain mutants, in which thr-38 alpha is replaced by ser (hb t38 alpha s) or val (hb t38 alpha v), were prepared. 1994-01-19 2023-08-12 human
R I Roth, J Levin, K W Chapman, M Schmeizl, F R Rickle. Production of modified crosslinked cell-free hemoglobin for human use: the role of quantitative determination of endotoxin contamination. Transfusion. vol 33. issue 11. 1994-01-19. PMID:8259598. limulus amebocyte lysate assays for endotoxin were performed on multiple hb samples from 26 independent production runs for the preparation of human crosslinked cell-free hemoglobin (alpha alpha hb). 1994-01-19 2023-08-12 human
R I Roth, J Levin, K W Chapman, M Schmeizl, F R Rickle. Production of modified crosslinked cell-free hemoglobin for human use: the role of quantitative determination of endotoxin contamination. Transfusion. vol 33. issue 11. 1994-01-19. PMID:8259598. high levels of lps contamination (1- > 100 ng/ml) of alpha alpha hb solutions were detected in multiple samples during many of the initial production runs. 1994-01-19 2023-08-12 human
R I Roth, J Levin, K W Chapman, M Schmeizl, F R Rickle. Production of modified crosslinked cell-free hemoglobin for human use: the role of quantitative determination of endotoxin contamination. Transfusion. vol 33. issue 11. 1994-01-19. PMID:8259598. it was observed that lps contamination of alpha alpha hb solutions could occur at any step during the production sequence. 1994-01-19 2023-08-12 human
R I Roth, J Levin, K W Chapman, M Schmeizl, F R Rickle. Production of modified crosslinked cell-free hemoglobin for human use: the role of quantitative determination of endotoxin contamination. Transfusion. vol 33. issue 11. 1994-01-19. PMID:8259598. substantial enhancement by alpha alpha hb of the biologic effects of lps was demonstrated by two independent assays for endotoxin (the limulus amebocyte lysate test and a mononuclear cell procoagulant assay), whereas lps biologic activity was only slightly increased by human serum albumin and substantially diminished by igg. 1994-01-19 2023-08-12 human
M Oshima, S Nakamura, M Z Atass. Amino acid substitutions outside a preselected antigenic region in hemoglobin affect the binding to monoclonal antibodies obtained by immunization with the synthetic region. Journal of protein chemistry. vol 12. issue 4. 1994-01-11. PMID:8251060. to test this assumption, two mabs [igg1(k) and igg2a(k)] were prepared by immunization with a synthetic peptide corresponding to region 63-78 of the alpha chain of human hemoglobin (hb). 1994-01-11 2023-08-12 human
M Oshima, S Nakamura, M Z Atass. Amino acid substitutions outside a preselected antigenic region in hemoglobin affect the binding to monoclonal antibodies obtained by immunization with the synthetic region. Journal of protein chemistry. vol 12. issue 4. 1994-01-11. PMID:8251060. in addition to their reaction with human hb, the mabs were also studied with four primate hbs which had no substitutions within region alpha 63-78 and only a limited number of substitutions which occurred outside of, and at considerable distances in three-dimensional (3d) structure from, this region. 1994-01-11 2023-08-12 human
M A Cürük, E Baysal, R B Gupta, S Sharma, T H Huisma. An IVS-I-117 (G-->A) acceptor splice site mutation in the alpha 1-globin gene is a nondeletional alpha-thalassaemia-2 determinant in an Indian population. British journal of haematology. vol 85. issue 1. 1994-01-11. PMID:8251382. in 1991 we reported the identification of two deletional alpha-thalassaemia-2 determinants (-3.7 kb and -4.2 kb) and one nondeletional alpha-thalassaemia-2 determinant (hb koya dora alpha 2 codon 142, taa-->tca) in a tribal population in central india (gupta et al, 1991). 1994-01-11 2023-08-12 human
M A Cürük, E Baysal, R B Gupta, S Sharma, T H Huisma. An IVS-I-117 (G-->A) acceptor splice site mutation in the alpha 1-globin gene is a nondeletional alpha-thalassaemia-2 determinant in an Indian population. British journal of haematology. vol 85. issue 1. 1994-01-11. PMID:8251382. evidence was obtained at that time for the possible presence of an additional nondeletional alpha-thalassaemia-2 because of low levels of hb s (< 28%) in some hb s heterozygotes with a simple alpha-thalassaemia-2 heterozygosity (-alpha/alpha alpha). 1994-01-11 2023-08-12 human
W B Qin, E Baysal, K F Wong, T P Molchanova, D D Pobedimskaya, S Sharma, J B Wilson, T H Huisma. Quantities of alpha Q chain variants in heterozygotes with and without a concomitant beta-thalassemia trait. American journal of hematology. vol 45. issue 1. 1994-01-06. PMID:8250015. we have analyzed the quantities of alpha x chain-containing hemoglobins (alpha 2 x beta 2 and alpha 2 x delta 2) in 14 heterozygotes for hb q-india [alpha 64(e13)asp-->his] or hb q-thailand [alpha 74(ef3)asp-->his]; both amino acid replacements are the result of mutations in the alpha 1-globin gene. 1994-01-06 2023-08-12 Not clear
W B Qin, E Baysal, K F Wong, T P Molchanova, D D Pobedimskaya, S Sharma, J B Wilson, T H Huisma. Quantities of alpha Q chain variants in heterozygotes with and without a concomitant beta-thalassemia trait. American journal of hematology. vol 45. issue 1. 1994-01-06. PMID:8250015. the average quantities for hb q + hb q2 in the four groups were 17.2% (alpha alpha q/alpha alpha; beta a/beta a), 9.5% (alpha alpha q/alpha alpha; beta a/beta(0) th), 26.8% (-alpha q/alpha alpha; beta a/beta a), and 16.95% (-alpha q/alpha alpha; beta a/beta(0) th). 1994-01-06 2023-08-12 Not clear
V S Ribeiro, J T de Araúj. [Hemoglobin H: laboratory identification]. Revista do Hospital das Clinicas. vol 47. issue 4. 1993-12-06. PMID:1340598. hemoglobin h (hb h) disease is an alpha thalassemia form characterized by low synthesis of alpha chain and high beta chain concentration; this unbalance induces the beta chain tetramers formation. 1993-12-06 2023-08-11 Not clear
A Urabe, H Mizoguchi, F Takaku, T Miyazaki, A Yachi, Y Niitsu, Y Miura, Y Mutoh, S Fujioka, T Nomur. [Effects of rHuEPO on aplastic anemia: results of a phase II clinical study]. [Rinsho ketsueki] The Japanese journal of clinical hematology. vol 34. issue 9. 1993-12-06. PMID:8230742. the safety and efficacy of recombinant human erythropoietin (epoetin alpha) were investigated in adult aplastic anemia patients whose hemoglobin (hb) concentration was less than 10g/dl. 1993-12-06 2023-08-12 human
A Urabe, H Mizoguchi, F Takaku, T Miyazaki, A Yachi, Y Niitsu, Y Miura, Y Mutoh, S Fujioka, T Nomur. [Effects of rHuEPO on aplastic anemia: results of a phase II clinical study]. [Rinsho ketsueki] The Japanese journal of clinical hematology. vol 34. issue 9. 1993-12-06. PMID:8230742. epoetin alpha was given subcutaneously every day at a dose of 3,000iu/body for two weeks, and the dosage was increased to 6,000iu, 12,000iu and 24,000iu every two weeks when the increment of hb was insufficient. 1993-12-06 2023-08-12 human
A Urabe, H Mizoguchi, F Takaku, T Miyazaki, A Yachi, Y Niitsu, Y Miura, Y Mutoh, S Fujioka, T Nomur. [Effects of rHuEPO on aplastic anemia: results of a phase II clinical study]. [Rinsho ketsueki] The Japanese journal of clinical hematology. vol 34. issue 9. 1993-12-06. PMID:8230742. these results suggest that high dose subcutaneous epoetin alpha treatment is effective for the aplastic anemia in terms of increasing hb concentration and reducing blood transfusions. 1993-12-06 2023-08-12 human
V Divoky, M Svobodova, K Indrak, L Chrobak, T P Molchanova, T H Huisma. Hb Hradec Kralove (Hb HK) or alpha 2 beta 2 115(G17)Ala-->Asp, a severely unstable hemoglobin variant resulting in a dominant beta-thalassemia trait in a Czech family. Hemoglobin. vol 17. issue 4. 1993-12-01. PMID:7693620. hb hradec kralove (hb hk) or alpha 2 beta 2 115(g17)ala-->asp, a severely unstable hemoglobin variant resulting in a dominant beta-thalassemia trait in a czech family. 1993-12-01 2023-08-12 human
T H Huisman, L H Gu, J C Liu, Y J Fei, E L Walke. Black alpha-thalassemia-1: partial characterization of an approximately 80 kb deletion which includes the zeta- and alpha-globin genes. Hemoglobin. vol 17. issue 4. 1993-12-01. PMID:7901183. the deletion was present in a 35-year-old male with hb h disease and his mother; the major hemoglobin type in the propositus was hb g-philadelphia or alpha (2)68(e12)asn-->lys beta 2 because his second chromosome carried the -alpha g(-3.7 kb) alpha-thalassemia-2 deletion. 1993-12-01 2023-08-12 Not clear
L H Gu, J B Wilson, T P Molchanova, K M McKie, V C McKie, T H Huisma. Three sickle cell anemia patients each with a different alpha chain variant. Diagnostic complications. Hemoglobin. vol 17. issue 4. 1993-12-01. PMID:8226092. we have studied three sickle cell anemia patients who also carried a heterozygosity for one of the following alpha chain abnormalities: hb g-philadelphia [alpha 68(e17)asn-->lys], hb montgomery [alpha 48 (ce6)leu-->arg], and hb chicago [alpha 136(h19)leu-->met]. 1993-12-01 2023-08-12 Not clear
M Philippe, Y Larondelle, J L Vaerman, P Martiat, F Galacteros, H Wajcman, M Lamber. Hb Tübingen [alpha 2 beta (2)106(G8)Leu-->Gln] in a Belgian Family. Hemoglobin. vol 17. issue 4. 1993-12-01. PMID:8226097. hb tübingen [alpha 2 beta (2)106(g8)leu-->gln] in a belgian family. 1993-12-01 2023-08-12 Not clear