All Relations between nucleus accumbens and dopamine

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D J Heal, A R Gree. Repeated electroconvulsive shock increases the behavioural responses of rats to injection of both dopamine and dibutyryl cyclic AMP into the nucleus accumbens. Neuropharmacology. vol 17. issue 12. 1979-05-16. PMID:218135. repeated electroconvulsive shock increases the behavioural responses of rats to injection of both dopamine and dibutyryl cyclic amp into the nucleus accumbens. 1979-05-16 2023-08-11 rat
B H Westerin. Effects of drugs on the formation of 3-methoxytyramine, a dopamine metabolite, in the substantia nigra, striatum, nucleus accumbens and tuberculum olfactorium of the rat. The Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology. vol 31. issue 2. 1979-04-26. PMID:33260. effects of drugs on the formation of 3-methoxytyramine, a dopamine metabolite, in the substantia nigra, striatum, nucleus accumbens and tuberculum olfactorium of the rat. 1979-04-26 2023-08-11 rat
A Robertson, G J Mogenso. Evidence for a role for dopamine in self-stimulation of the nucleus accumbens of the rat. Canadian journal of psychology. vol 32. issue 2. 1979-04-25. PMID:737578. evidence for a role for dopamine in self-stimulation of the nucleus accumbens of the rat. 1979-04-25 2023-08-11 rat
G J Mogenson, M Wu, S K Manchand. Locomotor activity initiated by microinfusions of picrotoxin into the ventral tegmental area. Brain research. vol 161. issue 2. 1979-03-24. PMID:758977. the ambulatory activity induced by microinjections of picrotoxin into the ventral tegmental area was significantly attenuated when the nucleus accumbens was pretreated with spiroperidol, a dopamine antagonist. 1979-03-24 2023-08-11 rat
S Liljequis. Changes in the sensitivity of dopamine receptors in the nucleus accumbens and in the striatum induced by chronic ethanol administration. Acta pharmacologica et toxicologica. vol 43. issue 1. 1978-12-27. PMID:568374. changes in the sensitivity of dopamine receptors in the nucleus accumbens and in the striatum induced by chronic ethanol administration. 1978-12-27 2023-08-11 rat
P Redgrav. Modulation of intracranial self-stimulation behaviour by local perfusions of dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin within the caudate nucleus and nucleus accumbens. Brain research. vol 155. issue 2. 1978-12-02. PMID:688018. modulation of intracranial self-stimulation behaviour by local perfusions of dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin within the caudate nucleus and nucleus accumbens. 1978-12-02 2023-08-11 human
P Redgrav. Modulation of intracranial self-stimulation behaviour by local perfusions of dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin within the caudate nucleus and nucleus accumbens. Brain research. vol 155. issue 2. 1978-12-02. PMID:688018. in order to examine the possible role of dopamine (da), noradrenaline (na) and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-ht) in the control of intracranial self-stimulation behaviour (icss) a push-pull perfusion system was used to administer different consecutive doses of da, na and 5-ht to discrete regions within the caudate nucleus (cn) and nucleus accumbens (nac) of rats during icss. 1978-12-02 2023-08-11 human
P Jenner, C Pycock, C D Marsde. The effect of chronic administration and withdrawal of amphetamine on cerebral dopamine receptor sensitivity. Psychopharmacology. vol 58. issue 2. 1978-10-18. PMID:98779. this data, while showing that chronic amphetamine treatment can induce persistent changes in dopamine receptor sensitivity, can be interpreted in terms of increased striatal receptor sensitivity or as a decreased response of dopamine receptors in the nucleus accumbens. 1978-10-18 2023-08-11 mouse
A R Green, D J Hea. Release of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens of rats by thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) [proceedings]. British journal of pharmacology. vol 63. issue 2. 1978-09-15. PMID:96901. release of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens of rats by thyrotropin releasing hormone (trh) [proceedings]. 1978-09-15 2023-08-11 rat
A R Cool. Ergometrine and its biphasic action at dopaminergic receptors in the nucleus accumbens of rats. Pharmacology. vol 16 Suppl 1. 1978-06-12. PMID:643907. these and related data suggest a biphasic action at a certain group of dopamine receptors within the nucleus accumbens of rats: a short-term activation and along-term inhibition following this initial activation. 1978-06-12 2023-08-11 rat
