All Relations between Substantia nigra and gaba

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
Gülin Oz, Melissa Terpstra, Ivan Tkác, Pratibha Aia, Jodi Lowary, Paul J Tuite, Rolf Gruette. Proton MRS of the unilateral substantia nigra in the human brain at 4 tesla: detection of high GABA concentrations. Magnetic resonance in medicine. vol 55. issue 2. 2006-05-11. PMID:16408282. proton mrs of the unilateral substantia nigra in the human brain at 4 tesla: detection of high gaba concentrations. 2006-05-11 2023-08-12 human
Eva de Lago, Javier Fernández-Ruiz, Silvia Ortega-Gutiérrez, Ana Cabranes, Gareth Pryce, David Baker, Mariluz López-Rodríguez, José Antonio Ramo. UCM707, an inhibitor of the anandamide uptake, behaves as a symptom control agent in models of Huntington's disease and multiple sclerosis, but fails to delay/arrest the progression of different motor-related disorders. European neuropsychopharmacology : the journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology. vol 16. issue 1. 2006-04-12. PMID:16006105. this effect was possibly associated with an amelioration of gaba and glutamate deficits induced by the toxin in the globus pallidus and the substantia nigra, respectively. 2006-04-12 2023-08-12 mouse
Lori Hutcherson, Rosalinda C Robert. The immunocytochemical localization of substance P in the human striatum: a postmortem ultrastructural study. Synapse (New York, N.Y.). vol 57. issue 4. 2005-10-27. PMID:15986364. in the striatum, the neuroactive peptide, substance p, is colocalized with gaba in the subset of medium spiny neurons that projects to the substantia nigra. 2005-10-27 2023-08-12 human
L Blanco-Lezcano, L L Rocha-Arrieta, L Alvarez-González, L Martínez-Martí, N Pavón-Fuentes, M E González-Fraguela, Y Bauzá-Calderín, Y Coro-Grave de Peralt. [The effects of lesions in the compact part of the substantia nigra on glutamate and GABA release in the pedunculopontine nucleus]. Revista de neurologia. vol 40. issue 1. 2005-09-12. PMID:15696422. [the effects of lesions in the compact part of the substantia nigra on glutamate and gaba release in the pedunculopontine nucleus]. 2005-09-12 2023-08-12 Not clear
J Katz, K M Nielsen, J-J Soghomonia. Comparative effects of acute or chronic administration of levodopa to 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rats on the expression of glutamic acid decarboxylase in the neostriatum and GABAA receptors subunits in the substantia nigra, pars reticulata. Neuroscience. vol 132. issue 3. 2005-08-30. PMID:15837143. the purpose of this study was to compare in adult rats with a unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine (6-ohda) lesion the effects of an acute or chronic (for 3 or 7 days) injection of l-dopa on mrna levels encoding for glutamic acid decarboxylase (gad65 and gad67) in the striatum and gaba(a) receptor alpha1, beta2 and gamma2 subunits in the substantia nigra, pars reticulata (snr), by in situ hybridization histochemistry. 2005-08-30 2023-08-12 rat
Matteo Marti, Massimiliano Manzalini, Martina Fantin, Clementina Bianchi, Laura Della Corte, Michele Morar. Striatal glutamate release evoked in vivo by NMDA is dependent upon ongoing neuronal activity in the substantia nigra, endogenous striatal substance P and dopamine. Journal of neurochemistry. vol 93. issue 1. 2005-05-16. PMID:15773919. tetrodotoxin and bicuculline, perfused distally in the substantia nigra reticulata, prevented the nmda-evoked striatal glutamate release, suggesting its dependence on ongoing neuronal activity and gaba(a) receptor activation, respectively, in the substantia nigra. 2005-05-16 2023-08-12 Not clear
Ke-Zhong Shen, Steven W Johnso. Dopamine depletion alters responses to glutamate and GABA in the rat subthalamic nucleus. Neuroreport. vol 16. issue 2. 2005-04-14. PMID:15671871. we used whole-cell recordings to compare currents evoked by glutamate and gaba receptor agonists in subthalamic nucleus neurons located ipsilateral and contralateral to unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine (6-ohda) injections into the substantia nigra zona compacta. 2005-04-14 2023-08-12 rat
Youssef Sar. Serotonin1B receptors: from protein to physiological function and behavior. Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews. vol 28. issue 6. 2005-01-11. PMID:15527863. the regulation of gamma-aminobutyric acid release by 5-ht1b receptors has been found in projections: from caudate putamen to the globus pallidus or substantia nigra, from nucleus accumbens to the ventral tegmentum area, and from purkinje neurons to the deep nuclei of the cerebellum. 2005-01-11 2023-08-12 human
Ali Charara, Adriana Galvan, Masaaki Kuwajima, Randy A Hall, Yoland Smit. An electron microscope immunocytochemical study of GABA(B) R2 receptors in the monkey basal ganglia: a comparative analysis with GABA(B) R1 receptor distribution. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 476. issue 1. 2004-09-28. PMID:15236467. at the electron microscope level, gaba(b) r2 immunoreactivity was commonly expressed postsynaptically, although immunoreactive preterminal axonal segments were also frequently encountered, particularly in the globus pallidus and substantia nigra, where they accounted for the third of the total number of gaba(b) r2-containing elements. 2004-09-28 2023-08-12 monkey
