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Michael F Whitfield, Ruth E Gruna. Teenagers born at extremely low birth weight. Paediatrics & child health. vol 11. issue 5. 2011-07-14. PMID:19030288. |
the self-concept of elbw teenagers is generally similar to that of their full-term peers, but their parents perceive them to be more vulnerable over a wide range of behavioural and psychosocial dimensions, particularly depression and attention. |
2011-07-14 |
2023-08-12 |
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b' Nesrin Hisli \\xc5\\x9eahin, Ay\\xc5\\x9feg\\xc3\\xbcl Durak Bat\\xc4\\xb1g\\xc3\\xbcn, Volkan Ko\\xc3\\xa. [The relationship between depression, and interpersonal style, self-perception, and anger]. Turk psikiyatri dergisi = Turkish journal of psychiatry. vol 22. issue 1. 2011-07-14. PMID:21360352.' |
the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between depressive symptoms, and self-concept, interpersonal style, and anger in a group of patients diagnosed with depression and a control group that included volunteers without clinical symptoms. |
2011-07-14 |
2023-08-12 |
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Rebecca A Robles-Piñ. Depression and self-concept: personality traits or coping styles in reaction to school retention of Hispanic adolescents. Depression research and treatment. vol 2011. 2011-07-14. PMID:21738867. |
depression and self-concept: personality traits or coping styles in reaction to school retention of hispanic adolescents. |
2011-07-14 |
2023-08-12 |
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Rebecca A Robles-Piñ. Depression and self-concept: personality traits or coping styles in reaction to school retention of Hispanic adolescents. Depression research and treatment. vol 2011. 2011-07-14. PMID:21738867. |
the purpose of this study was to investigate whether depression and self-concept could be construed as personality characteristics and/or coping styles in reaction to school retention or being held back a grade. |
2011-07-14 |
2023-08-12 |
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Myung-Sun Hyun, Kyoung A Nam, Myung-Ah Ki. Randomized controlled trial of a cognitive-behavioral therapy for at-risk Korean male adolescents. Archives of psychiatric nursing. vol 24. issue 3. 2011-04-25. PMID:20488346. |
the experimental group participated in 10 sessions of cbt, and the scores on resilience increased significantly after the intervention, whereas the scores of self-concept and depression did not change. |
2011-04-25 |
2023-08-12 |
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Bertrand Lauth, Guðmundur B Arnkelsson, Páll Magnússon, Guðmundur Á Skarphéðinsson, Pierre Ferrari, Hannes Pétursso. Parent-youth agreement on symptoms and diagnosis: assessment with a diagnostic interview in an adolescent inpatient clinical population. Journal of physiology, Paris. vol 104. issue 6. 2011-03-18. PMID:20888905. |
a total of 25 subscales were included to assess emotional dimensions such as depression or anxiety and cognitive dimensions such as attention deficit or self-concept. |
2011-03-18 |
2023-08-12 |
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Lusia Stopa, Mike A Brown, Michelle A Luke, Colette R Hirsc. Constructing a self: the role of self-structure and self-certainty in social anxiety. Behaviour research and therapy. vol 48. issue 10. 2011-01-13. PMID:20800751. |
in study one, self-organisation and self-concept clarity were correlated with social anxiety, and a step-wise multiple regression showed that after controlling for depression and self-esteem, which explained 35% of the variance in social anxiety scores, self-concept clarity uniquely predicted social anxiety and accounted for an additional 7% of the variance in social anxiety scores in an undergraduate sample (n=95) and the interaction between self-concept clarity and compartmentalisation (an aspect of evaluative self-organisation) at step 3 of the multiple regression accounted for a further 3% of the variance in social anxiety scores. |
2011-01-13 |
2023-08-12 |
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Isis H Settles, Carlos David Navarrete, Sabrina J Pagano, Cleopatra M Abdou, James Sidaniu. Racial identity and depression among African American women. Cultural diversity & ethnic minority psychology. vol 16. issue 2. 2010-09-17. PMID:20438163. |
the relationship between private regard and depression was moderated by racial centrality, such that higher private regard was more strongly related to lower depression when women's race was a central part of their self-concept. |
2010-09-17 |
2023-08-12 |
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Karen E Tatu. Drawing the eczema aesthetic: the psychological effects of chronic skin disease as depicted in the works of John Updike, Elizabeth Bishop, and Zelda Fitzgerald. The Journal of medical humanities. vol 31. issue 2. 2010-08-19. PMID:20186566. |
chronically broken skin can fracture the ego or self-perception, resulting in a disturbed body image, which leads to personality disorders and co-morbid affective disorders such as anxiety and depression. |
2010-08-19 |
2023-08-12 |
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Apple C Y Au, Sing Lau, Margaret T Y Le. Suicide ideation and depression: the moderation effects of family cohesion and social self-concept. Adolescence. vol 44. issue 176. 2010-05-26. PMID:20432604. |
suicide ideation and depression: the moderation effects of family cohesion and social self-concept. |
2010-05-26 |
2023-08-12 |
