All Relations between striatum and gaba

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
A J Cooper, I M Stanfor. Dopamine D2 receptor mediated presynaptic inhibition of striatopallidal GABA(A) IPSCs in vitro. Neuropharmacology. vol 41. issue 1. 2001-09-20. PMID:11445186. in sagittal slices, single shock electrical stimulation in the striatum evoked gaba(a) inhibitory postsynaptic currents (ipscs), which were inhibited by dopamine in a dose-dependent manner (0.3-30 microm) with an ic(50) value of 0.7 microm. 2001-09-20 2023-08-12 Not clear
G D Zeevalk, L P Bernard, L Manzino, P K Sonsall. Differential sensitivity of mesencephalic neurons to inhibition of phosphatase 2A. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. vol 298. issue 3. 2001-09-13. PMID:11504786. consistent with in vitro findings, infusion of 32 to 320 pmol of oka into the left striatum of rats caused a dose-dependent loss of striatal dopamine without any loss of gaba 1 week following infusion. 2001-09-13 2023-08-12 rat
G Battaglia, V Bruno, A Pisani, D Centonze, M V Catania, P Calabresi, F Nicolett. Selective blockade of type-1 metabotropic glutamate receptors induces neuroprotection by enhancing gabaergic transmission. Molecular and cellular neurosciences. vol 17. issue 6. 2001-08-30. PMID:11414795. in microdialysis studies, ly367385 and cpccoet substantially enhanced gaba release in the corpus striatum of freely moving animals, whereas mpep had no effect on gaba but abolished the stimulation of glutamate release induced by nmda. 2001-08-30 2023-08-12 Not clear
T Momiyama, E Kog. Dopamine D(2)-like receptors selectively block N-type Ca(2+) channels to reduce GABA release onto rat striatal cholinergic interneurones. The Journal of physiology. vol 533. issue Pt 2. 2001-08-02. PMID:11389206. pharmacologically isolated gaba(a) receptor-mediated ipscs were recorded by focal stimulation within the striatum. 2001-08-02 2023-08-12 rat
J A Arias-Montaño, B Floran, M Garcia, J Aceves, J M Youn. Histamine H(3) receptor-mediated inhibition of depolarization-induced, dopamine D(1) receptor-dependent release of [(3)H]-gamma-aminobutryic acid from rat striatal slices. British journal of pharmacology. vol 133. issue 1. 2001-07-26. PMID:11325806. these observations demonstrate that histamine h(3) receptor activation strongly inhibits the dopamine d(1) receptor-dependent release of [(3)h]-gaba from rat striatum; primarily through an interaction at the terminals of gaba neurones. 2001-07-26 2023-08-12 rat
E Bezard, P Ravenscroft, C E Gross, A R Crossman, J M Brotchi. Upregulation of striatal preproenkephalin gene expression occurs before the appearance of parkinsonian signs in 1-methyl-4-phenyl- 1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine monkeys. Neurobiology of disease. vol 8. issue 2. 2001-07-12. PMID:11300729. gaba and enkephalin-utilizing efferents from the striatum to the external segment of the pallidal complex (gpe) are thought to be overactive in parkinson's disease (pd). 2001-07-12 2023-08-12 monkey
K C Luk, A F Sadiko. GABA promotes survival but not proliferation of parvalbumin-immunoreactive interneurons in rodent neostriatum: an in vivo study with stereology. Neuroscience. vol 104. issue 1. 2001-07-12. PMID:11311534. in order to investigate the role of gaba in early development of forebrain interneurons, we determined the survival of parvalbumin-immunoreactive gabaergic interneurons in the adult rat striatum following prenatal exposure to either gaba(a) receptor agonist or antagonist. 2001-07-12 2023-08-12 rat
D R Patel, A M Young, M J Crouche. Presynaptic alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate receptor-mediated stimulation of glutamate and GABA release in the rat striatum in vivo: a dual-label microdialysis study. Neuroscience. vol 102. issue 1. 2001-05-10. PMID:11226673. presynaptic alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate receptor-mediated stimulation of glutamate and gaba release in the rat striatum in vivo: a dual-label microdialysis study. 2001-05-10 2023-08-12 rat
D R Patel, A M Young, M J Crouche. Presynaptic alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate receptor-mediated stimulation of glutamate and GABA release in the rat striatum in vivo: a dual-label microdialysis study. Neuroscience. vol 102. issue 1. 2001-05-10. PMID:11226673. local application of ampa (0.01-100 microm), by reverse dialysis, into the striatum resulted in concentration-dependent increases in the ca(2+)-dependent efflux of both [3h]l-glutamate and [14c]gaba. 2001-05-10 2023-08-12 rat
D R Patel, A M Young, M J Crouche. Presynaptic alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate receptor-mediated stimulation of glutamate and GABA release in the rat striatum in vivo: a dual-label microdialysis study. Neuroscience. vol 102. issue 1. 2001-05-10. PMID:11226673. these results demonstrate the presence of presynaptic ampa receptors, of a novel cyclothiazide- and aniracetam-insensitive subtype, on presynaptic nerve terminals in the rat striatum in vivo, acting to enhance glutamate and gaba release. 2001-05-10 2023-08-12 rat
