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A Dubini, M Bosc, V Poli. Noradrenaline-selective versus serotonin-selective antidepressant therapy: differential effects on social functioning. Journal of psychopharmacology (Oxford, England). vol 11. issue 4 Suppl. 1998-02-26. PMID:9438229. |
in conclusion, while social motivation and behaviour in depression are significantly affected by both noradrenergic and serotonergic antidepressant treatment, noradrenergic therapy seems particularly effective in improving negative self-perception and motivation towards action, resulting in a better quality of remission in terms of social functioning. |
1998-02-26 |
2023-08-12 |
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H Böker, G Nikisch, K Budischewski, H Himmighoffe. [Power, status and valency in relationship to affective psychoses, schizoaffective and neurotic depression of patients]. Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, medizinische Psychologie. vol 47. issue 12. 1998-02-17. PMID:9471633. |
the couple relationships of female patients suffering from depression or physical illness were characterised by a negative valency in the self-concept and a positive valency in the self as perceived by others. |
1998-02-17 |
2023-08-12 |
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R S Guest, K J Klose, B M Needham-Shropshire, P L Jacob. Evaluation of a training program for persons with SCI paraplegia using the Parastep 1 ambulation system: part 4. Effect on physical self-concept and depression. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. vol 78. issue 8. 1997-11-06. PMID:9344297. |
effect on physical self-concept and depression. |
1997-11-06 |
2023-08-12 |
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R S Guest, K J Klose, B M Needham-Shropshire, P L Jacob. Evaluation of a training program for persons with SCI paraplegia using the Parastep 1 ambulation system: part 4. Effect on physical self-concept and depression. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. vol 78. issue 8. 1997-11-06. PMID:9344297. |
to determine whether persons with spinal cord injury (sci) paraplegia who participated in an electrical stimulation walking program experienced changes in measures of physical self-concept and depression. |
1997-11-06 |
2023-08-12 |
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J Pearce, K Hawton, F Blake, D Barlow, M Rees, J Fagg, J Keena. Psychological effects of continuation versus discontinuation of hormone replacement therapy by estrogen implants: a placebo-controlled study. Journal of psychosomatic research. vol 42. issue 2. 1997-06-02. PMID:9076645. |
assessment included self rating with visual analog scales, standardized psychological and menopause rating scales (hospital anxiety and depression scale, self-concept questionnaire, cognitive failures questionnaire, greene menopause index), and interview with the present state examination. |
1997-06-02 |
2023-08-12 |
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B E Robinson, L Kelle. Concurrent validity of the Beck Depression Inventory as a measure of depression. Psychological reports. vol 79. issue 3 Pt 1. 1997-01-29. PMID:8969102. |
the beck depression inventory was administered, along with measures of anxiety, locus of control, and self-concept, to 211 undergraduates at a major southern institution to test for concurrent validity. |
1997-01-29 |
2023-08-12 |
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L A Allen, R L Woolfolk, M A Gara, J T Apte. Possible selves in major depression. The Journal of nervous and mental disease. vol 184. issue 12. 1997-01-28. PMID:8994457. |
ratings of possible selves and resultant self-concept discrepancies were examined in 25 patients diagnosed with major depression and 25 control subjects. |
1997-01-28 |
2023-08-12 |
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M D Weist, D A Paskewitz, B S Warner, L T Flahert. Treatment outcome of school-based mental health services for urban teenagers. Community mental health journal. vol 32. issue 2. 1996-09-17. PMID:8777871. |
compared to students receiving no mental health treatment (n = 34), treated students (n = 39) showed improvements in self-concept and decreased depression scores following the receipt of individual therapy services (augmented for some students with group therapy). |
1996-09-17 |
2023-08-12 |
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J R Worlin. Adolescent sibling-incest offenders: differences in family and individual functioning when compared to adolescent nonsibling sex offenders. Child abuse & neglect. vol 19. issue 5. 1995-10-10. PMID:7664142. |
data were based on responses to the assessing environments (iii) scale, family-of-origin scale, youth self-report, buss-durkee hostility inventory, tennessee self-concept scale, and the beck depression inventory. |
1995-10-10 |
2023-08-12 |
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M C Henderson, J S Albright, S C Kalichman, B Dugon. Personality characteristics of young adult offspring of substance abusers: a study highlighting methodological issues. Journal of personality assessment. vol 63. issue 1. 1994-11-08. PMID:7932026. |
