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K C Glenn, K S Rose, G G Kriv. Somatotropin antagonism of insulin-stimulated glucose utilization in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Journal of cellular biochemistry. vol 37. issue 4. 1988-10-25. PMID:3047155. |
the 3t3-l1 sensitivity to gh appears to be at the maximum (50% inhibition of an insulin response) immediately following removal of the cells from the differentiation medium and remains essentially constant during the subsequent 4 days. |
1988-10-25 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
K C Glenn, K S Rose, G G Kriv. Somatotropin antagonism of insulin-stimulated glucose utilization in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Journal of cellular biochemistry. vol 37. issue 4. 1988-10-25. PMID:3047155. |
the gh inhibition of insulin action does not appear to be due gh enhancement of cellular degradation of insulin, competitive binding of gh to the insulin receptor, or gh-induced decrease in cell number. |
1988-10-25 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
K C Glenn, K S Rose, G G Kriv. Somatotropin antagonism of insulin-stimulated glucose utilization in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Journal of cellular biochemistry. vol 37. issue 4. 1988-10-25. PMID:3047155. |
the 3t3-l1 adipocyte system appears to be a sensitive and reliable in vitro model with which to study the molecular mechanisms involved in both gh antagonism of insulin action and development of hormone responsiveness during cellular differentiation into adipocytes. |
1988-10-25 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
N A Adamafio, J L Kostyo, C M Cameron, J R Trimark, J C Dunba. Acute effects of S-carboxymethylated human growth hormone on insulin resistance in the obese (ob/ob) mouse. Metabolism: clinical and experimental. vol 37. issue 9. 1988-10-24. PMID:3047525. |
chronic treatment of ob/ob mice with growth hormone (gh) increases plasma insulin and blood glucose concentrations, and enhances insulin resistance in peripheral tissues. |
1988-10-24 |
2023-08-11 |
mouse |
N A Adamafio, J L Kostyo, C M Cameron, J R Trimark, J C Dunba. Acute effects of S-carboxymethylated human growth hormone on insulin resistance in the obese (ob/ob) mouse. Metabolism: clinical and experimental. vol 37. issue 9. 1988-10-24. PMID:3047525. |
the purpose of the present study was: (1) to determine the length of time required for the development of increased circulating insulin concentration and adipose tissue insulin resistance in response to gh in the ob/ob mouse, (2) to examine the relationship between the rise in insulin concentration and the development of insulin resistance, and (3) to test whether the hormone derivative could enhance insulin resistance in isolated adipose tissue when added in vitro. |
1988-10-24 |
2023-08-11 |
mouse |
P Tapanainen, M Knip, P Lautala, J Leppäluot. Variable plasma growth hormone (GH)-releasing hormone and GH responses to clonidine, L-dopa, and insulin in normal men. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. vol 67. issue 4. 1988-10-24. PMID:3138280. |
variable plasma growth hormone (gh)-releasing hormone and gh responses to clonidine, l-dopa, and insulin in normal men. |
1988-10-24 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
P Tapanainen, M Knip, P Lautala, J Leppäluot. Variable plasma growth hormone (GH)-releasing hormone and GH responses to clonidine, L-dopa, and insulin in normal men. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. vol 67. issue 4. 1988-10-24. PMID:3138280. |
the effects of synthetic ghrh-(1-44) (1 microgram/kg, iv), clonidine (0.15 mg/m2, orally), l-dopa (0.5 g, orally), and insulin (0.1 iu/kg, iv) on plasma immunoreactive (ir) ghrh and gh levels were determined in normal men, aged 31-46 yr (n = 4-8). |
1988-10-24 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
P Tapanainen, M Knip, P Lautala, J Leppäluot. Variable plasma growth hormone (GH)-releasing hormone and GH responses to clonidine, L-dopa, and insulin in normal men. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. vol 67. issue 4. 1988-10-24. PMID:3138280. |
some gh responses, including those induced by insulin, do not appear to be mediated by ghrh. |
1988-10-24 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
M Q Robert, E Herrer. Effect of postweaning thyroid status on endocrine and adipose development in rats. The American journal of physiology. vol 255. issue 3 Pt 1. 1988-10-17. PMID:3421326. |
triiodothyronine (t3), t4, thyroid-stimulating hormone, somatotropin (gh), and insulin plasma levels were assayed. |
1988-10-17 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
J A Atiea, J P Vora, D R Owens, S Luzio, G F Read, R F Walker, T M Haye. Non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients (NIDDMs) do not demonstrate the dawn phenomenon at presentation. Diabetes research and clinical practice. vol 5. issue 1. 1988-09-20. PMID:3042344. |
