All Relations between dat and dopamine

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
Dirk Taubert, Gundula Grimberg, Werner Stenzel, Edgar Schömi. Identification of the endogenous key substrates of the human organic cation transporter OCT2 and their implication in function of dopaminergic neurons. PloS one. vol 2. issue 4. 2010-04-19. PMID:17460754. current hypotheses suggest an abnormal function of the neuronal sodium-dependent dopamine transporter dat to contribute to cell death in the dopaminergic system, but it has not been investigated whether sodium-independent amine transporters are implicated in the pathogenesis of parkinson's disease. 2010-04-19 2023-08-12 human
Sergi Mas, Miquel Bernardo, Eduard Parellada, Clemente Garcia-Rizo, Patricia Gassó, Santi Alvarez, Amalia Lafuent. ARVCF single marker and haplotypic association with schizophrenia. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry. vol 33. issue 6. 2010-04-12. PMID:19508883. we present a schizophrenia association study using an extensive linkage disequilibrium (ld) mapping approach in seven candidate genes with a well established link to dopamine, including receptors (drd2, drd3) and genes involved in its metabolism and transport (ace, comt, dat, mao-a, mao-b). 2010-04-12 2023-08-12 human
Bruce H Mandt, Nancy R Zahnise. Low and high cocaine locomotor responding male Sprague-Dawley rats differ in rapid cocaine-induced regulation of striatal dopamine transporter function. Neuropharmacology. vol 58. issue 3. 2010-04-07. PMID:19951714. importantly, lcrs and hcrs are distinguished by their differential responsiveness to acute cocaine-induced (but not baseline) locomotor activity, inhibition of the dopamine transporter (dat) and resulting extracellular da (hcr > lcr), as well as by repeated cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization and measures of cocaine's rewarding and reinforcing effects (lcr > hcr). 2010-04-07 2023-08-12 rat
Cheryl A Frye, Sandra M Petralia, Madeline E Rhodes, Joseph F DeBol. 6-hydroxydopamine lesions enhance progesterone-facilitated lordosis of rats and hamsters, independent of effects on motor behavior. Physiology & behavior. vol 99. issue 2. 2010-04-05. PMID:19778544. fixed brains were stained with cresyl violet and processed for dopamine transporter (dat) immunoreactivity. 2010-04-05 2023-08-12 rat
BingJin Li, Yosefu Arime, F Scott Hall, George R Uhl, Ichiro Sor. Impaired spatial working memory and decreased frontal cortex BDNF protein level in dopamine transporter knockout mice. European journal of pharmacology. vol 628. issue 1-3. 2010-04-05. PMID:19932884. we have thus tested spatial working memory in dopamine transporter knockout (dat ko) and wild-type mice. 2010-04-05 2023-08-12 mouse
K Ohyama, C Sogawa, N Sogawa, K Morita, T Dohi, S Kitayam. Nicotine stimulates transcriptional activity of the human dopamine transporter gene. Neuroscience letters. vol 471. issue 1. 2010-04-05. PMID:20074615. nicotine modulates dopaminergic activity in the central nervous system by acting on the reuptake system, including the dopamine transporter (dat), although precisely remains unclear. 2010-04-05 2023-08-12 human
Thomas J Spencer, Ali A Bonab, Darin D Dougherty, Jessica Martin, Tara McDonnell, Alan J Fischma. A PET study examining pharmacokinetics and dopamine transporter occupancy of two long-acting formulations of methylphenidate in adults. International journal of molecular medicine. vol 25. issue 2. 2010-04-02. PMID:20043136. diffucaps bead-delivery system (dbds)-mph was designed to last 8 h and osmotically controlled-release oral delivery system (oros)-mph was designed to last 12 h. while the plasma pharmacokinetics and timing of efficacy have been studied, the corresponding central nervous system dopamine transporter (dat) occupancies are unknown. 2010-04-02 2023-08-12 human
Kyle C Schmitt, Maarten E A Reit. Regulation of the dopamine transporter: aspects relevant to psychostimulant drugs of abuse. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. vol 1187. 2010-04-02. PMID:20201860. in addition, we consider involvement of presynaptic receptors for dopamine and other ligands in dat regulation. 2010-04-02 2023-08-12 Not clear
J N Ablin, A Bar-Shira, M Yaron, A Orr-Urtrege. Candidate-gene approach in fibromyalgia syndrome: association analysis of the genes encoding substance P receptor, dopamine transporter and alpha1-antitrypsin. Clinical and experimental rheumatology. vol 27. issue 5 Suppl 56. 2010-04-01. PMID:20074437. we examined the frequency of the substance p receptor (tacr1) 1354 g>c polymorphism in fms.the dopamine transporter (dat) slc6a3 3' variable number tandem repeat (vntr) polymorphism is associated with post traumatic stress disorder (ptsd), a condition with clinical and epidemiological overlap with fms. 2010-04-01 2023-08-12 Not clear
Henk W Berendse, Mirthe M Ponse. Diagnosing premotor Parkinson's disease using a two-step approach combining olfactory testing and DAT SPECT imaging. Parkinsonism & related disorders. vol 15 Suppl 3. 2010-03-31. PMID:20083001. in a prospective study in 361 asymptomatic first-degree relatives of pd patients, we studied the value of a two-step approach, combining olfactory testing and dopamine transporter (dat) spect imaging, in detecting patients in the premotor phase of pd. 2010-03-31 2023-08-12 Not clear
Eduard Maron, David J Nutt, Jyrki Kuikka, Jari Tiihone. Dopamine transporter binding in females with panic disorder may vary with clinical status. Journal of psychiatric research. vol 44. issue 1. 2010-03-30. PMID:19467545. in this study, we evaluated the binding potential of dopamine transporter (dat) in striatum of patients with pd. 2010-03-30 2023-08-12 Not clear
Wenbo Zhou, Young Mook Lee, Vanessa C Guy, Curt R Free. Embryonic stem cells with GFP knocked into the dopamine transporter yield purified dopamine neurons in vitro and from knock-in mice. Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio). vol 27. issue 12. 2010-03-23. PMID:19750538. to facilitate the differentiation and purification of dopamine neurons, the green fluorescent protein (gfp) gene was inserted into the dopamine transporter (dat) locus in mouse escs using homologous recombination. 2010-03-23 2023-08-12 mouse
Wenbo Zhou, Young Mook Lee, Vanessa C Guy, Curt R Free. Embryonic stem cells with GFP knocked into the dopamine transporter yield purified dopamine neurons in vitro and from knock-in mice. Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio). vol 27. issue 12. 2010-03-23. PMID:19750538. these purified dopamine neurons survived reculture and expressed tyrosine hydroxylase and dat when cocultured with mouse astrocytes or striatal cells. 2010-03-23 2023-08-12 mouse
R C S Martins, M L Andersen, S A Garbuio, L R Bittencourt, C Guindalini, M C Shih, M Q Hoexter, R A Bressan, M L V Castiglioni, S Tufi. Dopamine transporter regulation during four nights of REM sleep deprivation followed by recovery--an in vivo molecular imaging study in humans. Sleep. vol 33. issue 2. 2010-03-19. PMID:20175408. to assess the influence of total or selective rem sleep deprivation on the dopamine transporter (dat) densities and sleep patterns of healthy volunteers. 2010-03-19 2023-08-12 human
Donatella Marazziti, Mario Catena Dell'osso, Stefano Baroni, Irene Masala, Bernardo Dell'Osso, Giorgio Consoli, Gino Giannaccini, Laura Betti, Antonio Lucacchin. Alterations of the dopamine transporter in resting lymphocytes of patients with different psychotic disorders. Psychiatry research. vol 175. issue 1-2. 2010-03-16. PMID:19910055. the aim of our study was to investigate and compare the dopamine (da) transporter (dat) in resting lymphocytes of 20 psychotic patients and 20 healthy control subjects, by means of both the binding parameters (bmax and kd) of 3h-win 35,428, and the reuptake parameters (vmax and km) of 3h-da. 2010-03-16 2023-08-12 human
Stacy S Drury, Katherine P Theall, Bronya J B Keats, Michael Scheering. The role of the dopamine transporter (DAT) in the development of PTSD in preschool children. Journal of traumatic stress. vol 22. issue 6. 2010-03-15. PMID:19960520. the role of the dopamine transporter (dat) in the development of ptsd in preschool children. 2010-03-15 2023-08-12 Not clear
Stacy S Drury, Katherine P Theall, Bronya J B Keats, Michael Scheering. The role of the dopamine transporter (DAT) in the development of PTSD in preschool children. Journal of traumatic stress. vol 22. issue 6. 2010-03-15. PMID:19960520. this study explored the influence of genetic variation in the dopamine transporter (dat) 3' untranslated region variable number tandem repeat on the development of ptsd in preschool children exposed to hurricane katrina, diagnosed using a developmentally appropriate semistructured interview. 2010-03-15 2023-08-12 Not clear
Stacy S Drury, Katherine P Theall, Bronya J B Keats, Michael Scheering. The role of the dopamine transporter (DAT) in the development of PTSD in preschool children. Journal of traumatic stress. vol 22. issue 6. 2010-03-15. PMID:19960520. the specificity of this finding to the increased arousal symptoms of criterion d suggests that dopamine and the dat allele may contribute to one heritable path in a multifinality model of the development of ptsd. 2010-03-15 2023-08-12 Not clear
Patrick C Gedeon, Martín Indarte, Christopher K Surratt, Jeffry D Madur. Molecular dynamics of leucine and dopamine transporter proteins in a model cell membrane lipid bilayer. Proteins. vol 78. issue 4. 2010-03-12. PMID:19899168. the dopamine transporter (dat) operates via facilitated diffusion, harnessing an inward na(+) gradient to drive dopamine from the extracellular synaptic cleft to the neuron interior. 2010-03-12 2023-08-12 Not clear
Patrick C Gedeon, Martín Indarte, Christopher K Surratt, Jeffry D Madur. Molecular dynamics of leucine and dopamine transporter proteins in a model cell membrane lipid bilayer. Proteins. vol 78. issue 4. 2010-03-12. PMID:19899168. here, the leut crystal structure and the dat molecular model have been combined with their respective substrates, leucine and dopamine, in lipid bilayer molecular dynamics simulations toward tracking substrate movement along the protein's substrate/ion permeation pathway. 2010-03-12 2023-08-12 Not clear