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H K Jiang, J Y Wan. The effects of dopamine D-1 and D-2 receptor subtype agonists on nigrostriatal opioid dynorphin and enkephalin immunostaining in 6-hydroxydopamine lesioned rats. The Chinese journal of physiology. vol 34. issue 4. 1992-08-10. PMID:1687937. |
tissue staining with specific antibodies against either dynorphin a (1-17) or [met5]-enkephalin was examined in the striatum and substantia nigra following unilateral nigrostriatal dopaminergic lesioning by the neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine (6-ohda). |
1992-08-10 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
E Toth, H Sershen, A Hashim, E S Vizi, A Lajth. Effect of nicotine on extracellular levels of neurotransmitters assessed by microdialysis in various brain regions: role of glutamic acid. Neurochemical research. vol 17. issue 3. 1992-08-05. PMID:1352387. |
the cholinergic antagonists mecamylamine and atropine, the dopaminergic antagonists haloperidol and sulpiride, and the excitatory amino acid antagonist kynurenic acid all inhibited the nicotine-induced increase of extracellular dopamine in the striatum. |
1992-08-05 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
F Lisovoski, C Haby, E Borrelli, C Schleef, M O Revel, C Hindelang, J Zwille. Induction of D2 dopamine receptor mRNA synthesis in a 6-hydroxydopamine parkinsonian rat model. Brain research bulletin. vol 28. issue 5. 1992-08-05. PMID:1535533. |
dopaminergic striatal deafferentation was accompanied by an increase of d2 receptor mrna synthesis in the striatum ipsilateral to the lesion, suggesting that the increased d2 receptor density observed after the lesion is due to an increase of the synthesis of receptor molecules. |
1992-08-05 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
D E Smith, M Saji, T H Joh, D J Reis, V M Picke. Ibotenic acid-induced lesions of striatal target and projection neurons: ultrastructural manifestations in dopaminergic and non-dopaminergic neurons and in glia. Histology and histopathology. vol 2. issue 3. 1992-08-04. PMID:2908792. |
these results suggest that the dopaminergic terminals may serve neuromodulatory functions with respect to glia or other afferent axons remaining after ibo-injections in the striatum. |
1992-08-04 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
R Moratalla, H A Robertson, A M Graybie. Dynamic regulation of NGFI-A (zif268, egr1) gene expression in the striatum. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 12. issue 7. 1992-07-30. PMID:1613551. |
these findings raise the interesting possibility that some of the well-known effects of dopaminergic stimulation on neuropeptide and neurotransmitter expression in the striatum may reflect particular combinatorial patterns of immediate-early gene activation. |
1992-07-30 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
A I Sacaan, F P Bymaster, D D Schoep. Metabotropic glutamate receptor activation produces extrapyramidal motor system activation that is mediated by striatal dopamine. Journal of neurochemistry. vol 59. issue 1. 1992-07-24. PMID:1319468. |
these results suggest a functional interaction between the metabotropic eaa receptor and the dopaminergic system in the striatum. |
1992-07-24 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
L G Harsing, H Sershen, A Lajth. Dopamine efflux from striatum after chronic nicotine: evidence for autoreceptor desensitization. Journal of neurochemistry. vol 59. issue 1. 1992-07-24. PMID:1351932. |
we examined the effect of chronic nicotine treatment on dopaminergic activity by measuring the effects of d1 and d2 dopamine (da) receptor agonists and antagonists on tritium release from mouse striatum preloaded with [3h]da. |
1992-07-24 |
2023-08-11 |
mouse |
E J Karle, K D Anderson, A Reine. Ultrastructural double-labeling demonstrates synaptic contacts between dopaminergic terminals and substance P-containing striatal neurons in pigeons. Brain research. vol 572. issue 1-2. 1992-07-24. PMID:1377090. |
immunohistochemical studies in rats have demonstrated dopaminergic input onto medium spiny neurons of the striatum. |
1992-07-24 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
C Pifl, H Reither, O Hornykiewic. Functional sensitization of striatal dopamine D1 receptors in the 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rat. Brain research. vol 572. issue 1-2. 1992-07-24. PMID:1535275. |
we suggest that chronic dopaminergic denervation of the striatum results in a stabilized, i.e. |
1992-07-24 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
H W Berendse, H J Groenewegen, A H Lohma. Compartmental distribution of ventral striatal neurons projecting to the mesencephalon in the rat. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 12. issue 6. 1992-07-17. PMID:1607929. |
