All Relations between reward and dopaminergic

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Ja-Hyun Bai. Stress and the dopaminergic reward system. Experimental & molecular medicine. vol 52. issue 12. 2021-10-13. PMID:33257725. this review focuses on lines of evidence related to how stress, especially chronic stress, affects the mesolimbic dopamine system, and discusses the role of the dopaminergic reward system in chronic stress-induced depression. 2021-10-13 2023-08-13 Not clear
Anne T Park, Ursula A Tooley, Julia A Leonard, Austin L Boroshok, Cassidy L McDermott, M Dylan Tisdall, Allyson P Macke. Early childhood stress is associated with blunted development of ventral tegmental area functional connectivity. Developmental cognitive neuroscience. vol 47. 2021-10-13. PMID:33395612. early life stress increases risk for later psychopathology, due in part to changes in dopaminergic brain systems that support reward processing and motivation. 2021-10-13 2023-08-13 Not clear
Yongxiang Li, Lvshuang Chen, Weijie Zhao, Lijuan Sun, Ruixue Zhang, Shuqing Zhu, Kailai Xie, Xiajie Feng, Xin Wu, Zhonghua Sun, Gang Shu, Songbo Wang, Ping Gao, Xiaotong Zhu, Lina Wang, Qingyan Jian. Food reward depends on TLR4 activation in dopaminergic neurons. Pharmacological research. vol 169. 2021-10-04. PMID:33971268. food reward depends on tlr4 activation in dopaminergic neurons. 2021-10-04 2023-08-13 mouse
Aaron P Smith, Thomas H Kelly, Joshua A Lile, Catherine A Martin, Miranda P Ramirez, Michael J Wesle. Exploratory examination of the effects of d-amphetamine on active-state functional connectivity: Influence of impulsivity and sensation-seeking status. Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology. 2021-09-26. PMID:33764102. the current exploratory study hypothesized that differences in underlying mesocorticolimbic circuitry may mediate the relationship between personality and responses to stimulants due to its previously established implication in reward processes as well as the overlap between its dopaminergic projections and the pharmacodynamics of many stimulants. 2021-09-26 2023-08-13 human
Oliver Grimm, Vera Kopfer, Lea Küpper-Tetzel, Vera Deppert, Magdalena Kuhn, Moritz de Greck, Andreas Rei. Amisulpride and l-DOPA modulate subcortical brain nuclei connectivity in resting-state pharmacologic magnetic resonance imaging. Human brain mapping. vol 41. issue 7. 2021-09-22. PMID:31880365. the precise understanding of the dopaminergic (da) system and its pharmacological modifications is crucial for diagnosis and treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders, as well as for understanding basic processes, such as motivation and reward. 2021-09-22 2023-08-13 Not clear
James D Howard, Thorsten Kahn. To be specific: The role of orbitofrontal cortex in signaling reward identity. Behavioral neuroscience. vol 135. issue 2. 2021-09-20. PMID:33734730. moreover, we summarize recent findings suggesting that specific reward expectations in ofc are learned and updated by means of identity errors in the dopaminergic midbrain. 2021-09-20 2023-08-13 Not clear
Jungsun Yoo, Seokyoung Min, Seung-Koo Lee, Sanghoon Ha. Neural correlates of episodic memory modulated by temporally delayed rewards. PloS one. vol 16. issue 4. 2021-09-20. PMID:33826665. when a stimulus is associated with an external reward, its chance of being consolidated into long-term memory is boosted via dopaminergic facilitation of long-term potentiation in the hippocampus. 2021-09-20 2023-08-13 Not clear
Nabil Daddaoua, Hank P Jedema, Charles W Bradberr. Deliberative Decision-Making in Macaques Removes Reward-Driven Response Vigor. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience. vol 15. 2021-09-08. PMID:34489655. reward modulation of response vigor implicates dopaminergic mechanisms. 2021-09-08 2023-08-13 human