a 4 x 2 factorial design, parental mental health (no known psychological problems, substance abuse, other psychological problems, or dual diagnosis) x exposure to abuse/neglect (present or absent), was used to examine depression proneness, neuroticism, alexithymia, self-esteem, self-concept, and locus of control in young adults. |
1994-11-08 |
2023-08-12 |
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A P Mannarino, J A Cohen, S R Berma. The relationship between preabuse factors and psychological symptomatology in sexually abused girls. Child abuse & neglect. vol 18. issue 1. 1994-04-13. PMID:8124599. |
symptom measures included the children's depression inventory (cdi), state-trait anxiety inventory for children (staic), piers-harris children's self-concept scale, and the child behavior checklist (cbcl parent version). |
1994-04-13 |
2023-08-12 |
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S H Goodman, D Brogan, M E Lynch, B Fieldin. Social and emotional competence in children of depressed mothers. Child development. vol 64. issue 2. 1993-05-24. PMID:8477632. |
the relation between maternal unipolar major depression and children's self-concept, self-control, and peer relationships were studied in a middle-class, predominantly white sample of 96 families. |
1993-05-24 |
2023-08-12 |
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A T Beck, R A Steer, G Brow. Dysfunctional attitudes and suicidal ideation in psychiatric outpatients. Suicide & life-threatening behavior. vol 23. issue 1. 1993-05-18. PMID:8475528. |
to determine if specific sets of dysfunctional attitudes were related to suicidal ideation, the 100-item dysfunctional attitude scale (das) was administered to 908 psychiatric outpatients along with the beck depression inventory (bdi), hopelessness scale (bhs), self-concept test (bst), and scale for suicide ideation (ssi). |
1993-05-18 |
2023-08-12 |
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G M Margo, R P Greenberg, S Fisher, M Dewa. A direct comparison of the defense mechanisms of nondepressed people and depressed psychiatric inpatients. Comprehensive psychiatry. vol 34. issue 1. 1993-03-02. PMID:8425395. |
overall, as has been speculated, there was a relationship within depressed subjects between depression severity and the amount of negatively biased self-perception. |
1993-03-02 |
2023-08-12 |
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C Smith, M Thienemann, H Steine. Defense style and adaptation in adolescents with depressions and eating disorders. Acta paedopsychiatrica. vol 55. issue 3. 1992-11-12. PMID:1414355. |
we compared self-perception of defense style (using bond's defense style questionnaire) with ratings of adaptation assessed retrospectively by two independent raters (using the dsm iii-r global assessment of functioning scale) in a population of 100 adolescent girls diagnosed as having either an eating disorder or depression. |
1992-11-12 |
2023-08-11 |
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B A Benson, J Ivin. Anger, depression and self-concept in adults with mental retardation. Journal of intellectual disability research : JIDR. vol 36 ( Pt 2). 1992-07-01. PMID:1591500. |
anger, depression and self-concept in adults with mental retardation. |
1992-07-01 |
2023-08-11 |
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B A Benson, J Ivin. Anger, depression and self-concept in adults with mental retardation. Journal of intellectual disability research : JIDR. vol 36 ( Pt 2). 1992-07-01. PMID:1591500. |
self-report measures of anger, depression and self-concept that were designed for non-retarded children were adapted for adults with mental retardation. |
1992-07-01 |
2023-08-11 |
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B A Benson, J Ivin. Anger, depression and self-concept in adults with mental retardation. Journal of intellectual disability research : JIDR. vol 36 ( Pt 2). 1992-07-01. PMID:1591500. |
informant self-concept ratings were negatively correlated with ratings of anger and depression. |
1992-07-01 |
2023-08-11 |
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B A Benson, J Ivin. Anger, depression and self-concept in adults with mental retardation. Journal of intellectual disability research : JIDR. vol 36 ( Pt 2). 1992-07-01. PMID:1591500. |
on the self-report measures, subjects who reported low self-concept also reported high levels of depression. |
1992-07-01 |
2023-08-11 |
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C Y Alston, D M Romne. A comparison of medicated and nonmedicated attention-deficit disordered hyperactive boys. Acta paedopsychiatrica. vol 55. issue 2. 1992-06-17. PMID:1585804. |
clinical recommendations are made for alleviating depression and improving self-concept by means of cognitive therapy, especially for older medicated addh children. |
1992-06-17 |
2023-08-11 |
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