the component of the ventral striatomesencephalic system reaching the dopaminergic cell groups a10, a9, and a8 may modulate the dopaminergic input to virtually the entire striatum. |
1992-07-17 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
N Motohashi, M Takashima, N Mataga, T Nishikawa, A Ogawa, S Watanabe, M Tor. Effects of sulpiride and oxypertine on the dopaminergic system in the rat striatum. Neuropsychobiology. vol 25. issue 1. 1992-07-14. PMID:1351265. |
effects of sulpiride and oxypertine on the dopaminergic system in the rat striatum. |
1992-07-14 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
J Fernandez-Ruiz, R De Miguel, M L Hernandez, M Cebeira, J A Ramo. Comparisons between brain dopaminergic neurons of juvenile and aged rats: sex-related differences. Mechanisms of ageing and development. vol 63. issue 1. 1992-07-13. PMID:1351122. |
thus, we measured several pre- and postsynaptic biochemical parameters, indicative of the activity of dopaminergic neurons, in striatum, limbic forebrain and hypothalamic-anterior pituitary area of aged (24-26 months) and young (2 months) rats of both sexes. |
1992-07-13 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
N T Sandor, T Zelles, J Kiss, H Sershen, A Torocsik, A Lajtha, E S Viz. Effect of nicotine on dopaminergic-cholinergic interaction in the striatum. Brain research. vol 567. issue 2. 1992-07-10. PMID:1817734. |
since the release of ach in the striatum is tonically inhibited by endogenous dopamine and nicotine enhances the release of dopamine, we studied the release of ach when the dopaminergic input was impaired. |
1992-07-10 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
L Kerkerian-Le Goff, C Forni, D Samuel, A Bloc, N Dusticier, A Nieoullo. Intracerebroventricular administration of neuropeptide Y affects parameters of dopamine, glutamate and GABA activities in the rat striatum. Brain research bulletin. vol 28. issue 2. 1992-07-07. PMID:1596740. |
these results indicate that npy may be involved in regulating the activity of nigral dopaminergic and cortical glutamatergic afferent pathways and that of intrinsic gaba neurons in the rat striatum. |
1992-07-07 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
C W Shults, L Alberti, T A Kimber, W B Stallcu. Mesostriatal dopaminergic axons transiently express high levels of NILE during development. Experimental neurology. vol 116. issue 3. 1992-06-25. PMID:1350253. |
in the postnatal brain, nile-ir material no longer clearly outlined the fascicles of dopaminergic axons as they ran from the mesencephalon to the striatum. |
1992-06-25 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
R Meloni, K Gal. Cocaine-induced turning behavior in rats with 6-hydroxydopamine lesions: effect of transplants of fetal substantia nigra. European journal of pharmacology. vol 209. issue 1-2. 1992-06-23. PMID:1839982. |
rats with a unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesion of the dopaminergic nigrostriatal pathway were examined for cocaine-induced rotational behavior 1 month after receiving transplants of fetal substantia nigra grafted over the dopamine (da)-deafferented striatum. |
1992-06-23 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
J S Schneider, A Pope, K Simpson, J Taggart, M G Smith, L DiStefan. Recovery from experimental parkinsonism in primates with GM1 ganglioside treatment. Science (New York, N.Y.). vol 256. issue 5058. 1992-06-19. PMID:1350379. |
treatment with gm1 ganglioside also increased striatal dopamine and metabolite levels and enhanced the dopaminergic innervation of the striatum as demonstrated by tyrosine hydroxylase immunohistochemistry. |
1992-06-19 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
C G Goetz, N J Diederic. Dopaminergic agonists in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Neurologic clinics. vol 10. issue 2. 1992-06-17. PMID:1350052. |
dopaminergic agonists are drugs that directly stimulate the dopamine receptors of the striatum and have proved useful in treating parkinson's disease. |
1992-06-17 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
C W Shult. Future perfect? Presymptomatic diagnosis, neural transplantation, and trophic factors. Neurologic clinics. vol 10. issue 2. 1992-06-17. PMID:1584189. |
trophic factors and transplantation enabled researchers to begin to develop and implement strategies to protect remaining dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta and to restore dopaminergic innervation in the striatum. |
1992-06-17 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
C R Gerfe. The neostriatal mosaic: multiple levels of compartmental organization. Trends in neurosciences. vol 15. issue 4. 1992-06-12. PMID:1374971. |
the second level segregates the cortical outputs of sublaminae of layer v between the patch and matrix compartments of the striatum, which project to the dopaminergic and gabaergic neurons in the substantia nigra, respectively. |
1992-06-12 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |