All Relations between Depression and self-perception

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Berit Grøholt, Oivind Ekeberg, Lars Wichstrøm, Tor Haldorse. Suicidal and nonsuicidal adolescents: different factors contribute to self-esteem. Suicide & life-threatening behavior. vol 35. issue 5. 2006-01-03. PMID:16268769. in multivariate regression analyses, variance in self-esteem was explained by depression and loneliness, and among nonsuicidal adolescents also by self-concept stability, support, and competencies. 2006-01-03 2023-08-12 Not clear
James J Annes. Correlations of depression and total mood disturbance with physical activity and self-concept in preadolescents enrolled in an after-school exercise program. Psychological reports. vol 96. issue 3 Pt 2. 2005-10-20. PMID:16173355. correlations of depression and total mood disturbance with physical activity and self-concept in preadolescents enrolled in an after-school exercise program. 2005-10-20 2023-08-12 Not clear
James J Annes. Correlations of depression and total mood disturbance with physical activity and self-concept in preadolescents enrolled in an after-school exercise program. Psychological reports. vol 96. issue 3 Pt 2. 2005-10-20. PMID:16173355. this preliminary investigation estimated relationships of depression and negative mood with physical activity and self-concept in 9- to 12-yr.-old boys and girls (n=49) enrolled in an after-school exercise program for 12 wk. 2005-10-20 2023-08-12 Not clear
Yvonne K van Pareren, Hugo J Duivenvoorden, Froukje M E Slijper, Hans M Koot, Sten L S Drop, Sabine M P F de Muinck Keizer-Schram. Psychosocial functioning after discontinuation of long-term growth hormone treatment in girls with Turner syndrome. Hormone research. vol 63. issue 5. 2005-09-13. PMID:15900109. although self-perception (harter total scale: p < 0.01), and bodily attitude (baardman: p < 0.05) was significantly less positive than for their normal dutch peers, we found no evidence of depression. 2005-09-13 2023-08-12 Not clear
Dawn Edge, Anne Roger. Dealing with it: Black Caribbean women's response to adversity and psychological distress associated with pregnancy, childbirth, and early motherhood. Social science & medicine (1982). vol 61. issue 1. 2005-07-21. PMID:15847958. rejection of depression as illness was associated with imperatives to normalise distress and a self-concept which stressed the importance of being 'strong-black-women' for maintaining psychological well-being. 2005-07-21 2023-08-12 Not clear
Russell C Hur. A teenager revisits her father's death during childhood: a study in resilience and healthy mourning. Adolescence. vol 39. issue 154. 2005-02-01. PMID:15563042. results indicated that debbie experienced healthy mourning--without depression or other debilitating effects--due to supportive people in her family, her strong self-concept, and her capacity to think through her experiences positively. 2005-02-01 2023-08-12 Not clear
Haitham M Alkhatee. Mathematics self-concept and depression in a sample of university education majors. Psychological reports. vol 95. issue 2. 2005-01-04. PMID:15587214. mathematics self-concept and depression in a sample of university education majors. 2005-01-04 2023-08-12 Not clear
Haitham M Alkhatee. Mathematics self-concept and depression in a sample of university education majors. Psychological reports. vol 95. issue 2. 2005-01-04. PMID:15587214. scores on scales of mathematics self-concept and depression correlated .14 for 103 education majors. 2005-01-04 2023-08-12 Not clear
Sandy De Cuyper, Benedikte Timbremont, Caroline Braet, Vicky De Backer, Tina Wullaer. Treating depressive symptoms in schoolchildren: a pilot study. European child & adolescent psychiatry. vol 13. issue 2. 2004-08-26. PMID:15103536. paired t-tests comparing the 4-months follow-up results with baseline measurements, revealed a significant improvement on the children depression inventory and on the self-perception profile for children, but only in the treatment group. 2004-08-26 2023-08-12 Not clear
Shannon K McCoy, Brenda Majo. Group identification moderates emotional responses to perceived prejudice. Personality & social psychology bulletin. vol 29. issue 8. 2004-07-22. PMID:15189619. two studies tested the prediction that group identification (importance of the group in the self-concept) moderates the impact of perceived discrimination on self-evaluative emotions (depression and self-esteem). 2004-07-22 2023-08-12 Not clear
