All Relations between sc and brainstem

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
Roland Philipp, Klaus-Peter Hoffman. Arm movements induced by electrical microstimulation in the superior colliculus of the macaque monkey. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 34. issue 9. 2014-04-22. PMID:24573292. therefore, arm movements induced by electrical stimulation in the monkey sc represent a further component of the functional repertoire of the sc using its impact on motoneurons in the spinal cord, probably via premotor neurons in the brainstem, as well as on structures involved in executing more complex movements such as target-directed reaching. 2014-04-22 2023-08-12 monkey
Haruo Kanno, Yelena Pressman, Alison Moody, Randall Berg, Elizabeth M Muir, John H Rogers, Hiroshi Ozawa, Eiji Itoi, Damien D Pearse, Mary Bartlett Bung. Combination of engineered Schwann cell grafts to secrete neurotrophin and chondroitinase promotes axonal regeneration and locomotion after spinal cord injury. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 34. issue 5. 2014-04-01. PMID:24478364. scs secreting both d15a and chabc yielded the best responses: (1) the largest number of sc myelinated axons, (2) more propriospinal axons in the graft and host tissue around and caudal to it, (3) more corticospinal axons closer to the graft and around and caudal to it, (4) more brainstem neurons projecting caudal to the transplant, (5) increased 5-ht-positive axons in the graft and caudal to it, (6) significant improvement in aspects of locomotion, and (7) improvement in mechanical and thermal allodynia. 2014-04-01 2023-08-12 rat
Lindsey L Glickfeld, Mark H Histed, John H R Maunsel. Mouse primary visual cortex is used to detect both orientation and contrast changes. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 33. issue 50. 2014-03-07. PMID:24336708. the lgn projects mainly to primary visual cortex (v1) while the sc targets the thalamus and brainstem, providing two potential pathways for processing visual inputs. 2014-03-07 2023-08-12 mouse
Eddie Perkins, Paul J May, Susan Warre. Feed-forward and feedback projections of midbrain reticular formation neurons in the cat. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. vol 7. 2014-01-23. PMID:24454280. gaze changes involving the eyes and head are orchestrated by brainstem gaze centers found within the superior colliculus (sc), paramedian pontine reticular formation (pprf), and medullary reticular formation (mdrf). 2014-01-23 2023-08-12 cat
Y Matsuura, Y Iwamaru, K Masujin, M Imamura, S Mohri, T Yokoyama, H Okad. Distribution of abnormal prion protein in a sheep affected with L-type bovine spongiform encephalopathy. Journal of comparative pathology. vol 149. issue 1. 2014-01-08. PMID:23273583. minimal vacuolar change was detected in the basal ganglia, thalamus and brainstem, and prp(sc) accumulated throughout the brain. 2014-01-08 2023-08-12 cattle
Ryan R Wiliams, Mary Bartlett Bung. Schwann cell transplantation: a repair strategy for spinal cord injury? Progress in brain research. vol 201. 2013-11-15. PMID:23186720. if sc transplantation is combined with additional treatments such as methylprednisolone, neurotrophins, gdnf, olfactory ensheathing cells, chondroitinase, or elevation of camp levels, more axons (including those from neurons in the brainstem) regenerate into and out of the sc implant and further improve locomotion. 2013-11-15 2023-08-12 Not clear
Olga Savina, Andre Bergeron, Daniel Guitto. Blindsight after hemidecortication: visual stimuli in blind hemifield influence anti-saccades directed there. Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior. vol 49. issue 3. 2013-09-09. PMID:22703968. apart from emitting ascending signals, the sc normally sends saccade commands to the brainstem, a function seemingly conserved after hemidecortication because such patients can generate voluntary and accurate saccades bilaterally (herter and guitton, 2004). 2013-09-09 2023-08-12 Not clear
Mary Bartlett Bunge, Patrick McGhee Woo. Realizing the maximum potential of Schwann cells to promote recovery from spinal cord injury. Handbook of clinical neurology. vol 109. 2013-08-06. PMID:23098734. for example, combining sc transplantation with elevation of camp levels resulted in growth of brainstem axons into the sc graft and caudal to the lesion and in significant improvements in locomotion. 2013-08-06 2023-08-12 human
Mary Bartlett Bunge, Patrick McGhee Woo. Realizing the maximum potential of Schwann cells to promote recovery from spinal cord injury. Handbook of clinical neurology. vol 109. 2013-08-06. PMID:23098734. very new studies have shown that scs derived from sc precursors show a higher ability to survive, integrate well with host tissue and support brainstem axon growth into and beyond the graft, confirming the innate promise of scs in spinal cord repair. 2013-08-06 2023-08-12 human
Jan Churan, Daniel Guitton, Christopher C Pac. Perisaccadic remapping and rescaling of visual responses in macaque superior colliculus. PloS one. vol 7. issue 12. 2013-06-20. PMID:23284931. crucial to the circuitry underlying perisaccadic changes in visual receptive fields is the superior colliculus (sc), a brainstem structure responsible for integrating visual and oculomotor signals. 2013-06-20 2023-08-12 monkey
