All Relations between Depression and self-perception

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Claudia Emck, Ruud Bosscher, Peter Beek, Theo Doreleijer. Gross motor performance and self-perceived motor competence in children with emotional, behavioural, and pervasive developmental disorders: a review. Developmental medicine and child neurology. vol 51. issue 7. 2009-07-15. PMID:19538424. in this review, empirical studies of gross motor performance and self-perception of motor competence in children with emotional (depression and anxiety), behavioural, and pervasive developmental disorders are scrutinized, with the objective of identifying specific motor characteristics that may be relevant to clinical practice. 2009-07-15 2023-08-12 Not clear
Mikael Thastum, Kristine Ravn, Søren Sommer, Anegen Trillingsgaar. Reliability, validity and normative data for the Danish Beck Youth Inventories. Scandinavian journal of psychology. vol 50. issue 1. 2009-03-18. PMID:18980602. this study examines reliability and validity and establish danish norms for the danish version of the beck youth inventories (byi) (beck, beck & jolly, 2001), which consists of five self-report scales; self-concept (bsci), anxiety (bai), depression (bdi), anger (bani) and disruptive behavior (bdbi). 2009-03-18 2023-08-12 Not clear
Pedro Miguel Lopes de Sous. Body-image and obesity in adolescence: a comparative study of social-demographic, psychological, and behavioral aspects. The Spanish journal of psychology. vol 11. issue 2. 2009-01-23. PMID:18988440. these adolescents had higher physical inactivity, poorer family functioning, a lower self-concept, and a higher depression index. 2009-01-23 2023-08-12 Not clear
Carmen Bragado, Ma José Hernández-Lloreda, Ma Luisa Sánchez-Bernardos, Susana Urban. [Physical self-concept, anxiety, depression, and self-esteem in children with cancer and healthy children without cancer history]. Psicothema. vol 20. issue 3. 2008-10-03. PMID:18674436. the main purpose of this study is to test if children with cancer receiving chemotherapy show a poorer physical self-concept, less self-esteem and more anxiety and depression than healthy children (with no cancer history) within the same age range (9-16 years old) and social condition. 2008-10-03 2023-08-12 Not clear
Rachel H Jacobs, Mark A Reinecke, Jackie K Gollan, Peter Kan. Empirical evidence of cognitive vulnerability for depression among children and adolescents: a cognitive science and developmental perspective. Clinical psychology review. vol 28. issue 5. 2008-07-17. PMID:18068882. we first review prospective longitudinal studies of the most researched cognitive vulnerability factors (attributional style, dysfunctional attitudes, and self-perception) and depression among youth. 2008-07-17 2023-08-12 Not clear
Arthur Eumann Mesas, Selma Maffei de Andrade, Marcos Aparecido Sarria Cabrer. Factors associated with negative self-perception of oral health among elderly people in a Brazilian community. Gerodontology. vol 25. issue 1. 2008-05-13. PMID:18194333. the aim of this study was to analyse associations between negative self-perception of oral health and poor oral state, socio-demographic variables, depression and use of medications. 2008-05-13 2023-08-12 Not clear
Mignon A Montpetit, C S Bergeman, Toni L Bisconti, Joseph R Rausc. Adaptive change in self-concept and well-being during conjugal loss in later life. International journal of aging & human development. vol 63. issue 3. 2007-02-01. PMID:17152410. analyses revealed that trajectories of depression and grief resolution were more highly related than health to changes in self-concept. 2007-02-01 2023-08-12 Not clear
Angelo Antonini, Silvana Tesei, Anna Zecchinelli, Paolo Barone, Danilo De Gaspari, Margherita Canesi, Giorgio Sacilotto, Nicoletta Meucci, Claudio Mariani, Gianni Pezzol. Randomized study of sertraline and low-dose amitriptyline in patients with Parkinson's disease and depression: effect on quality of life. Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society. vol 21. issue 8. 2007-01-04. PMID:16637039. however, the improvement in specific pdq-39 subscores (mobility, activities of daily living, and stigma) suggests that depression affects patient self-perception of motor function and further emphasizes the need for its treatment. 2007-01-04 2023-08-12 Not clear
Jennifer A O'De. Self-concept, self-esteem and body weight in adolescent females: a three-year longitudinal study. Journal of health psychology. vol 11. issue 4. 2006-12-05. PMID:16769739. eighty girls aged 12.8 (0.6) years, completed self-concept, depression and anxiety scales over three years and had their height and weight measured. 2006-12-05 2023-08-12 Not clear
Rod K Dishman, Derek P Hales, Karin A Pfeiffer, Gwen A Felton, Ruth Saunders, Dianne S Ward, Marsha Dowda, Russell R Pat. Physical self-concept and self-esteem mediate cross-sectional relations of physical activity and sport participation with depression symptoms among adolescent girls. Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association. vol 25. issue 3. 2006-11-14. PMID:16719612. physical self-concept and self-esteem mediate cross-sectional relations of physical activity and sport participation with depression symptoms among adolescent girls. 2006-11-14 2023-08-12 Not clear
Rod K Dishman, Derek P Hales, Karin A Pfeiffer, Gwen A Felton, Ruth Saunders, Dianne S Ward, Marsha Dowda, Russell R Pat. Physical self-concept and self-esteem mediate cross-sectional relations of physical activity and sport participation with depression symptoms among adolescent girls. Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association. vol 25. issue 3. 2006-11-14. PMID:16719612. the authors tested whether physical self-concept and self-esteem would mediate cross-sectional relations of physical activity and sport participation with depression symptoms among 1,250 girls in 12th grade. 2006-11-14 2023-08-12 Not clear
Rod K Dishman, Derek P Hales, Karin A Pfeiffer, Gwen A Felton, Ruth Saunders, Dianne S Ward, Marsha Dowda, Russell R Pat. Physical self-concept and self-esteem mediate cross-sectional relations of physical activity and sport participation with depression symptoms among adolescent girls. Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association. vol 25. issue 3. 2006-11-14. PMID:16719612. there was a strong positive relation between global physical self-concept and self-esteem and a moderate inverse relation between self-esteem and depression symptoms. 2006-11-14 2023-08-12 Not clear
Rod K Dishman, Derek P Hales, Karin A Pfeiffer, Gwen A Felton, Ruth Saunders, Dianne S Ward, Marsha Dowda, Russell R Pat. Physical self-concept and self-esteem mediate cross-sectional relations of physical activity and sport participation with depression symptoms among adolescent girls. Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association. vol 25. issue 3. 2006-11-14. PMID:16719612. these correlational findings provide initial evidence suggesting that physical activity and sport participation might reduce depression risk among adolescent girls by unique, positive influences on physical self-concept that operate independently of fitness, body mass index, and perceptions of sports competence, body fat, and appearance. 2006-11-14 2023-08-12 Not clear
Willem Kuyken, Rachael Howell, Tim Dalgleis. Overgeneral autobiographical memory in depressed adolescents with, versus without, a reported history of trauma. Journal of abnormal psychology. vol 115. issue 3. 2006-09-21. PMID:16866580. autobiographical memory retrieval is fundamental to the developing self-concept in adolescence, to emotion regulation, and to social problem solving and has been shown to be compromised in adolescents diagnosed with depression (r. j. 2006-09-21 2023-08-12 human
James J Annesi, Wayne L Westcot. Age as a moderator of relations of physical self-concept and mood changes associated with 10 weeks of programmed exercise in women. Perceptual and motor skills. vol 101. issue 3. 2006-05-24. PMID:16491687. significant correlations were found between reported changes in scores on the physical self-concept scale of the tennessee self-concept scale, with those on the depression (r=-.34) and total mood disturbance (r=-.38) scales of the profile of mood states, for 35 women who initiated a structured exercise program. 2006-05-24 2023-08-12 Not clear
Darja Kobal Grum, Alfred B Kobal, Niko Arneric, Milena Horvat, Bernard Zenko, Saso Dzeroski, Josko Osredka. Personality traits in miners with past occupational elemental mercury exposure. Environmental health perspectives. vol 114. issue 2. 2006-05-03. PMID:16451870. despite certain limitations, results obtained by the regression tree suggest that higher alcohol consumption per se and long-term intermittent, moderate exposure to hg0 (exposure cycle mean u-hg concentrations > 38.7 < 53.5 microg/l) in interaction with alcohol remain a plausible explanation for the depression associated with negative self-concept found in subgroups of ex-mercury miners. 2006-05-03 2023-08-12 Not clear
Laura M Mackner, Wallace V Crandal. Oral medication adherence in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease. Inflammatory bowel diseases. vol 11. issue 11. 2006-01-19. PMID:16239847. separately, adolescents completed the adherence interview and the piers harris self-concept scale, children's depression inventory, and coping strategies inventory questionnaires. 2006-01-19 2023-08-12 human
Jan Knapen, Peter Van de Vliet, Herman Van Coppenolle, Ans David, Joseph Peuskens, Guido Pieters, Koen Knape. Comparison of changes in physical self-concept, global self-esteem, depression and anxiety following two different psychomotor therapy programs in nonpsychotic psychiatric inpatients. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics. vol 74. issue 6. 2006-01-06. PMID:16244511. comparison of changes in physical self-concept, global self-esteem, depression and anxiety following two different psychomotor therapy programs in nonpsychotic psychiatric inpatients. 2006-01-06 2023-08-12 Not clear
Jan Knapen, Peter Van de Vliet, Herman Van Coppenolle, Ans David, Joseph Peuskens, Guido Pieters, Koen Knape. Comparison of changes in physical self-concept, global self-esteem, depression and anxiety following two different psychomotor therapy programs in nonpsychotic psychiatric inpatients. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics. vol 74. issue 6. 2006-01-06. PMID:16244511. the first objective of this study was to compare the changes in physical self-concept, global self-esteem, depression and anxiety after participation in one of two 16-week psychomotor therapy programs for nonpsychotic psychiatric inpatients. 2006-01-06 2023-08-12 Not clear
Berit Grøholt, Oivind Ekeberg, Lars Wichstrøm, Tor Haldorse. Suicidal and nonsuicidal adolescents: different factors contribute to self-esteem. Suicide & life-threatening behavior. vol 35. issue 5. 2006-01-03. PMID:16268769. sixty-five suicidal and 390 nonsuicidal adolescents were compared on harter's self-perceived profile for adolescents, self-concept stability, seeking support, loneliness, and depression. 2006-01-03 2023-08-12 Not clear