All Relations between cs and cerebellum

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
L Rispal-Padel, E M Mefta. Changes in motor responses induced by cerebellar stimulation during classical forelimb flexion conditioning in cat. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 68. issue 3. 1992-11-27. PMID:1432056. in fact, the effects of conditioning were not generalized, but involved only a circumscribed circuit originating in the cerebellar neurons stimulated by the cs, which were activated concomitantly with the sensory pathways. 1992-11-27 2023-08-11 cat
B J Knowlton, R F Thompso. Conditioning using a cerebral cortical conditioned stimulus is dependent on the cerebellum and brain stem circuitry. Behavioral neuroscience. vol 106. issue 3. 1992-07-31. PMID:1616617. conditioning was shown to be dependent on the cerebellar interpositus nucleus and the pontine nuclei (pn), structures that are essential for conditioning using a peripheral cs. 1992-07-31 2023-08-11 rabbit
B J Knowlton, R F Thompso. Conditioning using a cerebral cortical conditioned stimulus is dependent on the cerebellum and brain stem circuitry. Behavioral neuroscience. vol 106. issue 3. 1992-07-31. PMID:1616617. the results suggest that the cerebellum and associated brain stem circuitry are a necessary part of the memory trace circuit for the conditioned eyeblink response, even when the cerebral cortex is artifically engaged as a cs by electrical stimulation. 1992-07-31 2023-08-11 rabbit
P Volpe, S Furlan, E Damian. Purification and characterization of calsequestrin from chicken cerebellum. Biochemical and biophysical research communications. vol 181. issue 1. 1992-01-02. PMID:1958197. chicken cerebellum microsomal fractions contain a protein tentatively identified as calsequestrin (cs) (volpe et al., neuron 5, 713-721, 1990). 1992-01-02 2023-08-11 chicken
P Volpe, S Furlan, E Damian. Purification and characterization of calsequestrin from chicken cerebellum. Biochemical and biophysical research communications. vol 181. issue 1. 1992-01-02. PMID:1958197. here we report, for the first time, the purification of cerebellum cs from whole tissue homogenate by deae-cellulose chromatography and ca(2+)-dependent elution from phenyl-sepharose. 1992-01-02 2023-08-11 chicken
P Volpe, S Furlan, E Damian. Purification and characterization of calsequestrin from chicken cerebellum. Biochemical and biophysical research communications. vol 181. issue 1. 1992-01-02. PMID:1958197. the purified cerebellum cs displays the shift and increase in intrinsic fluorescence characteristic of skeletal muscle cs, and is shown to be a high-capacity, low-affinity ca2+ binding protein (kd = 1 mm). 1992-01-02 2023-08-11 chicken
P Volpe, B H Alderson-Lang, L Madeddu, E Damiani, J H Collins, A Margret. Calsequestrin, a component of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive Ca2+ store of chicken cerebellum. Neuron. vol 5. issue 5. 1990-12-19. PMID:2145879. the presence and distribution of calsequestrin (cs), ca2+ pump, and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (ip3) receptor were investigated biochemically and immunologically in microsomal (p3) fractions isolated from chicken cerebrum and cerebellum. 1990-12-19 2023-08-11 chicken
P Volpe, B H Alderson-Lang, L Madeddu, E Damiani, J H Collins, A Margret. Calsequestrin, a component of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive Ca2+ store of chicken cerebellum. Neuron. vol 5. issue 5. 1990-12-19. PMID:2145879. two different batches of polyclonal antibodies specific for chicken skeletal muscle cs identified a ca2+ binding, cs-like protein that was extremely enriched in cerebellum p3 fractions and absent from all cerebrum fractions. 1990-12-19 2023-08-11 chicken
P Volpe, B H Alderson-Lang, L Madeddu, E Damiani, J H Collins, A Margret. Calsequestrin, a component of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive Ca2+ store of chicken cerebellum. Neuron. vol 5. issue 5. 1990-12-19. PMID:2145879. the cerebellum cs-like protein was deemed authentic cs because the n-terminal amino acid domain and peptide mapping were identical to those of skeletal muscle cs in the same species. 1990-12-19 2023-08-11 chicken
P Volpe, B H Alderson-Lang, L Madeddu, E Damiani, J H Collins, A Margret. Calsequestrin, a component of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive Ca2+ store of chicken cerebellum. Neuron. vol 5. issue 5. 1990-12-19. PMID:2145879. cs was detected in striated muscles and cerebellum only. 1990-12-19 2023-08-11 chicken
