All Relations between sc and brainstem

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
D Guerrero, N Martínez-Velilla, M C Caballero, M T Mendióroz, T Tuñón, J Masdeu, A Rodríguez, J Armstrong, I Ferre. A patient with MV2 subtype of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and atypical clinical presentation. Clinical neuropathology. vol 27. issue 6. 2009-02-10. PMID:19130739. massive synaptic diffuse and plaque-like prp(sc) deposition was found in the cerebral cortex, striatum, cerebellum and brainstem. 2009-02-10 2023-08-12 Not clear
Peter H Schiller, Edward J Tehovni. Neural mechanisms underlying target selection with saccadic eye movements. Progress in brain research. vol 149. 2008-12-16. PMID:16226583. it is proposed that two major streams can be discerned in visually guided eye-movement control, the posterior from occipital and parietal cortex that reaches the brainstem via the sc and the anterior from the fef and mef that has direct access to the brainstem oculomotor centers. 2008-12-16 2023-08-12 monkey
Sarah Jo Moore, Marion Simmons, Melanie Chaplin, John Spiropoulo. Neuroanatomical distribution of abnormal prion protein in naturally occurring atypical scrapie cases in Great Britain. Acta neuropathologica. vol 116. issue 5. 2008-12-02. PMID:18797889. vacuolation associated with prp(sc) deposits was not observed in the brainstem neuroanatomical areas commonly affected in classical scrapie and bovine spongiform encephalopathy, but was instead most prominent in the cerebellar cortex and neocortex. 2008-12-02 2023-08-12 cattle
Robert A Kunkle, Eric M Nicholson, Semakaleng Lebepe-Mazur, Dennis L Orcutt, Megan L Srinivas, Justin J Greenlee, David P Alt, Amir N Hami. Western blot detection of PrP Sc in archived paraffin-embedded brainstem from scrapie-affected sheep. Journal of veterinary diagnostic investigation : official publication of the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, Inc. vol 20. issue 4. 2008-10-28. PMID:18599864. western blot detection of prp sc in archived paraffin-embedded brainstem from scrapie-affected sheep. 2008-10-28 2023-08-12 Not clear
A J van Opstal, H H L M Goossen. Linear ensemble-coding in midbrain superior colliculus specifies the saccade kinematics. Biological cybernetics. vol 98. issue 6. 2008-09-24. PMID:18491166. hence, we concluded that the kinematic nonlinearity of saccades resides in the spatial-temporal distribution of sc activity, rather than in the brainstem burst generator. 2008-09-24 2023-08-12 Not clear
Brian D Corneil, Douglas P Munoz, Brendan B Chapman, Tania Admans, Sharon L Cushin. Neuromuscular consequences of reflexive covert orienting. Nature neuroscience. vol 11. issue 1. 2008-04-11. PMID:18059264. our results indicate the presence of a brainstem circuit whereby reflexive covert orienting is prevented from shifting gaze, but recruits neck muscles, predicting that similarities between sc and neck muscle activity should extend to other cognitive processes that are known to influence sc activity. 2008-04-11 2023-08-12 Not clear
Takuro Ikeda, Okihide Hikosak. Positive and negative modulation of motor response in primate superior colliculus by reward expectation. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 98. issue 6. 2008-03-05. PMID:17928551. the sc is an ideal structure to ask this question because it receives inputs from many brain areas including the prefrontal cortex and the basal ganglia where reward information is thought to be encoded and sends motor commands to the brain stem saccade generators. 2008-03-05 2023-08-12 monkey
Romana Vavrek, Damien D Pearse, Karim Foua. Neuronal populations capable of regeneration following a combined treatment in rats with spinal cord transection. Journal of neurotrauma. vol 24. issue 10. 2007-12-26. PMID:17970629. fg-positive cells rostral to the lesion and in the brainstem of animals in the treated group showed that axons were able to regenerate across the sc bridge and into the caudal spinal cord. 2007-12-26 2023-08-12 rat
M E Arnold, J B M Ryan, T Konold, M M Simmons, Y I Spencer, A Wear, M Chaplin, M Stack, S Czub, R Mueller, P R Webb, A Davis, J Spiropoulos, J Holdaway, S A C Hawkins, A R Austin, G A H Well. Estimating the temporal relationship between PrPSc detection and incubation period in experimental bovine spongiform encephalopathy of cattle. The Journal of general virology. vol 88. issue Pt 11. 2007-12-06. PMID:17947547. initial detection of prp(sc) during incubation was invariably in the brainstem and the earliest was at 30 and 44 months post-exposure for the 100 g- and 1 g-dosed sequential-kill study groups, respectively. 2007-12-06 2023-08-12 human
