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J A Obeso, G Linazasoro, A Gorospe, M C Rodríguez, J Guridi, E Ramo. [Pathophysiological bases, clinical results and indications for surgical treatment in Parkinson disease]. Neurologia (Barcelona, Spain). vol 14 Suppl 1. 1999-07-28. PMID:10377730. |
the main objectives of surgical techniques are to restore the dopaminergic deficit in the striatum (transplantation) and to normalize the neuronal activity of the subthalamic-pallidal circuit (pallidotomy and deep brain stimulation). |
1999-07-28 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
L J Kish, M R Palmer, G A Gerhard. Multiple single-unit recordings in the striatum of freely moving animals: effects of apomorphine and D-amphetamine in normal and unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rats. Brain research. vol 833. issue 1. 1999-07-27. PMID:10375677. |
these results demonstrate that the dopaminergic innervation of the striatum differentially influences two electrophysiologically distinct sets of striatal neurons in freely moving rats. |
1999-07-27 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
S R Sinclair, J W Fawcett, S B Dunnet. Delayed implantation of nigral grafts improves survival of dopamine neurones and rate of functional recovery. Neuroreport. vol 10. issue 6. 1999-07-22. PMID:10363936. |
in order to test the hypothesis that poor survival of dopaminergic neurones in nigral transplants may be due, at least in part, to acute toxic changes in the host striatum within the first hour after injury, we experimentally evaluated the consequences of imposing a brief delay (20 min, 1 or 3 h) between positioning the injection cannula and extruding the graft tissue. |
1999-07-22 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
P A Starr, T Wichmann, C van Horne, R A Baka. Intranigral transplantation of fetal substantia nigra allograft in the hemiparkinsonian rhesus monkey. Cell transplantation. vol 8. issue 1. 1999-07-15. PMID:10338274. |
however, there are now a number of human transplant recipients who have had robust innervation of the striatum by dopaminergic grafts (documented by positron emission tomography or by autopsy), but only a partial improvement in parkinsonian motor signs. |
1999-07-15 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
R Rodríguez-Puertas, M Herrera-Marschitz, J Koistinaho, T Hökfel. Dopamine D1 receptor modulation of glutamate receptor messenger RNA levels in the neocortex and neostriatum of unilaterally 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rats. Neuroscience. vol 89. issue 3. 1999-07-07. PMID:10199613. |
thus, pharmacological targeting of excitatory amino acid systems could provide alternative or complementary treatment strategies for diseases involving dopaminergic systems in the striatum (e.g., parkinson's disease) and cortex (e.g., schizophrenia). |
1999-07-07 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
C A Paladini, P Celada, J M Teppe. Striatal, pallidal, and pars reticulata evoked inhibition of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons is mediated by GABA(A) receptors in vivo. Neuroscience. vol 89. issue 3. 1999-07-07. PMID:10199614. |
the effects of local pressure application of the selective gaba(a) antagonists, bicuculline and picrotoxin, and the gaba(b) antagonists, saclofen and cgp-55845a, on the inhibition of dopaminergic neurons elicited by single-pulse electrical stimulation of striatum, globus pallidus, and the thalamic axon terminals of the substantia nigra pars reticulata projection neurons were recorded in vivo. |
1999-07-07 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
C A Paladini, P Celada, J M Teppe. Striatal, pallidal, and pars reticulata evoked inhibition of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons is mediated by GABA(A) receptors in vivo. Neuroscience. vol 89. issue 3. 1999-07-07. PMID:10199614. |
train stimulation of globus pallidus and striatum also produced an inhibition of firing in dopaminergic neurons of longer duration. |
1999-07-07 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
C A Paladini, P Celada, J M Teppe. Striatal, pallidal, and pars reticulata evoked inhibition of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons is mediated by GABA(A) receptors in vivo. Neuroscience. vol 89. issue 3. 1999-07-07. PMID:10199614. |
these data demonstrate that dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra pars compacta are inhibited by electrical stimulation of striatum, globus pallidus, and the projection neurons of substantia nigra pars reticulata in vivo. |
1999-07-07 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
P Celada, C A Paladini, J M Teppe. GABAergic control of rat substantia nigra dopaminergic neurons: role of globus pallidus and substantia nigra pars reticulata. Neuroscience. vol 89. issue 3. 1999-07-07. PMID:10199615. |
the three principal gabaergic inputs to nigral dopaminergic neurons arise from striatum, globus pallidus and from the axon collaterals of nigral pars reticulata projection neurons, each of which appear to act in vivo primarily on gaba(a) receptors (see preceding paper). |
1999-07-07 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
M P Areso, M T Giralt, B Sainz, M Prieto, P García-Vallejo, F M Góme. Occlusal disharmonies modulate central catecholaminergic activity in the rat. Journal of dental research. vol 78. issue 6. 1999-06-29. PMID:10371243. |
in this study, we assessed the effects of diverse occlusal disharmonies, maintained for either 1 day or 14 days, on neurochemical indices of dopaminergic and noradrenergic activity in the striatum, frontal cortex, and hypothalamus of the rat. |