P Volpe, B H Alderson-Lang, L Madeddu, E Damiani, J H Collins, A Margret. Calsequestrin, a component of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive Ca2+ store of chicken cerebellum. Neuron. vol 5. issue 5. 1990-12-19. PMID:2145879. cerebellum microsomal fractions therefore appear to contain membrane fragments endowed with ca2+ pump, ip3 receptor, and cs, i.e., three key components of a ca2+ storage organelle. 1990-12-19 2023-08-11 chicken
J E Steinmet. Classical nictitating membrane conditioning in rabbits with varying interstimulus intervals and direct activation of cerebellar mossy fibers as the CS. Behavioural brain research. vol 38. issue 2. 1990-08-13. PMID:2363838. classical nictitating membrane conditioning in rabbits with varying interstimulus intervals and direct activation of cerebellar mossy fibers as the cs. 1990-08-13 2023-08-11 Not clear
J E Steinmet. Classical nictitating membrane conditioning in rabbits with varying interstimulus intervals and direct activation of cerebellar mossy fibers as the CS. Behavioural brain research. vol 38. issue 2. 1990-08-13. PMID:2363838. these results demonstrate that a normal isi function can be established when direct activation of cerebellar mossy fibers is used as a cs instead of conventional peripheral css. 1990-08-13 2023-08-11 Not clear
V Gallo, A Bertolott. Extracellular matrix of cultured glial cells: selective expression of chondroitin 4-sulfate by type-2 astrocytes and their progenitors. Experimental cell research. vol 187. issue 2. 1990-05-07. PMID:2108048. double immunofluorescence experiments and metabolic labeling with [3h]glucosamine performed in different types of cerebellar and cortical cultures showed that bipotential progenitors for type-2 astrocytes and for oligodendrocytes (recognized by the monoclonal antibody lb1 at early stages of their development) synthesize chondroitin sulfate (cs) and deposit this proteoglycan in their extracellular matrix. 1990-05-07 2023-08-11 Not clear
G Kisc. Rare clinical disturbances of the brain stem mechanism as cerebellar fits and drop attacks. Acta biologica Hungarica. vol 39. issue 2-3. 1989-10-23. PMID:3257024. cerebellar fits (cf) and drop attacks (da) are rare pathophysiological disorders of the brain stem (bs) and of the cerebellar system (cs). 1989-10-23 2023-08-11 Not clear
D J Rosen, J E Steinmetz, R F Thompso. Classical discrimination conditioning of the rabbit's eyelid response using pontine stimulation as a conditioned stimulus. Behavioral and neural biology. vol 52. issue 1. 1989-08-28. PMID:2757584. classical discrimination conditioning of the nictitating membrane/eyelid response was performed on seven rabbits using stimulation of the pontine nuclei or middle cerebellar peduncle as the conditioned stimulus (cs) and an air puff as the unconditioned stimulus (us). 1989-08-28 2023-08-11 rabbit
J E Steinmetz, D G Lavond, R F Thompso. Classical conditioning in rabbits using pontine nucleus stimulation as a conditioned stimulus and inferior olive stimulation as an unconditioned stimulus. Synapse (New York, N.Y.). vol 3. issue 3. 1989-06-13. PMID:2718098. these findings support the idea that plasticity associated with classical conditioning of skeletal muscle responses occurs in regions of the cerebellum that receive convergent cs and us input. 1989-06-13 2023-08-11 Not clear
B J Knowlton, R F Thompso. Microinjections of local anesthetic into the pontine nuclei reduce the amplitude of the classically conditioned eyelid response. Physiology & behavior. vol 43. issue 6. 1989-05-04. PMID:3237801. these results support and extend the lesion data which shows that the pontine nuclei and their mossy fiber projection to the cerebellum are necessary for eyeblink conditioning using a peripheral cs. 1989-05-04 2023-08-11 rabbit
B J Knowlton, R F Thompso. Stimulation of the lateral septum is a more effective conditioned stimulus than stimulation of the medial septum during classical conditioning of the eye-blink response. Behavioral neuroscience. vol 103. issue 1. 1989-04-24. PMID:2923674. conditioning using lateral septal stimulation as a cs is dependent on the cerebellar interpositus nucleus as is conditioning using peripheral and other brain stimulation css. 1989-04-24 2023-08-11 rabbit
B J Knowlton, D G Lavond, R F Thompso. The effect of lesions of cerebellar cortex on retention of the classically conditioned eyeblink response when stimulation of the lateral reticular nucleus is used as the conditioned stimulus. Behavioral and neural biology. vol 49. issue 3. 1988-09-22. PMID:3408441. different regions of the cerebellum are apparently involved in retention of classically conditioned responses depending on the population of mossy fibers carrying the cs information. 1988-09-22 2023-08-11 rabbit