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Alessandro Ciresi, Floriana Cicciò, Stefano Radellini, Carla Giordan. Utility of C-peptide for a reliable estimate of insulin secretion in children with growth hormone deficiency. Growth hormone & IGF research : official journal of the Growth Hormone Research Society and the International IGF Research Society. vol 29. 2018-01-24. PMID:27235725. |
gh treatment (ght) can lead to glucose metabolism impairment through decreased insulin sensitivity and impaired pancreatic β-cell function, which are the two key components of the pathogenesis of diabetes. |
2018-01-24 |
2023-08-13 |
Not clear |
Alessandro Ciresi, Floriana Cicciò, Stefano Radellini, Carla Giordan. Utility of C-peptide for a reliable estimate of insulin secretion in children with growth hormone deficiency. Growth hormone & IGF research : official journal of the Growth Hormone Research Society and the International IGF Research Society. vol 29. 2018-01-24. PMID:27235725. |
our aim was to assess the usefulness of c-peptide in the evaluation of insulin secretion in gh deficiency (ghd) children. |
2018-01-24 |
2023-08-13 |
Not clear |
R G Ahmed, A W El-Gareib, H M Shake. Gestational 3,3',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB 126) exposure disrupts fetoplacental unit: Fetal thyroid-cytokines dysfunction. Life sciences. vol 192. 2018-01-08. PMID:29175438. |
the presence of hypothyroidism increased fetal serum concentration of transforming growth factor-β (tgf-β), leptin (lep), tumor necrosis factor-α (tnf-α), interleukin-1β (il-1β), and decreased the fetal serum insulin growth factor-i (igf-i), igf-ii, insulin, adiponectin (adp), and growth hormone (gh) in both treated groups at ed 20. |
2018-01-08 |
2023-08-13 |
rat |
Emily G da Silva, Bianca Pfaffenseller, Julio Walz, Laura Stertz, Gabriel Fries, Adriane R Rosa, Pedro V Magalhãe. Peripheral insulin-like growth factor 1 in bipolar disorder. Psychiatry research. vol 250. 2017-11-16. PMID:28135645. |
serum concentrations of igf-1, growth hormone (gh), insulin and tumor necrosis factor α (tnf-α) were analyzed. |
2017-11-16 |
2023-08-13 |
human |
Emily G da Silva, Bianca Pfaffenseller, Julio Walz, Laura Stertz, Gabriel Fries, Adriane R Rosa, Pedro V Magalhãe. Peripheral insulin-like growth factor 1 in bipolar disorder. Psychiatry research. vol 250. 2017-11-16. PMID:28135645. |
we did not find statistically significant differences between groups in the concentration of insulin, gh, and tnf-α. |
2017-11-16 |
2023-08-13 |
human |
F B Aksungar, M Sarıkaya, A Coskun, M Serteser, I Unsa. Comparison of Intermittent Fasting Versus Caloric Restriction in Obese Subjects: A Two Year Follow-Up. The journal of nutrition, health & aging. vol 21. issue 6. 2017-11-16. PMID:28537332. |
in the present study, we have investigated the effects of if versus cr on the same non-diabetic obese subjects who were followed for two years according to the growth hormone (gh)/insulin like growth factor (igf)-1 axis and insulin resistance. |
2017-11-16 |
2023-08-13 |
human |
b' Larisa Dizdarevi\\xc4\\x87-Hudi\\xc4\\x87, Zumreta Kusljugi\\xc4\\x87, Fahir Barakovi\\xc4\\x87, Mithad Hajder, Igor Hudi\\xc4\\x8. Do growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor 1 affect prognosis in patients with killip I and II class acute myocardial infarction? Acta clinica Croatica. vol 55. issue 3. 2017-11-03. PMID:29045090.' |
we investigated concentrations and roles of insulin-like growth factor 1 (igf-1)and its binding protein (igf1bp-3), growth hormone (gh), insulin, and markers of insulin resistanceand inflammation in acute myocardial infarction (ami). |
2017-11-03 |
2023-08-13 |
human |
Rikke Hjortebjerg, Darlene E Berryman, Ross Comisford, Stuart J Frank, Edward O List, Mette Bjerre, Jan Frystyk, John J Kopchic. Insulin, IGF-1, and GH Receptors Are Altered in an Adipose Tissue Depot-Specific Manner in Male Mice With Modified GH Action. Endocrinology. vol 158. issue 5. 2017-10-10. PMID:28323915. |
insulin, igf-1, and gh receptors are altered in an adipose tissue depot-specific manner in male mice with modified gh action. |
2017-10-10 |
2023-08-13 |
mouse |
Rikke Hjortebjerg, Darlene E Berryman, Ross Comisford, Stuart J Frank, Edward O List, Mette Bjerre, Jan Frystyk, John J Kopchic. Insulin, IGF-1, and GH Receptors Are Altered in an Adipose Tissue Depot-Specific Manner in Male Mice With Modified GH Action. Endocrinology. vol 158. issue 5. 2017-10-10. PMID:28323915. |
using 7-month-old transgenic mice expressing the bovine growth hormone (bgh) gene and growth hormone receptor knockout (ghr-/-) mice, we examined whether changes in gh action affect glucose, insulin, and pyruvate tolerance and at expression of proteins involved in the interrelated signaling pathways of gh, insulinlike growth factor 1 (igf-1), and insulin. |
2017-10-10 |
2023-08-13 |
mouse |
Adam Gesing, Denise Wiesenborn, Andrew Do, Vinal Menon, Augusto Schneider, Berta Victoria, Michael B Stout, John J Kopchick, Andrzej Bartke, Michal M Masterna. A Long-lived Mouse Lacking Both Growth Hormone and Growth Hormone Receptor: A New Animal Model for Aging Studies. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences. vol 72. issue 8. 2017-09-18. PMID:27688483. |
disruption of the growth hormone (gh) signaling pathway promotes insulin sensitivity and is associated with both delayed aging and extended longevity. |