1999-06-29 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
A C Kuhlmann, T R Guilart. Regional and temporal expression of the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor in MPTP neurotoxicity. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology. vol 48. issue 1. 1999-06-18. PMID:10330690. |
the integrity of nigrostriatal dopaminergic terminals in the corpus striatum was assessed by measuring high affinity dopamine transporter (dat) levels and dopamine content. |
1999-06-18 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
A C Kuhlmann, T R Guilart. Regional and temporal expression of the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor in MPTP neurotoxicity. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology. vol 48. issue 1. 1999-06-18. PMID:10330690. |
reductions of both indices of dopaminergic terminal integrity correlated with increased levels of [3h]-pk11195-binding in the striatum (r2 = 0.84 for dat and 0.93 for dopamine content). |
1999-06-18 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
V D Petkov, B Petkov. Behavioral changes as a result of dotarizine or flunarizine influence on dopaminergic neurotransmission in the striatum. Acta physiologica et pharmacologica Bulgarica. vol 23. issue 1. 1999-06-15. PMID:10347616. |
behavioral changes as a result of dotarizine or flunarizine influence on dopaminergic neurotransmission in the striatum. |
1999-06-15 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
M A Piggott, E F Marshall, N Thomas, S Lloyd, J A Court, E Jaros, D Costa, R H Perry, E K Perr. Dopaminergic activities in the human striatum: rostrocaudal gradients of uptake sites and of D1 and D2 but not of D3 receptor binding or dopamine. Neuroscience. vol 90. issue 2. 1999-06-10. PMID:10215149. |
dopaminergic activities in the human striatum: rostrocaudal gradients of uptake sites and of d1 and d2 but not of d3 receptor binding or dopamine. |
1999-06-10 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
M A Piggott, E F Marshall, N Thomas, S Lloyd, J A Court, E Jaros, D Costa, R H Perry, E K Perr. Dopaminergic activities in the human striatum: rostrocaudal gradients of uptake sites and of D1 and D2 but not of D3 receptor binding or dopamine. Neuroscience. vol 90. issue 2. 1999-06-10. PMID:10215149. |
the human striatum, which receives dopaminergic innervation from the substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area (cell groups a8, a9 and a10), has structural and functional subdivisions both rostrocaudally and dorsoventrally. |
1999-06-10 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
J Booij, T G Hemelaar, J D Speelman, K de Bruin, A G Janssen, E A van Roye. One-day protocol for imaging of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathway in Parkinson's disease by [123I]FPCIT SPECT. Journal of nuclear medicine : official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine. vol 40. issue 5. 1999-06-08. PMID:10319746. |
parkinson's disease is characterized by degeneration of dopaminergic neurons, resulting in loss of dopamine transporters in the striatum. |
1999-06-08 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
C Rosenblad, D Kirik, B Devaux, B Moffat, H S Phillips, A Björklun. Protection and regeneration of nigral dopaminergic neurons by neurturin or GDNF in a partial lesion model of Parkinson's disease after administration into the striatum or the lateral ventricle. The European journal of neuroscience. vol 11. issue 5. 1999-05-26. PMID:10215908. |
protection and regeneration of nigral dopaminergic neurons by neurturin or gdnf in a partial lesion model of parkinson's disease after administration into the striatum or the lateral ventricle. |
1999-05-26 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
G M Pasinetti, M Hassler, D Stone, C E Finc. Glial gene expression during aging in rat striatum and in long-term responses to 6-OHDA lesions. Synapse (New York, N.Y.). vol 31. issue 4. 1999-05-07. PMID:10051108. |
we conclude that aging changes in striatal gfap mrnas do not interact with loss of dopaminergic output to the striatum from 6-ohda lesions and may be independent of the relatively modest dopaminergic losses during normal aging. |
1999-05-07 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
A Richter, U Ebert, J N Nobrega, J J Vallbacka, M Fedrowitz, W Lösche. Immunohistochemical and neurochemical studies on nigral and striatal functions in the circling (ci) rat, a genetic animal model with spontaneous rotational behavior. Neuroscience. vol 89. issue 2. 1999-05-07. PMID:10077328. |
immunohistochemical labeling of dopaminergic neurons and fibers in substantia nigra pars compacta, ventral tegmental area, and striatum did not indicate any significant neurodegeneration or asymmetry that could explain the lateralization in dopamine levels in striatum of ci rats. |
1999-05-07 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
A I Brooks, C A Chadwick, H A Gelbard, D A Cory-Slechta, H J Federof. Paraquat elicited neurobehavioral syndrome caused by dopaminergic neuron loss. Brain research. vol 823. issue 1-2. 1999-05-07. PMID:10095006. |
taken together, these data suggest that systemically absorbed paraquat crosses the blood-brain barrier to cause destruction of dopamine neurons in the substantia nigra, consequent reduction of dopaminergic innervation of the striatum and a neurobehavioral syndrome similar to the well characterized and bona fide dopaminergic toxin mptp. |
1999-05-07 |
2023-08-12 |
mouse |