Justin J Greenlee, Eric M Nicholson, Jodi D Smith, Robert A Kunkle, Amir N Hami. Susceptibility of cattle to the agent of chronic wasting disease from elk after intracranial inoculation. Journal of veterinary diagnostic investigation : official publication of the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, Inc. vol 24. issue 6. 2013-04-18. PMID:22991389. accumulation of abnormal prion protein (prp(sc)) occurred in only the 2 clinically affected cattle and was confined to the central nervous system, with the most prominent immunoreactivity in midbrain, brainstem, and hippocampus with lesser immunoreactivity in the cervical spinal cord. 2013-04-18 2023-08-12 cattle
Alberto Miranda, Eva Pericuesta, Miguel Ángel Ramírez, Alfonso Gutiérrez-Adá. Prion protein in ESC regulation. Prion. vol 5. issue 3. 2013-04-11. PMID:21814032. a reduction in brain stem cells pluripotency after prp(c) is misfolded into the pathological conformation (prp(sc)) could lead to a delay or a disappearance of the normal brain damage recovery. 2013-04-11 2023-08-12 Not clear
Pavel E Musienko, Pavel V Zelenin, Vladimir F Lyalka, Yury P Gerasimenko, Grigory N Orlovsky, Tatiana G Deliagin. Spinal and supraspinal control of the direction of stepping during locomotion. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 32. issue 48. 2013-02-19. PMID:23197735. for each direction, we compared locomotion evoked from the brainstem (by stimulation of the mesencephalic locomotor region, mlr) with locomotion evoked by epidural stimulation of the spinal cord (sc). 2013-02-19 2023-08-12 Not clear
Thongchai Sooksawate, Yuchio Yanagawa, Tadashi Is. Cholinergic responses in GABAergic and non-GABAergic neurons in the intermediate gray layer of mouse superior colliculus. The European journal of neuroscience. vol 36. issue 4. 2012-12-20. PMID:22712760. neurons in the intermediate gray layer (sgi) of the mammalian superior colliculus (sc) receive dense cholinergic innervations from the brainstem parabrachial region. 2012-12-20 2023-08-12 mouse
Martin Kaatz, Christine Fast, Ute Ziegler, Anne Balkema-Buschmann, Bärbel Hammerschmidt, Markus Keller, Anja Oelschlegel, Leila McIntyre, Martin H Groschu. Spread of classic BSE prions from the gut via the peripheral nervous system to the brain. The American journal of pathology. vol 181. issue 2. 2012-11-26. PMID:22781833. the earliest presence of infectivity in the brain stem was detected at 24 mpi, whereas prp(sc) accumulation was first detected after 28 mpi. 2012-11-26 2023-08-12 mouse
Hiroyuki Okada, Yoshihumi Iwamaru, Morikazu Imamura, Kentaro Masujin, Yuichi Matsuura, Yoshihisa Shimizu, Kazuo Kasai, Masuhiro Takata, Shigeo Fukuda, Satoshi Nikaido, Kei Fujii, Sadao Onoe, Shirou Mohri, Takashi Yokoyam. Neuroanatomical distribution of disease-associated prion protein in cases of bovine spongiform encephalopathy detected by fallen stock surveillance in Japan. The Journal of veterinary medical science. vol 73. issue 11. 2012-09-07. PMID:21757857. intense prp(sc) deposition was greater in the thalamus, brainstem, and spinal cord of the gray matter than in the neocortices. 2012-09-07 2023-08-12 cattle
H H L M Goossens, A J van Opsta. Optimal control of saccades by spatial-temporal activity patterns in the monkey superior colliculus. PLoS computational biology. vol 8. issue 5. 2012-09-04. PMID:22615548. most models attribute the nonlinear saccade kinematics to saturation in the brainstem pulse generator downstream from the sc. 2012-09-04 2023-08-12 monkey
Antón Barreiro-Iglesias, Michael I Shifma. Use of fluorochrome-labeled inhibitors of caspases to detect neuronal apoptosis in the whole-mounted lamprey brain after spinal cord injury. Enzyme research. vol 2012. 2012-08-23. PMID:22829997. specific labeling occurred only in identifiable spinal-projecting neurons of the brainstem previously shown to undergo apoptotic neuronal death at later times after sc transection. 2012-08-23 2023-08-12 Not clear
Sucharit Katyal, Clint A Greene, David Res. High-resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging methods for human midbrain. Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE. issue 63. 2012-08-03. PMID:22617680. here we describe an optimized set of techniques developed to perform high-resolution fmri in human sc, a structure on the dorsal surface of the midbrain; the methods can also be used to image other brainstem and subcortical structures. 2012-08-03 2023-08-12 human
Stephen Grossberg, Krishna Srihasam, Daniel Bulloc. Neural dynamics of saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movement coordination during visual tracking of unpredictably moving targets. Neural networks : the official journal of the International Neural Network Society. vol 27. 2012-06-04. PMID:22078464. modeled interactions encompass motion processing areas mt, mst, fpa, dlpn and nrtp; saccade planning and execution areas fef, lip, and sc; the saccadic generator in the brain stem; and the cerebellum. 2012-06-04 2023-08-12 monkey