All Relations between cs and cerebellum

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
J A Tracy, J K Thompson, D J Krupa, R F Thompso. Evidence of plasticity in the pontocerebellar conditioned stimulus pathway during classical conditioning of the eyeblink response in the rabbit. Behavioral neuroscience. vol 112. issue 2. 1998-08-11. PMID:9588477. these results add to the body of literature suggesting that the pons relays cs information to the cerebellum and provide further evidence of synaptic plasticity in the cerebellar network. 1998-08-11 2023-08-12 rabbit
T Kohji, M Hayashi, K Shioda, M Minagawa, Y Morimatsu, K Tamagawa, M Od. Cerebellar neurodegeneration in human hereditary DNA repair disorders. Neuroscience letters. vol 243. issue 1-3. 1998-05-14. PMID:9535131. we investigated apoptotic cell death in the cerebellum of five cases of xp group a (xpa), four cases of cs, and twelve controls, using tdt-mediated dig-dutp nick-end labeling (tunel) and immunohistochemical staining for bcl-2, bcl-x, p53, bax, bdnf and trk b. 1998-05-14 2023-08-12 human
R F Thompson, S Bao, L Chen, B D Cipriano, J S Grethe, J J Kim, J K Thompson, J A Tracy, M S Weninger, D J Krup. Associative learning. International review of neurobiology. vol 41. 1997-11-07. PMID:9378587. lesion, neuronal recording, electrical microstimulation, and anatomical procedures have been used to identify the essential conditioned stimulus (cs) circuit, including the pontine mossy fiber projections to the cerebellum; the essential unconditioned stimulus (us) reinforcing or teaching circuit, including neurons in the inferior olive (dorsal accessory olive) projecting to the cerebellum as climbing fibers; and the essential conditioned response (cr) circuit, including the interpositus nucleus, its projection via the superior cerebellar peduncle to the magnocellular red nucleus, and rubral projections to premotor and motor nuclei. 1997-11-07 2023-08-12 Not clear
L Rispal-Padel, M Pananceau, E M Mefta. Functional structuration of the cerebellar efferent network involved in forelimb control, during processing of an associative conditioning. Journal of physiology, Paris. vol 90. issue 5-6. 1997-06-19. PMID:9089516. it was defined by the location of electrodes for applying the conditional stimulation (cs) in the cerebellar interpositus nucleus (in) and the unconditional stimulation (ucs) on the skin of the forelimb. 1997-06-19 2023-08-12 human
P G Shinkman, R A Swain, R F Thompso. Classical conditioning with electrical stimulation of cerebellum as both conditioned and unconditioned stimulus. Behavioral neuroscience. vol 110. issue 5. 1997-03-18. PMID:8918995. stimulating electrodes were implanted in rabbit cerebellum, providing an electrical conditioned stimulus (cs) activating cortical parallel fibers and thence purkinje and other cells, and an electrical unconditioned stimulus (us) activating underlying white matter and eliciting unconditioned responses. 1997-03-18 2023-08-12 human
M Pananceau, L Rispal-Padel, E M Mefta. Synaptic plasticity of the interpositorubral pathway functionally related to forelimb flexion movements. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 75. issue 6. 1997-01-15. PMID:8793763. the cs was applied in the cerebellar interpositus nucleus (in) site and the ucs was given to the skin on the dorsum of the distal part of the forepaw. 1997-01-15 2023-08-12 Not clear
E J Lang, I Sugihara, R Lliná. GABAergic modulation of complex spike activity by the cerebellar nucleoolivary pathway in rat. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 76. issue 1. 1996-12-31. PMID:8836223. in contrast to the olivary picrotoxin injections, the cerebellar nuclear lesions did not lead to an enhanced cs rhythmicity. 1996-12-31 2023-08-12 rat
E J Lang, I Sugihara, R Lliná. GABAergic modulation of complex spike activity by the cerebellar nucleoolivary pathway in rat. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 76. issue 1. 1996-12-31. PMID:8836223. both unilateral olivary injections of picrotoxin and unilateral cerebellar nuclear lesions resulted in increased synchronization of cs activity between the left and right crus 2a. 1996-12-31 2023-08-12 rat
L Chen, S Bao, J M Lockard, J K Kim, R F Thompso. Impaired classical eyeblink conditioning in cerebellar-lesioned and Purkinje cell degeneration (pcd) mutant mice. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 16. issue 8. 1996-09-26. PMID:8786457. the involvement of the cerebellum in eyeblink conditioning is also supported by stimulation studies showing that direct stimulation of the two major afferents to the cerebellum (the mossy fibers emanating from the pontine nucleus and climbing fibers originating from the inferior olive) can substitute for the peripheral conditioned stimulus (cs) and unconditioned stimulus (us), respectively, to yield normal behavioral learning. 1996-09-26 2023-08-12 mouse
S Ghosh, M K Podda. Higher environmental temperature: effect of multiple exposures on long-term diazepam-induced changes in brain regional GABA. Methods and findings in experimental and clinical pharmacology. vol 17. issue 3. 1996-01-30. PMID:8531508. and/or exposed (2 h/day) to higher environmental temperatures (higher environmental temperature, 40 degrees c) under long-term conditions (7-30 consecutive days) shows that long-term treatment with diazepam (5 mg/kg/day, i.p., for 15-30 consecutive days) reduced the gabaergic activity in the hypothalamus, corpus striatum (cs) and cerebellum (cm) without any alteration in the cerebrocortical region (cc). 1996-01-30 2023-08-12 rat
