All Relations between Autism Spectrum Disorder and language learning

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Lauren H Hampton, Ann P Kaiser, Jennifer P Nietfeld, Ani Khachoya. Generalized Effects of Naturalistic Social Communication Intervention for Minimally Verbal Children with Autism. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. vol 51. issue 1. 2021-04-13. PMID:32361791. the current study examined the effects of this naturalistic intervention on social language use in three children with autism who were in the early stages of language acquisition. 2021-04-13 2023-08-13 Not clear
Yan Kong, Wenjun Zhou, Zheng Su. Nuclear receptor corepressors in intellectual disability and autism. Molecular psychiatry. vol 25. issue 10. 2021-03-31. PMID:32034290. autism spectrum disorder (asd) is characterized by neurocognitive dysfunctions, such as impaired social interaction and language learning. 2021-03-31 2023-08-13 human
Meghan R Swanso. The role of caregiver speech in supporting language development in infants and toddlers with autism spectrum disorder. Development and psychopathology. vol 32. issue 4. 2021-01-14. PMID:32893764. the role of caregiver speech in supporting language development in infants and toddlers with autism spectrum disorder. 2021-01-14 2023-08-13 Not clear
Meghan R Swanso. The role of caregiver speech in supporting language development in infants and toddlers with autism spectrum disorder. Development and psychopathology. vol 32. issue 4. 2021-01-14. PMID:32893764. we review studies from typically developing children and children with autism showing that rich and responsive caregiver speech supports language development. 2021-01-14 2023-08-13 Not clear
Patricia Sánchez Pérez, Anders Nordahl-Hansen, Anett Kaal. The Role of Context in Language Development for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Frontiers in psychology. vol 11. 2021-01-12. PMID:33424677. the role of context in language development for children with autism spectrum disorder. 2021-01-12 2023-08-13 Not clear
Robin Lynn Dodd. Helping Optimize Language Acquisition (HOLA) Online Parent Training Modules for Latinx Parents of Toddlers at Risk for ASD: Protocol for a Pilot Funded by the Organization for Autism Research. JMIR research protocols. vol 9. issue 12. 2021-01-01. PMID:33300494. helping optimize language acquisition (hola) online parent training modules for latinx parents of toddlers at risk for asd: protocol for a pilot funded by the organization for autism research. 2021-01-01 2023-08-13 Not clear
Fay E Fletcher, Victoria Knowland, Sarah Walker, M Gareth Gaskell, Courtenay Norbury, Lisa M Henderso. Atypicalities in sleep and semantic consolidation in autism. Developmental science. vol 23. issue 3. 2020-11-05. PMID:31569286. autism spectrum disorder (asd) is often characterized by both sleep and language learning difficulties, but few studies have explored a potential connection between the two. 2020-11-05 2023-08-13 Not clear
Yael G Dai, Jeffrey D Burke, Letitia Naigles, Inge-Marie Eigsti, Deborah A Fei. Language Abilities in Monolingual- and Bilingual- Exposed Children with Autism or Other Developmental Disorders. Research in autism spectrum disorders. vol 55. 2020-10-01. PMID:30911329. parents and providers are sometimes concerned that exposure to two languages will impair language acquisition in children with autism spectrum disorder (asd) or other developmental disorders (dd). 2020-10-01 2023-08-13 Not clear
Hayley C Leonard, Rachael Bedford, Andrew Pickles, Elisabeth L Hil. Predicting the rate of language development from early motor skills in at-risk infants who develop autism spectrum disorder. Research in autism spectrum disorders. vol 13-14. 2020-10-01. PMID:31410102. predicting the rate of language development from early motor skills in at-risk infants who develop autism spectrum disorder. 2020-10-01 2023-08-13 Not clear
Hayley C Leonard, Rachael Bedford, Andrew Pickles, Elisabeth L Hil. Predicting the rate of language development from early motor skills in at-risk infants who develop autism spectrum disorder. Research in autism spectrum disorders. vol 13-14. 2020-10-01. PMID:31410102. the aim of the current paper was to use data from a prospective study to assess the impact of early motor skills on the rate of language development in infants with an older sibling with autism spectrum disorder (asd), who are at increased risk of developing asd themselves. 2020-10-01 2023-08-13 Not clear
Natalia Meir, Rama Novogrodsk. Prerequisites of Third-Person Pronoun Use in Monolingual and Bilingual Children With Autism and Typical Language Development. Frontiers in psychology. vol 10. 2020-09-30. PMID:31681091. prerequisites of third-person pronoun use in monolingual and bilingual children with autism and typical language development. 2020-09-30 2023-08-13 human
