All Relations between mog and oligodendrocyte

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
Doron Merkler, Tristan Ernsting, Martin Kerschensteiner, Wolfgang Brück, Christine Stadelman. A new focal EAE model of cortical demyelination: multiple sclerosis-like lesions with rapid resolution of inflammation and extensive remyelination. Brain : a journal of neurology. vol 129. issue Pt 8. 2006-09-29. PMID:16714315. lesions were stereotactically targeted to the cerebral cortex by injection of pro-inflammatory mediators in animals that were immunized subclinically with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (mog). 2006-09-29 2023-08-12 rat
Katsuichi Miyamoto, Sachiko Miyake, Miho Mizuno, Nobuyuki Oka, Susumu Kusunoki, Takashi Yamamur. Selective COX-2 inhibitor celecoxib prevents experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis through COX-2-independent pathway. Brain : a journal of neurology. vol 129. issue Pt 8. 2006-09-29. PMID:16835249. celecoxib, but not other cox-2 inhibitors such as nimesulid, prevented myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (mog) induced eae when administrated orally on the day of disease induction. 2006-09-29 2023-08-12 mouse
Doron Merkler, Robert Böscke, Barthel Schmelting, Boldizsár Czéh, Eberhard Fuchs, Wolfgang Brück, Christine Stadelman. Differential macrophage/microglia activation in neocortical EAE lesions in the marmoset monkey. Brain pathology (Zurich, Switzerland). vol 16. issue 2. 2006-09-21. PMID:16768751. in the present study we investigated the presence and detailed cellular composition of cortical inflammatory demyelinating pathology in the common marmoset upon immunization with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (mog). 2006-09-21 2023-08-12 monkey
D Merkler, B Schmelting, B Czéh, E Fuchs, C Stadelmann, W Brüc. Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in the common marmoset reflects the immunopathology of pattern II multiple sclerosis lesions. Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England). vol 12. issue 4. 2006-09-21. PMID:16900750. the present report shows that myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (mog)-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (eae) in common marmoset monkeys reflects one specific lesional subtype of ms, namely ms pattern ii lesions with antibody/complement-mediated damage. 2006-09-21 2023-08-12 monkey
Jorge Correale, Silvia N Tenembau. Myelin basic protein and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein T-cell repertoire in childhood and juvenile multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England). vol 12. issue 4. 2006-09-21. PMID:16900754. in order to gain further insight into the t-cell repertoire present in this particular group of patients myelin basic protein (mbp)-, mbp exon-2- and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (mog)igd-specific t-cell lines (tcls) were isolated from 18 patients whose symptoms had started before the age of 16. 2006-09-21 2023-08-12 Not clear
Isabel Herrmann, Markus Kellert, Hauke Schmidt, Alexander Mildner, Uwe K Hanisch, Wolfgang Brück, Marco Prinz, Roland Na. Streptococcus pneumoniae Infection aggravates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis via Toll-like receptor 2. Infection and immunity. vol 74. issue 8. 2006-08-29. PMID:16861672. mice were immunized with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein 35-55 (mog(35-55)) peptide, challenged intraperitoneally with live s. pneumoniae type 3, and then treated with ceftriaxone. 2006-08-29 2023-08-12 mouse
Taizo Matsuki, Susumu Nakae, Katsuko Sudo, Reiko Horai, Yoichiro Iwakur. Abnormal T cell activation caused by the imbalance of the IL-1/IL-1R antagonist system is responsible for the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. International immunology. vol 18. issue 2. 2006-08-23. PMID:16415102. to explore the role of the il-1/il-1ra system in autoimmune disease, we analyzed myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (mog)-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (eae) in mice bearing targeted disruptions of the il-1alpha, il-1beta, il-1alpha and il-1beta (il-1) or il-1ra genes. 2006-08-23 2023-08-12 mouse
Dominique Arion, Michael Sabatini, Travis Unger, Jesús Pastor, Lidia Alonso-Nanclares, Inmaculada Ballesteros-Yáñez, Rafael García Sola, Alberto Muñoz, Károly Mirnics, Javier DeFelip. Correlation of transcriptome profile with electrical activity in temporal lobe epilepsy. Neurobiology of disease. vol 22. issue 2. 2006-07-25. PMID:16480884. furthermore, gene expression profiling also revealed a downregulation of multiple gaba system-related genes (gabra5, gabrb3, abat) in the spiking samples and an upregulation of oligodendrocyte and lipid metabolism transcripts (mog, ca2, cnp, scd, plp1, fa2h, abca2). 2006-07-25 2023-08-12 Not clear
Michael Khalil, Markus Reindl, Andreas Lutterotti, Bettina Kuenz, Rainer Ehling, Claudia Gneiss, Peter Lackner, Florian Deisenhammer, Thomas Berge. Epitope specificity of serum antibodies directed against the extracellular domain of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein: Influence of relapses and immunomodulatory treatments. Journal of neuroimmunology. vol 174. issue 1-2. 2006-07-06. PMID:16516980. only few reports are available on the epitope specificity of anti-myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (mog) antibodies in multiple sclerosis (ms). 2006-07-06 2023-08-12 Not clear
Anshu Agrawal, Stephanie Dillon, Timothy L Denning, Bali Pulendra. ERK1-/- mice exhibit Th1 cell polarization and increased susceptibility to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). vol 176. issue 10. 2006-06-22. PMID:16670284. consistent with this enhanced th1 bias, erk1(-/-) mice showed enhanced susceptibility to myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (mog)35-55 peptide-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (eae) and developed eae earlier, and with increased severity, compared with wild-type mice. 2006-06-22 2023-08-12 mouse
Jens J Kort, Kazuyuki Kawamura, Lars Fugger, Robert Weissert, Thomas G Forsthube. Efficient presentation of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein peptides but not protein by astrocytes from HLA-DR2 and HLA-DR4 transgenic mice. Journal of neuroimmunology. vol 173. issue 1-2. 2006-05-26. PMID:16386804. astrocytes have been shown to present myelin basic protein (mbp) and proteolipid protein (plp) to t cells, but it has remained unresolved whether astrocytes present myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (mog), which has been implicated as an important autoantigen in ms. 2006-05-26 2023-08-12 mouse
Jane E Libbey, Lisa K Peterson, Ikuo Tsunoda, Robert S Fujinam. Monoclonal MOG-reactive autoantibody from progressive EAE has the characteristics of a natural antibody. Journal of neuroimmunology. vol 173. issue 1-2. 2006-05-26. PMID:16469392. a.sw mice sensitized with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (mog)92-106 is an animal model for progressive multiple sclerosis (ms). 2006-05-26 2023-08-12 mouse
S Rauer, B Euler, M Reindl, Th Berge. Antimyelin antibodies and the risk of relapse in patients with a primary demyelinating event. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry. vol 77. issue 6. 2006-05-25. PMID:16705196. to investigate whether the presence of serum antibodies against myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (mog) and myelin basic protein (mbp) in patients with a clinically isolated syndrome (cis) predicts the interval to develop more frequently and earlier a first relapse (clinically definite multiple sclerosis: cdms) than seronegative patients. 2006-05-25 2023-08-12 Not clear
Patricia A Gonnella, Youhai H Chen, Hanspeter Waldner, Howard L Weine. Induction of oral tolerization in CD86 deficient mice: a role for CD86 and B cells in the up-regulation of TGF-beta. Journal of autoimmunity. vol 26. issue 2. 2006-05-18. PMID:16439314. feeding myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (mog) followed by immunization results in induction of oral tolerance evidenced by the amelioration of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (eae). 2006-05-18 2023-08-12 mouse
Seng-Lai Tan, Jingyong Zhao, Chen Bi, Xinyi Cynthia Chen, Deena L Hepburn, Jian Wang, Jonathon D Sedgwick, Subba R Chintalacharuvu, Songqing N. Resistance to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and impaired IL-17 production in protein kinase C theta-deficient mice. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). vol 176. issue 5. 2006-04-28. PMID:16493044. we found that pkc theta-/- mice immunized with the myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (mog) peptide mog(35-55) were completely resistant to the development of clinical experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis compared with wild-type control mice. 2006-04-28 2023-08-12 mouse
Michal Irony-Tur-Sinai, Nikolaos Grigoriadis, Athanasios Lourbopoulos, Florence Pinto-Maaravi, Oded Abramsky, Talma Brenne. Amelioration of autoimmune neuroinflammation by recombinant human alpha-fetoprotein. Experimental neurology. vol 198. issue 1. 2006-04-25. PMID:16423348. t cells from treated mice had significantly reduced activity towards the encephalitogenic peptide of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (mog), exhibiting less proliferation and reduced th1 cytokine secretion. 2006-04-25 2023-08-12 mouse
Bing Zhu, Indira Guleria, Arezou Khosroshahi, Tanuja Chitnis, Jaime Imitola, Miyuki Azuma, Hideo Yagita, Mohamed H Sayegh, Samia J Khour. Differential role of programmed death-ligand 1 [corrected] and programmed death-ligand 2 [corrected] in regulating the susceptibility and chronic progression of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). vol 176. issue 6. 2006-04-24. PMID:16517716. in balb/c mice immunized with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (mog) peptide 35-55, pd-l1 but not pd-l2 blockade significantly increased eae incidence. 2006-04-24 2023-08-12 mouse
Takashi Matsushita, Manabu Fujimoto, Minoru Hasegawa, Kazuhiro Komura, Kazuhiko Takehara, Thomas F Tedder, Shinichi Sat. Inhibitory role of CD19 in the progression of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis by regulating cytokine response. The American journal of pathology. vol 168. issue 3. 2006-04-19. PMID:16507897. following immunization with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (mog) peptide, cd19-deficient (cd19(-/-)) mice exhibited higher clinical and pathological severity scores of eae than wild-type mice. 2006-04-19 2023-08-12 mouse
Hartmut Wekerle, Christopher Liningto. Organ specific autoantigens and the autoreactiveT cell repertoire: the case of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein. European journal of immunology. vol 36. issue 3. 2006-04-13. PMID:16506289. myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (mog), a putative autoantigen in human multiple sclerosis, is used as a model self antigen. 2006-04-13 2023-08-12 mouse
Nicolas Fazilleau, Cécile Delarasse, Claire H Sweenie, Stephen M Anderton, Simon Fillatreau, François A Lemonnier, Danielle Pham-Dinh, Jean M Kanellopoulo. Persistence of autoreactive myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG)-specific T cell repertoires in MOG-expressing mice. European journal of immunology. vol 36. issue 3. 2006-04-13. PMID:16506290. persistence of autoreactive myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (mog)-specific t cell repertoires in mog-expressing mice. 2006-04-13 2023-08-12 mouse