P H Kelly, K E Moor. Mesolimbic dopamine neurons: effects of 6-hydroxydopamine-induced destruction and receptor blockade on drug-induced rotation of rats. Psychopharmacology. vol 55. issue 1. 1978-03-10. PMID:414259. bilateral injections of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-ohda) into the nucleus accumbens greatly reduced the dopamine content of this nucleus and the olfactory tubercle and blocked the ipsilateral rotation induced by amphetamine and methamphetamine in rats with unilateral 6-ohda lesions of the caudate nucleus. 1978-03-10 2023-08-11 rat
P H Kelly, K E Moor. Mesolimbic dopamine neurons: effects of 6-hydroxydopamine-induced destruction and receptor blockade on drug-induced rotation of rats. Psychopharmacology. vol 55. issue 1. 1978-03-10. PMID:414259. these results suggest that activity at nucleus accumbens dopamine receptors can greatly affect circling behavior, perhaps by amplifying asymmetries of nigrostriatal activity. 1978-03-10 2023-08-11 rat
S Liljequist, J Enge. Behavioral changes after chronic ethanol treatment. Advances in experimental medicine and biology. vol 85B. 1978-02-18. PMID:563663. bilateral application of dopamine (da) into the nucleus accumbens of both chronic ethanol and ethanol rats undergoing withdrawal produced a pronounced increase in coordinated locomotor activity which was 8-10 times higher than that of untreated water control rats. 1978-02-18 2023-08-11 rat
S Consolo, H Ladinsky, S Bianchi, D Ghezz. Apparent lack of a dopaminergic-cholinergic link in the rat nucleus accumbens septi-tuberculum olfactorium. Brain research. vol 135. issue 2. 1978-01-27. PMID:922475. the nucleus accumbens septi and tuberculum olfactorium (nas-to), which from part of the mesolimbic dopaminergic system, and the striatum, which is part of the nigrostriatal dopamingeric system, contain high levels of both dopamine (da) and acetylcholine and resemble each other in some other biochemical properties. 1978-01-27 2023-08-11 rat
D M Jackson, S Ahlenius, N E Andén, J Enge. Antagonism by locally applied dopamine into the nucleus accumbens or the corpus striatum of alpha-methyltyrosine-induced disruption of conditioned avoidance behaviour. Journal of neural transmission. vol 41. issue 4. 1978-01-27. PMID:925684. antagonism by locally applied dopamine into the nucleus accumbens or the corpus striatum of alpha-methyltyrosine-induced disruption of conditioned avoidance behaviour. 1978-01-27 2023-08-11 rat
D M Jackson, S Ahlenius, N E Andén, J Enge. Antagonism by locally applied dopamine into the nucleus accumbens or the corpus striatum of alpha-methyltyrosine-induced disruption of conditioned avoidance behaviour. Journal of neural transmission. vol 41. issue 4. 1978-01-27. PMID:925684. the local application of dopamine into the nucleus accumbens or the corpus striatum was found to antagonize the suppression of conditioned avoidance behaviour induced by systemically administered alpha-methyltyrosine, emphasizing the importance of these dopamine-rich brain structures in mediating conditioned avoidance behaviour. 1978-01-27 2023-08-11 rat
Y C Clement-Cormie. Adenylate cyclase from various dopaminergic areas of the brain and the action of loxapine. Advances in experimental medicine and biology. vol 90. 1978-01-27. PMID:930743. low levels of dopamine were found to stimulate adenylate cyclase from the striatum, median eminence, olfactory tubercle, nucleus accumbens and amygdala. 1978-01-27 2023-08-11 Not clear
Z S Herman, K Kmieciak-Kolada, A Drybańsk. Influence of dibutyryl cyclic AMP on the level of catecholamines and 5-hydroxytryptamine in discrete areas of rat brain. Medical biology. vol 55. issue 3. 1977-10-20. PMID:197324. noradrenaline (na), dopamine (da), 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-ht) or 5-hydroxy indoleacetic acid (5-hiaa) concentrations were measured spectrophotofluorimetrically in discrete brain areas: cortex, hypothalamus, striatum, hippocampus with nucleus amygdala and nucleus accumbens (limbic system) and pons with medulla oblongata. 1977-10-20 2023-08-11 rat
G N Woodruff, K J Watling, C D Andrews, J A Poat, J D McDerme. Dopamine receptors in rat striatum and nucleus accumbens; conformational studies using rigid analogues of dopamine. The Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology. vol 29. issue 7. 1977-10-14. PMID:19581. dopamine receptors in rat striatum and nucleus accumbens; conformational studies using rigid analogues of dopamine. 1977-10-14 2023-08-11 rat
G N Woodruff, K J Watling, C D Andrews, J A Poat, J D McDerme. Dopamine receptors in rat striatum and nucleus accumbens; conformational studies using rigid analogues of dopamine. The Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology. vol 29. issue 7. 1977-10-14. PMID:19581. a study was made of the actions of dopamine and of some 2-amino-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalenes on dopamine-sensitive adenylate cyclase in homogenates of rat striatum and nucleus accumbens. 1977-10-14 2023-08-11 rat