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Apple C Y Au, Sing Lau, Margaret T Y Le. Suicide ideation and depression: the moderation effects of family cohesion and social self-concept. Adolescence. vol 44. issue 176. 2010-05-26. PMID:20432604. |
this study examined the moderation effects of family cohesion and social self-concept on the well-established relation between depression and suicide ideation. |
2010-05-26 |
2023-08-12 |
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José Carlos Santos, Carlos B Saraiva, Liliana De Sous. The role of Expressed Emotion, Self-concept, Coping, and Depression in parasuicidal behavior: a follow-up study. Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research. vol 13. issue 4. 2010-01-08. PMID:19813113. |
the role of expressed emotion, self-concept, coping, and depression in parasuicidal behavior: a follow-up study. |
2010-01-08 |
2023-08-12 |
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José Carlos Santos, Carlos B Saraiva, Liliana De Sous. The role of Expressed Emotion, Self-concept, Coping, and Depression in parasuicidal behavior: a follow-up study. Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research. vol 13. issue 4. 2010-01-08. PMID:19813113. |
parasuicidal behavior, self-concept, coping, depression and the family's ee were assessed in this group. |
2010-01-08 |
2023-08-12 |
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Marija Vucic Peitl, Vjekoslav Peitl, Eduard Pavlovi. Influence of religion on sexual self-perception and sexual satisfaction in patients suffering from schizophrenia and depression. International journal of psychiatry in medicine. vol 39. issue 2. 2009-12-11. PMID:19860074. |
influence of religion on sexual self-perception and sexual satisfaction in patients suffering from schizophrenia and depression. |
2009-12-11 |
2023-08-12 |
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Josephine Tan, Brooke Carfagnin. Self-silencing, anger and depressive symptoms in women: implications for prevention and intervention. Journal of prevention & intervention in the community. vol 35. issue 2. 2009-11-06. PMID:19842355. |
women in the high depression group scored higher than those in the low depression group in anger expression, anger suppression, and in all four facets of stss: externalized self-perception, care as self-sacrifice, self-silencing, and divided self. |
2009-11-06 |
2023-08-12 |
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Lorie D Hamiwka, Cara G Yu, Lorraine A Hamiwka, Elisabeth M S Sherman, Blaire Anderson, Elaine Wirrel. Are children with epilepsy at greater risk for bullying than their peers? Epilepsy & behavior : E&B. vol 15. issue 4. 2009-10-13. PMID:19631586. |
the following self-report questionnaires were completed: revised olweus bully/victim, piers-harris self-concept scale, revised child manifest anxiety scale, child depression index, and social skills rating system. |
2009-10-13 |
2023-08-12 |
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Shin-Yi Lu, Hung-Fu Tseng, Li-Ling Lin, Wei-Ming Luh, Bih-Ching Sh. Factors related to depression during menopause: a study in southern Taiwan. The journal of nursing research : JNR. vol 17. issue 2. 2009-09-15. PMID:19516107. |
the purpose of this study was to survey the prevalence of women's depression during menopause and investigate the relationships between menopause depression and variables including self-concept, menopause attitudes, life-event stresses, climacteric physiological symptoms, and demographics. |
2009-09-15 |
2023-08-12 |
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Shin-Yi Lu, Hung-Fu Tseng, Li-Ling Lin, Wei-Ming Luh, Bih-Ching Sh. Factors related to depression during menopause: a study in southern Taiwan. The journal of nursing research : JNR. vol 17. issue 2. 2009-09-15. PMID:19516107. |
results were as follows: (a) the prevalence of depression among participants was 31.2%; (b) depression was positively associated with life-event stresses and climacteric physiological symptoms (r =.23 and .34, respectively) and was negatively associated with attitude toward menopause and self-concept (r = -.31 and -.65, respectively); and (c) by logistic regression analyses, climacteric physiological symptoms and self-concept were associated with menopause depression. |
2009-09-15 |
2023-08-12 |
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Shin-Yi Lu, Hung-Fu Tseng, Li-Ling Lin, Wei-Ming Luh, Bih-Ching Sh. Factors related to depression during menopause: a study in southern Taiwan. The journal of nursing research : JNR. vol 17. issue 2. 2009-09-15. PMID:19516107. |
this preliminary survey suggests that low self-concept and increased climacteric physiological symptoms are closely related to depression among menopausal women. |
2009-09-15 |
2023-08-12 |
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Tally Mose. Stigma and self-concept among adolescents receiving mental health treatment. The American journal of orthopsychiatry. vol 79. issue 2. 2009-08-04. PMID:19485644. |
this cross-sectional study utilizes interviews with 60 adolescents treated in a wraparound program to examine: (a) the extent to which adolescents diagnosed and treated for psychiatric disorders experience mental illness stigma and cope by using secrecy, (b) the extent to which stigmatization is associated with self-concept (self-esteem, mastery, future outlook) and morale (depression), and (c) which clinical and demographic characteristics are associated with perceived stigma. |
2009-08-04 |
2023-08-12 |
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