Natalia Meir, Rama Novogrodsk. Prerequisites of Third-Person Pronoun Use in Monolingual and Bilingual Children With Autism and Typical Language Development. Frontiers in psychology. vol 10. 2020-09-30. PMID:31681091. the current study investigated the production of third-person subject and object pronouns in monolingual and bilingual children with high functioning autism (hfa) and typical language development (tld). 2020-09-30 2023-08-13 human
Agnès Lacroix, Nawelle Famelart, Michèle Guidett. Language and emotional abilities in children with Williams syndrome and children with autism spectrum disorder: similarities and differences. Pediatric health, medicine and therapeutics. vol 7. 2020-09-29. PMID:29388584. autism spectrum disorder (asd) refers to a group of individuals with impairments in aspects of communication and a particular pattern of language acquisition. 2020-09-29 2023-08-13 human
Matthew C Zajic, Michael Dunn, Virginia W Berninge. Case studies comparing learning profiles and response to instruction in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Oral and Written Language Learning Disability at transition to high school. Topics in language disorders. vol 39. issue 2. 2020-09-28. PMID:31787797. case studies comparing learning profiles and response to instruction in autism spectrum disorder and oral and written language learning disability at transition to high school. 2020-09-28 2023-08-13 Not clear
Sang Hoon Yoon, Joonhyuk Choi, Won Ji Lee, Jeong Tae D. Genetic and Epigenetic Etiology Underlying Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of clinical medicine. vol 9. issue 4. 2020-09-28. PMID:32244359. autism spectrum disorder (asd) is a pervasive neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulties in social interaction, language development delays, repeated body movements, and markedly deteriorated activities and interests. 2020-09-28 2023-08-13 Not clear
Reem Rafik Alolaby, Poonnada Jiraanont, Blythe Durbin-Johnson, Mittal Jasoliya, Hiu-Tung Tang, Randi Hagerman, Flora Tasson. Molecular Biomarkers Predictive of Sertraline Treatment Response in Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Frontiers in genetics. vol 11. 2020-09-28. PMID:32346385. sertraline is one among several selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (ssris) that exhibited improvement of language development in autism spectrum disorder (asd); however, the molecular mechanism has not been elucidated. 2020-09-28 2023-08-13 human
Carol L Wilkinson, Laurel J Gabard-Durnam, Kush Kapur, Helen Tager-Flusberg, April R Levin, Charles A Nelso. Use of longitudinal EEG measures in estimating language development in infants with and without familial risk for autism spectrum disorder. Neurobiology of language (Cambridge, Mass.). vol 1. issue 1. 2020-09-28. PMID:32656537. use of longitudinal eeg measures in estimating language development in infants with and without familial risk for autism spectrum disorder. 2020-09-28 2023-08-13 human
Carol L Wilkinson, Laurel J Gabard-Durnam, Kush Kapur, Helen Tager-Flusberg, April R Levin, Charles A Nelso. Use of longitudinal EEG measures in estimating language development in infants with and without familial risk for autism spectrum disorder. Neurobiology of language (Cambridge, Mass.). vol 1. issue 1. 2020-09-28. PMID:32656537. language development in children with autism spectrum disorder (asd) varies greatly among affected individuals and is a strong predictor of later outcomes. 2020-09-28 2023-08-13 human
Liliane Chiodo, Laurent Mottron, Steve Majeru. Preservation of categorical perception for speech in autism with and without speech onset delay. Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research. vol 12. issue 11. 2020-09-11. PMID:31157957. in this article, we examine this claim by assessing nonlinguistic and linguistic auditory perception abilities in adults with autism, and by further distinguishing between autism with or without a history of delayed language development. 2020-09-11 2023-08-13 human
Carol L Wilkinson, April R Levin, Laurel J Gabard-Durnam, Helen Tager-Flusberg, Charles A Nelso. Reduced frontal gamma power at 24 months is associated with better expressive language in toddlers at risk for autism. Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research. vol 12. issue 8. 2020-08-18. PMID:31119899. frontal gamma power has been associated with early language development in typically developing toddlers, and gamma band abnormalities have been observed in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (asd), as well as high-risk infant siblings (those having an older sibling with asd), as early as 6 months of age. 2020-08-18 2023-08-13 Not clear