2017-09-18 |
2023-08-13 |
mouse |
Adam Gesing, Denise Wiesenborn, Andrew Do, Vinal Menon, Augusto Schneider, Berta Victoria, Michael B Stout, John J Kopchick, Andrzej Bartke, Michal M Masterna. A Long-lived Mouse Lacking Both Growth Hormone and Growth Hormone Receptor: A New Animal Model for Aging Studies. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences. vol 72. issue 8. 2017-09-18. PMID:27688483. |
two kinds of long-lived mice-ames dwarfs (df/df) and gh receptor gene-disrupted knockouts (ghrko) are characterized by a suppressed gh axis with a significant reduction of body size and decreased plasma insulin-like growth factor-1 (igf-1) and insulin levels. |
2017-09-18 |
2023-08-13 |
mouse |
C Wang, Q Liu, Y L Zhang, C X Pei, S L Zhang, G Guo, W J Huo, W Z Yang, H Wan. Effects of isobutyrate supplementation in pre- and post-weaned dairy calves diet on growth performance, rumen development, blood metabolites and hormone secretion. Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience. vol 11. issue 5. 2017-07-10. PMID:27821226. |
blood concentrations of glucose, acetoacetate, β-hydroxybutyrate, gh and igf-1 increased linearly (p<0.05) for pre- and post-weaned calves, whereas blood concentration of insulin decreased linearly with increasing isobutyrate supplementation. |
2017-07-10 |
2023-08-13 |
Not clear |
Jakob Dal, Katrine Lundby Høyer, Steen Bønløkke Pedersen, Nils Erik Magnusson, Peter Bjerring, Jan Frystyk, Niels Møller, Niels Jessen, Jens Otto Lunde Jørgense. Growth Hormone and Insulin Signaling in Acromegaly: Impact of Surgery Versus Somatostatin Analog Treatment. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. vol 101. issue 10. 2017-06-30. PMID:27466699. |
somatostatin analogs (sas) used in acromegaly to suppress gh secretion and tumor growth also suppress insulin secretion and may impact gh signaling. |
2017-06-30 |
2023-08-13 |
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Tore Hedbäck, Peter Almgren, Peter M Nilsson, Olle Melande. N-Terminal Prosomatostatin as a Risk Marker for Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes in a General Population. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. vol 101. issue 9. 2017-06-20. PMID:27399347. |
somatostatin inhibits a range of hormones, including gh, insulin, and glucagon, but little is known about its role in the development of cardiometabolic disease. |
2017-06-20 |
2023-08-13 |
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Abhaya Krishnan, Sridhar Muthusam. Hormonal alterations in PCOS and its influence on bone metabolism. The Journal of endocrinology. vol 232. issue 2. 2017-06-14. PMID:27895088. |
hormones, which include gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (gnrh), insulin, the leutinizing/follicle-stimulating hormone (lh/fsh) ratio, androgens, estrogens, growth hormones (gh), cortisol, parathyroid hormone (pth) and calcitonin are disturbed in pcos women. |
2017-06-14 |
2023-08-13 |
human |
Federico Baronio, Laura Mazzanti, Ylenia Girtler, Federica Tamburrino, Fiorenzo Lupi, Silvia Longhi, Antonio Fanolla, Giorgio Radett. The Influence of GH Treatment on Glucose Homeostasis in Girls With Turner Syndrome: A 7-Year Study. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. vol 102. issue 3. 2017-06-12. PMID:27911611. |
growth hormone (gh) influences glucose homeostasis mainly by negatively affecting insulin sensitivity. |
2017-06-12 |
2023-08-13 |
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Manuel D Gahete, Raul M Luque, Justo P Castañ. Models of GH deficiency in animal studies. Best practice & research. Clinical endocrinology & metabolism. vol 30. issue 6. 2017-06-06. PMID:27974185. |
gh deficiency (ghd) can cause severe consequences, such as growth failure, changes in body composition and altered insulin sensitivity, depending of the origin, time of onset (childhood or adulthood) or duration of ghd. |
2017-06-06 |
2023-08-13 |
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Juliane Rothermel, Thomas Reineh. Metabolic alterations in paediatric GH deficiency. Best practice & research. Clinical endocrinology & metabolism. vol 30. issue 6. 2017-06-06. PMID:27974189. |
gh treatment itself can lead to insulin resistance, which probably also influences the cardiovascular health status. |
2017-06-06 |
2023-08-13 |
Not clear |
Cristal M Hill, Yimin Fang, Johanna G Miquet, Liou Y Sun, Michal M Masternak, Andrzej Bartk. Long-lived hypopituitary Ames dwarf mice are resistant to the detrimental effects of high-fat diet on metabolic function and energy expenditure. Aging cell. vol 15. issue 3. 2017-06-05. PMID:26990883. |
growth hormone (gh) signaling stimulates the production of igf-1; however, increased gh signaling may induce insulin resistance and can reduce life expectancy in both mice and humans. |
2017-06-05 |
2023-08-13 |
mouse |
Zhongbo Liu, Jose Cordoba-Chacon, Rhonda D Kineman, Bruce N Cronstein, Radhika Muzumdar, Zhenwei Gong, Haim Werner, Shoshana Yaka. Growth Hormone Control of Hepatic Lipid Metabolism. Diabetes. vol 65. issue 12. 2017-05-31. PMID:27679560. |
in mice, congenital liver-specific ablation of the gh receptor (ghr) results in reductions in circulating igf-1 and hepatic steatosis, associated with systemic insulin resistance. |
2017-05-31 |
2023-08-13 |
mouse |