All Relations between Nicotine and acetylcholine

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
J P Famaey, J Fontaine, J Reus. Smooth muscle sensitization induced by colchicine: is it an in vitro property of antitubulin agents? Agents and actions. vol 7. issue 2. 1977-10-28. PMID:899979. colchicine 0.1 microgram/ml induces a reversible increase of guinea-pig isolated ileum contractions (50 to 60% of maximal contractions) to acetylcholine, nicotine and pge2. 1977-10-28 2023-08-11 Not clear
A K Abaitey, J R Parrat. The effects of diethylcarbamazine citrate on smooth muscle. The Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology. vol 29. issue 7. 1977-10-14. PMID:19582. decc inhibited the responses of the guinea-pig ileum to other spasmogens, namely, acetylcholine, histamine and nicotine. 1977-10-14 2023-08-11 rabbit
S Bursztajn, M D Gersho. Discrimination between nicotinic receptors in vertebrate ganglia and skeletal muscle by alpha-bungarotoxin and cobra venoms. The Journal of physiology. vol 269. issue 1. 1977-10-14. PMID:894538. these neurotoxins failed to block responses of isolated guinea-pig longitudinal muscle with adherent myenteric plexus to the nicotinic agonists, nicotine or dimethylphenylpiperazinium, to acetylcholine (ach), or to electrical field stimulation. 1977-10-14 2023-08-11 rabbit
W M Moore, R N Brad. Studies of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor protein from rat brain. II. Partial purification. Biochimica et biophysica acta. vol 498. issue 1. 1977-09-22. PMID:884157. binding of 125i-labeled alpha-bungarotoxin to this purified acetylcholine receptor protein is saturable with a kd of 1 - 10(-8) m. nicotine and acetylcholine iodide at concentrations of 10(-5) m inhibit 125i-labeled toxin-acetylcholine receptor protein complex formation by 41 and 61% respectively. 1977-09-22 2023-08-11 rat
J P Famaey, J Fontaine, J Reus. The effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on cholinergic and histamine-induced contractions of guinea-pig isolated ileum. British journal of pharmacology. vol 60. issue 2. 1977-09-17. PMID:880427. 1 eleven non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaid) reversibly inhibited contractions of the longitudinal muscle of the guinea pig isolated ileum induced by acetylcholine, histamine, electrical transmural stimulation and nicotine in this order of increasing potency. 1977-09-17 2023-08-11 Not clear
W Sprügel, E Schubert, P Mitznegg, F Heim, G Hasl, H Paul. Immediate X-radiation induced contractions of the isolated guinea pig terminal ileum: the localization of the effect by drugs. Radiation and environmental biophysics. vol 14. issue 1. 1977-07-18. PMID:866583. the maximal effect corresponds to that induced by 0.001 microng/ml acetylcholine or 0.3 microng/ml nicotine. 1977-07-18 2023-08-11 Not clear
W Sprügel, E Schubert, P Mitznegg, F Heim, G Hasl, H Paul. Immediate X-radiation induced contractions of the isolated guinea pig terminal ileum: the localization of the effect by drugs. Radiation and environmental biophysics. vol 14. issue 1. 1977-07-18. PMID:866583. the pharmacological analysis of this effect performed with acetylcholine and nicotine and several blocking agents including hexamethonium, atropine, tetrodotoxin, diphenhydramine, and verapamil suggests that radiation acts on the postganglionic parasympathetic neuron and the neuromuscular synapse. 1977-07-18 2023-08-11 Not clear
W Sprügel, E Schubert, P Mitznegg, F Heim, G Hasl, H Paul. Immediate X-radiation induced contractions of the isolated guinea pig terminal ileum: the localization of the effect by drugs. Radiation and environmental biophysics. vol 14. issue 1. 1977-07-18. PMID:866583. the latter effect is thought to result from an increased contractile action induced by acetylcholine or nicotine in the irradiated ileal smooth muscle. 1977-07-18 2023-08-11 Not clear
P S Haranath, G Indira, A Krishnamurth. Effects of cholinomimetic drugs and their antagonists injected into vertebral artery of unanaesthetized dogs. Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior. vol 6. issue 3. 1977-06-22. PMID:854519. acetylcholine (1 mg), pilocarpine (1-2 mg), nicotine (250-500 microng), eserine (100 microng) and neostigmine (250 microng) produced sleep apart from a few other peripheral effects. 1977-06-22 2023-08-11 Not clear
H Moritoki, Y Ishid. Aspects of the spasmogenic effects of acetate esters on ileal smooth muscle. European journal of pharmacology. vol 42. issue 4. 1977-06-22. PMID:856612. the contractions induced by the acetate esters were selectively potentiated by low concentrations of choline, whereas those induced by acetylcholine, nicotine, 5-hydroxytryptamine and histamine were not. 1977-06-22 2023-08-11 Not clear
J Wikber. Localization of adrenergic receptors in guinea pig ileum and rabbit jejunum to cholinergic neurons and to smooth muscle cells. Acta physiologica Scandinavica. vol 99. issue 2. 1977-04-25. PMID:842376. denervated preparations were contracted by drugs that had a direct effect on smooth muscle cells, such as acetylcholine and histamine, but not by stimuli acting on cholinergic neurons, such as electrical field stimulation or nicotine. 1977-04-25 2023-08-11 rabbit
P S Haranath, H Venkatakrishna-Bhat. Sleep induced by drugs injected into the inferior horn of the lateral cerebral ventricle in dogs. British journal of pharmacology. vol 59. issue 2. 1977-04-15. PMID:837011. 2 injections of cholinomimetic drugs into the inferior horn (acetylcholine 1-2 mug, physostigmine 1.0 mug, pilocarpine 100 mug and nicotine 10 mug) induced sleep during the following hour. 1977-04-15 2023-08-11 Not clear
L Edvinsson, B Falck, C Owma. Possibilities for a cholinergic action on smooth musculature and on sympathetic axons in brain vessels mediated by muscarinic and nicotinic receptors. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. vol 200. issue 1. 1977-03-21. PMID:833753. the marked elevation of tritium efflux during stimulation was enhanced by hexamethonium, and it was inhibited by nicotine and acetylcholine, whose effects were counteracted by hexamethonium (but not by atropine). 1977-03-21 2023-08-11 Not clear
U Engel, K Löffelhol. Presence of muscarinic inhibitory and absence of nicotinic excitatory receptors at the terminal sympathetic nerves of chicken hearts. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology. vol 295. issue 3. 1977-03-21. PMID:1012343. nicotine (2 x 10(-4) m) or acetylcholine (5.5 x 10(-4) m) in the presence of 3 x 10(-6) m atropine did not increase the rate or amplitude of contraction in isolated atria or ventricular strips of the chicken heart; both drugs also did not cause an output of noradrenaline or adrenaline and did not evoke antidromic discharges in the right sympathetic nerves of isolated perfused chicken hearts. 1977-03-21 2023-08-11 chicken
D V Priola, H A Spurgeon, W P Gei. The intrinsic innervation of the canine heart: a functional study. Circulation research. vol 40. issue 1. 1977-02-24. PMID:830438. acetylcholine (ach) (0.05-1.0 mug) was given to assess direct effects on the myocardium; nicotine (nic) (25-200 mug) was used to produce indirect inotropic effects. 1977-02-24 2023-08-11 Not clear
J P Famaey, J Fontaine, J Reus. Smooth muscle sensitization induced by vinblastine. Agents and actions. vol 6. issue 6. 1977-02-16. PMID:1008018. at the optimal concentration of 10 mg/l, vinblastine increases the submaximal contractions of the isolated guinea-pig ileum induced by the following agonists: acetylcholine, histamine, nicotine, angiotensine, prostaglandins e1 and f2alpha (but not serotonine). 1977-02-16 2023-08-11 Not clear
A Tsujimoto, T Nishikaw. Further evidence for nicotinic and muscarinic receptors and their interaction in dog adrenal medulla. European journal of pharmacology. vol 34. issue 2. 1977-01-29. PMID:1234552. nicotine or acetylcholine (ach) significantly increased the proportion of norepinephrine in the effluent whereas muscarine did not alter the relative proportions of epinephrine and norepinephrine. 1977-01-29 2023-08-11 dog
A Tsujimoto, T Nishikaw. Further evidence for nicotinic and muscarinic receptors and their interaction in dog adrenal medulla. European journal of pharmacology. vol 34. issue 2. 1977-01-29. PMID:1234552. in addition, the continuous infusion of nicotine plus muscarinic receptors for acetylcholine in the adrenal medulla and that cholinergic transmission is possible via both mechanisms in isolated adrenal glands. 1977-01-29 2023-08-11 dog
b' M K Krsti\\xc4\\x8. Blockade by SKF 525A of the rat sympathetic ganglia and the adrenal medulla. Archives internationales de pharmacodynamie et de therapie. vol 223. issue 1. 1977-01-25. PMID:999403.' skf 525a (1.5-9 mg/kg), depending on the dose used, reduced or abolished the hypertensive effect of mcn-a-343, dmpp and nicotine, but did neither noticeably affect the hypertensive effect of tyramine, adrenaline and noradrenaline, nor the hypotensive effect of acetylcholine and orciprenaline. 1977-01-25 2023-08-11 rat
A Bennett, K G Eley, H L Stockle. Inhibition of peristalsis in guinea-pig isolated ileum and colon by drugs that block prostaglandin synthesis. British journal of pharmacology. vol 57. issue 3. 1977-01-03. PMID:823997. aspirin was suitable; at 10-200 mug/ml it had little effect on responses of longitudinal muscle strips of the guinea-pig ileum to acetylcholine (ach), histamine, nicotine or prostaglandin e2. 1977-01-03 2023-08-11 Not clear