Claudia Reckzeh, Christine Hoffmann, Anne Buschmann, Silke Buda, Klaus-Dieter Budras, Karl-Friedrich Reckling, Steffi Bellmann, Hartmut Knobloch, Georg Erhardt, Reinhard Fries, Martin H Groschu. Rapid testing leads to the underestimation of the scrapie prevalence in an affected sheep and goat flock. Veterinary microbiology. vol 123. issue 4. 2007-10-19. PMID:17521831. the initial tests were performed using the biorad tesee elisa and reactive results were verified by official confirmatory methods (oie-immunoblot and/or immunohistochemistry (ihc)) to demonstrate the deposition of scrapie-associated prp(sc) in the brain stem (obex). 2007-10-19 2023-08-12 Not clear
K Hadjidimitrakis, A K Moschovakis, Y Dalezios, A Granty. Eye position modulates the electromyographic responses of neck muscles to electrical stimulation of the superior colliculus in the alert cat. Experimental brain research. vol 179. issue 1. 2007-09-27. PMID:17091287. the size of gaze shifts is determined by the superior colliculus (sc) but additional processing in the lower brain stem is needed to determine the relative contributions of eye and head components. 2007-09-27 2023-08-12 cat
Norihito Takeichi, Chris R S Kaneko, Albert F Fuch. Activity changes in monkey superior colliculus during saccade adaptation. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 97. issue 6. 2007-08-15. PMID:17442764. one possible locus for such saccade adaptation is the superior colliculus (sc), the relay for cortical commands to the premotor brain stem generator for saccades. 2007-08-15 2023-08-12 monkey
Jürgen A Richt, Robert A Kunkle, David Alt, Eric M Nicholson, Amir N Hamir, Stefanie Czub, John Kluge, Arthur J Davis, S Mark Hal. Identification and characterization of two bovine spongiform encephalopathy cases diagnosed in the United States. Journal of veterinary diagnostic investigation : official publication of the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, Inc. vol 19. issue 2. 2007-07-16. PMID:17402608. case 1 (december 2003) exhibited spongiform changes in the obex area of the brainstem and the presence of the abnormal form of the prion protein, prp(sc), in the same brain area, by immunohistochemistry (ihc) and western blot analysis. 2007-07-16 2023-08-12 cattle
Thongchai Sooksawate, Tadashi Is. Properties of cholinergic responses in neurons in the intermediate grey layer of rat superior colliculus. The European journal of neuroscience. vol 24. issue 11. 2007-02-23. PMID:17156371. the intermediate grey layer (sgi) of superior colliculus (sc) receives cholinergic innervation from brainstem parabrachial region. 2007-02-23 2023-08-12 rat
Kush Paul, James W Gnad. Activity of omnipause neurons during "staircase saccades" elicited by persistent microstimulation of the superior colliculus. Vision research. vol 46. issue 20. 2007-01-12. PMID:16828840. despite persistent, steady activation of the sc, the opns followed the periodic activity of the brainstem burst generator. 2007-01-12 2023-08-12 Not clear
Kush Paul, James W Gnad. Activity of omnipause neurons during "staircase saccades" elicited by persistent microstimulation of the superior colliculus. Vision research. vol 46. issue 20. 2007-01-12. PMID:16828840. this reveals a dominant influence of the oscillating brainstem circuit over descending control from the sc. 2007-01-12 2023-08-12 Not clear
H H L M Goossens, A J Van Opsta. Dynamic ensemble coding of saccades in the monkey superior colliculus. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 95. issue 4. 2006-09-25. PMID:16371452. the deeper layers of the midbrain superior colliculus (sc) contain a topographic motor map in which a localized population of cells is recruited for each saccade, but how the brain stem decodes the dynamic sc output is unclear. 2006-09-25 2023-08-12 monkey
H H L M Goossens, A J Van Opsta. Dynamic ensemble coding of saccades in the monkey superior colliculus. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 95. issue 4. 2006-09-25. PMID:16371452. furthermore, we show that a linear feedback model of the brain stem, which is driven by dynamic linear vector summation of measured sc firing patterns, produces realistic two-dimensional (2d) saccade trajectories and kinematics. 2006-09-25 2023-08-12 monkey
Chris R S Kaneko, Albert F Fuch. Effect of pharmacological inactivation of nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis on saccadic eye movements in the monkey. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 95. issue 6. 2006-07-17. PMID:16467420. the superior colliculus (sc) provides signals for the generation of saccades via a direct pathway to the brain stem burst generator (bg). 2006-07-17 2023-08-12 monkey
b' C Kip Rodgers, Douglas P Munoz, Stephen H Scott, Martin Par\\xc3\\xa. Discharge properties of monkey tectoreticular neurons. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 95. issue 6. 2006-07-17. PMID:16641382.' the exact contribution of these neurons to saccade control is, however, unclear because the nature of the signals sent by the sc to the brain stem saccade generation circuit has not been studied in detail. 2006-07-17 2023-08-12 monkey