All Relations between feeding and hypothalamus

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Xun Zhou, Mariana Gomez-Smith, Zhaohong Qin, Philippe M Duquette, Arturo Cardenas-Blanco, Punarpreet S Rai, Mary-Ellen Harper, Eve C Tsai, Hymie Anisman, Hsiao-Huei Che. Ablation of LMO4 in glutamatergic neurons impairs leptin control of fat metabolism. Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS. vol 69. issue 5. 2012-03-27. PMID:21874351. the peptide hormone leptin, produced from adipocytes, activates jak/stat3 signaling at the hypothalamus to control food intake, energy expenditure, and fat metabolism. 2012-03-27 2023-08-12 mouse
Liese Mebis, An Eerdekens, Fabian Güiza, Leslie Princen, Sarah Derde, Yoo-Mee Vanwijngaerden, Ilse Vanhorebeek, Veerle M Darras, Greet Van den Berghe, Lies Langouch. Contribution of nutritional deficit to the pathogenesis of the nonthyroidal illness syndrome in critical illness: a rabbit model study. Endocrinology. vol 153. issue 2. 2012-03-27. PMID:22166982. trh expression in the hypothalamus was not different in fasted and fed ill rabbits, although circulating tsh levels were higher with feeding. 2012-03-27 2023-08-12 rabbit
Hajime Suzuki, Akihiro Asakawa, Jiang B Li, Minglun Tsai, Haruka Amitani, Kousaku Ohinata, Michio Komai, Akio Inu. Zinc as an appetite stimulator - the possible role of zinc in the progression of diseases such as cachexia and sarcopenia. Recent patents on food, nutrition & agriculture. vol 3. issue 3. 2012-03-25. PMID:21846317. in this review, we describe recent research investigating the roles of zinc as an appetite stimulator in food intake regulation, along with research about hypothalamus, ghrelin, leptin and zinc receptor, and clinical application about anorexia nervosa, cachexia and sarcopenia. 2012-03-25 2023-08-12 rat
Krzysztof Tucholski, Ewa Otto-Buczkowsk. The role of leptin in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism. Endokrynologia Polska. vol 62. issue 3. 2012-03-20. PMID:21717410. leptin was first described as acting on the satiety centre in the hypothalamus through specific receptors (ob-r) to restrict food intake and enhance energy expenditure. 2012-03-20 2023-08-12 mouse
Olivier Pigue. Eating disturbance in behavioural-variant frontotemporal dementia. Journal of molecular neuroscience : MN. vol 45. issue 3. 2012-03-19. PMID:21584651. in addition, recent evidence indicates that degeneration and consequent dysregulation within the hypothalamus relates to significant feeding disturbance in this disease. 2012-03-19 2023-08-12 Not clear
Nathan J Marchant, E Zayra Millan, Gavan P McNall. The hypothalamus and the neurobiology of drug seeking. Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS. vol 69. issue 4. 2012-03-12. PMID:21947443. first, we review evidence that different regions of the hypothalamus exert opposing control over feeding. 2012-03-12 2023-08-12 Not clear
N Golub, D Geba, S A Mousa, G Williams, R C Bloc. Greasing the wheels of managing overweight and obesity with omega-3 fatty acids. Medical hypotheses. vol 77. issue 6. 2012-03-06. PMID:21981905. while the role of the hypothalamus in regulation of appetite and food intake has long been recognized, the roles of the cns reward systems are beginning to be examined as the role of environmental influences on energy balance are explored. 2012-03-06 2023-08-12 human
Joshua P Thaler, Chun-Xia Yi, Ellen A Schur, Stephan J Guyenet, Bang H Hwang, Marcelo O Dietrich, Xiaolin Zhao, David A Sarruf, Vitaly Izgur, Kenneth R Maravilla, Hong T Nguyen, Jonathan D Fischer, Miles E Matsen, Brent E Wisse, Gregory J Morton, Tamas L Horvath, Denis G Baskin, Matthias H Tschöp, Michael W Schwart. Obesity is associated with hypothalamic injury in rodents and humans. The Journal of clinical investigation. vol 122. issue 1. 2012-03-06. PMID:22201683. although these responses temporarily subsided, suggesting that neuroprotective mechanisms may initially limit the damage, with continued hfd feeding, inflammation and gliosis returned permanently to the mediobasal hypothalamus. 2012-03-06 2023-08-12 mouse
W Nager, J K Krauss, M Heldmann, J Marco-Pallares, H-H Capelle, G Lütjens, S Bolat, R Dengler, T F Münt. Human hypothalamus shows differential responses to basic motivational stimuli--an invasive electrophysiology study. Neuroscience. vol 189. 2012-02-24. PMID:21651964. the hypothalamus supports basic motivational behaviours such as mating and feeding. 2012-02-24 2023-08-12 human
Toru Hoso. [Novel therapeutic approach based on recent understanding of the development of metabolic syndrome]. Yakugaku zasshi : Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. vol 131. issue 11. 2012-02-24. PMID:22041693. circulating leptin acts at the brain hypothalamus and reduces food intake. 2012-02-24 2023-08-12 human