R Sacchetto, K D Cliffer, P Podini, A Villa, B N Christensen, P Volp. Intracellular Ca2+ stores in chick cerebellum Purkinje neurons: ontogenetic and functional studies. The American journal of physiology. vol 269. issue 5 Pt 1. 1996-01-04. PMID:7491912. ontogenesis of cs, ip3r, and ca(2+)-atpase accompanied well-defined stages of cerebellum histogenesis and cytogenesis and was accomplished before hatching. 1996-01-04 2023-08-12 chicken
Y Sato, H Fushiki, T Kawasak. Alterations of visual climbing fiber response properties in cat cerebellar flocculus after cerebral cortical lesions. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 73. issue 1. 1995-05-17. PMID:7714573. in the anesthetized decorticate cat, we recorded complex spike (cs) activity together with concomitant simple spike (ss) activity of the cerebellar flocculus (fl) purkinje cells that responded to large-field visual pattern movement. 1995-05-17 2023-08-12 cat
E M Meftah, L Rispal-Pade. Synaptic plasticity in the thalamo-cortical pathway as one of the neurobiological correlates of forelimb flexion conditioning: electrophysiological investigation in the cat. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 72. issue 6. 1995-04-25. PMID:7897480. this circuit was defined on the basis of the sites at which conditioned (cs) and unconditioned stimuli (ucs) were applied: the cs was applied at a site on the cerebellar interpositus nucleus which activated the forepaw musculature so as to induce flexion movements and the ucs was applied to the skin of the distal part of that paw so as to induce reflex flexion movements. 1995-04-25 2023-08-12 cat
E M Meftah, L Rispal-Pade. Synaptic plasticity in the thalamo-cortical pathway as one of the neurobiological correlates of forelimb flexion conditioning: electrophysiological investigation in the cat. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 72. issue 6. 1995-04-25. PMID:7897480. by repetitively activating the central nervous pathways by the associated cs and ucs according to a predefined temporal pattern, the efficiency of the thalamo-cortical pathway's contribution to the movement production was enhanced, and its capacity to convey the cerebellar inputs to neurons in the motor cortex increased. 1995-04-25 2023-08-12 cat
I Sugihara, E J Lang, R Lliná. Uniform olivocerebellar conduction time underlies Purkinje cell complex spike synchronicity in the rat cerebellum. The Journal of physiology. vol 470. 1994-03-14. PMID:8308729. the conduction time of the olivocerebellar fibres was measured by recording purkinje cell complex spike (cs) responses from various areas of the cerebellum. 1994-03-14 2023-08-12 rat
I Sugihara, E J Lang, R Lliná. Uniform olivocerebellar conduction time underlies Purkinje cell complex spike synchronicity in the rat cerebellum. The Journal of physiology. vol 470. 1994-03-14. PMID:8308729. the rostrocaudal band-like distribution of simultaneous (within 1 ms) cs activity in purkinje cells extended down the sides of the cerebellar folia to the deepest areas recorded (1.6-2.6 mm deep). 1994-03-14 2023-08-12 rat
D S Woodruff-Pak, D G Lavond, C G Logan, J E Steinmetz, R F Thompso. Cerebellar cortical lesions and reacquisition in classical conditioning of the nictitating membrane response in rabbits. Brain research. vol 608. issue 1. 1993-06-21. PMID:8495350. the effect of these cerebellar cortical lesions on retention to tone versus light conditioned stimulus (cs) and the timing of the conditioned response was evaluated. 1993-06-21 2023-08-12 rabbit
Y Sato, A Miura, H Fushiki, T Kawasaki, Y Watanab. Complex spike responses of cerebellar Purkinje cells to constant velocity optokinetic stimuli in the cat flocculus. Acta oto-laryngologica. Supplementum. vol 504. 1993-05-13. PMID:8470518. in the cat cerebellar flocculus without cerebrum but with intact accessory optic tract, complex spike (cs) responses to horizontal optokinetic stimuli (velocity-step at 2 degrees/s) were investigated. 1993-05-13 2023-08-12 cat
A Miura, Y Sato, Y Watanabe, H Fushiki, T Kawasak. Direction selective climbing fiber responses to horizontal and vertical optokinetic stimuli in the cat cerebellar flocculus. Acta oto-laryngologica. Supplementum. vol 504. 1993-05-13. PMID:8470526. in ketamine anesthetized cats, complex spike (cs) responses to movement of a large-field visual surround (optokinetic stimulus) were recorded in the cerebellar flocculus. 1993-05-13 2023-08-12 cat
B Y Yang, D J Weis. An auditory conditioned stimulus modulates unconditioned stimulus-elicited neuronal activity in the cerebellar anterior interpositus and dentate nuclei during nictitating membrane response conditioning in rabbits. Behavioral neuroscience. vol 106. issue 6. 1993-02-01. PMID:1335268. the effects of the presentation of an auditory conditioned stimulus (cs) on unconditioned stimulus (us)-elicited neuronal activity in the anterior interpositus (aipn) and dentate (dn) nuclei of the cerebellum were investigated during the initial stages of classical conditioning of the nictitating membrane (nm) response in rabbits. 1993-02-01 2023-08-11 Not clear