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T Harano, K Harano, S Shibata, S Ueda, K Imai, A Tsuneshige, H Yamada, M Seki, H Fuku. Hemoglobin Kariya [alpha 40 (C5) Lys leads to Glu]: a new hemoglobin variant with an increased oxygen affinity. FEBS letters. vol 153. issue 2. 1983-11-23. PMID:6137414. |
a new abnormal hemoglobin, hb kariya [alpha 40 (c5) lys leads to glu], with an amino acid substitution at the alpha 1 beta 2 contact was discovered in a young japanese man. |
1983-11-23 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
W F Moo-Penn, R M Baine, D L Jue, M H Johnson, J E McGuffey, J M Benso. Hemoglobin Evanston: alpha 14(A12) Trp leads to Arg. A variant hemoglobin associated with alpha-thalassemia-2. Biochimica et biophysica acta. vol 747. issue 1-2. 1983-10-28. PMID:6882779. |
hb evanston (alpha 14 trp leads to arg) was detected on cellulose acetate at ph 8.4 as a band with an electrophoretic mobility similar to that of hb s. in addition, a band migrating cathodic to hb a2 suggested the presence of a variant hb a2 with a substitution in the alpha-chain, a fact that was later confirmed by structural analysis. |
1983-10-28 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
M E Headlee, M B Gardiner, A L Reese, T H Huisma. The distribution of fetal hemoglobin and the types of gamma chain in red cell fractions separated by gradient centrifugation from blood of patients with sickle cell anemia and other hemoglobinopathies. Biochemical medicine. vol 29. issue 3. 1983-10-08. PMID:6193788. |
although an increased synthesis of hb-f with g gamma chains was again observed after in vitro incubation of reticulocytes with [35s]methionine none of the isolated cell fractions contained a hb f with the alpha 2 g gamma 2 composition. |
1983-10-08 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
C G Mathew, J Rousseau, J S Rees, E H Harle. The molecular basis of alpha thalassaemia in a South African population. British journal of haematology. vol 55. issue 1. 1983-10-08. PMID:6309210. |
the interaction of these determinants with each other or with the normal chromosome (alpha alpha/) produced the phenotypes alpha thalassaemia silent carrier, alpha thalassaemia trait and hb h disease. |
1983-10-08 |
2023-08-12 |
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C G Mathew, J Rousseau, J S Rees, E H Harle. The molecular basis of alpha thalassaemia in a South African population. British journal of haematology. vol 55. issue 1. 1983-10-08. PMID:6309210. |
the predominance of the -alpha/haplotype (21 out of the 28 alpha thalassaemia determinants) over the - -/haplotype is consistent with the low incidence of hb h disease and the apparent absence of hb bart's hydrops fetalis in this population group. |
1983-10-08 |
2023-08-12 |
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b' S Davies, J Henthorn, M Brozovi\\xc4\\x8. Iron deficiency in sickle cell anaemia. Journal of clinical pathology. vol 36. issue 9. 1983-10-08. PMID:6886017.' |
thirty-seven patients with scd were studied: 24 were diagnosed as homozygous hb s on the basis of their haematological findings, and alpha:non-alpha globin chain ratios were found to be balanced in all. |
1983-10-08 |
2023-08-12 |
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b' S Davies, J Henthorn, M Brozovi\\xc4\\x8. Iron deficiency in sickle cell anaemia. Journal of clinical pathology. vol 36. issue 9. 1983-10-08. PMID:6886017.' |
thirteen patients were thought to have alpha or beta thalassaemia interaction with hb s on the basis of low mcv and mch, family history and/or presence of hb a on electrophoresis. |
1983-10-08 |
2023-08-12 |
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b' S Davies, J Henthorn, M Brozovi\\xc4\\x8. Iron deficiency in sickle cell anaemia. Journal of clinical pathology. vol 36. issue 9. 1983-10-08. PMID:6886017.' |
microcytosis, in the absence of conclusive family studies and/or presence of hb a on electrophoresis, is an unreliable indicator of alpha or beta thalassaemia interaction with hb s. |
1983-10-08 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
T Nakatsuji, H Lam, T H Huisma. Hb F-Kennestone or alpha 2G gamma 2 (EF1)77 His leads to Arg observed in a Caucasian baby. Hemoglobin. vol 7. issue 3. 1983-09-23. PMID:6192110. |
hb f-kennestone or alpha 2g gamma 2 (ef1)77 his leads to arg observed in a caucasian baby. |
1983-09-23 |
2023-08-12 |
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B B Webber, H Lam, J B Wilson, T H Huisma. Hb Albany-GA or alpha 2(11)(A9)Lys leads to Asn beta 2. Hemoglobin. vol 7. issue 3. 1983-09-23. PMID:6860428. |
hb albany-ga or alpha 2(11)(a9)lys leads to asn beta 2. |
1983-09-23 |
2023-08-12 |
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B B Webber, H Lam, J B Wilson, T H Huisma. Hb Albany-GA or alpha 2(11)(A9)Lys leads to Asn beta 2. Hemoglobin. vol 7. issue 3. 1983-09-23. PMID:6860428. |
a fast-moving alpha chain abnormal hemoglobin (hb j) was observed in a black teenager from southern georgia. |
1983-09-23 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
A Kuki, S G Boxe. Chlorophyllide-substituted hemoglobin tetramers and hybrids: preparation, characterization, and energy transfer. Biochemistry. vol 22. issue 12. 1983-09-23. PMID:6871173. |
three chlorophyllide-substituted human hemoglobin (hb) complexes have been prepared: the tetrameric complex in which zinc pyrochlorophyllide alpha (znpchl alpha) is substituted for all four hemes and the two complementary hybrids in which znpchl alpha is substituted for heme in either the alpha- or beta-chains, while heme remains in the other chains. |
1983-09-23 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
M G Headlee, T Nakatsuji, H Lam, R N Wrightstone, T H Huisma. Hb Etobicoke, alpha 85(F5) Ser leads to Arg found in a newborn of French-Indian-English descent. Hemoglobin. vol 7. issue 3. 1983-09-23. PMID:6874377. |
hb etobicoke, alpha 85(f5) ser leads to arg found in a newborn of french-indian-english descent. |
1983-09-23 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
G Guanti, A Lonoce, A Pietrapertosa, G Polimeno, N Tannoi. alpha-Thalassaemia in Apulia: biosynthetic studies. Journal of medical genetics. vol 20. issue 3. 1983-09-23. PMID:6876112. |
the apulian carriers of hb h disease show a marked imbalance of alpha and beta chain synthesis (0.39 +/- 0.1) with variable clinical and haematological manifestations. |
1983-09-23 |
2023-08-12 |
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T H Huisman, J B Henson, J B Wilso. A new high-performance liquid chromatographic procedure to quantitate hemoglobin A1c and other minor hemoglobins in blood of normal, diabetic, and alcoholic individuals. The Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine. vol 102. issue 2. 1983-08-26. PMID:6190972. |
some other minor hbs, identified as components 9 and 10, which are (at least in part) hb a0 with glucose attached to the alpha chains, are present in increased amounts in the blood of diabetic patients and others may be observed in patients who subject themselves to (severe) alcohol abuse. |
1983-08-26 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
T Barbui, A Capaldi, M Trento, E Rabino-Massa, A Decrescenzo, A Modica, G Rege-Cambrin, G Ricc. Association between Hb O Padova [alpha 30 (B 11) Glu leads to Lys] and Rendu-Osler disease. Panminerva medica. vol 25. issue 1. 1983-08-17. PMID:6866546. |
association between hb o padova [alpha 30 (b 11) glu leads to lys] and rendu-osler disease. |
1983-08-17 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
Y Kawamura, S Nakamur. Assembly of oxyhemoglobin from isolated alpha and beta chains. Journal of biochemistry. vol 93. issue 4. 1983-08-11. PMID:6863236. |
these results suggest that alpha and beta monomers rapidly combine to form alpha beta dimer followed by assembly into hb, though at high protein concentration the rate of the assembly is limited by the dissociation of self-associated beta chain. |
1983-08-11 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
E C Abraham, M Stallings, A Abraham, R Clard. Demonstration of a minor hemoglobin with modified alpha chains and additional modified hemoglobins in normal and diabetic adults. Biochimica et biophysica acta. vol 744. issue 3. 1983-07-08. PMID:6849935. |
separation of globin chains by cellulose acetate electrophoresis at ph 8.6 showed that the cathodal mobility of the alpha chains of hb aid3 was slower than those of hb ao. |
1983-07-08 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
D M Virshup, W H Zinkham, R L Sirota, W S Caughe. Unique sensitivity of Hb Zürich to oxidative injury by phenazopyridine: reversal of the effects by elevating carboxyhemoglobin levels in vivo and in vitro. American journal of hematology. vol 14. issue 4. 1983-07-08. PMID:6859031. |
in hb zürich red cells the affinity of the abnormal beta chain for carbon monoxide is much greater than that of the normal alpha and beta chains. |
1983-07-08 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
A Carè, M Marinucci, A Massa, D Maffi, N M Sposi, T Improta, L Tentor. Hb F-Siena (alpha 2 a gamma t2 121 (GH4) Glu leads to Lys). A new fetal hemoglobin variant. Hemoglobin. vol 7. issue 1. 1983-06-17. PMID:6188719. |
hb f-siena (alpha 2 a gamma t2 121 (gh4) glu leads to lys). |
1983-06-17 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |