All Relations between hb and alpha

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
J Delanoé-Garin, Y Blouquit, N Arous, C Lacombe, W Vainchenker, J Rosa, F Galactero. Hb Kokura alpha 2 47 (CE5) Asp----Gly beta 2 in a French Jewish family. Nouvelle revue francaise d'hematologie. vol 28. issue 5. 1987-03-04. PMID:3808942. structural study of this variant permitted the characterization of a hb kokura alpha 2 47 (ce5) asp----gly beta 2 for the first time in france. 1987-03-04 2023-08-11 Not clear
N Monplaisir, G Merault, C Poyart, M D Rhoda, C Craescu, M Vidaud, F Galacteros, Y Blouquit, J Ros. Hemoglobin S Antilles: a variant with lower solubility than hemoglobin S and producing sickle cell disease in heterozygotes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. vol 83. issue 24. 1987-02-06. PMID:3467311. we have found a sickling variant, hb s antilles, alpha 2 beta 2(6 glu----val, 23 val----ile), that has the same electrophoretic mobility as hb s but a distinct isoelectric focus and produces sickling in the carriers of the hb a/s antilles trait. 1987-02-06 2023-08-11 Not clear
S K Ballas, J Larner, E D Smith, S Surrey, E Schwartz, E F Rappapor. The xerocytosis of Hb SC disease. Blood. vol 69. issue 1. 1987-02-03. PMID:2947642. patients with hb sc disease had microcytic indices despite the presence of a full complement of four alpha-genes (alpha alpha/alpha alpha), suggesting that the microcytosis may be due to cellular dehydration (or xerocytosis), since the mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration in hb sc disease patients was significantly higher than in controls. 1987-02-03 2023-08-11 Not clear
H F Bun. Subunit assembly of hemoglobin: an important determinant of hematologic phenotype. Blood. vol 69. issue 1. 1987-02-03. PMID:3539223. the difference between the rate of dissociation of alpha beta- and alpha gamma-dimers with increasing ph explains the well-known alkaline resistance of hb f. two dimers combine to form the functioning alpha 2 beta 2-tetramer. 1987-02-03 2023-08-11 Not clear
L Maccioni, R Galanello, R Ruggeri, R Puddu, D Rosatelli, A Marras, S Chiappe, A Macciotta, A Ca. Alpha-thalassemia in premature newborns. Pediatric research. vol 20. issue 11. 1987-02-03. PMID:3797101. carriers of nondeletion alpha-thalassemia (alpha alpha/alpha alpha th) showed variable amount of hb bart's always associated with thalassemia-like red cell indices. 1987-02-03 2023-08-11 Not clear
I M Franklin, E R Huehns, M A Rosemeye. Increasing haemoglobin oxygen affinity to prevent sickling: abnormal haemoglobin variants as models. British journal of haematology. vol 64. issue 2. 1987-01-09. PMID:3778826. hb radcliffe demonstrated atypical behaviour, with hybrid molecules of the formula alpha 2 beta s beta rad participating in the polymerization as effectively as hb s, as has been shown for hb c. these data have implications for the development of anti-sickling agents designed to increase oxygen affinity by covalent binding to hb s. 1987-01-09 2023-08-11 Not clear
P Beris, P Huber, C L Spierer, P A Miesche. [Hb Q-H: study of in vitro globin chain synthesis in reticulocytes and erythroblasts]. Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift. vol 116. issue 43. 1987-01-07. PMID:3787229. isoelectric focusing of hb and hb chains showed the absence of hba, the presence of rapid bart's and h hb and the presence of an alpha chain variant alpha q-thailand, alpha 74 asp----his (confirmation by fingerprinting of hb). 1987-01-07 2023-08-11 Not clear
P Beris, P Huber, C L Spierer, P A Miesche. [Hb Q-H: study of in vitro globin chain synthesis in reticulocytes and erythroblasts]. Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift. vol 116. issue 43. 1987-01-07. PMID:3787229. furthermore, this variant does not exhibit any transcriptional defect of the alpha q gene or any instability, since its association with a second alpha-thal-1 chromosome leads to a deficit of alpha chain production identical to that observed in hb h disease (alpha alpha 0/alpha 0 alpha 0). 1987-01-07 2023-08-11 Not clear
K Hidaka, I Iuchi, K Kimu, T Morit. HB F-Tokyo or alpha 2G gamma 234 (B16) Val----Ile found in a newborn baby in Japan. Hemoglobin. vol 10. issue 5. 1987-01-02. PMID:2430914. hb f-tokyo or alpha 2g gamma 234 (b16) val----ile found in a newborn baby in japan. 1987-01-02 2023-08-11 Not clear
J E Bowman, R Bloom, S S Chen, B B Webber, J B Wilson, F Kutlar, A Kutlar, T H Huisma. HB Chicago or alpha (2)136 (H19) Leu----Met beta 2 and a -G gamma-G gamma-globin gene arrangement in a black family. Hemoglobin. vol 10. issue 5. 1987-01-02. PMID:3781866. hb chicago or alpha (2)136 (h19) leu----met beta 2 and a -g gamma-g gamma-globin gene arrangement in a black family. 1987-01-02 2023-08-11 Not clear
R J Trent, J Yakas, P E Brock, H Kronenber. Functional activity of the triplicated alpha alpha alpha 4.2/gene rearrangement. Hemoglobin. vol 10. issue 5. 1987-01-02. PMID:3781867. function of the triplicated alpha alpha alpha 4.2/gene rearrangement was assessed by measurement of hb bart's and hematological phenotype including alpha/beta biosynthesis ratio. 1987-01-02 2023-08-11 Not clear
Y C Gu, J B Wilson, B B Webber, T H Huisman, B Y Wang, Y Q Lo, K Liu, B Meng, Y R Yua. HB ottawa [alpha 15 (A13) GLY----ARG] found in Hubei Province, People's Republic of China. Journal of Tongji Medical University = Tong ji yi ke da xue xue bao. vol 6. issue 3. 1986-12-17. PMID:3773016. hb ottawa [alpha 15 (a13) gly----arg] found in hubei province, people's republic of china. 1986-12-17 2023-08-11 Not clear
S Abbes, M Vidaud, S Fattoum, M Goossen. [Alpha-thalassemia in Tunisia: molecular bases of hemoglobinosis H]. Nouvelle revue francaise d'hematologie. vol 28. issue 4. 1986-12-09. PMID:3774533. we report the study by restriction mapping of alpha genes in a case of hb h disease in tunisia. 1986-12-09 2023-08-11 Not clear
K Ishimori, I Morishim. NMR study of hybrid hemoglobins containing unnatural heme: effect of heme modification on their tertiary and quaternary structures. Biochemistry. vol 25. issue 17. 1986-11-24. PMID:3768321. the heme peripheral modification resulted in the preferential downfield shift of the proximal histidine n1h signal for the beta subunit, indicating nonequivalence of the structural change induced by the heme modification in the alpha and beta subunits of hb. 1986-11-24 2023-08-11 Not clear
I Hiebl, D Schneeganss, G Braunitze. High-altitude respiration of birds. The primary structures of the alpha D-chains of the Bar-headed Goose (Anser indicus), the Greylag Goose(Anser anser) and the Canada Goose (Branta canadensis). Biological chemistry Hoppe-Seyler. vol 367. issue 7. 1986-11-14. PMID:3755960. the primary structures of the alpha d-chains of the minor component hb d of anser indicus, anser anser and branta canadensis are presented. 1986-11-14 2023-08-11 Not clear
T Wilkinson, J Yakas, H Kronenberg, R J Tren. Alpha thalassemia British type (alpha alpha/--Brit) in an Australian family. Pathology. vol 18. issue 2. 1986-11-13. PMID:3020489. its inheritance together with other forms of alpha thalassemia may lead to severe hb h disease or hb bart's hydrops fetalis. 1986-11-13 2023-08-11 Not clear
V M Napoli, D H Vroon, L Bryan, W Ros. Hemoglobin H disease with hemoglobin Constant Spring in a child of Laotian extraction. Southern medical journal. vol 79. issue 10. 1986-11-13. PMID:3764529. in alpha-thalassemia, deletion or inactivation of one, two, three, or all four alpha-genes causes, respectively, silent carrier state (-alpha/alpha alpha); alpha-thalassemia trait (--/alpha alpha in orientals, and -alpha/-alpha in blacks); hb h disease (--/-alpha); and hb bart's hydrops fetalis (--/--). 1986-11-13 2023-08-11 Not clear
V M Napoli, D H Vroon, L Bryan, W Ros. Hemoglobin H disease with hemoglobin Constant Spring in a child of Laotian extraction. Southern medical journal. vol 79. issue 10. 1986-11-13. PMID:3764529. we have described a case of hb h disease with hb constant spring (--/alpha alpha cs) in a laotian child whose father had alpha-thalassemia trait and whose mother was a carrier of hb cs, a mutant hemoglobin produced in minimal amounts. 1986-11-13 2023-08-11 Not clear
V Chan, T K Chan, M Y Cheng, Y W Kan, D Tod. Organization of the zeta-alpha genes in Chinese. British journal of haematology. vol 64. issue 1. 1986-11-12. PMID:3756105. studies of 28 unselected patients with hb h disease indicated a predominance of the rightward alpha gene deletion. 1986-11-12 2023-08-11 human
A W Addison, J J Stephano. Nitrosyliron(III) hemoglobin: autoreduction and spectroscopy. Biochemistry. vol 25. issue 14. 1986-10-23. PMID:3741844. the relative rates of autoreduction (25 degrees c, 1 atm no) are mb(iii)no less than hbm(iii)no less than hb alpha(iii)no less than hba(iii)no. 1986-10-23 2023-08-11 human