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C Lacombe, C T Craescu, Y Blouquit, J Kister, C Poyart, J Delanoe-Garin, N Arous, J Bardakdjian, J Riou, J Ros. Structural and functional studies of hemoglobin Poissy alpha 2 beta 2(56) (D7) Gly----Arg and 86 (F2) Ala----Pro. European journal of biochemistry. vol 153. issue 3. 1986-02-13. PMID:3841063. |
the electrophoretic mobilities are identical to those of hb hamadan alpha 2 beta 2(56) (d7) gly----arg as is the fingerprint of the tryptic hydrolysate of the two abnormal beta chains. |
1986-02-13 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
C Lacombe, C T Craescu, Y Blouquit, J Kister, C Poyart, J Delanoe-Garin, N Arous, J Bardakdjian, J Riou, J Ros. Structural and functional studies of hemoglobin Poissy alpha 2 beta 2(56) (D7) Gly----Arg and 86 (F2) Ala----Pro. European journal of biochemistry. vol 153. issue 3. 1986-02-13. PMID:3841063. |
the oxidation rate of hb poissy is biphasic indicating a large inequivalence between the alpha and beta hemes. |
1986-02-13 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
D R Miller, J B Wilson, A Kutlar, T H Huisma. Hb Bicêtre or alpha 2 beta(2)63(E7)His----Pro in a white male: clinical observations over a period of 25 years. American journal of hematology. vol 21. issue 2. 1986-02-07. PMID:3753631. |
hb bicêtre or alpha 2 beta(2)63(e7)his----pro in a white male: clinical observations over a period of 25 years. |
1986-02-07 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
J B Shelton, J R Shelton, W A Schroeder, D R Powar. Hb Aztec or alpha 2 76 (EF5) Met----Thr beta 2 detection of a silent mutant by high performance liquid chromatography. Hemoglobin. vol 9. issue 4. 1986-01-31. PMID:3935608. |
hb aztec or alpha 2 76 (ef5) met----thr beta 2 detection of a silent mutant by high performance liquid chromatography. |
1986-01-31 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
J B Shelton, J R Shelton, W A Schroeder, D R Powar. Hb Aztec or alpha 2 76 (EF5) Met----Thr beta 2 detection of a silent mutant by high performance liquid chromatography. Hemoglobin. vol 9. issue 4. 1986-01-31. PMID:3935608. |
one of these has the substitution alpha 76 (ef5) met----thr and has been named hb aztec. |
1986-01-31 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
S S Chen, J B Wilson, B B Webber, A Kutlar, T H Huisma. HB G-Copenhagen or alpha 2 beta 2(47) (CD6) Asp----Asn observed in a black newborn. Hemoglobin. vol 9. issue 4. 1986-01-31. PMID:4077558. |
hb g-copenhagen or alpha 2 beta 2(47) (cd6) asp----asn observed in a black newborn. |
1986-01-31 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
D Schneeganss, G Braunitzer, W Oberthür, J Kösters, F Grim. [Hemoglobin of tree sparrows (Passer montanus, Passeriformes): Sequence of the major (Hb A) and minor (Hb D) components]. Biological chemistry Hoppe-Seyler. vol 366. issue 9. 1986-01-29. PMID:4074502. |
comparison with the greylag goose (anser anser) hemoglobin (hb a) showed that the alpha a-chains differ by 22 amino-acid exchanges, the beta-chains by 16. |
1986-01-29 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
D Schneeganss, G Braunitzer, W Oberthür, J Kösters, F Grim. [Hemoglobin of tree sparrows (Passer montanus, Passeriformes): Sequence of the major (Hb A) and minor (Hb D) components]. Biological chemistry Hoppe-Seyler. vol 366. issue 9. 1986-01-29. PMID:4074502. |
comparison with the minor component of the pheasant (phasianus colchicus colchicus) hemoglobin (hb d) showed that the alpha d-chains differ by 34 amino-acid exchanges. |
1986-01-29 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
L L Solovenchuk, E L Gel'fgat, A N Glushenk. [Genetic structure of the populations of native inhabitants of the northeastern USSR. IV. The Koryaks of Kamchatka]. Genetika. vol 21. issue 8. 1985-12-16. PMID:4054618. |
these are: ak, ca-1, cat, dia, est1-4, got, g-6-pd, ldh a and b, mdh, pgm2, sod, hb alpha and beta, che1, lap, alb, cp, tf, rh. |
1985-12-16 |
2023-08-11 |
cat |
J Chen, J D Andrade, R A VanWagene. Oxy- and deoxyhaemoglobin adsorption onto glass and polymer surfaces. Biomaterials. vol 6. issue 4. 1985-12-05. PMID:4052536. |
the binding sites for hb adsorption may include the clefts between alpha 1, beta 1. |
1985-12-05 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
C Dalvit, C H. Proton nuclear Overhauser effect investigation of the heme pockets in ligated hemoglobin: conformational differences between oxy and carbonmonoxy forms. Biochemistry. vol 24. issue 14. 1985-11-15. PMID:4041419. |
this technique has permitted us to assign several proton proton resonances arising from heme groups and from amino acid residues situated in the vicinity of the ligand binding site (such as e7 histidine and e11 valine) of the alpha and beta chains of hb a. |
1985-11-15 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
K Kamel, A el-Najjar, B B Webber, S S Chen, J B Wilson, A Kutlar, T H Huisma. Hb Doha or alpha 2 beta 2[X-N-Met-1(NA1)Val----Glu]; a new beta-chain abnormal hemoglobin observed in a Qatari female. Biochimica et biophysica acta. vol 831. issue 2. 1985-11-13. PMID:3840039. |
hb doha or alpha 2 beta 2[x-n-met-1(na1)val----glu]; a new beta-chain abnormal hemoglobin observed in a qatari female. |
1985-11-13 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
E Paglietti, R Galanello, M Addis, A Ca. Genetic counseling and genetic heterogeneity in the thalassemias. Clinical genetics. vol 28. issue 1. 1985-10-21. PMID:2992852. |
in this study, we have compared the hemoglobin a2 levels (hb a2) of alpha-thalassemia carriers (-alpha/-alpha and -alpha/alpha alpha genotypes) with those of double heterozygotes for delta+ and beta thalassemia genes, who were identified by family studies and polymorphic restriction site analysis within the beta-globin gene cluster. |
1985-10-21 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
B H Al-Awamy, G A Niazi, M I Al-Mouzan, J B Wilson, S S Chen, B B Webber, T H Huisma. Hb F-Dammam or alpha 2A gamma 2(79) (EF3) Asp----Asn. Hemoglobin. vol 9. issue 2. 1985-09-30. PMID:2411679. |
hb f-dammam or alpha 2a gamma 2(79) (ef3) asp----asn. |
1985-09-30 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
S S Chen, B B Webber, J B Wilson, T H Huisma. Hb Gainesville-GA or alpha 2 beta 2 46(CD5)Gly----Arg. Hemoglobin. vol 9. issue 2. 1985-09-30. PMID:3839773. |
hb gainesville-ga or alpha 2 beta 2 46(cd5)gly----arg. |
1985-09-30 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
J Rousseau, C G Mathew, J S Rees, E du Toit, M C Botha, E H Harle. Incidence of Hb Barts and alpha-thalassaemia genotypes in a South African population. Acta haematologica. vol 73. issue 3. 1985-09-30. PMID:3929531. |
restriction enzyme analysis of dna from subjects with hb barts showed that 85% of the cases studied had the genotypes -alpha 3.7/alpha alpha or -alpha 3.7/-alpha 3.7. |
1985-09-30 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
J Rousseau, C G Mathew, J S Rees, E du Toit, M C Botha, E H Harle. Incidence of Hb Barts and alpha-thalassaemia genotypes in a South African population. Acta haematologica. vol 73. issue 3. 1985-09-30. PMID:3929531. |
the observed frequency of the -alpha/alpha alpha genotype was much lower than the expected frequency which suggests that this genotype is often not associated with detectable levels of hb barts. |
1985-09-30 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
K Rodewald, H Wiesner, G Braunitze. Primary structure of the hemoglobins from the greater Kudu antelope (Tragelaphus strepsiceros). Biological chemistry Hoppe-Seyler. vol 366. issue 4. 1985-09-27. PMID:4026993. |
the adult greater kudu antelope has two hemoglobin components, hb a and hb b, with one alpha and two beta chains. |
1985-09-27 |
2023-08-11 |
cattle |
V Chan, T K Chan, S T Liang, A Ghosh, Y W Kan, D Tod. Hydrops fetalis due to an unusual form of Hb H disease. Blood. vol 66. issue 1. 1985-08-21. PMID:2988669. |
the newborn was markedly anemic, unlike those with classical hb h disease, because the non-deletion alpha thalassemia defect is more severe than alpha thalassemia 2. |
1985-08-21 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
D Beaupai. Line-restricted hemoglobin synthesis in chick embryonic erythrocytes. Cell differentiation. vol 16. issue 2. 1985-08-13. PMID:3924415. |
the presence of embryonic hemoglobin in early definitive erythrocytes was checked by indirect immunofluorescence assay, using specific antibodies raised against embryonic hb p. as positive control we used anti-hb a which reacted with the alpha a chain shared by the minor embryonic hb e and the adult hb a. |
1985-08-13 |
2023-08-11 |
chicken |