Gholam Reza Kheirabadi, Mabobeh Bahrami, Ali Shariat, Mohammadjavad Tarrah. The Effect of Add-on Buprenorphine to Matrix Program in Reduction of Craving and Relapse Among People With Methamphetamine Use Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of clinical psychopharmacology. vol 41. issue 1. 2021-09-07. PMID:33347022. buprenorphine might have beneficial roles in reducing craving to methamphetamine use via altering neurotransmission signaling and dopaminergic system-related reward mechanisms. 2021-09-07 2023-08-13 Not clear
Vasilisa Skvortsova, Stefano Palminteri, Anne Buot, Carine Karachi, Marie-Laure Welter, David Grabli, Mathias Pessiglion. A Causal Role for the Pedunculopontine Nucleus in Human Instrumental Learning. Current biology : CB. vol 31. issue 5. 2021-09-07. PMID:33352119. recent animal studies suggest that the pedunculopontine nucleus (ppn), a small brainstem structure considered as a locomotor center, is sensitive to reward and sends excitatory projection to dopaminergic nuclei. 2021-09-07 2023-08-13 human
Liya Kerem, Nouchine Hadjikhani, Laura Holsen, Elizabeth A Lawson, Franziska Plesso. Oxytocin reduces the functional connectivity between brain regions involved in eating behavior in men with overweight and obesity. International journal of obesity (2005). vol 44. issue 5. 2021-09-06. PMID:31740723. we have shown that in men with overweight and obesity, intranasal (in) oxt reduced the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fmri) blood oxygenation level-dependent signal in the ventral tegmental area (vta), the origin of the mesolimbic dopaminergic reward system, in response to high-calorie food vs. nonfood images. 2021-09-06 2023-08-13 human
Bernadette Hippmann, Elinor Tzvi, Martin Göttlich, Ronja Weiblen, Thomas F Münte, Sarah Jesse. Effective connectivity underlying reward-based executive control. Human brain mapping. vol 42. issue 14. 2021-09-04. PMID:34173997. cognitive facilitation through motivators such as prospective reward or punishment is thought to depend on regions from the dopaminergic mesocortical network, primarily the ventral tegmental area (vta), inferior frontal junction (ifj), and anterior cingulate cortex (acc). 2021-09-04 2023-08-13 human
Chloé Berland, Enrica Montalban, Elodie Perrin, Mathieu Di Miceli, Yuko Nakamura, Maud Martinat, Mary Sullivan, Xue S Davis, Mohammad Ali Shenasa, Claire Martin, Stefania Tolu, Fabio Marti, Stephanie Caille, Julien Castel, Sylvie Perez, Casper Gravesen Salinas, Chloé Morel, Jacob Hecksher-Sørensen, Martine Cador, Xavier Fioramonti, Matthias H Tschöp, Sophie Layé, Laurent Venance, Philippe Faure, Thomas S Hnasko, Dana M Small, Giuseppe Gangarossa, Serge H Luque. Circulating Triglycerides Gate Dopamine-Associated Behaviors through DRD2-Expressing Neurons. Cell metabolism. vol 31. issue 4. 2021-09-03. PMID:32142669. energy-dense food alters dopaminergic (da) transmission in the mesocorticolimbic (mcl) system and can promote reward dysfunctions, compulsive feeding, and weight gain. 2021-09-03 2023-08-13 Not clear
Arunkumar Singh Koijam, Aruna Chanu Hijam, Asem Surindro Singh, Preeti Jaiswal, Kanchan Mukhopadhyay, Usha Rajamma, Reena Haoba. Association of Dopamine Transporter Gene with Heroin Dependence in an Indian Subpopulation from Manipur. Journal of molecular neuroscience : MN. vol 71. issue 1. 2021-08-27. PMID:32557146. it has been implicated in playing important roles in the dopaminergic reward pathways, and thus, dat1 is a strong candidate gene for association studies with heroin dependence. 2021-08-27 2023-08-13 Not clear
Nii A Add. An ongoing saga of nicotine complexity and dopamine heterogeneity: Nicotine activation and inhibition mediating reward and anxiety. Neuron. vol 109. issue 16. 2021-08-25. PMID:34411537. their findings provide new understanding of the functional role of ventral tegmental area (vta) dopamine neurons and reveal topographically distinct, pathway-specific, and opposite dopaminergic responses to nicotine that likely mediate reward and anxiety, respectively. 2021-08-25 2023-08-13 Not clear
Edênia C Menezes, Relish Shah, Lindsay Laughlin, K Yaragudri Vinod, John F Smiley, Catarina Cunha, Andrea Balla, Henry Sershen, Francisco X Castellanos, André Corvelo, Cátia M Teixeir. Reduced Motivation in Perinatal Fluoxetine-Treated Mice: A Hypodopaminergic Phenotype. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 41. issue 12. 2021-08-17. PMID:33536200. these mice also show blunted responses to amphetamine and reduced dopaminergic activation in a sucrose reward task. 2021-08-17 2023-08-13 mouse
Polina Kosillo, Helen S Bateu. Dopaminergic Dysregulation in Syndromic Autism Spectrum Disorders: Insights From Genetic Mouse Models. Frontiers in neural circuits. vol 15. 2021-08-17. PMID:34366796. the dopamine hypothesis of asd postulates that dysregulation of dopaminergic projection pathways could contribute to the behavioral manifestations of asd, including altered reward value of social stimuli, changes in sensorimotor processing, and motor stereotypies. 2021-08-17 2023-08-13 mouse
Linshan Sun, Jingjing You, Fengjiao Sun, Minghu Cui, Jiangong Wang, Wentao Wang, Dan Wang, Dunjiang Liu, Zhicheng Xu, Changyun Qiu, Bin Liu, Haijing Ya. Reactivating a positive feedback loop VTA-BLA-NAc circuit associated with positive experience ameliorates the attenuated reward sensitivity induced by chronic stress. Neurobiology of stress. vol 15. 2021-08-13. PMID:34381852. we identified the vta-bla-nac circuit as being activated by sex reward, and the vta neurons that respond to sex reward are mostly dopaminergic. 2021-08-13 2023-08-13 Not clear
Linshan Sun, Jingjing You, Fengjiao Sun, Minghu Cui, Jiangong Wang, Wentao Wang, Dan Wang, Dunjiang Liu, Zhicheng Xu, Changyun Qiu, Bin Liu, Haijing Ya. Reactivating a positive feedback loop VTA-BLA-NAc circuit associated with positive experience ameliorates the attenuated reward sensitivity induced by chronic stress. Neurobiology of stress. vol 15. 2021-08-13. PMID:34381852. our histological and electrophysiological results show that the vta neuron subpopulation responding to restraint stress, predominantly gabaergic neurons, inhibits the responsiveness of vta dopaminergic neurons to reward stimuli, which is probably the mechanism by which stress modulates the reward processing neural circuits and subsequently disrupts reward-related behaviours. 2021-08-13 2023-08-13 Not clear
Linshan Sun, Jingjing You, Fengjiao Sun, Minghu Cui, Jiangong Wang, Wentao Wang, Dan Wang, Dunjiang Liu, Zhicheng Xu, Changyun Qiu, Bin Liu, Haijing Ya. Reactivating a positive feedback loop VTA-BLA-NAc circuit associated with positive experience ameliorates the attenuated reward sensitivity induced by chronic stress. Neurobiology of stress. vol 15. 2021-08-13. PMID:34381852. blocking the projections from the bla to the nac associated with sex reward increases the excitability of vta gabaergic neurons and decreases the excitability of vta dopaminergic neurons, while activating this pathway decreases the excitability of vta gabaergic neurons and increases the excitability of vta dopaminergic neurons, which may be the cellular mechanism by which the vta-bla-nac circuit associated with sex reward ameliorates the attenuated reward sensitivity induced by chronic stress. 2021-08-13 2023-08-13 Not clear