All Relations between hb and alpha

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
A Gurgey, M Sipahioglu, M Akso. Compound heterozygosity for Hb E-Saskatoon or alpha 2 beta 2(22)(B4)Glu----Lys and beta-thalassemia type IVS-I-6 (T----C) Hemoglobin. vol 14. issue 4. 1991-03-18. PMID:2283299. compound heterozygosity for hb e-saskatoon or alpha 2 beta 2(22)(b4)glu----lys and beta-thalassemia type ivs-i-6 (t----c) 1991-03-18 2023-08-11 Not clear
I Bircan, A G Güven, O Yegin, D Plaseska, J B Wilson, M Ramachandran, T H Huisma. Hb N-Baltimore [alpha 2 beta 2(95)(FG2)Lys----Glu] and Hb J-Iran [alpha 2 beta 2(77)(Ef1]His----Asp] observed in a Turkish family from Antalya. Hemoglobin. vol 14. issue 4. 1991-03-18. PMID:2283300. hb n-baltimore [alpha 2 beta 2(95)(fg2)lys----glu] and hb j-iran [alpha 2 beta 2(77)(ef1]his----asp] observed in a turkish family from antalya. 1991-03-18 2023-08-11 Not clear
W Zhao, J B Wilson, T H Huisman, G V Sciarratta, G Ivaldi, C Petrini, M Ripamont. Hb Camperdown or alpha 2 beta 2(104)(G6)Arg----Ser in two Italian males. Hemoglobin. vol 14. issue 4. 1991-03-18. PMID:2283301. hb camperdown or alpha 2 beta 2(104)(g6)arg----ser in two italian males. 1991-03-18 2023-08-11 Not clear
W Zhao, J B Wilson, B B Webber, T H Huisman, G V Sciarratta, G Ivaldi, M Ripamont. A second observation of Hb Abruzzo [alpha 2 beta 2(143)(H21)His----Arg] in an Italian family. Hemoglobin. vol 14. issue 4. 1991-03-18. PMID:2283302. a second observation of hb abruzzo [alpha 2 beta 2(143)(h21)his----arg] in an italian family. 1991-03-18 2023-08-11 Not clear
E M Rubin, H E Witkowska, E Spangler, P Curtin, B H Lubin, N Mohandas, S M Clif. Hypoxia-induced in vivo sickling of transgenic mouse red cells. The Journal of clinical investigation. vol 87. issue 2. 1991-03-11. PMID:1991848. due to its low solubility and oxygen affinity, hb s antilles has a greater propensity to cause red cell sickling than hb s. to make transgenic animals that express a high level of hb s antilles, the erythroid-specific dnase i hypersensitive site ii from the human beta-globin cluster was linked independently to the human alpha 2-globin gene and to the beta s antilles gene. 1991-03-11 2023-08-11 mouse
T Yang, K W Olse. Thermal stability of hemoglobin crosslinked in the T-state by bis(3,5-dibromosalicyl) fumarate. Biochemical and biophysical research communications. vol 174. issue 2. 1991-03-08. PMID:1993051. both alpha and beta crosslinked methemoglobins have a denaturation temperature in 0.9 m guanidine of 57 degrees c compared to 41 degrees c of hb a. 1991-03-08 2023-08-11 Not clear
A Villegas Martíne. [Analysis of a program for atypical familial microcytosis. Molecular basis of alpha-thalassemia]. Sangre. vol 35. issue 4. 1991-02-28. PMID:2274839. of the 98 patients, 3 had hb h disease, 70 corresponded to heterozygous alpha 0-thalassaemia, 11 to homozygous alpha(+)-thalassaemia, and 14 to heterozygous alpha (+)-thalassaemia. 1991-02-28 2023-08-11 Not clear
K D Egeberg, B A Springer, S A Martinis, S G Sligar, D Morikis, P M Champio. Alteration of sperm whale myoglobin heme axial ligation by site-directed mutagenesis. Biochemistry. vol 29. issue 42. 1991-02-27. PMID:2176857. his(f8)tyr mb is high-spin, five-coordinate in both the oxidized and reduced states, with the ferric heme iron liganded to the proximal tyrosine, resembling hb m iwate [his(alpha f8)tyr] and hb m hyde park [his(beta f8)tyr]. 1991-02-27 2023-08-11 Not clear
D Plaseska, F Kutlar, J B Wilson, B B Webber, Y T Zeng, T H Huisma. Hb F-Jiangsu, the first gamma chain variant with a valine----methionine substitution: alpha 2A gamma 2 134(H12)Val----Met. Hemoglobin. vol 14. issue 2. 1991-02-26. PMID:1703137. hb f-jiangsu, the first gamma chain variant with a valine----methionine substitution: alpha 2a gamma 2 134(h12)val----met. 1991-02-26 2023-08-11 Not clear
D Plaseska, H J Li, J B Wilson, F Kutlar, A Kutlar, T H Huisman, J Kulp. Hb F-Brooklyn or alpha 2G gamma 2(66)(E10)Lys----Gln. Hemoglobin. vol 14. issue 2. 1991-02-26. PMID:1703138. hb f-brooklyn or alpha 2g gamma 2(66)(e10)lys----gln. 1991-02-26 2023-08-11 Not clear
T Harano, K Harano, K Doi, S Ueda, K Imai, Y Ohba, F Kutlar, T H Huisma. Hb F-Onoda or alpha 2G gamma 2(146)(HC3)His----Tyr, a newly discovered fetal hemoglobin variant in a Japanese newborn. Hemoglobin. vol 14. issue 2. 1991-02-26. PMID:1703139. hb f-onoda or alpha 2g gamma 2(146)(hc3)his----tyr, a newly discovered fetal hemoglobin variant in a japanese newborn. 1991-02-26 2023-08-11 Not clear
P C Giordano, R Fodde, R Amons, J E Ploem, L F Bernin. Hb J-Anatolia [alpha 61(E10)Lys----Thr]: structural characterization and gene localization of a new alpha chain variant. Hemoglobin. vol 14. issue 2. 1991-02-26. PMID:2272835. hb j-anatolia [alpha 61(e10)lys----thr]: structural characterization and gene localization of a new alpha chain variant. 1991-02-26 2023-08-11 Not clear
J Bardakdjian-Michau, F Galactéros, C T Craesc. Functional and NMR studies of Hb Sassari (Asp-126 alpha----His); role of the inter-subunit contacts in the affinity control of human hemoglobin. Biochimica et biophysica acta. vol 1041. issue 3. 1991-02-21. PMID:2268670. functional and nmr studies of hb sassari (asp-126 alpha----his); role of the inter-subunit contacts in the affinity control of human hemoglobin. 1991-02-21 2023-08-11 human
C Poyart, O Schaad, J Kister, F Galacteros, S J Edelstein, Y Blouquit, N Arou. Hemoglobin Saint Mandé [beta 102 (G4) Asn----Tyr]. Functional studies and structural modeling reveal an altered T state. European journal of biochemistry. vol 194. issue 2. 1991-02-20. PMID:2269272. in addition, molecular graphics modeling of hb sm in the oxy and deoxy structures indicate the possibility of a new hydrogen bond in the t state between beta(1)102 tyr and alpha(2)42 tyr. 1991-02-20 2023-08-11 Not clear
I Weiss, F E Cash, M B Coleman, A Pressley, J G Adams, T Sanguansermsri, S A Liebhaber, M H Steinber. Molecular basis for alpha-thalassemia associated with the structural mutant hemoglobin Suan-Dok (alpha 2 109leu----arg) Blood. vol 76. issue 12. 1991-02-14. PMID:2265255. molecular basis for alpha-thalassemia associated with the structural mutant hemoglobin suan-dok (alpha 2 109leu----arg) hemoglobin (hb) suan-dok (alpha 109arg) is a rare alpha-globin structural mutation that is linked to an alpha-thalassemia (alpha-thal) determinant. 1991-02-14 2023-08-11 mouse
H J Li, X N Zhao, F Qin, H W Li, L Li, X J He, X S Chang, Z M Li, K X Liang, F L Xin. Abnormal hemoglobins in the Silk Road region of China. Human genetics. vol 86. issue 2. 1991-02-12. PMID:2265836. two variants [hb tashikuergan or alpha 19(ab1)ala----glu; hb tianshui or beta 39(c5) gln----arg] were observed for the first time. 1991-02-12 2023-08-11 Not clear
Y Yuthavong, A Bunyaratvej, S Kamchonwongpaisa. Increased susceptibility of malaria-infected variant erythrocytes to the mononuclear phagocyte system. Blood cells. vol 16. issue 2-3. 1991-01-31. PMID:2098019. the increased susceptibility to phagocytosis of infected erythrocytes was also found for a number of genetic variants involving the alpha-globin chain, namely, alpha-thal 1 trait (--/alpha alpha), alpha-thal 2 trait (-alpha/alpha alpha), hb h (--/-alpha), hb h/hb constant spring (cs) (--/alpha cs alpha), hb cs trait, and homozygous hb cs erythrocytes. 1991-01-31 2023-08-11 Not clear
J F Codrington, H W Li, F Kutlar, L H Gu, M Ramachandran, T H Huisma. Observations on the levels of Hb A2 in patients with different beta-thalassemia mutations and a delta chain variant. Blood. vol 76. issue 6. 1990-10-23. PMID:1698102. hb a2 and its variant b2 (alpha 2 delta 2(16)(a13)gly----arg) were quantitated in the blood of subjects with three different types of beta-thalassemia and with the delta-b2 anomaly in cis or in trans to the beta-thalassemia determinant. 1990-10-23 2023-08-11 human
J F Codrington, H W Li, F Kutlar, L H Gu, M Ramachandran, T H Huisma. Observations on the levels of Hb A2 in patients with different beta-thalassemia mutations and a delta chain variant. Blood. vol 76. issue 6. 1990-10-23. PMID:1698102. one is consistent with a general mechanism concerning the relative excess of alpha chains in beta chain deficiencies which will combine with delta chains to form variable levels of hb a2 dependent on the severity of the beta chain deficiency. 1990-10-23 2023-08-11 human
J M de Pablos, M A de las Nieves, A Romero, M Jurado, A García, W F Moo Pen. [Hemoglobin Setif (alpha 94 (G1) Asp----Tyr) in a Spanish family]. Sangre. vol 35. issue 3. 1990-10-11. PMID:2396167. the structural analysis of the anomalous globin chain showed substitution of residual aspartic acid in position 94 of the alpha chain by tyrosine (hb setif). 1990-10-11 2023-08-11 Not clear