Ritva Erkolahti, Tuula Ilonen, Simo Saarijärvi, Pirjo Terh. Self-image and depressive symptoms among adolescents in a non-clinical sample. Nordic journal of psychiatry. vol 57. issue 6. 2004-04-06. PMID:14630550. to assess the adolescent's self-concept, we used the offer self-image questionnaire (osiq), and to study their depressive symptoms, we chose the children's depression inventory (cdi). 2004-04-06 2023-08-12 Not clear
Maxine L Weinman, Ruth Buzi, Peggy B Smith, David M Mumfor. Associations of family support, resiliency, and depression symptoms among indigent teens attending a family planning clinic. Psychological reports. vol 93. issue 3 Pt 1. 2004-02-12. PMID:14723435. scores on the self-concept and positive outlook dimensions of the personal competence domain, the confidence and assertiveness dimensions of the social competence domain, and family support correlated with depression symptoms. 2004-02-12 2023-08-12 Not clear
C Thiels, U Schmidt, J Treasure, R Garth. Four-year follow-up of guided self-change for bulimia nervosa. Eating and weight disorders : EWD. vol 8. issue 3. 2004-01-06. PMID:14649785. there was also an improvement in the subsidiary outcome variables: beck's depression inventory, the self-concept questionnaire, and knowledge of nutrition, weight and shape. 2004-01-06 2023-08-12 Not clear
Samantha Harris, Stephen Morley, Stephen B Barto. Role loss and emotional adjustment in chronic pain. Pain. vol 105. issue 1-2. 2003-11-06. PMID:14499455. we tested whether loss of role and personal attributes and current and past self-concept differentiation, predicted adjustment as indexed by measures of depression. 2003-11-06 2023-08-12 human
Samantha Harris, Stephen Morley, Stephen B Barto. Role loss and emotional adjustment in chronic pain. Pain. vol 105. issue 1-2. 2003-11-06. PMID:14499455. there was no evidence that depression was associated with past self-concept differentiation. 2003-11-06 2023-08-12 human
Janice M Buelow, Joan K Austin, Susan M Perkins, Jianzhao Shen, David W Dunn, Philip S Fastena. Behavior and mental health problems in children with epilepsy and low IQ. Developmental medicine and child neurology. vol 45. issue 10. 2003-10-23. PMID:14515940. the purpose of this cross-sectional descriptive study was to describe the particular types of behavioral problems, self-concept, and symptoms of depression experienced by children with both low iq and epilepsy. 2003-10-23 2023-08-12 Not clear
Janice M Buelow, Joan K Austin, Susan M Perkins, Jianzhao Shen, David W Dunn, Philip S Fastena. Behavior and mental health problems in children with epilepsy and low IQ. Developmental medicine and child neurology. vol 45. issue 10. 2003-10-23. PMID:14515940. the child behavior checklist, piers-harris self-concept scale, and children's depression inventory were used to measure behavior, self-concept, and depression respectively. 2003-10-23 2023-08-12 Not clear
Beatas Stach-Lempinen, Asta-Leena Hakala, Pekka Laippala, Klaus Lehtinen, Riina Metsänoja, Erkki Kujansu. Severe depression determines quality of life in urinary incontinent women. Neurourology and urodynamics. vol 22. issue 6. 2003-10-21. PMID:12951664. the purpose of this study was to assess depression and anxiety in urinary incontinent women and to investigate factors influencing their self-perception of urinary incontinence severity. 2003-10-21 2023-08-12 Not clear
Yves Guigoz, Sylvie Lauque, Bruno J Vella. Identifying the elderly at risk for malnutrition. The Mini Nutritional Assessment. Clinics in geriatric medicine. vol 18. issue 4. 2003-03-21. PMID:12608501. * the mna is an 18-item questionnaire comprising anthropometric measurements (bmi, mid-arm and calf circumference, and weight loss) combined with a questionnaire regarding dietary intake (number of meals consumed, food and fluid intake, and feeding autonomy), a global assessment (lifestyle, medication, mobility, presence of acute stress, and presence of dementia or depression), and a self-assessment (self-perception of health and nutrition). 2003-03-21 2023-08-12 Not clear
Tanja S Stucke, Siegfried L Spore. When a grandiose self-image is threatened: narcissism and self-concept clarity as predictors of negative emotions and aggression following ego-threat. Journal of personality. vol 70. issue 4. 2002-12-19. PMID:12095189. in accordance with our hypothesis, high narcissists with low self-concept clarity reacted with anger and aggression after failure, whereas less narcissistic individuals with high self-concept clarity showed feelings of depression and no aggression. 2002-12-19 2023-08-12 human