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J V Nadler, D Martin, G A Bustos, S P Burke, M A Bow. Regulation of glutamate and aspartate release from the Schaffer collaterals and other projections of CA3 hippocampal pyramidal cells. Progress in brain research. vol 83. 1990-09-28. PMID:1975451. |
to explore this issue, we have studied the release of endogenous glutamate and aspartate from synaptic terminals of the ca3-derived schaffer collateral, commissural and ipsilateral associational fibers in slices of hippocampal area ca1. |
1990-09-28 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
O Hvalb. Dendritic excitation by glutamate in CA1 hippocampal cells. Progress in brain research. vol 83. 1990-09-28. PMID:1975452. |
dendritic excitation by glutamate in ca1 hippocampal cells. |
1990-09-28 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
I E Holm, F A Geneser, J Zimmer, K G Baimbridg. Immunocytochemical demonstration of the calcium-binding proteins calbindin-D 28k and parvalbumin in the subiculum, hippocampus and dentate area of the domestic pig. Progress in brain research. vol 83. 1990-09-28. PMID:2392572. |
scattered cabp-immunoreactive cell bodies were present in the subiculum, stratum oriens, pyramidal cell layer and stratum radiatum of the hippocampal regio superior and inferior, and the outer plexiform layer and outer hilar cell layer of the dentate hilus. |
1990-09-28 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
b' N B Fedorov, I N Sharonova, V G Skrebitski\\xc4\\xa. [Tetrodotoxin--a sensitive component of the depolarizing response to GABA administration to the pyramidal neuron dendrites of the CA1 field of the hippocampus]. Biulleten\' eksperimental\'noi biologii i meditsiny. vol 109. issue 4. 1990-09-27. PMID:2167134.' |
the intracellular recording of ca1 neurons in mouse hippocampal slice preparation was used to study the properties of depolarizing responses to iontophoretically applied gaba to their apical dendrites. |
1990-09-27 |
2023-08-11 |
mouse |
M R Rod, I Q Whishaw, R N Aue. The relationship of structural ischemic brain damage to neurobehavioural deficit: the effect of postischemic MK-801. Canadian journal of psychology. vol 44. issue 2. 1990-09-20. PMID:2200595. |
previous studies have shown (a) a detectable neurobehavioural deficit due to ischemic brain damage limited to half of the ca1 sector of the hippocampus and (b) a reduction of ischemic neuronal necrosis with the noncompetitive n-methyl-d-aspartate (nmda) antagonist mk-801. |
1990-09-20 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
D A Hosford, D W Bonhaus, J O McNamar. A radiohistochemical measure of [3H]TCP binding to the activated NMDA-receptor-gated ion channel in rat brain. Brain research. vol 516. issue 2. 1990-08-13. PMID:1694710. |
our demonstration of enriched nmda/glycine-stimulated [3h]tcp binding in stratum radiatum of hippocampal region ca1 but not in cerebellar granule cell layer correlates with electrophysiologic studies that showed nmda channel ion flux in ca1 but not in cerebellar granule cell layer in adult rats. |
1990-08-13 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
S Pockett, N H Brookes, L J Bindma. Long-term depression at synapses in slices of rat hippocampus can be induced by bursts of postsynaptic activity. Experimental brain research. vol 80. issue 1. 1990-08-01. PMID:2358027. |
in slices of rat hippocampus, a train of conditioning pulses that would produce long-term potentiation (ltp) if applied to afferent inputs was found to produce a long-lasting depression of schaffer collateral/commissural synapses on ca1 cells when instead it was applied to the ca1 axons. |
1990-08-01 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
Y Izumi, D B Clifford, C F Zorumsk. Glycine antagonists block the induction of long-term potentiation in CA1 of rat hippocampal slices. Neuroscience letters. vol 112. issue 2-3. 1990-08-01. PMID:2359524. |
glycine antagonists block the induction of long-term potentiation in ca1 of rat hippocampal slices. |
1990-08-01 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
Y Izumi, D B Clifford, C F Zorumsk. Glycine antagonists block the induction of long-term potentiation in CA1 of rat hippocampal slices. Neuroscience letters. vol 112. issue 2-3. 1990-08-01. PMID:2359524. |
the effects of the strychnine-insensitive glycine receptor antagonists, cycloleucine and 7-chlorokynurenic acid, on the induction of long-term potentiation (ltp) in ca1 of rat hippocampal slices were examined. |
1990-08-01 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
Y Izumi, D B Clifford, C F Zorumsk. Glycine antagonists block the induction of long-term potentiation in CA1 of rat hippocampal slices. Neuroscience letters. vol 112. issue 2-3. 1990-08-01. PMID:2359524. |
these results indicate that glycine is a necessary factor for the induction of ltp in ca1 of the rat hippocampus. |
1990-08-01 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
F G Wouterlood, E Saldana, M P Witte. Projection from the nucleus reuniens thalami to the hippocampal region: light and electron microscopic tracing study in the rat with the anterograde tracer Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 296. issue 2. 1990-07-31. PMID:2358531. |
injections of pha-l in the nrt produce fiber and terminal labeling in the stratum lacunosum-moleculare of field ca1 of the hippocampus, the molecular layer of the subiculum, layers i and iii/iv of the dorsal subdivision of the lateral entorhinal area (dlea), and layers i and iii-vi of the ventral lateral (vlea) and medial (mea) divisions of the entorhinal cortex. |
1990-07-31 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
K Krnjević, W Wal. Acidosis and blockade of orthodromic responses caused by anoxia in rat hippocampal slices at different temperatures. The Journal of physiology. vol 422. 1990-07-16. PMID:2352175. |
interstitial ph (pho) and field responses (to stratum radiatum stimulation) were recorded simultaneously with double-barrelled microelectrodes in the ca1 region of hippocampal slices from sprague-dawley rats. |
1990-07-16 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
A C Duhaime, D T Ros. Degeneration of hippocampal CA1 neurons following transient ischemia due to raised intracranial pressure: evidence for a temperature-dependent excitotoxic process. Brain research. vol 512. issue 1. 1990-06-21. PMID:1970944. |
hypothermia appears to decrease hippocampal extracellular levels of glutamate during and after ischemia but provides only relative protection from ischemia as ca1 degeneration does occur with prolonged (30 min) periods of ischemia. |
1990-06-21 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
V Tancredi, G G Hwa, C Zona, A Brancati, M Avol. Low magnesium epileptogenesis in the rat hippocampal slice: electrophysiological and pharmacological features. Brain research. vol 511. issue 2. 1990-06-14. PMID:1970748. |
these data demonstrate that mg(+)-free epileptiform activity is present in the hippocampal slice at a time when inhibitory gabaergic potentials are operant as well as that in the ca1 subfield this type of epileptiform activity is dependent upon nmda-activated conductances. |
1990-06-14 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
J C Rekling, H Jahnsen, A Mosfeldt Laurse. The effect of two lipophilic gamma-aminobutyric acid uptake blockers in CA1 of the rat hippocampal slice. British journal of pharmacology. vol 99. issue 1. 1990-06-07. PMID:2331564. |
the effect of two lipophilic gamma-aminobutyric acid uptake blockers in ca1 of the rat hippocampal slice. |
1990-06-07 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
J C Rekling, H Jahnsen, A Mosfeldt Laurse. The effect of two lipophilic gamma-aminobutyric acid uptake blockers in CA1 of the rat hippocampal slice. British journal of pharmacology. vol 99. issue 1. 1990-06-07. PMID:2331564. |
we have investigated the effect of these two uptake inhibitors on the responses to exogenous gaba and on gaba-mediated inhibitory synaptic potentials in pyramidal neurones of the ca1 region in the rat hippocampal slice. |
1990-06-07 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
W Kamphuis, E Huisman, A M Dreijer, W E Ghijsen, M Verhage, F H Lopes da Silv. Kindling increases the K(+)-evoked Ca2(+)-dependent release of endogenous GABA in area CA1 of rat hippocampus. Brain research. vol 511. issue 1. 1990-06-04. PMID:2331617. |
kindling increases the k(+)-evoked ca2(+)-dependent release of endogenous gaba in area ca1 of rat hippocampus. |
1990-06-04 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
G Rausche, P Igelmund, U Heineman. Effects of changes in extracellular potassium, magnesium and calcium concentration on synaptic transmission in area CA1 and the dentate gyrus of rat hippocampal slices. Pflugers Archiv : European journal of physiology. vol 415. issue 5. 1990-05-24. PMID:2158068. |
the dependence of stimulus-induced synaptic potentials on changes of extracellular ionic concentrations of potassium ([k+]o 3, 5, 8 mm), magnesium ([mg2+]o 2, 4, 8 mm) and calcium [ca2+]o (2 mm and continuous lowering by washing with ca2(+)-free solutions) was investigated in area ca1 and dentate gyrus of rat hippocampal slices. |
1990-05-24 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
M M Haglund, P A Schwartzkroi. Role of Na-K pump potassium regulation and IPSPs in seizures and spreading depression in immature rabbit hippocampal slices. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 63. issue 2. 1990-04-13. PMID:2313342. |
we report here a difference between the ca1 and ca3 cell populations in the immature hippocampus with regard to 1) resting [k+]o, 2) magnitude of the [k+]o change during seizurelike events and sds, and 3) susceptibility to sd episodes. |
1990-04-13 |
2023-08-11 |
rabbit |
M M Haglund, P A Schwartzkroi. Role of Na-K pump potassium regulation and IPSPs in seizures and spreading depression in immature rabbit hippocampal slices. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 63. issue 2. 1990-04-13. PMID:2313342. |
simultaneous intra- and extracellular recordings were made in the ca1 and ca3 regions of the immature rabbit hippocampus during spontaneous or evoked sd, while potassium ion-sensitive microelectrodes (k-isms) monitored changes in [k+]o. |
1990-04-13 |
2023-08-11 |
rabbit |