Ali Charara, Adriana Galvan, Masaaki Kuwajima, Randy A Hall, Yoland Smit. An electron microscope immunocytochemical study of GABA(B) R2 receptors in the monkey basal ganglia: a comparative analysis with GABA(B) R1 receptor distribution. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 476. issue 1. 2004-09-28. PMID:15236467. the relative distribution of gaba(b) r2 immunoreactivity in the monkey basal ganglia was largely consistent with that of gaba(b) r1, but some exceptions were found, most noticeably in the globus pallidus and substantia nigra, which contained a significantly larger proportion of presynaptic elements labeled for gaba(b) r1 than gaba(b) r2. 2004-09-28 2023-08-12 monkey
N A Merkulova, A N Iniushkin, R A Zaĭnulin, I G Kretov. [Features and mechanisms of realization the respiratory influences of the extrapyramydal system structures]. Uspekhi fiziologicheskikh nauk. vol 35. issue 2. 2004-08-19. PMID:15174293. the data on the respiratory effects of gaba and apomorphine microinjected into the red nucleus and substantia nigra as well as effects of their electrostimulation after the blockade of gaba and dopamine receptors in the respiratory center are discussed. 2004-08-19 2023-08-12 Not clear
Yun Min Ding, Juliann D Jaumotte, Armando P Signore, Michael J Zigmon. Effects of 6-hydroxydopamine on primary cultures of substantia nigra: specific damage to dopamine neurons and the impact of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor. Journal of neurochemistry. vol 89. issue 3. 2004-05-19. PMID:15086533. in substantia nigra (sn) cultures, da neurons were much more affected by 6-ohda than were gaba neurons. 2004-05-19 2023-08-12 rat
Henry J Waldvogel, Andy Billinton, Julia H White, Piers C Emson, Richard L M Faul. Comparative cellular distribution of GABAA and GABAB receptors in the human basal ganglia: immunohistochemical colocalization of the alpha 1 subunit of the GABAA receptor, and the GABABR1 and GABABR2 receptor subunits. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 470. issue 4. 2004-04-28. PMID:14961561. in the globus pallidus, intense gaba(b)r1 and gaba(b)r2 subunit labeling was found in large pallidal neurons, and in the substantia nigra, both pars compacta and pars reticulata neurons were labeled for both receptor subunits. 2004-04-28 2023-08-12 human
Henry J Waldvogel, Andy Billinton, Julia H White, Piers C Emson, Richard L M Faul. Comparative cellular distribution of GABAA and GABAB receptors in the human basal ganglia: immunohistochemical colocalization of the alpha 1 subunit of the GABAA receptor, and the GABABR1 and GABABR2 receptor subunits. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 470. issue 4. 2004-04-28. PMID:14961561. that is, gaba acts through gaba(b) receptors, which are located on most of the cell types of the striatum, globus pallidus, and substantia nigra. 2004-04-28 2023-08-12 human
Justin Boyes, J Paul Bola. The subcellular localization of GABA(B) receptor subunits in the rat substantia nigra. The European journal of neuroscience. vol 18. issue 12. 2004-03-10. PMID:14686901. the subcellular localization of gaba(b) receptor subunits in the rat substantia nigra. 2004-03-10 2023-08-12 rat
Justin Boyes, J Paul Bola. The subcellular localization of GABA(B) receptor subunits in the rat substantia nigra. The European journal of neuroscience. vol 18. issue 12. 2004-03-10. PMID:14686901. the inhibitory effects of gaba within the substantia nigra (sn) are mediated in part by metabotropic gaba(b) receptors. 2004-03-10 2023-08-12 rat
Y Yanovsky, S Mades, U Misgel. Retrograde signaling changes the venue of postsynaptic inhibition in rat substantia nigra. Neuroscience. vol 122. issue 2. 2004-03-01. PMID:14614899. both endocannabinoids through cannabinoid receptor type i (cb1) receptors and dopamine through dopamine receptor type d1 receptors modulate postsynaptic inhibition in substantia nigra by changing gaba release from striatonigral terminals. 2004-03-01 2023-08-12 rat
b' Aristea S Galanopoulou, Andreas Kyrozis, Olga I Claudio, Patric K Stanton, Solomon L Mosh\\xc3\\xa. Sex-specific KCC2 expression and GABA(A) receptor function in rat substantia nigra. Experimental neurology. vol 183. issue 2. 2003-10-31. PMID:14552904.' sex-specific kcc2 expression and gaba(a) receptor function in rat substantia nigra. 2003-10-31 2023-08-12 rat
F Galeffi, L Bianchi, J P Bolam, L Della Cort. The effect of 6-hydroxydopamine lesions on the release of amino acids in the direct and indirect pathways of the basal ganglia: a dual microdialysis probe analysis. The European journal of neuroscience. vol 18. issue 4. 2003-10-14. PMID:12925011. administration of kainic acid to the neostriatum enhanced the release of gaba locally and in the distal probes in the substantia nigra and globus pallidus. 2003-10-14 2023-08-12 rat
F Galeffi, L Bianchi, J P Bolam, L Della Cort. The effect of 6-hydroxydopamine lesions on the release of amino acids in the direct and indirect pathways of the basal ganglia: a dual microdialysis probe analysis. The European journal of neuroscience. vol 18. issue 4. 2003-10-14. PMID:12925011. in 6-ohda-lesioned rats, stimulated release of gaba in the substantia nigra was abolished, indicating a reduction in transmission along the direct pathway. 2003-10-14 2023-08-12 rat