to evaluate the effect of treatment on this phenomenon in non-insulin-dependent diabetics (niddms), pg, c peptide, immunoreactive insulin (iri), growth hormone (gh), cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine were measured hourly between 24.00 and 09.00 h in 17 newly diagnosed untreated niddms (group 1). |
1988-09-20 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
V Schusdziarr. Physiological significance of gastrointestinal somatostatin. Hormone research. vol 29. issue 2-3. 1988-09-16. PMID:2900200. |
neutralization of endogenous circulating somatostatin with specific antiserum is followed by increases in gh and enteroglucagon, augmenting also the postprandial rise of gastrin, insulin and pancreatic polypeptide. |
1988-09-16 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
G Sundkvist, B Lilja, L O Almé. Absent elevations in growth hormone, factor VIII related antigen, and plasminogen activator activity during exercise in diabetic patients resistant to retinopathy. Diabetes research (Edinburgh, Scotland). vol 7. issue 1. 1988-09-15. PMID:3135976. |
in a primary study gh, viiir:ag, and paa were evaluated during a 25 min exercise test in 22 insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (iddm) patients. |
1988-09-15 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
J M Manson, R J Smith, D W Wilmor. Growth hormone stimulates protein synthesis during hypocaloric parenteral nutrition. Role of hormonal-substrate environment. Annals of surgery. vol 208. issue 2. 1988-09-08. PMID:2899993. |
gh was associated with an increase in insulin and insulin-like growth factor-i concentrations (igf-i, 9.1 +/- 0.6 iu/ml vs. 3.3 +/- 0.5, p less than 0.001). |
1988-09-08 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
J M Manson, R J Smith, D W Wilmor. Growth hormone stimulates protein synthesis during hypocaloric parenteral nutrition. Role of hormonal-substrate environment. Annals of surgery. vol 208. issue 2. 1988-09-08. PMID:2899993. |
after discontinuation of the parenteral nutrition and administration of the oral glucose load, glucose concentrations tended to be higher after gh; however, despite a two- to threefold increase in insulin response, muscle glucose uptake was attenuated (1.10 +/- 0.19 g/kg forearm vs. 1.64 +/- 0.30 in controls, p less than 0.05). |
1988-09-08 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
J M Manson, R J Smith, D W Wilmor. Growth hormone stimulates protein synthesis during hypocaloric parenteral nutrition. Role of hormonal-substrate environment. Annals of surgery. vol 208. issue 2. 1988-09-08. PMID:2899993. |
these include the increase in plasma concentrations of gh, insulin igf-i and fat utilization. |
1988-09-08 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
R Yamasaki, H Saito, T Sano, K Kameyama, K Yoshimoto, E Hosoi, M Matsumura, K Harada, S Sait. Ectopic growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) syndrome in a case with multiple endocrine neoplasia type I. Endocrinologia japonica. vol 35. issue 1. 1988-09-06. PMID:2899505. |
an apparent increase in the plasma gh concentration was observed in response to administration of trh, glucose, arginine or insulin, while plasma ir-ghrh did not show any fluctuation. |
1988-09-06 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
S M Schwartz, M E Wilson, M L Walker, D C Collin. Dietary influences on growth and sexual maturation in premenarchial rhesus monkeys. Hormones and behavior. vol 22. issue 2. 1988-09-01. PMID:3294160. |
the effect of a high-fat diet on growth, sexual maturation, and developmental changes in serum levels of estradiol (e2), growth hormone (gh), somatomedin-c (sm-c), and insulin were examined in outdoor-housed premenarchial rhesus monkeys. |
1988-09-01 |
2023-08-11 |
monkey |
G Finocchiaro, G Baio, P Micossi, G Pozza, S di Donat. Glucose metabolism alterations in Friedreich's ataxia. Neurology. vol 38. issue 8. 1988-08-30. PMID:3041313. |
we have characterized the abnormalities of glucose metabolism associated with friedreich's ataxia (fa) by studying plasma glucose, insulin, growth hormone (gh), and glucagon before and after an oral glucose tolerance test (ogtt), an iv glucose load, and an iv arginine load, in 21 patients and in controls. |
1988-08-30 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
C E Mondon, G M Reaven, N Ling, U J Lewis, L G Friger. Amino-terminal peptide of growth hormone enhances insulin action in normal rats. Endocrinology. vol 123. issue 2. 1988-08-29. PMID:3135175. |
the data indicated that neither of the gh peptides affected sssg in the absence of exogenously administered insulin or at low (40 microu/ml) serum levels of insulin, but when serum insulin was increased to 77 microu/ml, a significant (p less than 0.05) decrease in sssg was produced by the peptides. |
1988-08-29 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
C E Mondon, G M Reaven, N Ling, U J Lewis, L G Friger. Amino-terminal peptide of growth hormone enhances insulin action in normal rats. Endocrinology. vol 123. issue 2. 1988-08-29. PMID:3135175. |
these findings suggest that gh peptides independently suppress glucose outflow from the liver and potentiate insulin action by facilitating glucose uptake by peripheral tissues. |
1988-08-29 |
2023-08-11 |
human |