E A Jones, J Q Wang, J F McGint. Intrastriatal GABA(A) receptor blockade does not alter dopamine D(1)/D(2) receptor interactions in the intact rat striatum. Neuroscience. vol 102. issue 2. 2001-05-03. PMID:11166124. intrastriatal gaba(a) receptor blockade does not alter dopamine d(1)/d(2) receptor interactions in the intact rat striatum. 2001-05-03 2023-08-12 rat
E A Jones, J Q Wang, J F McGint. Intrastriatal GABA(A) receptor blockade does not alter dopamine D(1)/D(2) receptor interactions in the intact rat striatum. Neuroscience. vol 102. issue 2. 2001-05-03. PMID:11166124. the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of intrastriatal blockade of gaba(a) receptors on dopamine d(1)/d(2) receptor interactions in the intact rat striatum. 2001-05-03 2023-08-12 rat
G B Acost. A possible interaction between CCKergic and GABAergic systems in the rat brain. Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Toxicology & pharmacology : CBP. vol 128. issue 1. 2001-05-03. PMID:11166669. after 30 min of injection, the lower dose (10 nmol/kg) increased gaba levels in striatum by 31% (p<0.05). 2001-05-03 2023-08-12 rat
B D Hettinger, A Lee, J Linden, D L Rosi. Ultrastructural localization of adenosine A2A receptors suggests multiple cellular sites for modulation of GABAergic neurons in rat striatum. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 431. issue 3. 2001-04-26. PMID:11170009. in this study, we evaluated the localization of a2a-li and its colocalization with gaba immunoreactivity (gaba-li) in dorsolateral rat striatum by immunoelectron microscopy to further characterize the potential mechanism of purinergic control of striatal output. 2001-04-26 2023-08-12 human
N Matsumoto, T Minamimoto, A M Graybiel, M Kimur. Neurons in the thalamic CM-Pf complex supply striatal neurons with information about behaviorally significant sensory events. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 85. issue 2. 2001-04-19. PMID:11160526. inactivation of neuronal activity in the cm and pf by local infusion of the gaba(a) receptor agonist, muscimol, almost completely abolished the pause and rebound facilitatory responses of tans in the striatum. 2001-04-19 2023-08-12 monkey
V Gundersen, F Fonnum, O P Ottersen, J Storm-Mathise. Redistribution of neuroactive amino acids in hippocampus and striatum during hypoglycemia: a quantitative immunogold study. Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. vol 21. issue 1. 2001-04-05. PMID:11149667. postembedding immunocytochemistry was used to localize aspartate, glutamate, gamma-aminobutyric acid (gaba), and glutamine in hippocampus and striatum during normo- and hypoglycemia in rat. 2001-04-05 2023-08-12 rat
Y Miyamoto, K Yamada, Y Noda, H Mori, M Mishina, T Nabeshim. Hyperfunction of dopaminergic and serotonergic neuronal systems in mice lacking the NMDA receptor epsilon1 subunit. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 21. issue 2. 2001-04-05. PMID:11160454. the nmda-stimulated [(3)h]dopamine release from the striatum was increased, whereas [(3)h]gaba release was markedly diminished in glurepsilon1 mutant mice. 2001-04-05 2023-08-12 mouse
E Schlicker, M Morar. Nociceptin/orphanin FQ and neurotransmitter release in the central nervous system. Peptides. vol 21. issue 7. 2000-11-30. PMID:10998536. in the rat in vivo, nociceptin diminishes acetylcholine release in the striatum, reduces dopamine release, and prevents the stimulatory effect of morphine on this transmitter in the nucleus accumbens and also elevates extracellular glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid levels in mesencephalic dopaminergic areas. 2000-11-30 2023-08-12 mouse
M Ochi, K Koga, M Kurokawa, H Kase, J Nakamura, Y Kuwan. Systemic administration of adenosine A(2A) receptor antagonist reverses increased GABA release in the globus pallidus of unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rats: a microdialysis study. Neuroscience. vol 100. issue 1. 2000-11-06. PMID:10996458. in the present study, extracellular gaba basal levels were increased in the ipsilateral striatum and globus pallidus following a unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesion of the nigrostriatal pathway. 2000-11-06 2023-08-12 rat
M Ochi, K Koga, M Kurokawa, H Kase, J Nakamura, Y Kuwan. Systemic administration of adenosine A(2A) receptor antagonist reverses increased GABA release in the globus pallidus of unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rats: a microdialysis study. Neuroscience. vol 100. issue 1. 2000-11-06. PMID:10996458. microinjection of the a(2a) receptor agonist cgs21680 (0.005-0.5 microg) into the striatum of non-lesioned animals increased gaba concentrations in the globus pallidus, which was abolished by the voltage-dependent na(+) channel blocker tetrodotoxin (1 micromol/l) delivered locally to the globus pallidus via the dialysis membrane. 2000-11-06 2023-08-12 rat