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Peerapon Wong, Piriya Thanormrat, Suchila Srithipayawan, Nangnoy Jermnim, Sukumarn Niyomthom, Nungruethai Nimnuch, Torpong Sanguansermsr. Risk of a couple having a child with severe thalassemia syndrome, prevalence in lower northern Thailand. The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health. vol 37. issue 2. 2007-01-23. PMID:17125000. |
fifteen couples were at risk for compound heterozygous hb e / beta thalassemia and the remaining 3 were at risk for homozygous alpha thalassemia-1. |
2007-01-23 |
2023-08-12 |
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Viroj Wiwanitki. Secondary and tertiary structure aberration of alpha globin chain in haemoglobin Q-India disorder. Indian journal of pathology & microbiology. vol 49. issue 4. 2007-01-19. PMID:17183835. |
in this study, amino acid sequence of human alpha globin was searched using expasy and used for further mutation to hb q-india disorder. |
2007-01-19 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
Viroj Wiwanitki. Secondary and tertiary structure aberration of alpha globin chain in haemoglobin Q-India disorder. Indian journal of pathology & microbiology. vol 49. issue 4. 2007-01-19. PMID:17183835. |
the derived sequences, alpha globin chains in both normal and hb q-india disorder, were used for further investigation for secondary and tertiary structures. |
2007-01-19 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
Viroj Wiwanitki. Secondary and tertiary structure aberration of alpha globin chain in haemoglobin Q-India disorder. Indian journal of pathology & microbiology. vol 49. issue 4. 2007-01-19. PMID:17183835. |
based on this information, the main difference between the predicted alpha globin secondary structures of normal and hb q-india is an extra helix in the hb q-india. |
2007-01-19 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
Goonnapa Fucharoen, Jaruwan Trithipsombat, Suparerk Sirithawee, Supawadee Yamsri, Yossombat Changtrakul, Kanokwan Sanchaisuriya, Supan Fucharoe. Molecular and hematological profiles of hemoglobin EE disease with different forms of alpha-thalassemia. Annals of hematology. vol 85. issue 7. 2007-01-18. PMID:16565831. |
these included 21 cases with alpha(+)-thalassemia heterozygote (-alpha(3.7)/alphaalpha), one case with alpha(+)-thalassemia heterozygote (-alpha(4.2)/alphaalpha), six cases with hb constant spring heterozygote (alpha(cs)alpha/alphaalpha), four cases with homozygous alpha(+)-thalassemia (-alpha(3.7)/-alpha(3.7)), one case with homozygous alpha(+)-thalassemia (-alpha(4.2)/-alpha(4.2)), two cases with compound alpha(+)-thalassemia/hb constant spring (-alpha(3.7)/alpha(cs)alpha), one case with compound alpha(+)-thalassemia/hb paksé (-alpha(3.7)/alpha(ps)alpha), four cases with alpha(0)-thalassemia heterozygote (--(sea)/alphaalpha), and, unexpectedly, two cases with compound alpha(0)-thalassemia/alpha(+)-thalassemia [(--(sea)/-alpha(3.7)) and (--(sea)/-alpha(4.2))]. |
2007-01-18 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
Warunee Tungwiwat, Supan Fucharoen, Goonnapa Fucharoen, Thawalwong Ratanasiri, Kanokwan Sanchaisuriy. Development and application of a real-time quantitative PCR for prenatal detection of fetal alpha(0)-thalassemia from maternal plasma. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. vol 1075. 2007-01-10. PMID:17108198. |
analysis was performed using dna extracted from 200 mul plasma from 13 pregnant women during 8-20 weeks of gestation who carried fetuses with normal (2), alpha(0)-thalassemia carrier (8), hb h disease (1), and homozygous alpha(0)-thalassemia (hb bart's hydrops fetalis (2). |
2007-01-10 |
2023-08-12 |
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Warunee Tungwiwat, Supan Fucharoen, Goonnapa Fucharoen, Thawalwong Ratanasiri, Kanokwan Sanchaisuriy. Development and application of a real-time quantitative PCR for prenatal detection of fetal alpha(0)-thalassemia from maternal plasma. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. vol 1075. 2007-01-10. PMID:17108198. |
differences in the c(t) (threshold cycle) values and calculated concentrations of amplified dna among normal fetus, alpha(0)-thalassemia carrier, hb h disease, and homozygous alpha(0)-thalassemia were clearly observed, which could help in prenatal prediction of the fetal genotype. |
2007-01-10 |
2023-08-12 |
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Pornrutsami Jintaridth, Chantragan Srisomsap, Kanjana Vichittumaros, Ruchaneekorn W Kalpravidh, Pranee Winichagoon, Suthat Fucharoen, M R Jisnuson Svasti, Watchara Kasinrer. Chicken egg yolk antibodies specific for the gamma chain of human hemoglobin for diagnosis of thalassemia. International journal of hematology. vol 83. issue 5. 2006-12-27. PMID:16787871. |
the igy abs produced reacted with gamma globin, hb bart's, hb f, normal cord hemolysate (hbs f plus a), and hb bart's hydrops fetalis (hbs bart's plus portland) and to a lesser degree with beta globin, hb a, hb a2 and adult hemolysate (hbs a plus a2), but the abs did not react with alpha globin. |
2006-12-27 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
Matteo Ceccarelli, Paolo Ruggerone, Roberto Anedda, Antonella Fais, Benedetta Era, Maria Carla Sollaino, Marcella Corda, Mariano Cas. Structure-function relationship in a variant hemoglobin: a combined computational-experimental approach. Biophysical journal. vol 91. issue 9. 2006-12-13. PMID:16844744. |
our study examines the functional and structural effects of amino acid substitution in the distal side of beta-chains of human hb duarte (alpha(2)beta(2)(62ala-->pro)). |
2006-12-13 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
Takeshi Yokoyama, Saburo Neya, Antonio Tsuneshige, Takashi Yonetani, Sam-Yong Park, Jeremy R H Tam. R-state haemoglobin with low oxygen affinity: crystal structures of deoxy human and carbonmonoxy horse haemoglobin bound to the effector molecule L35. Journal of molecular biology. vol 356. issue 3. 2006-11-08. PMID:16403522. |
in an earlier paper we showed that bezafibrate (bzf) binds to a surface pocket on the alpha subunits of r state hb, strongly reducing the oxygen affinity of this protein conformation. |
2006-11-08 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
Benedict P Carnley, John F Prior, Anne Gilbert, Erna Lim, Robyn Devenish, Heng Sing, Eng Sarin, Rathi Guhadasan, Sheena G Sullivan, Cheryl A Wise, Alan H Bittles, Kaimin Chan, Man-Sim Wong, Vivian Chan, Wendy N Erbe. The prevalence and molecular basis of hemoglobinopathies in Cambodia. Hemoglobin. vol 30. issue 4. 2006-10-26. PMID:16987801. |
the - -sea deletion and nondeletional forms of alpha-thal, hb constant spring [hb cs, alpha142, term-->gln, taa-->caa (alpha2)], hb paksé [alpha142, term-->tyr, taa-->tat (alpha2)] and triplicated alpha genes, were also present but at low frequencies. |
2006-10-26 |
2023-08-12 |
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A El Firdoussi, M Esseffar, W Bouab, J-L M Abboud, O Mó, M Yáñez, M F Ruass. Density functional theory study of the hydrogen bond interaction between lactones, lactams, and methanol. The journal of physical chemistry. A. vol 109. issue 40. 2006-10-04. PMID:16332023. |
for lactones and n-methyl lactams, the most stable structure is trans; it is stabilized, as in cyclic ketones, through the conventional hydrogen bond (hb) interaction between the basic carbonyl oxygen and the acidic methanolic hydrogen and an unconventional hb interaction between the methanolic oxygen and the ch hydrogen, in the alpha position of the carbonyl group. |
2006-10-04 |
2023-08-12 |
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Amy G Brown, Rita S Leite, Adam J Engler, Dennis E Discher, Jerome F Straus. A hemoglobin fragment found in cervicovaginal fluid from women in labor potentiates the action of agents that promote contraction of smooth muscle cells. Peptides. vol 27. issue 7. 2006-09-28. PMID:16621150. |
all of these peaks were identified as fragments of alpha or beta-hemoglobin (hb). |
2006-09-28 |
2023-08-12 |
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L-Y Wang, D-C Liang, H-C Liu, F-C Chang, C-L Wang, Y-S Chan, M Li. Alloimmunization among patients with transfusion-dependent thalassemia in Taiwan. Transfusion medicine (Oxford, England). vol 16. issue 3. 2006-09-21. PMID:16764599. |
of the 30 patients, 28 who had beta-thalassemia major and two who had hb h disease (alpha thalassemia), 11 (37%) were found to carry alloantibodies. |
2006-09-21 |
2023-08-12 |
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M Prabhakaran, Belur N Manjula, Seetharama A Achary. Molecular modeling studies of surface decoration of hemoglobin by maleimide PEG. Artificial cells, blood substitutes, and immobilization biotechnology. vol 34. issue 4. 2006-08-31. PMID:16818412. |
we have introduced three cys residues-cys-13 (alpha), cys-111 (alpha), and cys-13 (beta)-onto hb by molecular modeling. |
2006-08-31 |
2023-08-12 |
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Nelly Burnichon, Philippe Lacan, Michel Becchi, Isabelle Zanella-Cleon, Martine Aubry, Mohammed Mowafy, Nicole Couprie, Alain Francin. A new alpha chain hemoglobin variant: Hb Al-Hammadi Riyadh [alpha75(EF4)Asp-->Val (alpha2)]. Hemoglobin. vol 30. issue 2. 2006-08-29. PMID:16798639. |
a new alpha chain hemoglobin variant: hb al-hammadi riyadh [alpha75(ef4)asp-->val (alpha2)]. |
2006-08-29 |
2023-08-12 |
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L V Abaturov, T P Molchanova, N G Nosova, S V Shliapnikov, D A Faĭzuli. [The conformational dynamic of the tetramer hemoglobin molecule as revealed by hydrogen exchange. II. Influence of the intersubunit contact splitting]. Molekuliarnaia biologiia. vol 40. issue 3. 2006-08-18. PMID:16813166. |
the rate of the h-d exchange of the peptide nh atoms of the isolated alpha and beta subunits of human hb were studied at the ph range 5.5-9.0 and 20 degrees c by the ir spectroscopy. |
2006-08-18 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
L V Abaturov, T P Molchanova, N G Nosova, S V Shliapnikov, D A Faĭzuli. [The conformational dynamic of the tetramer hemoglobin molecule as revealed by hydrogen exchange. II. Influence of the intersubunit contact splitting]. Molekuliarnaia biologiia. vol 40. issue 3. 2006-08-18. PMID:16813166. |
in comparison with tetramer hb the probability of local fluctuations (1/p) is increased to a slightly greater extent for the monomeric alpha subunits then for the tetramer beta subunits. |
2006-08-18 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
Cornelis L Harteveld, Florens G A Versteegh, Peter J M J Kok, Irene H van Rooijen-Nijdam, Peter van Delft, Piero C Giordan. Hb Bleuland [alpha108(G15)Thr-->Asn, ACC-->AAC (alpha2)]: a new abnormal hemoglobin associated with a mild alpha-thalassemia phenotype. Hemoglobin. vol 30. issue 3. 2006-08-10. PMID:16840225. |
alternatively, an absent or reduced interaction with the alpha hemoglobin (hb) stabilizing protein (ahsp) could lead to loss of alpha chains. |
2006-08-10 |
2023-08-12 |
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Sumitra Dash, Keiko Harano, Santosh Meno. Hb Sallanches [alpha104(G11)Cys-->Tyr, TGC-->TAC (alpha2)]: an unstable hemoglobin variant found in an Indian child. Hemoglobin. vol 30. issue 3. 2006-08-10. PMID:16840231. |
we report the fourth observation of hb sallanches [alpha104(g11)cys-->tyr, tgc-->tac (alpha2)], an unstable alpha chain variant of intermediate severity in the homozygous state. |
2006-08-10 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |