All Relations between glyrs and glycine

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
D Chesnoy-Marchais, L Cathal. Modulation of glycine responses by dihydropyridines and verapamil in rat spinal neurons. The European journal of neuroscience. vol 13. issue 12. 2001-09-06. PMID:11454022. although glycine receptors (glyrs) are responsible for the main spinal inhibitory responses in adult vertebrates, in the embryo they have been reported to mediate depolarizing responses, which can sometimes activate dihydropyridine-sensitive l-type calcium channels. 2001-09-06 2023-08-12 rat
Q Shan, J L Haddrill, J W Lync. Ivermectin, an unconventional agonist of the glycine receptor chloride channel. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 276. issue 16. 2001-05-31. PMID:11278873. the effects of the antihelmintic, ivermectin, were investigated in recombinantly expressed human alpha(1) homomeric and alpha(1)beta heteromeric glycine receptors (glyrs). 2001-05-31 2023-08-12 human
Q Shan, J L Haddrill, J W Lync. Ivermectin, an unconventional agonist of the glycine receptor chloride channel. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 276. issue 16. 2001-05-31. PMID:11278873. at low (0.03 microm) concentrations ivermectin potentiated the response to sub-saturating glycine concentrations, and at higher (> or =0.03 microm) concentrations it irreversibly activated both alpha(1) homomeric and alpha(1)beta heteromeric glyrs. 2001-05-31 2023-08-12 human
S Fucile, D De Saint Jan, L P de Carvalho, P Bregestovsk. Fast potentiation of glycine receptor channels of intracellular calcium in neurons and transfected cells. Neuron. vol 28. issue 2. 2001-01-04. PMID:11144365. inhibitory glycine receptors (glyrs) are mainly expressed in the spinal cord and in the midbrain, where they control motor and sensory pathways. 2001-01-04 2023-08-12 human
D W Ali, P Drapeau, P Legendr. Development of spontaneous glycinergic currents in the Mauthner neuron of the zebrafish embryo. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 84. issue 4. 2000-11-30. PMID:11024065. in 30-40 hpf embryos, the events were faster, with tau(off1) approximately 9 ms and tau(off2) approximately 40 ms, and in larvae, events declined somewhat further to tau(off1) approximately 4 ms and tau(off2) approximately 30 ms. point-per-point amplitude histograms of the decay of synaptic events at all stages resulted in the detection of similar single channel conductances estimated as approximately 45 ps, indicating the presence of heteromeric glycine receptors (glyrs) from the onset of synaptogenesis. 2000-11-30 2023-08-12 zebrafish
S Supplisson, D Chesnoy-Marchai. Glycine receptor beta subunits play a critical role in potentiation of glycine responses by ICS-205,930. Molecular pharmacology. vol 58. issue 4. 2000-10-31. PMID:10999946. the sensitivity of various types of recombinant glycine receptors (glyrs) to ics-205,930 was studied by fast perfusion in xenopus laevis oocytes. 2000-10-31 2023-08-12 human
S Supplisson, D Chesnoy-Marchai. Glycine receptor beta subunits play a critical role in potentiation of glycine responses by ICS-205,930. Molecular pharmacology. vol 58. issue 4. 2000-10-31. PMID:10999946. in contrast, submicromolar concentrations of ics-205,930 failed to affect responses of homomeric glyrs formed from human alpha1 or alpha2 subunits, and micromolar concentrations (1-20 microm) acted differentially on the two types of homomeric receptors, potentiating the responses to glycine (10-20 microm) of alpha1 homomeric glyrs and inhibiting the responses of alpha2 homomeric glyrs. 2000-10-31 2023-08-12 human
S Supplisson, D Chesnoy-Marchai. Glycine receptor beta subunits play a critical role in potentiation of glycine responses by ICS-205,930. Molecular pharmacology. vol 58. issue 4. 2000-10-31. PMID:10999946. in oocytes expressing alpha1/beta or alpha2/beta heteromeric glyrs, low concentrations of ics-205,930 (20 nm-1 microm) induced a potentiation of glycine responses that was counteracted by an inhibitory effect at higher concentrations. 2000-10-31 2023-08-12 human
S Supplisson, D Chesnoy-Marchai. Glycine receptor beta subunits play a critical role in potentiation of glycine responses by ICS-205,930. Molecular pharmacology. vol 58. issue 4. 2000-10-31. PMID:10999946. the difference in ics sensitivity between alpha1 and alpha2 glyrs cannot be explained by their difference in tm2 segment and extracellular domains partly conserved between glycine and 5-ht(3) receptors are probably involved in the interaction of some 5-ht(3) antagonists with glyrs. 2000-10-31 2023-08-12 human
N Chéry, Y De Koninc. GABA(B) receptors are the first target of released GABA at lamina I inhibitory synapses in the adult rat spinal cord. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 84. issue 2. 2000-09-14. PMID:10938323. however, whereas both glycine receptors (glyrs) and gaba(a) receptors (gaba(a)rs) are expressed on the postsynaptic target, under certain conditions inhibitory events appeared to be mediated by glyrs only. 2000-09-14 2023-08-12 rat
J Y. Physiology and pharmacology of native glycine receptors in developing rat ventral tegmental area neurons. Brain research. vol 862. issue 1-2. 2000-06-21. PMID:10799671. while the neonatal glycine receptors (glyrs) are resistant to strychnine, the adult glyrs are sensitive to str. 2000-06-21 2023-08-12 rat
R J Harvey, V Schmieden, A Von Holst, B Laube, H Rohrer, H Bet. Glycine receptors containing the alpha4 subunit in the embryonic sympathetic nervous system, spinal cord and male genital ridge. The European journal of neuroscience. vol 12. issue 3. 2000-05-22. PMID:10762330. inhibitory glycine receptors (glyrs) are known to mediate postsynaptic inhibition in spinal cord, brain stem and some higher brain regions. 2000-05-22 2023-08-12 mouse
B S Zhorov, P D Bregestovsk. Chloride channels of glycine and GABA receptors with blockers: Monte Carlo minimization and structure-activity relationships. Biophysical journal. vol 78. issue 4. 2000-05-15. PMID:10733960. gaba and glycine receptors (glyrs) are pentameric ligand-gated ion channels that respond to the inhibitory neurotransmitters by opening a chloride-selective central pore lined with five m2 segments homologous to those of alpha(1) glyr/ arvg(2')lgit(6')tvltmttqssgsr. 2000-05-15 2023-08-12 rat
B S Zhorov, P D Bregestovsk. Chloride channels of glycine and GABA receptors with blockers: Monte Carlo minimization and structure-activity relationships. Biophysical journal. vol 78. issue 4. 2000-05-15. PMID:10733960. the hydrophilic elongated end of picrotin does not fit the hydrophobic ring of pro(2')s/ala(2')s in gabars, but fit a more hydrophilic ring with gly(2')s in glyrs. 2000-05-15 2023-08-12 rat
B Laube, J Kuhse, H Bet. Kinetic and mutational analysis of Zn2+ modulation of recombinant human inhibitory glycine receptors. The Journal of physiology. vol 522 Pt 2. 2000-03-20. PMID:10639099. the effects of zn2+ on glycine receptor (glyr) currents were analysed in xenopus oocytes and human embryonic kidney cells expressing homomeric human wild-type and mutant alpha1 subunit glyrs. 2000-03-20 2023-08-12 human
R J Harvey, P Thomas, C H James, A Wilderspin, T G Smar. Identification of an inhibitory Zn2+ binding site on the human glycine receptor alpha1 subunit. The Journal of physiology. vol 520 Pt 1. 2000-01-04. PMID:10517800. whole-cell glycine-activated currents were recorded from human embryonic kidney (hek) cells expressing wild-type and mutant recombinant homomeric glycine receptors (glyrs) to locate the inhibitory binding site for zn2+ ions on the human alpha1 subunit. 2000-01-04 2023-08-12 human
N Chéry, Y de Koninc. Junctional versus extrajunctional glycine and GABA(A) receptor-mediated IPSCs in identified lamina I neurons of the adult rat spinal cord. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 19. issue 17. 1999-09-23. PMID:10460241. to address this issue, miniature ipscs (mipscs) mediated via gaba(a) receptors (gaba(a)rs) and glycine receptors (glyrs) were recorded from identified laminae i-ii neurons in adult rat spinal cord slices. 1999-09-23 2023-08-12 rat
N Chéry, Y de Koninc. Junctional versus extrajunctional glycine and GABA(A) receptor-mediated IPSCs in identified lamina I neurons of the adult rat spinal cord. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 19. issue 17. 1999-09-23. PMID:10460241. yet, all neurons responded to exogenous applications of both gaba and glycine, indicating that they expressed both gaba(a)rs and glyrs. 1999-09-23 2023-08-12 rat
S Lévi, D Chesnoy-Marchais, W Sieghart, A Trille. Synaptic control of glycine and GABA(A) receptors and gephyrin expression in cultured motoneurons. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 19. issue 17. 1999-09-23. PMID:10460250. we have evaluated the influence of the secretory phenotype of presynaptic boutons on the accumulation of postsynaptic glycine receptors (glyrs), type a gaba receptors (gaba(a)rs), and gephyrin clusters. 1999-09-23 2023-08-12 Not clear
S Fucile, D de Saint Jan, B David-Watine, H Korn, P Bregestovsk. Comparison of glycine and GABA actions on the zebrafish homomeric glycine receptor. The Journal of physiology. vol 517 ( Pt 2). 1999-08-02. PMID:10332088. glycine and gaba can be co-released from the same presynaptic terminals and in lower vertebrates they can activate the same glycine receptors (glyrs). 1999-08-02 2023-08-12 human