All Relations between tg and insulin

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J Agata, Y Miyazaki, M Takada, H Murakami, A Masuda, T Miura, N Ura, K Shimamot. Association of insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia with disturbed lipid metabolism in patients with essential hypertension. Hypertension research : official journal of the Japanese Society of Hypertension. vol 21. issue 1. 1998-06-15. PMID:9582109. in summary, (i) 33.3% of eht were found to be insulin resistant, when insulin resistance was defined as m value < 145.0 mg/m2/min, i.e., mean -isd of the m value of nt; (ii) these eht-r had higher levels of bs, insulin, ffa, and tg than did nt and eht-n; (iii) eht-n showed no difference in the levels of bs, insulin, or lipid, as compared with nt; and (iv) the levels of ffa and of tg correlated negatively with insulin sensitivity and positively with the insulin level during the ogtt. 1998-06-15 2023-08-12 human
M D Kilby, R H Neary, M I Mackness, P N Durringto. Fetal and maternal lipoprotein metabolism in human pregnancy complicated by type I diabetes mellitus. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. vol 83. issue 5. 1998-06-04. PMID:9589684. in type i dm, maternal tg and pl and fetal tc, tg, pl, ce, and fc were correlated to nefa levels (p < 0.05), but not to glucose, insulin secretion, or maternal control of type i dm. 1998-06-04 2023-08-12 human
J F Ascaso, A Merchante, R I Lorente, J T Real, J Martinez-Valls, R Carmen. A study of insulin resistance using the minimal model in nondiabetic familial combined hyperlipidemic patients. Metabolism: clinical and experimental. vol 47. issue 5. 1998-05-28. PMID:9591739. in the fch group, the si value correlated significantly (p < .05) with the waist to hip ratio (whr), plasma triglycerides (tg), free fatty acids (ffa), and the area under the curve of glucose (aucg) and insulin (auci). 1998-05-28 2023-08-12 human
W T Cefalu, S Werbel, A D Bell-Farrow, J G Terry, Z Q Wang, E C Opara, T Morgan, W H Hinson, J R Crous. Insulin resistance and fat patterning with aging: relationship to metabolic risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Metabolism: clinical and experimental. vol 47. issue 4. 1998-04-29. PMID:9550536. an index of central fat patterning (whr) added to the informativeness of the insulin area under the curve (iauc) in explaining 24% of the variability in plasma tg concentration, but measures of overall obesity were not independently related. 1998-04-29 2023-08-12 human
M A Moussa, A A Shaltout, D Nkansa-Dwamena, M Mourad, N Al-Sheikh, N Agha, D O Gala. Association of fasting insulin with serum lipids and blood pressure in Kuwaiti children. Metabolism: clinical and experimental. vol 47. issue 4. 1998-04-29. PMID:9550539. fasting insulin levels were positively correlated (p < .001) with serum triglyceride (tg) and very-low-density lipoprotein (vldl) cholesterol levels and negatively correlated with high-density lipoprotein (hdl) cholesterol levels. 1998-04-29 2023-08-12 Not clear
M A Moussa, A A Shaltout, D Nkansa-Dwamena, M Mourad, N Al-Sheikh, N Agha, D O Gala. Association of fasting insulin with serum lipids and blood pressure in Kuwaiti children. Metabolism: clinical and experimental. vol 47. issue 4. 1998-04-29. PMID:9550539. tg and hdl cholesterol levels and systolic blood pressure (sbp) were significantly different across insulin quartiles in boys and girls. 1998-04-29 2023-08-12 Not clear
A Renauld, N V Gomez, J D Scaramal, D Garrido, M M Wank. Natural estrous cycle in normal and diabetic bitches. Basal serum total lipids and cholesterol. Serum triglycerides profiles during glucose and insulin tests. Acta physiologica, pharmacologica et therapeutica latinoamericana : organo de la Asociacion Latinoamericana de Ciencias Fisiologicas y [de] la Asociacion Latinoamericana de Farmacologia. vol 48. issue 1. 1998-04-10. PMID:9504192. mean serum, total triglycerides (tg) concentration in these animals at the same sex, stages, fasted and during intravenous glucose (ivgtt) and insulin (itt) tolerance tests, were studied. 1998-04-10 2023-08-12 Not clear
A Renauld, N V Gomez, J D Scaramal, D Garrido, M M Wank. Natural estrous cycle in normal and diabetic bitches. Basal serum total lipids and cholesterol. Serum triglycerides profiles during glucose and insulin tests. Acta physiologica, pharmacologica et therapeutica latinoamericana : organo de la Asociacion Latinoamericana de Ciencias Fisiologicas y [de] la Asociacion Latinoamericana de Farmacologia. vol 48. issue 1. 1998-04-10. PMID:9504192. during ivgtt and itt, the mean serum tg levels were influenced by sex stages and also by time elapsed either from glucose or insulin load. 1998-04-10 2023-08-12 Not clear
A Renauld, N V Gomez, J D Scaramal, D Garrido, M M Wank. Natural estrous cycle in normal and diabetic bitches. Basal serum total lipids and cholesterol. Serum triglycerides profiles during glucose and insulin tests. Acta physiologica, pharmacologica et therapeutica latinoamericana : organo de la Asociacion Latinoamericana de Ciencias Fisiologicas y [de] la Asociacion Latinoamericana de Farmacologia. vol 48. issue 1. 1998-04-10. PMID:9504192. dm intensely increased the serum tg response to insulin load in the bitches at a whereas such response was moderately decreasing at the end of itt in the diabetic bitches at lp. 1998-04-10 2023-08-12 Not clear
M Shimabukuro, Y T Zhou, Y Lee, R H Unge. Troglitazone lowers islet fat and restores beta cell function of Zucker diabetic fatty rats. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 273. issue 6. 1998-03-05. PMID:9452481. the 52% decrease in islet tg was accompanied by >30- and 2-fold improvements in glucose- and arginine-stimulated insulin secretion, respectively. 1998-03-05 2023-08-12 rat
W J Chen, S L Yeh, Y P W. Effects of MCT/LCT and LCT emulsions on plasma lipids and nitrogen retention in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats receiving total parenteral nutrition. Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif.). vol 13. issue 10. 1998-01-28. PMID:9357025. the results showed that plasma triacylglycerol (tg), nonesterified fatty acids (nefa), and beta-hydroxybutyrate levels were higher in diabetic rats compared with control rats, whereas plasma insulin levels and nitrogen retention were lower. 1998-01-28 2023-08-12 rat
G De Pergola, V De Mitrio, M Sciaraffia, N Pannacciulli, A Minenna, F Giorgino, M Petronelli, E Laudadio, R Giorgin. Lower androgenicity is associated with higher plasma levels of prothrombotic factors irrespective of age, obesity, body fat distribution, and related metabolic parameters in men. Metabolism: clinical and experimental. vol 46. issue 11. 1997-12-02. PMID:9361687. sixty-four apparently healthy men, 40 with a body mass index (bmi) greater than 25 kg/m2 (overweight and obese [oo]) and 24 non-obese controls with a bmi less than 25, were selected and evaluated for (1) plasma concentrations of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (pai-1) antigen, pai-1 activity, fibrinogen, von willebrand factor (vwf) antigen, vwf activity, and factor vii (fvii) as the prothrombotic factors; (2) plasma levels of tissue plasminogen activator (tpa) antigen, protein c, and antithrombin iii as the antithrombotic factors; (3) fasting plasma concentrations of insulin and glucose and the lipid pattern (triglycerides [tg] and total and high-density lipoprotein [hdl] cholesterol) as the metabolic parameters; and (4) free testosterone (ft), dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (dheas), and sex hormone-binding globulin (shbg) serum levels as the parameters of androgenicity. 1997-12-02 2023-08-12 human
S Bao, W T Garve. Exercise in transgenic mice overexpressing GLUT4 glucose transporters: effects on substrate metabolism and glycogen regulation. Metabolism: clinical and experimental. vol 46. issue 11. 1997-12-02. PMID:9361698. in conclusion, (1) tg overexpressing glut4 exhibit greater muscle glycogen content at rest than wt; (2) during exercise, tg metabolize more carbohydrate, made possible by increased glycogenolysis in muscle and liver, and this predominates as a fuel source despite hypoglycemia and increased availability of ffa; (3) increased carbohydrate metabolism is linked to a decrease in lipid metabolism such that there is no change in overall energy expenditure; and (4) glycogen synthase i activity is inversely proportional to tissue glycogen content despite differences in circulating glucose, insulin, and ffa concentrations, indicating that glycogen content has an overriding regulatory influence on glycogen synthase. 1997-12-02 2023-08-12 mouse
Z W Man, M Zhu, Y Noma, K Toide, T Sato, Y Asahi, T Hirashima, S Mori, K Kawano, A Mizuno, T Sano, K Shim. Impaired beta-cell function and deposition of fat droplets in the pancreas as a consequence of hypertriglyceridemia in OLETF rat, a model of spontaneous NIDDM. Diabetes. vol 46. issue 11. 1997-11-21. PMID:9356017. therefore, the islets from 6-week-old rats were cultured with either free fatty acids (ffas; 1.0 mmol/l sodium oleate) or tg (5.0 mmol/l intralipide) for 72 h. several abnormalities in oletf rats were evident, in contrast to the results from control leto rats: 1) glucose-induced insulin secretion was more inhibited by either ffas or tgs in the presence of 27.7 mmol/l glucose, a result associated, at least in part, with reduced glucokinase activity in the islets; 2) a marked elevation in tg content was found in the islets; and 3) the deposition of fat droplets in the enlarged islets, even in the beta-cells, was found by oil red o-insulin double staining at age 30 weeks. 1997-11-21 2023-08-12 rat
Z W Man, M Zhu, Y Noma, K Toide, T Sato, Y Asahi, T Hirashima, S Mori, K Kawano, A Mizuno, T Sano, K Shim. Impaired beta-cell function and deposition of fat droplets in the pancreas as a consequence of hypertriglyceridemia in OLETF rat, a model of spontaneous NIDDM. Diabetes. vol 46. issue 11. 1997-11-21. PMID:9356017. in conclusion, hypertriglyceridemia resulted in significant tg stores in the islets, which subsequently inhibited glucose-induced insulin secretion, at least in part, via reduced glucokinase activity in the islets. 1997-11-21 2023-08-12 rat
K Koyama, G Chen, Y Lee, R H Unge. Tissue triglycerides, insulin resistance, and insulin production: implications for hyperinsulinemia of obesity. The American journal of physiology. vol 273. issue 4. 1997-11-21. PMID:9357799. to determine whether both insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia might be secondary to increased tissue tg, we studied correlations between tg content of skeletal muscle, liver, and pancreas and plasma insulin, plasma [insulin] x [glucose], and beta-cell function in four rat models with widely varying fat content: obese zucker diabetic fatty rats, free-feeding lean wistar rats, hyperleptinemic wistar rats with profound tissue lipopenia, and rats pair fed to hyperleptinemics. 1997-11-21 2023-08-12 rat
K Koyama, G Chen, Y Lee, R H Unge. Tissue triglycerides, insulin resistance, and insulin production: implications for hyperinsulinemia of obesity. The American journal of physiology. vol 273. issue 4. 1997-11-21. PMID:9357799. correlation coefficients >0.9 (p < 0.05) were obtained among tg of skeletal muscle, liver, and pancreas and among plasma insulin, [insulin] x [glucose] product, and beta-cell function as gauged by basal, glucose-stimulated, and arginine-stimulated insulin secretion by the isolated perfused pancreas. 1997-11-21 2023-08-12 rat
K Koyama, G Chen, Y Lee, R H Unge. Tissue triglycerides, insulin resistance, and insulin production: implications for hyperinsulinemia of obesity. The American journal of physiology. vol 273. issue 4. 1997-11-21. PMID:9357799. although these correlations cannot prove cause and effect, they are consistent with the hypothesis that the tg content of tissues sets the level of both insulin resistance and insulin production. 1997-11-21 2023-08-12 rat
A C Rustan, M S Nenseter, C A Drevo. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the insulin resistance syndrome. Lipid and lipoprotein metabolism and atherosclerosis. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. vol 827. 1997-11-13. PMID:9329764. omega-3 pufa reduce fasting and postprandial tg, may improve insulin sensitivity (as shown in animal experiments), decrease platelet and leukocyte reactivity, alter immunological functions, and may slightly decrease blood pressure. 1997-11-13 2023-08-12 Not clear
P Bohov, E Seböková, D Gasperíková, P Langer, I Klime. Fatty acid composition in fractions of structural and storage lipids in liver and skeletal muscle of hereditary hypertriglyceridemic rats. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. vol 827. 1997-11-13. PMID:9329780. the fatty acid (fa) compositions of liver and skeletal muscle structural lipids, overall phospholipids and phosphatidylcholine, and triglycerides (tg) were determined in the hereditary hypertriglyceridemic (htg) rat, a nonobese animal model of the insulin resistance syndrome. 1997-11-13 2023-08-12 rat