Eun Y Hong, Ye S Yoon, Hyun S Le. Differential distribution of melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH)- and hypocretin (Hcrt)-immunoreactive neurons projecting to the mesopontine cholinergic complex in the rat. Brain research. vol 1424. 2012-02-21. PMID:22015351. hypocretin (hcrt or orexin) and melanin-concentrating hormone (mch) containing neurons are located in the hypothalamus and are implicated in the regulation of feeding behavior, energy homeostasis, and sleep-wake cycle. 2012-02-21 2023-08-12 rat
J V Merle, V Haas, R Burghardt, N Döhler, N Schneider, U Lehmkuhl, S Ehrlic. Agouti-related protein in patients with acute and weight-restored anorexia nervosa. Psychological medicine. vol 41. issue 10. 2012-02-17. PMID:21426605. agouti-related protein (agrp), an orexigenic mediator of the hypothalamus, increases food intake and decreases energy expenditure in times of negative energy balance. 2012-02-17 2023-08-12 Not clear
Y Tobari, N Iijima, K Tsunekawa, T Osugi, S Haraguchi, T Ubuka, K Ukena, K Okanoya, K Tsutsui, H Ozaw. Identification, localisation and functional implication of 26RFa orthologue peptide in the brain of zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). Journal of neuroendocrinology. vol 23. issue 9. 2012-02-17. PMID:21696471. in situ hybridisation analysis in the brain showed that the expression of 26rfa mrna is confined to the anterior-medial hypothalamic area, ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus and the lateral hypothalamic area, the brain regions that are involved in the regulation of feeding behaviour, whereas gpr103 mrna is distributed throughout the brain in addition to the hypothalamic nuclei. 2012-02-17 2023-08-12 Not clear
Leire Reguero, Nagore Puente, Izaskun Elezgarai, Juan Mendizabal-Zubiaga, Miren Josune Canduela, Ianire Buceta, Almudena Ramos, Juan Suárez, Fernando Rodríguez de Fonseca, Giovanni Marsicano, Pedro Grande. GABAergic and cortical and subcortical glutamatergic axon terminals contain CB1 cannabinoid receptors in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus. PloS one. vol 6. issue 10. 2012-02-17. PMID:22022550. type-1 cannabinoid receptors (cb(1)r) are enriched in the hypothalamus, particularly in the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (vmh) that participates in homeostatic and behavioral functions including food intake. 2012-02-17 2023-08-12 Not clear
Linda A W Verhagen, Mieneke C M Luijendijk, Jan-Willem de Groot, Linda P G van Dommelen, Anne G Klimstra, Roger A H Adan, Tom A P Roelin. Anticipation of meals during restricted feeding increases activity in the hypothalamus in rats. The European journal of neuroscience. vol 34. issue 9. 2012-02-17. PMID:22034979. anticipation of meals during restricted feeding increases activity in the hypothalamus in rats. 2012-02-17 2023-08-12 rat
Hyun-Kyong Kim, Mi-Seon Shin, Byung-Soo Youn, Churl Namkoong, So Young Gil, Gil Myoung Kang, Ji Hee Yu, Min-Seon Ki. Involvement of progranulin in hypothalamic glucose sensing and feeding regulation. Endocrinology. vol 152. issue 12. 2012-02-16. PMID:21933869. moreover, the inhibition of hypothalamic pgrn expression or action increased food intake and promoted weight gain, suggesting that endogenous pgrn functions as an appetite suppressor in the hypothalamus. 2012-02-16 2023-08-12 mouse
Motoki Kamijo, Kenji Kojima, Keisuke Maruyama, Norifumi Konno, Eiji Motohashi, Taro Ikegami, Minoru Uchiyama, Seiji Shioda, Hironori Ando, Kouhei Matsud. Neuropeptide Y in tiger puffer (Takifugu rubripes): distribution, cloning, characterization, and mRNA expression responses to prandial condition. Zoological science. vol 28. issue 12. 2012-02-16. PMID:22132785. these results suggest that npy is present throughout the brain, and that npya, but not npyb, in the hypothalamus is involved in the feeding regulation in the tiger puffer. 2012-02-16 2023-08-12 Not clear
Ling Shen, David Q-H Wang, Patrick Tso, Ronald J Jandacek, Stephen C Woods, Min Li. Apolipoprotein E reduces food intake via PI3K/Akt signaling pathway in the hypothalamus. Physiology & behavior. vol 105. issue 1. 2012-02-13. PMID:21536059. apolipoprotein e reduces food intake via pi3k/akt signaling pathway in the hypothalamus. 2012-02-13 2023-08-12 rat
Marc Baroncini, Patrice Jissendi, Eglantine Balland, Pierre Besson, Jean-Pierre Pruvo, Jean-Paul Francke, Didier Dewailly, Serge Blond, Vincent Prevo. MRI atlas of the human hypothalamus. NeuroImage. vol 59. issue 1. 2012-02-13. PMID:21777680. qualitative analyses showed that mri could also highlight finer structures such as the paraventricular nucleus, the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus and the infundibular (arcuate) nucleus, brain nuclei that play key roles in the regulation of food intake and energy homeostasis. 2012-02-13 2023-08-12 human
Zivjena Vucetic, Jessica Kimmel, Teresa M Reye. Chronic high-fat diet drives postnatal epigenetic regulation of μ-opioid receptor in the brain. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. vol 36. issue 6. 2012-02-09. PMID:21326195. mor mrna expression was decreased in reward-related circuitry (ventral tegmental area (vta), nucleus accumbens (nac), and prefrontal cortex (pfc)) but not the hypothalamus, important in the homeostatic regulation of feeding. 2012-02-09 2023-08-12 mouse